What does Yea Forums think of the Drag Kids trailer?
What does Yea Forums think of the Drag Kids trailer?
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Thought the poster said hotdogs for a minute. My thoughts? Culturally hypocritical, please stop sexualizing kids, they should be worrying about other things.
>and one day, for no reason at all, people voted for Hitler
I don't care who you are or your political stripe, but this is clearly fucked up and the West is rotting and it's own citizens are cheering on the decline. Deconstruction traditional morals was such a GREAT idea
Yea Forumscore
>Homosexuals won't want to have sex with chil-
>the slippery slope is a falla-
>this is the future your shitty boomer parents chose when it was their turn to rule the world
It's clear now that they only pushed "trans kids" so they could pump out shows like this now that shit like dance moms and child beauty pageant shows are seen as abuse
Dont care
A new season of dance moms came out recently tho. Based jannies even let us have a thread about it.
It makes me want to usher in a fundamentally illiberal political order
degeneracy. leftists will hang
Hot, liberals is the molesting group right?
Why does CHILDREN dressing up and having FUN trigger Yea Forums so much?
Isn't that what kids are supposed to do?
Let's be honest: the reason you have a problem with this is because it defies gender norms. If the kids were dressing up as the "proper" thing (i.e. some kind of macho asshole with a gun) your unconcious bias wouldn't trigger.
A lot of pageant judges itt
Exactly, plus the 8 year olds are fucking hot. Perfect age to drill their litte childrens bum.
>sexualizing children is fine, go back to /pol/ you racists
I bet you still haven't figured out why Trump won.
>honk honk
Its far from dull and primitive.
I think you’re probably trolling, but it apparently needs reiterating anyways
1) it isn’t just “dress up”, they’re overtly sexualizing those children
2) gender norms are the basis of a society, once those are disrupted civilization itself goes down the shitter in short order
>sexualising children
why isn't dressing up as a cowboy sexualising them?
hint: YOU are the pervert here
Peak Weimar
>high heels, form fitting dresses, and make up are totally the same as dressing up like a cowboy
You are a retard and a disappointment to your parents.
Cowboy isn’t an INHERENTLY sexual costume. Being a crossdressing/drag freak has a fundamentally sexual root. If you see children in cowboy costumes as remotely near sexualized, you’re the perverted irredeemable monster
pretty much this
also I want to see them dressed as girls when I fuck their boipucci because it makes my dick diamonds
>2) gender norms are the basis of a society, once those are disrupted civilization itself goes down the shitter in short order
citation needed, nigger.
Fuck a citation you faggot, this used to be called common sense
Every functional society in history.
>he thinks culture forms in a vacuum and completely at random
I think it's time for our society to disappear.
watch as liberal and pedo fags will push for this logical fallacy next
also incoming discord trannies seething and damage controlling
children should never be sexualized and exploited
declaring an exterminatus brb
totally normal and progressive :) if you disagree you are evil :)
this is freaking me out. I can imagine what it would does to a kid to watch this monstrosity
It makes me think about Jazz
And speaking of Jazz what happened to him anyway? I don't see any generals anymore
No general because the season is over. He's going to Harvard.
It's funny, I'm not gonna have kids so I'm not concerned when we start going full weimar republic
i wish people directed this amount of outrage toward child beauty pageants.
Pedophiles deserve to be burned alive, their internal organs harvested, their names removed from history and their souls tormented and violated by demons in hell for all eternity.
As long as I live, I will never, EVER understand why pedophiles aren't killed on spot.
>posts on the pedo board
I literally cant wait until islams take over the west
Maybe that will make the eternal wh*toid push this shit in the rest of the world
One day, LGBTQ will just be the entire alphabet, and we all know what the P is gonna stand for.
that's a good point
isn't that also "sexualisation"?
Umm sweetie they're called "minor attracted persons" not the P word
>Here's your post nuclear family bro
Thanks progressives.
God, I want all right-wingers to just get sent to the drag queen dimension for the rest of eternity.
I think God is dead, and Capitalism killed it. Enjoy the hellscape your Jewish corporate overlords created for you, worms. They managed to sell you degeneracy and then made it taboo to question it.
Let them know that there is nowhere to hide, not even here.
What’s fun about child abuse?
Fixed that for you, fucking degenerate.
Based baitsmith
Oh Yeah there will be plenty of hot dogs!
0% chance that numale on the right isn't molesting that poor boy
>little boys dressing up as cowboys is more sexual than stripping and poledancing in front of old men
get help
You're the ones seeing them as sexual objects because of your subconscious defining female attire as inherently sexual.
Guaranteed (you)s
>haha boys dressing in skimpy outfits and stripping isn't sexual, you're just perceiving it that way
It's like leftists have no concept of civilization, and they think they can pull any sort of mad scientist social or economic experiments without adverse unintended effects.
The West isn't declining. Most people will watch this shit for shock value and I guarantee you that you only ever witness this type of fagotry on the internet.
t. Philadelphian
Based and evilpilled
You could have stopped this,the slippery slope isn't real they said
>drag queen dimension
This idea seems pretty heretic
you know sometimes i wonder if its not the opposite and all of this is reverse psychology propaganda to make normal people far-right,
>sad times
my brain can't comprehend how we got here...
Needs an edit where the skeleton says "STOP TRIGGERING ME REEEE"
Cant wait for the inevitable doc follow ups years later on how it fucked them up
We let a black be president for 8 years. It snowballed from there.
>i don't like thing and it's x race's fault
/pol/ pls go
found the kike
Chad Atlanto Mediterranean on the left, beta Alpinid on the right.
does it sound as bad if i tell you it's just a dimension full of dark skinned amazon babes that just drag you around
I don't get it? I don't find them sexually attractive at all. Why is it bad if they dress up?
Emperor' Children HQ, imagine the absolute terror of being taken prisoners by them.
>Telling young children to wear makeup, revealing leather outfits and asking them to dance suggestively/strip IS NOT sexualizing.
The abusolute state of "tolerant progressives". You are nothing but a degenerate who is openly enbling pedophilia in the name of tolerance in order to virtue signal.
Homosexuals breed more of themselves by molesting children.
>I don't find them sexually attractive at all
the people dressing them up do and paying to watch them dance do
I'm a 30 year old man and this guy is scary. Imagine exposing your children to a literal demon
so why is it always white people
no i just dont think they're sexually attractive at all
fuck off
prove it
This race has been made into bonafide goyim cattle.
how long until you kys, disgusting tranny?
Thailand? Mexico? Brazil? Papa New Guinea?
They don't push it to kids.
I like it.
>People are incapable of telling this was a (You)fisherman.
..you retards are why (((they))) get away with so much so easily.
In a roundabout way they do.
I've never seen a child dress up like that kind of cowboy
Closeted pedophile detected. Have sex (with an adult.)
whats it like knowing all the shitposting you're doing isn't changing shit to the outside world?
They're how old? And what did you say.. I'm an "ally" for supporting these se- talented children? And you are sure there are no police at the event? Why? Eh just asking because, umm, they're ..fascists? Yes, yes I will be there.
Explain to me how this is any more fucked up than standard child beauty pageants.
Does that make you happy?
looks like bussykino
China is trying to reach parity, and they're gaining traction that is a literal decline of the West. There's probably cultural reasons for it.
There's no use arguing with the mentally ill.
It makes me happy knowing 'toids will be gone in about 100 years.
child beauty pageants are pretty fucked up
I'm not asking for an argument you paranoid idiot. You can't even come up with an opinion?
I 100% agree.
I honestly don't mind if western civilization is destroyed and gets taken over by communist china.
As long as it makes pol mad, i'm good with it.
I hate fags
can't outbreed recessive traits, dummy. You'll parallel evolve into us when we're gone because we're you but better.
keep crying bitch nigga.
why is it so easy to spot discord trannies? its like i can smell your rotting hole through the computer. dont forget to dilate.
>this is immoral
>therefore I will idolize someone who murdered millions
Why don't you do it yourself, try it out and see it fail, because you lack the slightest sense of subtlety
Flagged the video for child abuse.
Maybe from your perspective, but then apes who shit in the zoo don't exactly have any sense of decency or morality now do they?
Thanks for the fap material!
Common sense is a spook.
Are you people supposed to win us over?
>discord tranny misses the point
lay off the hormones and maybe you will be able to think clearly
Maybe in 2010, but not in 2019 my nigga. We clown world now and people actually believe this shit. post irony.
'toid babies will be executed to perform voodoo miracles in the coming utopia.
They generally don't.
t. false flag
that's not funny
Why can't definitely-not-polturds come up with one single fact to back up their feefees? I thought they loved facts and citations.
Triggered pedophile, I hope you're fearing for your life, you should :)
That theory actually has a lot more traction than you would think, there's stuff you can read about that.
But most pedophiles aren't heterosexual so uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Why is it always boys turning into girls?
Why is there such a high rate of male to female?
Don't people like you want all women to be whores? Her body her choice etc. I mean you're even going for kids now after all.
>Being a crossdressing/drag freak has a fundamentally sexual root
>no u
>j-just wait, me and the gamers are gonna rise up and kill you for triggering me online
Yeah.. I'm 29 and when I was a kid parents would have been very outraged about all this. I don't understand it either.
Shits fucked lads
because they push this shit on autistic kids and there are more boys on the spectrum.
Women have it easier in western society, so lazy unmotivated men will naturally want to fit in to the gender role that suits their lifestyle
Remember, subhuman pedophiles like yourself will be hanged first :)
Sasha Velour is a fucking class act compared to that bearded monstrosity.
I think they probably will reach parity, it feels inevitable. They're still wrong
Because being a male is seen as a bad thing in the West these days.
So pedophilia is ok because it triggers /pol/?
I guess they are indeed right about the clown world thing.
>he doesn't know anthropology 101
Males who can’t have sex turn themselves into females so it’s easier for them, they find out it isn’t and kill themselves
Because it's the men that have to be broken to render the land defenseless.
Why are you so triggered? I know you're still in the closet but surely you must have known on some level that you were a pedo before this.
threads like these attract discord trannies like shit attracts flies
just remember to remind them that they should make sure they're not posting here for too long because they might miss their dilation schedule
it's the mistery of iniquity, the loss of Logos, the race towards the end of the world. Just look at the degenerate trannies itt asking for peer-reviewed citations that dressing kids in drag and having homosexual adults watch them dense provocatively while throwing dollar bills at them is morally wrong.
Pedophilia is ok because it sullies the lgbt movement
Doesn't happen.
Prove a correlation between drag kids and pedophilia. (Your feelings don't count as evidence.)
Even if this is to bait, you people are genuinely disgusting.
Cultural attitude along with LITERAL mental illness. Seriously, guys, give antipsychotics a shot; there's no shame in it.
Euh yea FBI, i dont think their sexy at all * wink* * wink* nothing secy about ripping an 7 year old anus with your adult penis while they are moaning about the intense pain mixed with pleasure, that tight body that sweet undeveloped body....
God i fucking love liberals!
I would've started screaming and crying if that guy showed up in my nursery
>is triggered by someone stating an opinion about pedophiles
>immediately feels called out and is projecting his depravity on the person who indirectly called him out
it's like poetry :), stay subhuman, pedophile, you won't get to live a long age :).
Only if they act on it.
> they gotta hang.
Because we live in a highly sexualised gynocentric society where women have more social and legal power than men, therefore they view the grass is greener/sexier/easier on the other side.
Also what said
The proof is in the pudding, water is wet, the sky is blue.
>muh "omg libtardz are trying to normalize pedophilia!11!1!"
When will this meme die? Go to Tumblr or any other leftist shithole. They'll shame a guy as a pedo and make him a persona-non-grata for finding even a 17 year-old girl attractive.
Not happening.
>child beauty pageants
>not fucked up
I'm a pedo and drag/trans stuff disgusts me. I just want to make gentle love to a 12yo, I'm not like these freaks.
Brazil is where the gay parade twerkin' fucboi webm is from, someone on here probably has it or a screen grab
Do you realize how braindead that way of thinking is or do you just not care?
This is a massive fucking leap
It's mentally ill trannies who are usually pedos
Did you watch the video? Did you read the thread before bashing your head off the keyboard?
I did watch it. I also know how the /pol/fags that browse this board will interpret it.
The post implies the opposite, actually.
>"the loss of Logos"
>scoffs at the idea of backing his claims up with facts in this very same post
Wanna try that one again?
>the proof is my feelings!
Yeah that's what I thought.
you're both degenerates
It's time for some self-reflection user.
t. /r/le_Donald
Not an argument.
1/10 post.
Brazilians are white...
If you're so confident in the content of this, yet so fearful of what /pol/ people think, why don't you post this on facebook or reddit?
all "child beauty" shit should be banned desu
>most pedophiles aren't heterosexual
>no u no u no u
>a-arachnophobia guys, I'm really not a pedo!
It's alright, pedo. We have therapy for your kind these days. You should know, though, the first step to getting help is admitting the problem.
China has been known to be pretty incompetent historically, they could easily waste their advantage in paper.
Pedophilia specifically refers to prepubescant children. No one is arguing that being attracted to a 17 year old is morally wrong. I was in Afghanistan for a while and they also loved to dress little boys up as girls. Of course they would fuck them as well. I thought this was morally wrong, what do you think?
I know... it's so fucked up. It's actually sad, I don't even see them as 'sub-human' or whatever, they're just misdirected. I wish I could flip a switch in them and fix them but you can't.
I feel nothing but mourning for what we could have had.
>why isn't dressing up as a cowboy sexualising them?
Because dressing up as a cowboy is ranch dressing
haha based post my dude, but you should seriously hurry before you miss your dilation schedule
>Daily Mail
Besides, puberty blockers aren't a transition.
Because it's manipulating children to have strange sexual fetishes at an early year when these sexual fetishes form.
This is child abuse.
Let kid be kids.
Dealing with highest levels of pollution and overpopulation. Literally India tier aside from their tech. China will never be no. 1
I don't know how you can be surprised about anything anymore after people have voted for Hitler. People have already proven to be insane.
this is the second time i see this type of comment this week. something bad is about to happen
>No one is arguing that being attracted to a 17 year old is morally wrong.
An ephebophile is a pedophile with a thesaurus. You're going to die with the rest of the degenerates on the DOTR sweetie :)
404 argument not found
>Because it's manipulating children to have strange sexual fetishes at an early year when these sexual fetishes form.
My question still stands. You can't have a "beauty pageant" without inappropriate sexuality.
Disgusting parents are forcing this on them.
it's a new meme
You mean a dictionary
Literally nobody disputes that, they too should be banned.
As I've said before, subhuman, yours days will be limited in the near future :). Again, good to know that my initial statement has made you feel called out :)
africa exists and is a shithole despite billions in aid.
When whites go down you'll be back in chains, only Chang's this time.
oh yeah just keep abusing your kids
I bet you read the Guardian.
What's it like to be constantly misinformed?
Your point does not stand.
The straight ones are much less destructive than the drag ones.
Africa has improved a lot in the recent years
yeah obviously....
*wonderbar FTFY
Don't just meme it, make it so.
You are a moron. Dressing up in a hyper-sexualized feminine form and dancing erotically is sexual. Watching and enjoying children do that should set off some alarms.
It's okay pedo. You can stop virtue signalling. We see you for who you are, and we want you to get help. You just need to put down the facade and admit you have a problem.
It's different when it's turning children into homosexuals.
This is child abuse.
I say this as a gay dude.
Actually I read scientific articles.
Now that is shilling.
>no infrastructure
>population exploding
yeah they have smartphones now. Africa cannot be helped.
>The straight ones are much less destructive than the drag ones.
That is an abysmal attempt at a rebuttal.
>it's turning children into homosexuals
Can't happen.
I can't prove that, but I can prove the correlation with darwinism
>enouraging young boys to dress and act and dance on stage in suggestive clothing like women
>You're the ones seeing them as sexual objects because of your subconscious defining female attire as inherently sexual.
give your head a shake
Oh cool, so apparently we're misinformed, luckily you're here and you read science.
What scholarly articles can we find to see the data and research into how children doing drag is not pedophilia?
>is still desperately projecting his own depravities onto the person who triggered him to give himself away
You're not very subtle, that's good, that means you'll be one of the first to get gunned down :)
t. never read about Africa
>Dressing up in a hyper-sexualized feminine form
Dresses and make-up are not hyper sexual, Muhammed. Do you think every woman in a dress and makeup you see walking down the street is soliciting sex?
>dancing erotically
Oh so you found the movements in the video erotic? How telling.
This is a high calibre post.
Haha yeah man it's totally just some stupid nazi coincidence that so many homosexuals were abused as children nothing to see there haha stupid nazis
Eat shit, homophobe. Have sex. We are winning the culture war, and this is proof. This isn't """degenerate""", it's beautiful and progressive. You've lost. This is the norm, now. Kill yourself.
>still hasn't made it past the no u stage
It's alright pedo. I know making progress is hard but you'll get there.
>What scholarly articles can we find to see the data and research into how children doing drag is not pedophilia?
I mostly read about the issues associated with transgender people and the transition process. I doubt there's any research on your question because it's outlandish.
Have you heard of this thing called specious reasoning?
Drag and caberet shows are NOT erotic now?
This is pretty high caliber non-sequitur we're dealing with now lads.
>Dresses and make-up are not hyper sexual
>YOU are a pedophile and a muslim if you don't support children cross-dressing for a crowd of homosexuals
I agree with the sentiment but this just screams reddit.
And there's no hard evidence of a connection between the two.
are you saying homosexuality is an illness? Because if it's not a choice it's an illness, and that means it needs to be cured. Pick one and only one.
Honestly curious - have you read anything about the efficacy of antipsychotic medication?
Wasn't the sexualization of kids one of the primary signs of Rome's downfall? I recall in LoGH the same thing occurred. We're in the endtimes.
Psychology and sociology by definition will never have hard evidence, so that's awfully convenient for you huh?
There's no research... so why the fuck do you keep asking for it yourself you stupid faggot.
It's almost like anonymous forum posts aren't very reliable.
That gives great evidence for the *inverse* of what you're arguing.
Drag is not inherently sexual and the children weren't performing cabaret. Good job calling out your own nonsequitur but you should work on improving your post instead of calling out your own lack of reasoning.
They aren't. Brainlet wojaks aren't a substitute for evidence.
>I'm a giant retard who needs to put words in someone's mouth to make an """argument"""
Try again.
I feel like the zoomers will avenge us. I know millennials are the lost generation and it's 50/50, but the boomers all fucked up. Thank god at least the kids nowadays are redpilled af.
it's alnost like Africa is a lawless shithole of zero human value
It's both amusing and disturbing how oddly specific your responses are :). Also, your responses are rather swift, I guess you're still triggered at the idea that you've outed yourself that easily :)?
No, a century of civil wars was
>I don't have any facts! Stop asking for facts to back up my claim you stupid faggot!
err yeah
Wasnt hitler gay?
>Erickson et al. (1988). Behavior patterns of child molesters. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 17, 77-86.
>This study was based on a retrospective review of the medical records of male sex offenders admitted to the Minnesota Security Hospital between 1975 and 1984. Apparently, 70% of the men abused girls, 26% abused boys, and 4% abused children of both sexes. (The paper is unclear in that it doesn't explain how perpetrators with multiple victims were counted.) The paper asserts in passing that "Eighty-six percent of offenders against males described themselves as homosexual or bisexual"
Why do you think dresses and make-up were invented? And why do people use them in settings where they need to look good? Do you think you can look good without appealing to attraction?
How do you get out of bed every morning being this retarded? Are you able to put one foot after the other, to use a spoon? I wonder
>Because if it's not a choice it's an illness
Not really. Being left handed isn't a choice, but it's not an illness.
Antipsychotics are used for the treatment of schizophrenia and forms of bipolar disorder.
No, they go ahead and just say that it isn't gay people preying on children because they're not gay if they're pedophiles. It's fucking lunacy.
Dude, they most celebrated anthropologist that even Carl Jung cited and based his archetypes around (the name escapes me) clearly defined that culture isn't subjective and you can see the same patterns in every culture around the globe
If you actually think the "liberation" of sex will lead to prosperity you're either 12 or a complete degenerate just waiting to have their mental illness approved by law
Read your own links
"gender" dysphoria is a mental illness
Pedo, you're gonna have to work past the "no u" stage. This conversation is never going to be productive if all you do is try to turn what I say around on me.
>Drag is not inherently sexual
>kids dancing suggestively in front of a bunch of drunk, sweaty, pervy adults
>this is fine
>being left-handed is the same as having gay sex, mutilating your genitals and dressing up kids in drags
When will you wake up and realize how retarded you sound?
Am I misinterpreting this when I take it as evidence that child molesters are likely to be gay, and not evidence that gays are likely to be child molesters?
it's almost like you're ignoring that anons lived experience
The arcticle argues the opposite but it lists about 20 studies that support his claim so uh ehhh, something there m8
No you don't
Leftists usually refuse to do this.
This is why leftists don't accept evolution and believe in social constructs instead.
It's 100% accurate you pedophile piece of shit.
How are ones that turn males into trannies with a drag fetish not much worse than ones that MAYBE might turn girls into sluts?
:), all that matters is that you've exposed and outed yourself for what you are, a filthy degenerate subhuman, your feeble attempts at turning this on the person who made you out yourself won't change that :)
I think these people believe that there is no such thing as 'sexualized' clothing anymore or something.
Who is she?
It isn't. If that person makes you feel sexual urges that isn't a reflection on drag as a whole.
Before I answer any of your deflection, define "hyper-sexual."
Africa owes that to aid and Chinese propping them up just long enough to rape the mineral wealth from the land.
Unless it's on a movie or vidya game character.
Jesus Christ. I don't care whether the kids are male or female, this kind of behavior is deplorable no matter the biological sex.
Like, if you put little girls on TV wearing tons of make-up and revealing dresses people think it's sick, but this is somehow brave?
I personally believe that homosexuality is a fetish. Women are known to be universally bisexual but men are the only ones who are consistantly straight, this suggests that homosexuality is a form of literal sexual deviancy like paedophilia or scat.
Nothing morally wrong with taking it in the ass, it's just a fetish.
there was a young boy twerking in the trailer
fuck off you societal cancer
in essence, homosexuality is a mental illness which propagates itself through child molestation
>that isn't a reflection on drag as a whole.
why are so many drag songs about tricking straight men and getting their dicks hard?
>studies that support his claim
Those would be studies that took samples of gay men and collected data on how many turned out to eventually molest children. I hope I don't have to explain why nobody would ever do this.
>it's just a coincidence haha
Pedo, I'm doing my best here but you're not giving me anything. All you've done since the inception of this conversation is take my post and reword it to imply that you are the normal human and I am the pedophile. This is not productive. Until you admit that you're attracted to children there's nothing we can do to help you. If you just keep saying "no :)" and talking about "le rope day :)" you're not going to get the help you need, and you may end up harming a child. You need to do better than this.
Girls sometimes naturally want to dress up like that for fun.
Males almost never want to do this.
99% of the time it's parents or other adults forcing this on the kids, brainwashing them into thinking this is good.
This is why it's so destructive for them later in life.
He argued that many homosexuals were abused as children, which in fact there is research about.
>muh anecdotes
>no ur the pedo
like talking to a brick wall.
It's almost like you are intentionally ignorant.
Drag queens aren't meant to be sexually attractive.
You learn to read.
>However, no details are provided about how this information was ascertained
I never denied that.
Gay sex isn't horrific like /pol/ makes it out to be. The other two are things I never mentioned.
Yeah assuming it's a reliable source and not just a LARP by a shitposter.
And debunks them.
>No you don't
Yes I do. You're deliberately being ignorant.
Not that simple lol
This shit is literally funded/operated by Jews in order to turn more whites into fags, and thus decrease white birthrates.
>How are ones that turn males into trannies with a drag fetish not much worse than ones that MAYBE might turn girls into sluts?
You're not even trying to support your claims. You're just saying shit you believe in an increasingly triggered fashion, as if that makes you any more credible.
>Drag is not inherently sexual
It's not erotic perhaps, but drag is certainly raunchy and sexual in nature. That's why it was always an underground night club/ gay bar thing.
It's certainly not apple pies and baseball
>Women are known to be universally bisexual but men are the only ones who are consistantly straight
>Gay sex isn't horrific like /pol/ makes it out to be.
It actually is. Enjoy your disease, anal prolapse, and spending the rest of your life wearing a diaper you niggerfaggot.
The homosexual is the epitome of the "new man" that the oligarchs want. Rootless, with no concept of virtue and sacrifice, moved only by the trend of consumerism and pop culture as dictated by the billionaires at the top of the pyramid.
"Cummies above everything" is the motto of this world. Forgete your wages stagnating, forget your country losing any sovreignity and forget your communities becoming distopian nightmares. Just get cummies, cummies and more cummies, get drugs and stop thinking. Become a cog in the machine and stop questioning, cummies cummies and more cummies.
This plan needs access to children, for two reasons. If demoralizes parents that want to fight against the system, by brainwashing children into becoming their foot soldiers.Furthermore, the earliest you get them, the easier to brainwash them.
The goal is a society of mindless individuals with no self-awareness, no children, no inheritance. A culture of death that sacrifices that most vulnerable and destroys hope and possibility of redemption. A place where the oligarchs rule and enslave the masses with their own support.
Sexual abuse is unfortunately common in general.
Just for some perspective, the gay/drag community is pretty split on this phenomenon. Lots of queens have come out saying that it's highly inappropriate.
Obviously we don't live in the homes with the kids but overwhelmingly these drag kids have straight parents where the woman is a fan of RuPaul's Drag Race. Drag Race has become a little sanitised since it moved from Logo to VH1 but it's still a pretty adult program.
As for who is supporting/following the kids - much like the Drag Race queens, it's overwhelmingly teenage girls, who, like little kids, have no business being in queer spaces.
I don't see drag kids as that much different from child pageantry and dance moms, which are exploitative but not dangerous; but they're not doing a kid version of drag, they imitating the (very adult) TV show. That's a problem.
>increasingly triggered fashion
can you repeat that in English?
Source on any of these claims?
Honestly and unironically based and redpilled.
they ascertained it through interviews because the study was conducted in a loony bin, dumbass.
That article is trying its hardest to mask the harsh reality, numbers don't lie -- gays touch kids, who then fetishize it and turn gay, then touch more kids.
There's no arguments in ANY of this post.
Can't you just kill yourself already.
I hate the fact you are a leftist far worse than the fact you're a tranny.
I'm gay myself and I hate you awful people.
All the damage control that you've deployed here, and all the attempts at projecting your pedophilia on me won't mitigate the fact that you've outed yourself at the mere sight of something that openly condemns your sickness, and calls for your death :).
Not really. Anal sex is not that common.
the people who are praising this are probably the same who spend their day criticizing about loli and shota porn on twitter
I'm not even transgender lol
And that post is nothing but arguments.
>not dangerous
didn't cat woman loose her mind?
is this better?
gays are a (((psyop))) millenia in the making, MGTOW is their latest recruitment tool.
I'm fucking tired, man
>because of your subconscious defining female attire as inherently sexual
That's literally why drag queens do it. It's an overly-sexualized parody of women and a fetish. Ironically it was originally pioneered by Jewish vaudeville shows as a comedic mockery of women, so it's literally sexist. The kikes are playing a big joke on whites by attacking both femininity and masculinity and also encouraging lower birth rates.
This. I'm a tranny and all leftists need to be fucking hanged for supporting this shit. If I have to get walked onto the gallows with them to stop all this, then so be it.
>they ascertained it through interviews
Funny how they never say that. Legitimate studies tend to be pretty thorough in describing their methods.
Kek you couldn't even refute anything I said and basically went "HUUURRR U MAD?"
Try having an argument next time.
Boys doing this is far worse for their psychology than girls doing this.
What is this mentally ill underage third-worlder trying to prove?
This study found a strong causal link between homosexuality and being abused as a child.
Dude that's the funniest shit about this, there are a group of people who think anything LGBT is good no matter what and there is no room for argument. A lot of them overwhelmingly are not even in that space.
>there's a lot of homophobia
I'm so tired of this word. Who the fuck is afraid of gay people to the point it is a phobia?
Why do all discord trannies like to mass reply like this?
>I don't even NEED to argue
Well at least you admit you were wrong.
Meanwhile in reality, rimming isn't very common at all. It's less common than anal intercourse.
Aye, I remember back in school girls always loved costumes and face painting while boys would always be reluctant
because they mistake anonymous image boards with discord and think no one would notice
look outside
>whiny, inane screech
Do you know what those words mean?
This looks like a barn owl became human
>studies directly assessing the association between these diverse types of maltreatment and sexuality cannot disentangle the causal direction because the sequencing of maltreatment and emerging sexuality is difficult to ascertain
Read your own sources.
The rimming meme has been pushed HARD the last few years. I know you've seen it yourself, even kids talking about. And it's intentional.
The best thing about this is you can have a very rational discussion about sexuality with a gay guy and they're not offended... why? because they only hang out with guys and they argue about stupid shit all the fucking time.
>I don't even NEED to argue
I never said that.
It remains uncommon outside of porn.
look at all this faggotry
>Our results suggest that from half to all of the increased prevalence of childhood sexual abuse experienced by sexual orientation minorities compared with heterosexuals may be due to the effects of sexual abuse on sexual orientation, possibly through previously proposed pathways: (1) abuse of boys perpetrated by men causes boys to believe they are gay; (2) abuse of girls by men leads them to be averse to sexual relationships with men; (3) abuse survivors may feel stigmatized and different from others and may, therefore, be more willing to behave in ways that are socially stigmatized, including acknowledging same-sex attraction or having same-sex partners (Saewyc et al., 2006).
I did, faggot, you must not be very comfortable with scientific language. They always like to explain their limitations.
We're talking about dressing up sexually(as in dressing up as a sexualized adult female) not for dressing up as a witch or iron man for Halloween you gigantic fucking retard
what the fuck is triggered fashion? is it like having a gun for a head?
I now hope AOC is right and the world ends in 12 years.
You essentially said that lol
I assumed most gays were "fag hags" who hang out with wine aunts.
based & redpilled
I think it's gross and I want to die.
Are you asking for a 4th-grade vocabulary lesson?
Reminder that this is gross and problematic.
Transexual undocumented migrant kids shooting glitter out of their ass while free-bleeding in public is the future.
>It remains uncommon outside of porn.
yet far more common comparatively than it used to be
No it's because usually they don't have straight male friends so the only time you'd encounter them in their element is if you're gay or they're hanging out with straight female friends.
You're putting words together and making no sense, holy shit are you this ass blasted someone asked for clarification over a specific meaning and refusing to explain your opinion like a normal person would?
reminder that you're a problematic bigot if you don't want to fuck this
Slapping Jesus, white picket fences, and big fake smiles over the reality of human nature doesn’t make all the icky degeneracy magically disappear. Humanity will always destroy your autisticly rigid ideologies and there’s nothing you can ever do to change that.
Yeah mate, welcome to "The Argument Conceived out of Bad Faith."
The point is those "drag kids" are the result of shit parents pushing this shit on them, I don't believe a kid naturally wants to put on make up
It's awful.
The consensus among the circles I'm in is that there's nothing wrong with kids playing with makeup, clothes and dancing. That's just dress-up.
The problem is when parents take these kids to drag shows/clubs, buy them adult outfits, post photos of them on social media or try to profit off the poor flamboyant kids.
Like one of the more notable ones is a 10 year old called Lactatia. No way in hell did a 10 year old, no matter how gay, come up with that name on their own.
>Slapping Jesus, white picket fences, and big fake smiles over the reality of human nature doesn’t make all the icky degeneracy magically disappear.
Slapping laws on murder doesnt make it disappear but it's always worth the effort. Light is temporary. Darkness is eternal but you hold onto the light for as long as possible.
Is that how it works on your discord server? No arguments allowed? No wonder you're so brain dead.
I wish nihilist niggers like you would just kill yourselves already. What's stopping you? Everything is pointless right?
And you must not be willing to acknowledge the limitations.
>I don't believe a kid naturally wants to put on make up
Nah, kids love make up. It's just face paint for grownups. But no kid naturally understands contouring, has access to colour pallets and fake lashes. That's on the parents.
You're telling me "drag pageants are worse than straight pageants" and... that's it? You're not even giving a hint as to why you believe what you're saying. And then you reiterate, but as a rhetorical question instead of a statement. How am I supposed to respond to that?
It's still not even close to mainstream
imagine sticking your dick into that
If I’m dead I won’t get to jack off or get high anymore so I’ll pass on that. Why don’t you kill yourself to make the icky gay thoughts disappear and see gram gram in heaven?
What do pageants have to do with this?
You don't even remember your own argument?
>anonymous is one person
I was asking for clarification of gunhead fashion senses.
I like the youtube comments at least. At least some people are awake to this shit.
>Drag is not inherently sexual
incorrect. try again hun. :)
Rigid Ideologies? Mate you have not given a single inch or argued at all from good faith, all you're doing is insulting people and acting like a fucking asshole. You've made zero effort to understand where people are coming from.
You're not arguing in good faith, fucker, and it's obvious to anyone who's reading this thread. I mean what am i supposed to ascertain from this? I have a discord server, we don't argue there and I'm baindead. Fuck off
There is statistical uncertainty, however the evidence does imply. I will admit it appears tricky to study.
There are no ids here, you're probably arguing multiple different people, and trust me that particular leg where you tried to compare them on the level of pageantry is irrelevant. The issue isn't pageants its drag.
Child pageants could be wrong too, but that isn't what the issue here has ever been.
You're right, it's perfectly fine to fuck little kids
>all these rightfully offended people getting trolled the fuck out by bottom barrel shitposting
You guys have to man up more, stop taking what people say here at face value. If some nigger is supporting child abuse and underage drag, he's doing it to fuck with you.
I blame these faggot and twitch culture
I'm asking for clarification for triggered gunhead fasshion, retard. Explain yourself
Seems pretty fitting for Yea Forums, or Yea Forums in general. Given all the sissy/trap faggotry, this should resonate with the average person on here who posts pictures of Hitler, while secretly being a fag.
Those only exist in America plus everybody already knows they are child abuse. Meanwhile this shit is being pushed as the new normalcy
Spherehunter formerly know as Sue Lightning
known from putting its tiny sausage in a disgraced radio shock-jock's butthole
>he doesn't know about the discord tranny cabal
It sounds insane, but they're actually here and actually trying to astroturf.
Pedophiles should never be allowed to have fun. KYS tranny if I ever see you should suffer like hell.
Why stop it?
>Thinks the hellscape we are living has any resemblance of free market
KYS commie
I know it hurts being poor, but denial will solve nothing.