Is this a good Godzilla movie or not?

Is this a good Godzilla movie or not?

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too much japanese politics shit

Its a bit long winded, but I liked it. Godzilla isnt a sinister monster, but a bumbling mess of destruction.

it's more like a natural disaster movie, except the disaster is a giant lizard walking across Japan

I loved it but at some points you literally have three separate layers of subtitles and it's super redundant in showing the stupidity of redundant bureaucracy.

Anno saves another genre.

I'm about 80% sure Anno saw the Reptar on Ice episode of Rugrats and then wrote it.

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Shin Godzilla is great and probably the best theater experience ive had in a decade.

So of course they cancelled the sequel to reboot it into a Marvel-type universe. Dirty fucking chinks.

It's the best Godzilla movie in 40 years

If I die,
In this world,
Who will know,
I shoot lasers

yes, much better than the family drama shit from the other one

Yes it’s amazing

It's in the top five.

The ending was perfect as is

Not bad, one of the better Japanese Godzilla films in the "human story" department, but still overall a bit dull. Maybe it's because I'm not Japanese. Would have preferred Broderick to talk about lots of fish.

Are they Japs making another one of these like Shin Godzilla? The next one with Godzilla is that American one right?

They'll be doing their own cinematic universe after Godzilla vs Kong is out

Anno get back to the office and make 3.0+1.0 already

Haven’t watched yet but just got the blu-ray from Amazon, it’s a bit banged up but the disc seems to be in tact. I hope I’m about to witness some kino

it's great

Kino if you are not a brainlet.

A meaty shaft is all I need
To get a gf with big milkieees

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The ending is perfect, any sequel would only diminish it.

I think there is a good 70-ish minute movie in there somewhere but the full 2 hour movie is just way too dry.

As far as Godzilla himself being a horrifying monster I think it's probably the best they've ever made.

its the second best godzilla movie that ive seen

there was japanese politics in the first godzilla film

pretentious and boring Anno garbage... if you try to defend it by comparing it to the original flick then you're a literal reprobate

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I liked the chair sliding scene. Like requiem for a dream but instead of drugs it's setting up chairs.

Not an argument, cringe and blue pilled. Have sex.

Funny thing about godzilla movies and run time. I can tolerate the boring politics and man-on-the-street stories because they just make the monster fights more interesting in comparison, but too much action bores me.

GMK(2001) bored me to death. How long can they keep on fighting? Just fucking die already.