Is he right?
Is he right?
Other urls found in this thread:
>children's entertainment merchandise packed into every inch of the frame
Christ look at all the dumb shit this guy is surrounded by
Why is the
>if only you knew
meme getting spammed so often lately?
I'm struggling to recall having seen a more basedboy picture than that
Is this the guy who's obsessed with the new doctor who?
because these are grim times
it's only getting worse
of course a DCuck would be this cringy
>your average white "male" in 2019
Unbelievable how far your race has fallen, whitecels.
you're white too, stop laarping
Asian master race.
We own you.
this is what i image all you queers look like with a bunch of toys and shit everywhere
what's this?
your economy is shit though. You don't own jack, insect.
Why do your women love the white man so much?
Because it's closing time and we're all distracted by the bottle service.
but asians literally did it first with all the anime and manga related merchandise
It's a subversive attempt to destroy the white bloodline.
It's working too, thankfully.
>USA is in debt to China in the trillions
>You don't own jack, insect
Lol cope. Xi will be painting the White House red withing the next 20 years.
You can destroy my bloodline any day with your 10/10 females, the best way to be defeated.
He must be right. He's obviously an expert on pointlessness.
Ladyboys are not a master race.
but hapas will join white incels in the beta rebellion
Trump really destroyed this country
You literally have the worst of both worlds, you're not even black so you're not owed anything or pandered to by anybody in Hollywood, the best you can get are minor comedic roles, you're barely given a second thought by anybody any more
Why is it always a white male?
the healing process is painful
You know why
Once we get the tangerine terror out of the white house it can begin.
They are usually the one ones who earn enough to be able to spend money on such frivolous things
Trump is a symptom, the cause are them.
Niggas too, but us whites have conquered the world so we can afford to do stuff like this.
>toys literally everywhere
>douglas adams Hitchhiker guide to the galaxy T shirt
It's a continuation of the doompaul meme
I don't see pajeets, koreans or nigerians spend their money on this onions shit and they earn more money on average than wh*te "men" in america
/int/ put it best
whites are nature's cuckold
billions of people have glasses
FPBP. This guy is hitting SÖY levels that shouldn't even be possible.
Why are white liberal men so pathetic, all these cucks look the same
wh*Te """""men""""" are a joke as a whole
not me
And they should all be put up against a wall.
All would have been dead in the past.
Literally genetic failures.
does he share his bedroom with a 12-years-old brother?
>US economy is better than it ever was under Obama's republic of third world child murder
>more job opportunities
>North and South Korea at peace for the first time in centuries
>more Mexicans want to sneak into the country NOW than ever, despite your boogeymanning/strawmanning
Lefties are SHOOK and full of COPE. So inept at their jobs as politicians that they're too busy taking shots at each rather than actually giving attention to national policy and real issues.
who cares?
We are all under big nose control
Why does Pol Pot look like Elon Musk?
i mean ultimately all fictional tv shows are pointless
>>North and South Korea at peace for the first time in centuries
>Korea was't two separate countries until 1945, and this was largely caused by FDR fucking up post-war territory divvy up negotiation with Stalin at Yalta Conference
>North and South Korea at peace for the first time in centuries
>North and South Korea
This is the level of fucking intelligence I've come to expect from /pol/tards
He's passed s o i and now is in beer territory.
Well... yeah. No shit. Killing off the entire point, the main baddie lingering in the literal night... just like that?
didn't you just have a stock market crash lately?
You might make the paint buckets, I'll give you that
thats not true otherwise the trait wouldnt exist dumb poltard
The economy has been following the same level of growth for a decade. We're still in the slow as fuck recovery from '08. Nothing to do with Trump.
>North and South Korea
>at peace
Read a book.
Why do they all look the same? If this guy shaved and washed his face he'd look great, it's not genetic. What causes this? Why isn's there a chad obsessed with capeshit?
>Why do they all look the same
Stop being a pussy and just say white.
What's wrong with a well groomed bear?
>nitpicking hyperbole because you cant refute any other point
Well played, ma'am!
Things are going well.
the virgin wh*Te consumerist
the CHAD BLACK nerd hype beasts
is there anyone who reacted differently?
Because they send most of their money to their enormous extended families back home
back to r/asianmasculinity pinky penis
It's kinda like their academic credentials like how a lawyer would have their diplomas and what not hanging in the back ground.
>onions niggers
you mean like a live reaction?
i don't think so, if someone have the mindset to record their reactions for a tv show to upload it to youtube that means that that person is a shell of a human being and you will force excitement when you see literally anything.
Yes. It's all about nihilism.
I know a real douchebag rip-off artist who feels really dumb watching that show all these years now. Fuck you, Jeff. lol
Type "Dragonball Super reaction" into Youtube.
He is, but he should have realized this after the first season. GoT is just a poorly written soap opera with blood.
Does he watch Marvel?
Fuck Jeff