The ride never ends

The ride never ends

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Double kek

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That's true though

>a purity spiral which ends with MCU eating shit
sounds pretty based to me desu

have sex.

what's with the ugly angles?

It's right though. That's been the primary complaint about this feminist tokenism. It's not good female characters, it's just advertising. But since they posted it on Instagram instead of Yea Forums they're not labelled alt-right for saying it.

But hey everyone gets to say "yas queen slay" so they're happy.

She's actually completely right, that sequence felt incredibly lazy and tacked on, designed to elicit cheap 'YASS KWEEN' screeches from the MeToo crowd.

>"Double kek"
>Whines about women having opinions

I smell an incel.

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>circular nostrils

its always some insufferable American white/asian girl with this shit. You really need to get a hold of those cunts guys.

She's not wrong

All women are subhuman and belong in cages

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Shes not wrong tho. The entire scene felt like Disney patting itself on the back.
>hey i know we took 21 movies to have a female lead buuuuut.....
>heres a bunch of female characters all on the screen together!
>look how inclusive and great we are!

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will ms brie larson be informed of this woke backlash?

>Immediately defends a women on the internet
>Starts spamming the same images he's been spamming for three years
Have sex.

Bullshit. Male version needs beer bottles, guns, bongs, and Rick and Morty on the TV in the background.

God, people are stupid.
Phase 4 and onwards those female characters WILL get more screentime. The team up shot was done deliberately so the viewer would compare it to the shots of the original Avengers gathering in New York and their joint attack in AoU.

>social media whores

Fucking delete this thread then kill yourself faggot OP

>Male version needs beer bottles, guns, bongs..
Which are still all objects

all women are insufferable, irrespective of race. all women are pink on the inside. these are the inalienable laws that govern the subhuman species known as 'women'

Power Fantasy moments, no matter the character, isn’t good writting either.
Having “enpowering” moments isn’t good writting either.

This but unironically

Wait. That’s a woman?

I mean you neckbeards pretty much agree with this. Arya coming out of nowhere wasn't good writing.

How many threads are there that they are giving women screen time "just because". Why not write better female characters?

but are they in the photo, making themselves the center of attention?

it's never enough

It literally is never good enough for these sick fucks.

Get WOC, go BROC

We agree with it for the opposite reasons that “she” has

"better" female characters have been written and portrayed on film for at least the past 80 years. you are interacting with utter plebs who have no interest or understanding of cinematic and cultural history

>Companies will soon stop hiring women as a way to avoid any made up scandals, such as false sexual harassment and complains of "unequal pay"
>Men will start to avoid women and seek out prostitutes/escorts for their sexual needs
>Hollywood will realize that women and "woke" people will never be satisfied and stop pandering to them
>The SJW fad will fade away hard and the proponents of the movement will become ostracized and ridiculed by the rest of the world
>World slowly starts to wake up from this dark state and realize how ridiculous these non-issues are

We must be patient. The time will come.

Have se..I mean based and redpilled!

Your optimistic world view disgusts me.

What's WOC?

>I'm a strong independant woman

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Pretty much the same shit Yea Forums says except it's cringe and bluepilled garbage from some nigger

Wiggers of Connecticut

so are women if you think about it...

They don't even notice the MCU signaling to them that they will get what they want. The OG men have left the team. Banner, Thor and Scott aren't leaders, Strange is out of the picture most of the time protecting the Earth from invading eldritch horrors. Spider-Man isn't a regular team member. Bucky would prefer to live out his life in peace in Wakanda. That leaves War Machine, T'Challa and Falcon for male leaders. And I'd say Wasp or Pepper are much better suited for the job.


What color are you on the inside?

Red, white, and blue.

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This is a fair point, simple inclusion isn’t good enough.

This is wrong, simple inclusion is irrelevant.

She’s not wrong though

She could've made those points without having to put her face in front of the camera. What the fuck was she thinking?

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But then she wouldnt get any attention user

Take the blackpill.
The future will only become more degenerate, and even if Hitler 2.0 actually got into power, he would eventually be defeated by the UN, and then an even more power group is formed to make the world even more degenerate.

Take the chrome pill. It's not hopeful or pleasant, but not awful either. Just kinda numbingly bittersweet.


who is this and why should I care

christ. americans are literal mutts and ugly mongrels. fucking goblin look alikes

a woman
women's opinions are important, incel

White and Jewish upper middle class leftists are the absolute worst.


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That was the most cringeworthy scene in the movie

Does your mother know you're on this website speaking about women like this?

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Not him but my mother is not a feminist

They played with fire, let them get burnt. You can't make a movie predominantly featuring straight white dudes because they're the most popular characters, then turn around and try to appease rabid progressives with a single cringeworthy throwaway scene.

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They are phasing out the wypipo though. Every "new endgame" will have more brown and woman

fucking based

What does posting his ugly ass la creature face have to do with the text??I have never see something more punchable in my entire life and i've seen some faces.

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>They played with fire, let them get burnt
That's where I stopped reading.

And make less money

Turns out there's a reason why they put good looking white men on the posters and give them most of the screentime.

Do you know if there are any Stange sequels on the horizon? Don’t really keep up with marvel but that was my favorite movie in the franchise.

Instagram whores are fucking retarded... Just deleted my instagram cuz i was pissed

Those are snapchat screenshots though

someone make a version for /k/, no matter they're taking a picture of their rifles have to be "casually" laying around in frame

How about fucking off and not doing any of those things you feminist cunt

>I don't have to prove my nerd cred to anyone, ever
Then why'd they make that?

> not realizing she's actually shitting on feminists cunts for being fakes

Based Nebula saving Female Capeshit

They don't see the irony of having to prove that they don't have to prove anything

I like how that scene was terrible for both sides.

>be republitard
>annoyed how they shoehorned that in so obviously you can tell it was made by a bunch of dumb liberals for virtue signaling

>be dialationcrat
>annoyed how it is trying to pander to you when it's the most out of place way and looks retarded, and instead feels like equal but seperate southern ideal

It will never be enough.

Hey, why didn't you respond to my post with a lol? Wtf is your problem dude? I went out of my way to link that funny clip and you don't even spend two seconds replying back with a haha or rofl? Last time I ever try doing something nice for you...

Humanity needs to band together and nuke Israel and USA from the face of the earth.

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I did, literally half an hour ago.
Anything else?


found the mudslime.


Santa Maria

the horseshoe effect is in full force itt.

No I don't. But you know, Mordo has to show up again somewhere...

This is the future we deserve for letting women vote, let alone speak.

Please have sex

found the kike.

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>But since they posted it on Instagram instead of Yea Forums they're not labelled alt-right for saying it
I mean, it sure is nice knowing that I've been saying this shit for years now and all I ever got for it was "incel" and "have sex".

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>Let's write a "strong female character"
>I know, we'll have her kill dozens of people.

every time

American culture is so infantile lmao

My mother belongs in a cage too


Warriors of Cringe

If you want good character writing maybe you shouldn't be watching Marvel movies.

>gamers rise up memers coincidentally have never posted this
Really makes me think.
Gamer girls rise up, we live in a patriarchy.

>im being a demanding bitch better show my tongue teehee
have wymyn always been this unsufferable or did social media just completely and utterly ruin them