A 29 years old actress

a 29 years old actress.

Attached: wall.jpg (1280x1792, 367K)

Other urls found in this thread:


look at that pit pusy

Man does she look miserable. fake smiles are the saddest thing

29-year-old, no s. Take more ESL classes sweetie.

This is a tv actress called Marina Ruy Barbosa. In the left, a picture of her in 2015. On the right, a picture of her nowadays. She's only 23 years old. What happened?

Attached: the wall.jpg (1332x439, 141K)

Have rape

another recent picture of this 23 years old actress.

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Wh*te w*men age like milk when they drown themselves in alcohol and refuse to work out

Does it smell like Brie?

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She's younger than me but looks like she could be my mother. Fucking women don't age gracefully, do they?

Thank you, I'm still learning my fourth language. :)

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if only you knew how bad does the wall really hit

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>ate] [Auto] No new posts
you faggots cannot compare, nathalie is over 40 nowadays.

Bros help, I now love what I once hated. I’ve fallen in love with her autism because of that fucking Viking webm and Scott Pilgirm. I had a dream she started crying and I had to comfort her because she caught me making fun of her flat ass on Yea Forums and she just wants to make me happy.

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Jesus christ, I'm 35yo and still look younger than her.

the wall comes for all races

Attached: tessa-thompson-at-oscars-2019-in-los-angeles-02-24-2019-2.jpg (1200x1276, 122K)

post webm mate

The wall gets us all eventually

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oh, now I see what's going on

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Looks the same as a 15 year old horse

You think eating trash, sniffing coke and and not doing excercise somehow doesn't affect niggers and spics?

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Aside from natural aging(collagen decreases every since age 20), white women more than any other group of women spend the entirety of their youths drinking, smoking, and doing hard drugs

Nah, only to people with inferior genes.

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Playing pretty fast and loose with the term actress I see

what a shame

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>white women more than any other group of women spend the entirety of their youths drinking, smoking, and doing hard drugs
Provide source, stats and comparison with other races, please.
I'm done trusting millennials blindly since you are all pathological liars, specially regarding race and gender stuff.

a 29yo actress

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>Big Boss
what did she mean by this?

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And her sisters.
This is what happens when you take care of yourself.

Elizabeth Olsen.

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She is really amazing. Would put babies in her

>straitened hair
>doing faces and a weird pose to try and look young

>I'm done trusting millennials blindly since you are all pathological liars
Thanks user. Certainly feels good knowing that your generation screwed mine and now calls us "liars"

Are you implying the ones who look bad in this thread don't have makeup?
That's the worst part, looking old even when you are trying to look good.

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>implying I'm not ageing like fine wine

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>the butthurt damage control

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The perfect mommy

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still would

Although i'm only 20 years old, i'll do my best to make the world worse for you, and specifically you, for all the cancer you have supported and spread throughout the world for the past 10 years in the name of your autistic culture "war".
You have lost all credibility.

the one on the right is feeling it coming, not there yet but she just knows

Hey brie

Have some compassion user, niggers hit the wall the moment they are born.

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the twins hit the drugs pretty fucking hard. probably also got passed around between hollywood producers most of their lives

I never said that. But "muh foreseen wurds" wh*te-w*man-worshiping incels like yourself thing wh*te w*men are mystically immune from hitting The Wall

Further proof that the average age on this board is around 17. Sorry to break it to you guys but your skin will age in the next decade.

Nah, she's just intimidated by Hendricks' big and voluptuous presence.

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her sisters look horrible from the bogpill

>Although i'm only 20 years old
Regurgitated memepinion disregarded.

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but she was always ugly

Oh, *m s*rry, m* f*ll*w s*ndn*gg*r, * d*dnt m**n t* *ff*nd y*ou.

>Although i'm only 20 years old
Shit. You're even worse than boomers. That fucking zoomed meme needs to die. Younger people vote more Green aka liberal. Aka you guys are bigger faggots.
user, my body has paused at 21

this is what aging gracefully looks like

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tessa thompson was always ugly though

Her body won't recover

She looks 40. I'm sure everyone over the age of 27 looks the same to you, zoomer.

He has the face of a man with a plan... an architect.

Oh no, an MS paint picture, the ultimate weapon of millennials, whatever will I do.

You are the generation that, in their 30s, has the social experience of a 13 year old and you are in an autistic slapfight with the women of your generation.
How's the having kids to save the white race come from?
Or are you too busy watching Avengers?

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Her sisters are in their 30s dude

a 34 years old actress.

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You realize we're pretty much the same age you dipshit

So is Elizabeth.
The twins are only 2 years older than her, but they have looked like goblins since the beginning of the decade.

It looks she's using the ape masks from planet of the apes (2001)

imagine not being /fit/

I seriously thought she was in her 40s

>tfw 21 years old and have slight but still noticable crows feet already.
yeah it kinda hurts but ive just accepted I age quickly, probably cos im always exposed to the sun for my job, idk.

And your generation is inundated with "dabbing" trannies and social media addicted kalemales/estrogents.

this is the point where she gets fat and becomes a grandma

All kidding aside, I'd wife that shit if she weren't a SJW.

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I'm not, millennials are mostly in their early 30s, the youngest ones in the late 20s.
The only thing they have done is provide an example of how to not live.

But you are true men, right?
Pic related totally didn't become the face of your generation.
You are growing older and more irrelevant by the day, and that's good because all you have done is damage the west.

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Apply lotion everyday it'll slow down aging

I haven't aged since I was 16 and my hair is thicc. I'm gonna look 25 in my 40s.


Everyone here would user

>showed my mum this picture and asked how old this actress looks.
>Shes never seen a marvel movie or even heard of Brie
>ummm... she’s got quite a few lines on her face. Looks like she’s in her late 30s
lmao thanks for the chuckle, Mum

Stop eating trash, do excercise, sleep properly.

I'm 23 you idiot

you have a point, but with less hair and more weight, some traits become more evident. That last scene of Thor advising her on endgame was very offputting because of the shape of her forehead, too close to the camera.

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i love her fat belly. :3
she so cute.

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moisturising lotion or some other kind? Any particular brand you use or rec?
Thanks in advance, user much appreciated.

We should learn from millennials and donate our money to Disney for the lovely propaganda they supply us with.

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Generation Z, the moniker given to people born after 1996, is the most ethnically and racially diverse generation in the U.S. and is shaping up to be just as progressive as the millennial generation, if not more, the Pew Research Center reported Thursday.

Sixty-two percent of Gen Zers and 61 percent of millennials believe that increasing diversity is good for society.

Gen Zers (48 percent) are just as likely as millennials (47 percent) to say that allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry is a good thing for society.

Gen Z is more familiar with gender-neutral pronouns like “they” and most likely to say that official documents or other forms should offer gender options other than “man” or “woman.”

Thirty-five percent of Gen Zers say they personally know someone who prefers to be referred to with gender-neutral pronouns, compared to 25 percent of millennials, 16 percent of Gen Xers, and 12 percent of baby boomers who say the same.

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I dont eat much at all and my work is laborous and requires I stay fit. Maybe the problem is my shitty sleep schedule.


Oh, and you also said you work in the sun, ALWAYS put on sunscreen and a hat. ALWAYS.

the problem I noticed with her is she weirdly looks so white outside of her nose and it completely offsets her face and makes her look ugly af

this won't load for me

>he most ethnically and racially diverse generation in the U.S
>in the US

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Capeshit is peak Zoomercore, they even make the superheroes dab and play Fortnite. Millennials don't do that. Sorry Zoomer.

I don't see a problem, she looks younger than Brie.

I was legit just about to post that. I am just a millennial fucking zoomers can't into generations.

>Zoomers are Millennials on crack cocaine

Well so much for Zoomers turning this ship around

she sounded so fake and normie in this episode, I absolutely hated it. Here's a young screenshot from a movie. She's still doing a lot better than the other main actress though.

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This, millennials dindu nuffin, we a pure.

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I literally want to cuddle the shit out of her and just watch movies all day with her.

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Yeah ok Mohammed. How goods the diversity?

Also Millenials go from 1981-1996

>compartmentalizing entire generations
You people should be slaughtered like animals.

That's what happens when millennials support a system that brainwashes the youth.
Then again, America deserves to die.
America is the biggest enemy the west is facing right now.

>pink and blue hair
For real though, why do Zoomers do this? And what's with the tattoos? Don't they know that this shit is permanent?

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>56% telling a continent that's entirely upwards of 90% anything about foreigners
Americans are not people, Americans are the tools of Israel.
Thankfully, the jews went full retard and accidentally doomed their tools, and America will die out this century.

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Shes the same age as Taylor Swift lol

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>it's Millennials' fault that my generation is an oozing cancer turd

>hating the part where she called it SPACE JAMS

She cute

>the generation that began the culture """""""war""""""" telling others about hair dyes and tattoos
Now try to save face, betas.
Now go back to twitter to discuss how the amount of niggers in Avengers will totally save the world.


Taylor has purer genes

I'm not American Yuropoor :^)

Eurabia is a successful state.

France and Canada come close, though.
But the US is definitely responsible for the biggest threats to the West. They created social media, they promote tranny bullshit and are the forefront for pumping million-dollar television and films that promote their agendas.

are there really 30 year olds on Yea Forums

I know who is rather have.

I'm 56

>America is the biggest enemy the west is facing right now.
No, Russia is. If you were an actual European and not a larping faggot you would know.

Taylor is a literal goddess tho

Fucking r/the_donald right

What does the culture war have to do with that, Zoomer?

Don't deflect, just answer the question. Why do you plaster niggershit all over your face?

Russia is a third world nation who is open about their status as an enemy.
America is a far more resourceful, traitor country who is pushing for diversity propaganda everywhere and does the bidding of Israel without no one to oppose it.

A traitor is always far more dangerous than an enemy.

Thora Birch, on the other end, aged like this

Attached: thora.jpg (474x736, 31K)

Slavic hands wrote this

I don't.
And the culture "war" has plenty to do with it because the only people who think they are saving the world shitposting about dead ideologies on the internet are blue haired millennials and balding fatasses.

I appreciate the banter, but you need people with experience, knowledge and wisdom like me on this board. We leave and it goes to shit, more so than it already has, zoomer.

The biggest question we should all be asking:

Why does brie have brown eyes

>shitposting about dead ideologies on the internet
You mean what you are doing right now?

No, i'm from Norway.
By slavs have plenty of reasons to hate you, considering the CIA was caught pushing propaganda in Estonia about how great diversity was.
You are the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany of our era.
At least spics will ensure the USA collapses soon.

Idk, but she would look worse with light eyes. The brown look is better.

>There are literal boomers on this board

>There are literal zoomers on this board

I knew it.

Ive always wondered what it's be like to be a 50 yo on Yea Forums. Do you have kids or anything

I'm not.
Hell, if it was up to me the next time millennials did another feminist, neo-nazi or antifa rally I wouldn't even bother calling the police, I would just send in the military to deal with them.
At least they would get to experience the war they claim to want so much, despite all of them being a bunch of diabetic fatasses.

>brown look is better.
Brown eyes are literally the worst

BurgerMutt sausagefingers typed this. kys you daft cunt

Lol no. brown eyes are mutt goblin tier. Fuck off kike

This is the most hate inducing face I have ever seen. I want to hit this guy until he stops he moving. Wtf

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I dont, but my wife has a daughter.

You fantasize about the military wiping out dissenters but it's the other side who "wants war so much"? Think about that again, Zoomy.

>that pic
Why are you acting as if millennials didn't go through an edgy phase?
You already forgot about emos?

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Maybe because most people have brown eyes. I'm blue eyed myself and grew up around fair people so I prefer dark eyed humans.

I thought it was a dike haha

>Thirty-five percent of Gen Zers say they personally know some faggot who insists on being referred to with gender-neutral pronouns
>and they actually humor this faggotry

I was LARP-ing. A true boomer would never admit, they'd be too scared. Zoomers are objectively worse though.
Way to steal my spotlight faggot ;^)

You claim constantly that "THERE'S A CIVIL WAR COMING" even though it's obvious that none of you are fit for war because you are all a bunch of unhealthy pussies who live on a diet of onions and fast food, while doing no excercise.

So yes, it would be poetic that someone would just end your political autism by giving you a taste of what you want so much.

That's my point. Emos can get a haircut and re-integrate themselves into society, just like that.

What are Zoomers going to do? Flay the skin off their bodies?

That little faggot doesn't know depression

68 yo here


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>Emos can get a haircut and re-integrate themselves into society
What actually happened is that they got tattoos, they now dye their hair blue and either live out of patreon or they are bitter, aging feminists.
Then again, that's all millennial women.

I'm not a lefty sorry to disappoint you Zoomy

>you are all a bunch of unhealthy pussies who live on a diet of onions and fast food, while doing no excercise.
Did you know that constantly staring at a phone screen from an early age is ruining your eyes? You're gonna need eye surgery before you hit 30.

>Maybe because most people have brown eyes.
Most Europeans have coloured eyes user. People that have brown eyes are black people, mixed race, African, Asian and middle eastern.

Quite literally Euros have the greatest difference in eye colour out of any race

So you're telling me this looks better? It's like a fucking vampire succubus.
You date enough blue eyed women they all start looking the same. Like vampire bitches.

Attached: Alexandra-Daddario-on-dating.jpg (1600x900, 165K)

>I'm not a lefty
So you are the same but without hair dyes and tattoos.

>Did you know that constantly staring at a phone screen from an early age is ruining your eyes?
I don't, a phone is a tool with a specific purpose which is comunicating, other than that, I don't use it.
By the way, don't think monitors are any different.

She was 28 in your pic

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>blue hair
That's Zoomers you're thinking of, Zoomer.

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>I was LARP-ing
>only pretending to be a retard

Dude, I have brown eyes and I prefer women with blue or green eyes.
Brown eyes are boring as fuck.

Let me put it this way, I'm thankful that I have blue eyes as a man, because it sets me apart somewhat, but I prefer my women with black/brown/hazel eyes.
There's something too doll-like and even inauthentic to blue eyed women.

No, that's you.

Attached: average millennial male creature.jpg (994x745, 189K)

>What are Zoomers going to do? Flay the skin off their bodies?
Jfc I almost woke the family laughing

Emos and Millennial Feminists are two entirely different trends almost ten years apart you retarded zoomer

>So how do we successfully "Witness Protection" this cocksucking faggot, chief?
>Grab the acid & the wire brush, time for some tattoo removal

But baby borns have blue eyes

Emos became the feminists, retard.
Emos were the bitches who hopped onto every trend that appeared.
First emos, then hipsters, now feminists.

a 21 years old actress with brown eyes

Attached: bella-thorne-looking-gorgeous-in-high-neck-black-top-january-26-2019-01.jpg (640x640, 71K)

>full beards and glasses
Yep, those are Millennials.

Zoomers look like this Colorful hair, tattoos, metrosexual fashion, listening to nigger music, etc.

You might be an outlier but that's the average face of your generation.

Hey, I had a tattoo a few years ago on my forearm and I cut it out one night when I was drunk.
Pretty good results when the skin grew back.

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this one?

Attached: brie larson cake sitter.webm (1600x900, 2.95M)

You're just picking girls with big boobs and hot bodies

No they didn't, you don't even know you were shitting your diapers back then

>Emos were the bitches who hopped onto every trend that appeared
This. And it was just a trend/fad.
People who are legitimately depressed don't want to talk about it at all, let alone all the time, nor listen to faggots' whiny songs about how depressed they are.

I didn't really have a point desu

I'm sure all those emos who killed themselves did it just as a fad lol

>thread about brie Larson turns into thread about wins, feminists and tattoos

how do i grow a beard and not look like one of these faggots?


Dude, I lost my virginity with one of those.

I wish they all had killed themselves.

What the fuck?

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>white women
not even once

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It's just a beard user, it's not going to magically turn you into a hipster

By not wearing glasses and being a fatass, also, keeping the beard short.

>obviously mostly white
nice try roastie

I have bad eyes though, I need glasses to see.

Yeah no, as much as I dislike modern white women I rather kill myself than touch some filthy nigger.

ahhh fuck I miss emo girls

>all those emos who killed themselves
>dude, how can you even call yourself an emo when you're still breathing like that
The an heroes get a pass for doing the world a favor.

Say what you want about her, but she seems more likely to acknowledge you as an individual than some instagram whore.
Her only issue is the SJW stuff, other than that I can tell that she's good girl.

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Reminder that excessive hair dyes ruin your hair and accelerate balding

a 36 years old actress.

Attached: only 36.jpg (685x385, 20K)

It was a small one I got in the military.
I just grabbed a knife and cut the skin around it.
I remember having to buy a new keyboard because it ended up covered in blood.

This might take a minute to sink in, but you do it by not being a faggot, period.
Then it doesn't matter what you wear or whether you have a beard. You simply aren't a faggot.

she unironically could have been perfect for Valkyrie instead of that nigger

29 years of age

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Reminder that using onion juice to shampoo your hair reduces balding and can actually stimulate hair growth.

Sorry chromedomes, it can't grow from nothing I don't think.

You sure?
This is them now.

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What a shit taste in video games


What was the tattoo? Why'd you cut it out?

No it really isn't

Kek, what woman seriously thinks "I want to look like Ruth Ginsberg as a 50 year old librarian who lived alone with 6 cats"?

Genuinely the most American picture I’ve seen this month.

The profile eagle from the USMC insignia.
I don't know, I never really liked it, I just got it because everyone else in the squad got one.

she looks pretty great for a mother of two in her 40s

This bitch wasn't even attractive in her prime. Or interesting, for that matter.

>27 year old 'actress'

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I thought she looked hot before thinking logically and realising her forehead is maximum dolphin-mode.
Seriously, post a photo of her at another angle and ill type up an apology if she passes the test. :)

More like
>I want to look like a fat John Lennon

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Jesse user someone has ridiculous standards

>a 52 year old actress

Attached: HalleBerry.jpg (1280x720, 148K)

this is peak early 2000s indie humor

at least you didnt get a retarded SKWAD tattoo like the cast of Suicide Squad

Okay, Jesus, can't unsee now.

She's british user, that's a 10/10 there considering the abominations that have come out of that place.

lol what's with her feet tho

I actually don't care what you fags say, I would fuck her, foot fungus and all.

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Hipsters and indies >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Current Zoomer crap

No its not

>considering the abominations that have come out of that place.
The fuck is wrong with British actors?

Attached: Heineken-James-Bond-HP-GQ-21Aug15-pr_b.jpg (405x270, 8K)

Bellies covered in stretch marks and asses covered in cellulite are the thinking man's fetish

t. used to be emos

True but hippies from the boomer generation easily take the cake as worse than anything you posted.

it's from 2010

Please, stop pretending there's any cultural difference between millennials and zoomers, you are all cancer with subcultures that originated from ripping off existing ones.
The most infamous was emos riping off goths.

Creatively bankrupt cretins.


I genuinely agree. There is little to no difference between milennials and zoomers

No, but I grew up alongside them and I don't know a single emo who turned into a tumblr feminist indie-hipster. Most of them evolved into metalheads. It seems to be the natural progression.

You haven't seen anything yet, old man. Believe me. It's only going to get worse from here.

w-w-w-wakanda f-f-f-orever

Guess when happy days was made?

What's up with niggers and their hairline starting literally halfway through their head?
They all look like they are balding.

user emo > Tumblr is the progression

These people had gay MySpace's with dark themes and stuff.

What the fuck are you talking about you autistic little shit? Is she supposed to be genuinely happy to be posing for 300 different cameramen in blinding spotlights? Do you have any idea how exhausting red carpet events like that are? Of course she’s fake smiling, so is everyone else posing for a pic, celebs or not. You think people just walk around smiling like a fucking lunatic?

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>thread is about actresses
>show a man
Also Craig looks fuckin russian

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There's some still around.

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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>getting a haircut
>hitting the wall

She literally just has crows feet


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She doesnt even look black but abo.

Why are you so hostile.

Does the thrill of anonymously attacking strangers over the internet get your chode to tickle? Perhaps you should consider paying attention to your overdue bar tab. Oh wait im going to guess you dont leave that crusty old basement you call your home. Perhaps if you took one moment, one day, nay, one passing second to think about your situation in life you would realize that in the end nothing is worth while and that the most you can do to positively impact this world and all other worlds in the known universe is to finally, FINALLY, itch that scratch in the back of your mind. The thought you dare not acknowledge lest you finally man up the cojones, balls for your impoverished foolhardy ass, to FINALLY take that power cord, sticky and grimy with caked on layers of doritos crumbs, sweat, and semen. A frothy, disgusting mixture of bodily waste that so accurately sums up who and what you and your lifestyle represent: Absolute scum. Not one more second should pass where you continue to contribute to the enthropic heat death of known reality. Take that power cable. Take that disgusting mound of semen, rubber, and disgusting food particles. Take it. Take all 8 feet of it from the very wall in which its plugged to the half dismantled box that you use to type this message to me. Take it, and finally, FINALLY, itch that scratch. Tie it as tight as you can around your neck, make sure that one end is securely fastened to the ceiling, and take that final plunge. That final step off your bent and mangled chair, the unfortunate piece of plastic used to carry your morbidly obese welfare person. Take that final step. Take that final step into the halls of darness and obscurity. Do it. Kill yourself. For the good of all mankind you mother fucking piece of shit.

Looks slightly similar to Brie actually.
Got that Heath Ledger/ Joseph Gordon Levitt vibe.

based kristen poster

Attached: Totinos.jpg (710x416, 29K)

I'm not even that user kek.

Min norske broder

Attached: brie larson tyler shields.webm (1280x720, 2.41M)

The problem is you're focusing on the things in life that don't really matter. When I was a kid I had hopes and dreams. We all did. But over time, the daily grind gets in the way and you miss the things that really matter, even though they are right in front of you, staring you in the face. I think the next time you should ask yourself "Am I on the right track here?". I don't mean to be rude but people like you I really pity. So maybe you could use the few brain cells you have and take advantage of the knowledge I have given you now. Good luck.

I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it's a peach of cake.

she is doing it for a role
the first female black actress to play benjamin franklin

These conversations have unironically brought me to tears. Than you for your detailed and exciting exchanges!
Let's all hope for a better future, for our children!

>he doesn’t have a 20ish year old mommy looking thots fetish

If digits we get gfs


20ish mommies are the best

Attached: captain+marvel+_f880433ee941cb509d66297d4bc9c03e.jpg (1000x1081, 308K)

>almost 30
>no job
>still lives with her parents

I know plenty of people in their late 20 and early 30. They all look so young. How does this happen to hollywood actors

This one hurts to read
Can’t even finish it

I may be a balding manlet but at least I am not fat

We can only hope

Incredibly stressful job, the different physical requierements for each movie, extreme and/or unhealthy diets, and a ton of alcohol and drugs.
Money is the only good thing about working in Hollywood, everything else is hell.

user use onion juice as shampoo, that way you're just a manlet

I don't understand. Do they scream when someone takes a photo? Do they just open their mouth wide? And if yes, why? Or why are they doing this?

This, not to mention a perfect feminine image is no longer what it used to be. A lot of these "woke" women are embracing their natural states more and more.

Opening your mouth in that way is a symbol of submissiveness.

Proof or bullshit

she honestly looks like a well preserved woman in her very late 40/early 50. Nothing about her looks 29