I-it's a flop

>i-it's a flop

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>WB tweeting that
that's called desperation

Literally the only movie I have ever pre-booked tickets for. Half the cinema was already unavailable too.

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Yea Forums will call it a flop anyway if doesn't make 5 billion in the first 3 seconds of release

>taking your wife's son to the movie

>online booking fee
I thought these got banned?

that's clearly user and his mom

I genuinely think this movie will make 1.5 billion plus

>Kids will love it because cute Pokémon
>Adults with love it because Ryan Reynolds
>Weebs will love it because Japshit
>Incels will love it because they're autistic
>Women will love it because Ryan Reynolds
>30 year old boomers will love it because nostalgia

Capeshit has reason to be afraid.

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they were reinstated because people were just buying online to avoid penis inspection

My wife, my two daughters and my eldest daughters boyfriend.

>bbbetter buy your tickets for Pikaflop


>Yea Forums backs the wrong horse once again


Yea Forums backs any horse not named disney

>The capeshitter fears the Samurai

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>and my eldest daughter's boyfriend

Attached: Merry.jpg (200x247, 13K)

Wow only 1/7 of endgame.

>capitalism promotes innovation!


That's literally a flop

Post daughters

Yea Forums literally says every movie is going to flop

I doubt anyone actually said it was going to flop outside of edgy /pol/tards who underestimate the power of capeshit. Pokemon is almost as big, and the pokemon variety is fucking nice (not just genwunner shit)

Literally the only flaw is the mutt protagonist but everyone's watching for not Danny Devito Pikachu, so its basically the tactic of "here's everything you wanted but this brown guy and white girl have sex"

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