I fuckin hate chinks so goddamn much...

I fuckin hate chinks so goddamn much. They've ruined my countries housing market and spread and ruin every goddamn economy

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The minute you touch any of that shit it will crumble to dust



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Yep, lived in China for a few years, stuff there isn't built to last. I lived in a new (

Fuck chinks

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Based Chinks finally getting whitey back for the opium wars



Ausfag here it just shows how corrupt our governments are cunts
Sydney is literally gooked hellbourne and the rest ain't far behind.
On the upside I finally get to live in that blade runner cyberpunk anime future I always wanted
Downside is that I'm still me and not some cool mc
Fucking sick of this Tbqh desu shit timeline

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>Downside is that I'm still me and not some cool mc
in true cyberpunk nobody is really cool, it's just a bunch of degenerate wastes of space, read neuromancer, user

So more like br2049 and deus ex?
I wish someone would remake that game the game engine is just too dated and always put me off.
Imagine how much cp2077 is gonna suck.
Mankind divided sucked but it was more of a cyber Punk esqe game than wtf 2077 wil be

>hellbourne and the rest ain't far behind.
Pretty sure Melbourne is worse in that regards, still I prefer to live there

based, keep building those empty cities

why do you hate them, my country (Philippine) is friends with them now

not even like that, the characters are more grounded and don't stick out among total strangers, which is the whole point: there's no real individualism among a dead society owned by corporations and high tech

Holy fuck did he died?

I haven't been there in 8 years but from what I see on here it's beyond fucked
Nsw is just as abd even in small towns have roving niggers from sudan/Somalia and methed out white shits that are even worse
I hate it this entire country is a cesspool and needs to be nuked
I can't even go on /pol/ anymore it's too depressing and it's gonna get even worse
Too true to reality.
Sadly we are in the worst timeline.
I am convinced scifi especially more realistic (fantasy) is just predictive programming at this point

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>I am convinced scifi especially more realistic (fantasy) is just predictive programming at this point
it always has been, there's a documentary with william gibson in which he says that a lot of the things he thought of and wrote into his stories was a result of things he was seeing and experiencing in real time, he just looked a bit further ahead at how much it could change

>be insectoid king
>gets triggered by a cartoon bear

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Yep shits fucked brehs we don't even have decent vr either so I can't plug myself into the matrix and suffocate in a giant pair of tits why even life
I guess you could say he hacked the gibson