I finally rewatched 2001 after first viewing it when I was 10 years old. I hated it when I was 10 but I figured that was because I was a fucking kid with a low attention span. I rewatched 2001, and still didn't like it. It was boring, meandering, and aimless. I loved The Shining, but I can't seem to get into 2001. I even bought the fucking 4k version of the movie because I wanted to like it so much. Does anyone feel the same way? Am I a brainlet?
I finally rewatched 2001 after first viewing it when I was 10 years old...
>Am I a brainlet?
I watch it once every few years. It's definitely a bit long-winded, more so with the long boardroom scene and that weird lightshow at the end where the terrain is all inverted colours. The film is an unironic masterpiece though, and will always be timeless in its appeal. One day we'll look back on 2001 the same way people look at the best silent movies.
I liked the opening with the monkeys and the end sequence but everything in between is pretty boring. I do get it's importance in film history though.
Rob Ager on youtube had a great series looking into the hidden meaning of 2001.
The gist being that the monolith represented a movie screen, and it was literally awakening some kind of next step in theatre audiences, just as it does with apes and humans in the film.
>more so with the long boardroom scene
the human politics and conversation at the beginning are some of the best bits. exudes mystery
the lightshow ill give you, i have always felt that is an overlong sequence. i love 2001 as is but i think a re-edit 1h40min could be really interesting too
>Rob Ager
>tfw you thought this man wasawesome until you watched his own shitty films
Making films and telling stories is fucking hard. I've seen his short films and he does pretty well for being on a nothing budget. Also he's one of the best armchair experts there is when it comes to film analysis.
The entire movie could've been a 20-minute short film instead.
i agree i still like his analysis' but his films go way overboard with the kubrick-esque hidden meanings to the detriment of the surface level story. i dunno i just find them to be shit
only watched it once but I loved it. I didn't understand that much though. I didn't like the shining so much however, but I don't see why someone should like any movie
The effects hold and set designs hold up. Most of the docking sequences and the whole last act are so pretentious and sluggish. The music is good until it fucking bombards you with it.
its a lot more entertaining when you know the backstory.
>Am I a brainlet?
Your instincts steered you true. Kubrick was a hack and Clarke was a pill. Nothing about that schlock is redeemable in any fashion.
>and that weird lightshow at the end where the terrain is all inverted colours
That's the part that always bothered me - I actually liked the slitscan parts but the shots that are literally just flying footage of a terrain in weird colours struck me as "fuck, this slitscan business is really expensive and time consuming, and we still gotta fill like five more minutes with this stuff" - it just came off as comparatively cheap and low-effort compared to how the sequence begins
You're not a brainlet. Kubrick is the Snyder of that generation. Literal hacks who heavily relies on visuals and completely ignores the rest. But he's def better than Hack Snyder, at least he didn't do capeshit.
i cant take anyone seriously who thinks "boring" is a serious criticism, especially when it comes to 2001. i honestly yet to read a review where the writer dislikes it and comes up with intelligent arguments and reasons to support his opinion
Movies should bring you enjoyment. Boring is a perfectly fine insult. If a movie bores you, then it has failed it's job of entertaining you.
Even though it seems lazy Kubrick still had to be Kubrick about it
He insisted the crew to find the most alien looking landscape they could find and they flew dangerously low to get those shots. Apparently they filmed hours and hours of helicopter footage to get those 5 minutes.
>the most alien looking landscape
I wonder if he knew about the Socotra island.
Did you watch the sequel 2010?
I watched it last week, it keeps getting better and better the more I watch it. Face it you're just a capepleb
Dave - Hal act is ultra kino
so yes, kys
I heard it's shit so I haven't watched it.
its not shit at all. it's actually a good film. not on the same level but a respectable sequel, which is a high compliment considering what its following
2001 never gets old. Finding the hidden monoliths in every scene is so surreal.
its ok. the guy from Jaws does his best as Haywood Floyd.
It really isn't. It stuck close to the books and provided needed context to the ending of 2001.
It was a good direct sequel. 8/10.
if kubrick was so intent on outing pedos why did he collaborate with arthur c clarke?
i always thought that voiced computer(or whatever it was) going rogue was stupid and unconvincing.
>tfw it's 2019 and our space expeditions are nowhere near advanced as the movie presents
best sci-fi my ass
Yes, you're a brainlet. You found it boring because you didn't know what you were looking at. The motion of these celestial bodies set to classical music is representative of a grand cosmic dance, with all parts working together following the natural laws and natural intellect of existence in harmonious perfection. Human intellect arose as an emanation of this same divine intellect, and it is shown in the film as higher intelligence germinates within the apes and seeks to understand itself and find its place in the grand celestial harmony by following the signs of the monolith to the endpoint of our metaphysical evolution as beings of pure energetic will creating reality through their intrinsic being or becoming (which I feel is represented by the fetus). The film is intellectually engaging on a spiritual level, and you need to engage with the film on this level to grasp it.
No, you just don't enjoy what is fundamentally gnostic propaganda.
It's a kino pleb filter just like all of Kubrick's work
Jesus fucking christ you people are plebs. 2001 is one of the few 10/10s.