>Watching Hulk (2003) with my cousin in a movie theater in the rich part of the city
>Everyone was bored, people started throw things over the screen
>Things get out of control, soda cans are thrown at other people, same about pop corn, people start to fight, unironically
>The movie is stopped for a few minutes, for the first time I see people being kicked from the theater
>No one can see the next 4 minutes of the movie because someone blocked the transmission hole or w/e that this is called
Because of this I can remember almost every detail of a movie that most people do not even remember.
What was the most nigger tier thing you ever saw happen in a movie theater?
White Chicks
>went to see lady in the water
>Friday night
>high school shit kids everywhere
>talking non stop and on their phones talking in the theater
>people bring out a beach ball and start throwing it around and at the screen
>go get security
>guy shrugs his shoulders and says he can’t really do anything
>go back and pour my drink and popcorn on the ground
>leave and get my money back
>go to carribean with cute black gf
>watch movie at cinema while there
>100% Black audience I'm only white guy
>not even the slightest expectation for anyone to be quite
>people talking / shouting from the first minute
>start getting pissed off but film was pretty shitty so eventually just laugh along with the funny comments
>sex scene
>guy stands up starts singing and dancing a dancehall song
>entire audience cheering this guy
>laugh as was funny
Overall not bad desu, just a different culture
>>sex scene
>>guy stands up starts singing and dancing a dancehall song
Sounds like a good time desu
Genuinely curious, why do negroids chimp out in the kinoplex?
Niggers literally can not do introversion, but extroversion more fun, anyway
>Go to Avengers infinity war
>Good friends dog was hospitilzed so he needed something to take his mind off of it
>Realized that a guy I know from my gaming store comes in, guy is chill but super autistic.
>I tried waving but he was so oblivious he ignored me. This was my saving grace.
>Movie starts up, and gaming store guy starts fucking chatting to the movie. Imagine a scene like this
He would blurt out "THANOS DID IT",
Captain America appears for the first time, this guy fucking stands up and claps.
>every stupid little quip, he had to respond with his guttural laughing, he started laughing before the punchline, implying this was not his first time watching it
>Breaking point is when Hulk saw Black Widow, this guy fucking moaned. At this point Im in fucking tears, it was the most surreal movie going experience of my life.
>An autistic mystery theater 3000
>A random person turned around to tell him to shut up
>5 minutes later he starts doing it again.
I saw that when I was 13-14 with my dad, a good chunk of the theater left thoughout the movie and near the end my dad just looked at me and said. "want to leave" so we did. it was complete shit and that's probably why they didn't do a hulk movie this time around. people have hulk ptsd.
Ang Lee unironically tried to make capekino instead of capeshit
>go watch The Protector
>it's a foreign language film so the theater is empty
>it's just me and some black dude a few rows back
>an hour into the film there's a fight scene where the main character is just breaking arms and legs nonstop
>this goes on for like five minutes
>black dude is giggling like a madman the whole time
>I start laughing too
lmao, you got a glimpse into the inner workings of an autist, probably more interesting than capeshit
It's a place where you watch movies as a community, why not
>dated a half white half black girl
>im white
>ask what movie she wants to see
>she wants to see Tupac the movie
>hesitantly agree cause i want to fuck
>go in theater im the only white man
Sit in our seats waiting for movie to start
>suddenly hear black guys behind me talking shit
>one of them climbs over the seats and sits next to us
>he introduces himself and starts talking to my girl
>i lean over and ask him whats up
>he starts laughing
>not knowing what to do i really loud high pitch screeching laugh to mock them all
>theater goes silent
>suddenly everyone starts to laugh
>movie starts and we watch it till the end.
>leave with the girl
>she tells me i am brave and shes surprised we didnt get killed
>still doesnt let me fuck...
>never speak to her again
Every theatre should have a designated African-American jester to make poor scenes more enjoyable.
No nigger moments, because I live in a backwards Eastern-European country and we lack diversity.
I don't live in the USA so never had a nigger moment....but I saw some people walk out of The New World, fucking plebs.
>What was the most nigger tier thing you ever saw happen in a movie theater?
Me going to one. *ba dum tish*
I live in a reasonable-sized city in the UK, you have basketball Americans in the cinema, we have Chinese students. They don't go anywhere unless they're in groups of at least 4, arrive late for the film, and have shouted conversations all the way through.
>Go watch the nun because gf wanted so
>There's a group of zoomers all the way back, about 10 of them
>They think everyone is interested in their thoughts, so they comment retarded jokes extremely loudly every 5 minutes
>40 minutes into the movie, they never stopped
>Suddenly, fucking FBI style raid with over 8 employees enter the room
>Thought to myself they came just to give them a small warning or something
>Guy stands directly in front of one of them and shouts violently "GET UP RIGHT NOW AND GET OUT OF THE ROOM"
>Dead fucking silence
>Not one of them even tried to discuss, or even laugh it off
>The people didn't even applaud as i expected to, just watched silently as they were scorted out of the room
Overall 10/10 better than the movie
>Niggers literally can not do introversion, but extroversion more fun, anyway
>It's a place where you watch movies as a community, why not
Found the nigger.
I stayed until the end but a Dad with two kids left in the middle and one of the kids was asking "Dad? Where's the HULK?!?"
Buy hey...Ang Lee didn't make a "comic book movie"
They chimpout everywhere because they're, unironically, low IQ. Everything is an absolute mystery to them. Watch a video of white people reacting to magic compared to blacks. Whites think it's good, but they know it's a trick. Blacks think it's real magic with no logical explanation.
I think the easiest way to sum it up is that blacks and whites aren't interchangeable and that blacks have been forced into trying to live like people. It clearly isn't going to work for the same reason you couldn't take a lion out of Africa and then start playing fetch with it in the park.
Without rules and boundaries there's chaos. Who do we suppose did away with them and for what purpose? That's what you should be asking.
Stop looking at the black man as if he can help it. Start focusing your attention on those who tells you to focus your attention on the black man so that you don't focus your attention on them. Only that way will you find a final solution to the problems that plague the kinoplex.