
Madness and Stupidity Edition


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Jon kills Dany leaks are true or bullshit? If true, any source on that?

Whatever I'll paste it here since the previous one was dying
My only reasoning for 'everyone will die' is that jon is pretty much bucciarati and has been for years now. If he, the one person who has EVERYONE's trust and could easily sit on the throne, is destined to die, then everyone else will
Cersei is already desperate now. I cannot imagine how she will be once she miscarriages again. I feel like she's gonna go full nuclear, to the extent of either bringing back the dead, cursing her dead baby to give her life as a walker, or turning herself into the next night queen
That's the only thing that would salvage ep 3

Post yfw only 2 weeks until this shit show ends

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tfw any potential rewatches of this shit are completely ruined


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Same guy who leaked arya killing the nk also leaked that, pretty much confirmed

If killing the NK was going to be this stupid i wish Theon would've been the one who did it

Japanese-Daenerys is sexy

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It’s a bit chilly outside, I might burn my only daughter lol

>nudity on the cover of a book

If it is true, I want to like the idea, but there's just no justification for it.
That kind of allies turning on allies should've been building up since like last season. But from Jon's perspective Daenerys has done literally nothing wrong - sacrificed a dragon and two armies to fight the walker army and aligned herself with him against his families mortal enemies. Even if she goes nutcase in the span of the next couple of episodes (which would be OOC imo) Jon should have no recourse but to support her.


They filmed several endings so no one knows for sure

When did it truly turn to garbage, post season 4?

You know who the artist is? Style looks familiar.

He's not gonna burn her in the books, right anons?

>tfw Children of the Forest, Brandon the Builder, and The Wall have no purpose

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Only two weeks and he's freed of his shackles and can relese books again.

It's not that vulgar anyway.
What will be vulgar is if they draw anime-Khal Drogo fucking anime-Dany in great detail.

Who was in the wrong here?

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Season 2.

Season 1 episode 7: The littlefinger "Play with her Arrs" scene

Yeah when tywin died

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Please only fags and bitches vote. Also, sorry if I forgot your husbando.

GRRM specifically told them to put that scene in.
Might mean a bit more in the books though.

Any leaks yet?

I wanna know how they'll keep that queen slay thing running

Seasons 1-3 were kino, Season 4 was still good but started the decline, Seasons 5- onwards are cringe garbage made for Burlington Bar reaction videos

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Shireen isn't even going South with Stannis in the books, she's at Castle Black with Jon.
There's a chance Melly burns her against Stannis' wishes but him doing it himself it fucking stupid.

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End of season 2 when they started to move away from the books more and more.

Missandei beheaded by The Mountain on Cersei’s orders

Unsullied sack KL. Lots of rioting.

Golden company kills Rhaegal

Dany goes mad, burns KL

Jaime, Arya, and The Hound sneak into the Red Keep to stop Cersei, only Arya survives

Drogon melts the throne

Jon kills Dany

They fucked up a lot of beats as early as S3. But yeah. Show is unwatchable after S4

the riverlands are completely and totally fucked and no one seems to care

None of them

Noriko Meguro
Also, here is Japanese Cersei, drunk as usual.

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Alys Karstark is the greatest rack in Westeros.

>Bran travelled for 6 seasons to the far North to learn time travel powers from an ancient wizard so he could learn Hodor's backstory and watch his sister get raped

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>You'ld have a frontal lobotomy too like me if you knew your full character arc.... If you knew what all your coming sacrifices and struggles meant.

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It began sinking in season 4, fully sunk during season 5, it got better with season 6 but then sunk even further with season 7+8

What will DABID pull off this sunday? Will pic related happen again?

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Brienne thought the Hound is kidnapping Arya
The Hound thought she is a Lannister assassin.
So neither, but perhaps Arya could explain her situation better.

i know the show became shit, but got and /got/ is one of the very few things that keep me alive

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Right now he's stuck with the jew and his dying soldiers. He might want to go back to the barrier to regroup and use the money to prepare a better army and burn Shireen to get that chance. But it seems unlikely. Right now his chances to survive are low.

Already a new thread

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fuck women fuck niggers and fuck jannies desu

>When did it truly turn to garbage, post season 4?


There were hints in the books that Daenerys is becoming as bonkers as Aerys but I haven't noticed any hints of it in the show

Season 5 but the seeds were always there from S2 onwards.

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Jaime betrays them. Tyrion kills him. Tyrion and Sasa betray everyone. Sansa pins it on Tyrion he is killed after trial. Jon kills Dany. Sansa banishes or executes Jon. Sansa queen.

>what battles has the bastard of Bolton ever won that I should fear him?

lack of source material


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In every single ck2 agot game I had so far, every single fucking time everybody ended up hating the Lannisters with multiple members executed by various kings or assassinated

t. steven

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>this is your average bobby b poster

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Also Arya kills Cersei.

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Not gonna lie as much as I hate Dabid and how they ruin the show post-Season 4, I am still gonna miss it.
>You will never experience King Robert, Sean Bean, Battle of Blackwater, Red Wedding, Stannis autism, and the Lannister happy family drama for the first time again.
>No more kino soundtrack from Djawadi
>No more /got/

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4 real?

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Tywin ended up being captured during the war of the ninepenny kings and died in captivity in that particular game. House Reyne was able to overtake Lannister and was a rather fun game.

>Tywin proposes a treaty with Night King to sacrifice one thousand infants annually
>He invites all the White Walkers to commemorate peace and friendship
>Rains of Castamere starts playing
>Crossbowmen shoot dragonglass bolts and massacre White Walkers, ending the threat once and for all
>"And who, are you..."

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>be david benioff
>it's 3 in the morning with weiss
>tears are our eyes as we struggle to write
>family photos and college yearbook out for inspiration
>wife out with a friend, still hasn't texted me yet
>god i wish she'd fuck my dad
>weiss is slamming his palm on the table
>i have no idea, no family memories can help me with this
>plastered all over the walls are pictures of our favorite polar bears
>that's all we ever wanted
>we wanted our polar bear
>but that fat fuck hasn't made any room for one
>i run my tongue over my crooked teeth
>maybe the night king can ride one
>he's right the fucking dragons
>without those dragons they could all ride polar bears
>maybe bran wargs into the polar bear?
>maybe ary kills night king
>it's brilliant, we give her littlefinger's dagger
>that's fucking brilliant
>weiss has fucking nailed it again
>i doubt kit's gonna be happy about this though
>kit's going to have a laugh at that one
>write that down also
>weiss is staring at me and drooling
>i know that look
>he's got it again
>i slam my fists into my head just to try to remain calm
>that's fucking amazing
>how does weiss keep coming up with this shit
>people are gonna love it

In my games weirdly there's that noble house in the Reach that owns like four castles starts stomping other Reacher lords until his Tyranny piles up and he gets assasinated.

I think it's Merryweather or something.

In newer patches, I've never seen House Roxton keep ahold of Orphan maker for more than a single generation

Holy kek if that is true they're gonna fuck up even more than season 3
Only good thing from that is Dany dying

He looks pretty nice and well kempt desu. Would approach on the street.

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The writers are tired
Send them to my chambers

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Leakers' spoilers have turned out to be true so far so probably legit yeah.

Steven knows what's good

To be fair, i literally don't know what to expect from the show now

Too bad that it came at the cost of an antagonist that has been teased since the first episode


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Can all of you delusional fools please post a big thread at the end of 2019 when there's no TWOW in sight saying "I'm so fucking sorry for spamming every thread with this dumbass theory for 5 years"?

>Missandei beheaded by The Mountain on Cersei’s orders
How will Missandei capture Cersei? Isn't she always with Daenerys?
>Unsullied sack KL. Lots of rioting.
What unsullied? They all died
>Golden company kills Rhaegal
Boring shit. What happens to the Golden company afterwards? They walk away? Sail back to essos job done?
>Dany goes mad, burns KL
>Jaime, Arya, and The Hound sneak into the Red Keep to stop Cersei, only Arya survives
>Drogon melts the throne
Why? Isn't there anything better to do?
>Jon kills Dany

What happens to Euron? What happens to Tyrion, Sansa, Brienne, Podrick, Sam, Davos, Jon?

Fake and gay and absolutely dabid. Which is why it will probably happen.

he cute

What's the game of thrones equivalent of gabagole

God this would be so fucking stupid but it would redeem this shitshow

It's like what someone would write as a fanfiction

Why would they simply have found better Jewish writers? Have they run out of talented jews in Hollywood and have to resort to the B-team? The nepotism isn’t even defensible at this point

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You're here to answer for your shitposters latest treasons.
Please Ser Janny, tell them of this outrage.
"Using some vile sorcery, your Stannisposters fell on Yea Forums with an army of bent knees.
Thousands of good threads were butchered.
After the slaughter, the Stannisposters feasted on the bans of the slain."

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i'd venture a guess and say that it would be anything that has to do with tyrion drinking and knowing things/something to do with cocks

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Who is the worst GoT dad?

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Why didn't Jon send 20 good men to kill the NK so the battle was avoided?

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I think this can be salvaged. From what some of the actors are saying about next episode, it seems there will be a twist that knocks that characters out of their newfound security. Whether that'll be some weird "Night King is still alive" business or Cersei making a surprise attack, I don't know.

Only if you promise to post a pic of you with a shoe on your head if TWOW does release this year


Stannis is burning her stop the denial

The leaks from that compilation say. Leaks are absolutely clear on Tyrion being executed as a traitor. Sansa is either Iron Throne Queen or Queen of the North or both but shakier. Leaker not sure if Jon is executed or banished to die.

Cersei will die in child birth while giving birth to a dwarf

Balon, cause he's a bitch.

No he didn't.

Probably Craster. I mean raping and sacrificing your children is hard to top.

Not bad
Not bad. He is a rapist but he didn't harm his sons.
He is pretty bad.
Fine in the books.
Pretty shit but not that bad.
Probably the worse one.
Not that bad.
Not bad
Not that bad

>Cersei making a surprise attack
Well, that was her plan wasn't it?

What does Dany have left now of her army?
Just the 2 dragons and Grey Worm and that's it?
Unsullied got pretty much decimated and the Dothraki rekt.

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I hope we can see another wildfire related attack. Always love those fancy green-fires for the aesthetic.

Look up who Benioff's dad is to get your answer

lol she'll have whatever army was left 'in reserve' in the castle or whatever other bullshit D&D pull out of their combined ass


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Yep, but he is also have a good position since Bolton had to shatter his own army and Manderly already starts killing his soldiers

mfw the bois dropped scythe.

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>episode starts
>"it's a good thing we left some troops behind, right Jon!"

Yara's fleet, dunno how much remains of it.
All that remains of the north, including houses that didn't take part in the battle. There's probably many still left.
Dorne and highgarden lost their heads but all the smaller families are still there and could join.
With some strategy, dragons would btfo any enemy.

The only thing i'm sure is that the stark sisters will get a happy end and dany will get btfo

Yeah, but it'll be written as a surprise attack because DABID.

dany only employed 1/10th of her dothraki to winterfell

>tfw you put up with dabid's shit for years now hoping for him to change but its just dragging you down
feels bad bros. GoT was once my favourite show. I don't take pleasure in it becoming JUST. Just sadness.
I was willing to forgive it even after the wight hunt, hoping it would lead to something kino. But after this? Nah. Yeah, i'm supposing a rewatch is definitely off the fucking table.

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I'll mist /got/
I won't miss that shitshow and all the fucking normies who eat it up and won't stop talking about how "good" it is

Castle was pretty much overrun at some point and a very small number was shown that survived from the combined forces.
I'm thinking she has less than 10% of the initial army now.

>Fine in the books.
I wonder, assuming Dabid is telling the truth and GRRM didn't change the plan, how will Stannis end up in the position that he has no choice but sacrificing her daughter. Or will it only done by Melisandre.

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unironically all he needed was twenty good faceless men

2 weeks and I can finally eat every chicken in this goddamn room

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>“Alone at last,” Ashara said, approaching Ned seductively. He wet his lips at the sight, she was so beautiful, and she was all his.
>“Yes.” He took her in his arms, splaying his hands across her back, muttering against her neck. “And married.” He smiled against her skin.
>She closed her eyes, feeling his touch, enjoying his smell, then her hands traveled down his arms, feeling his muscles tremble beneath her touch.
>His lips ghosting over her neck, sucking the skin of her neck, inhaling her smell, tasting that sweetness of hers.
>“Oh, Ned,” she moaned loudly, his hand caressing her back down to her hips, where his grip strengthened and she then pressed her still dressed front to his.

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That remaining 9/10ths of the Dothraki could have been really useful by flanking the invaders.
Fucking D&D man

what about the stuff you didn't see? :^)

Can't be much worse than Craster.

>knowingly casts a blind eye over his twin son and daughter engaging in a sexual and romantic incestuous relationship since childhood, openly and publically despises the other one, disowns both of his sons
>not bad

Well, the fact that Stannis is hundreds of leagues away from his daughter, in the middle of extreme winter, holding out in a crofters village outside Winterfell, it couldn't possibly be him.

>Dorne and highgarden lost their heads but all the smaller families are still there and could join.
Technically no because:
1) Most of Reach families joined with Tarly and died on Blackwater
2) Dorne supposed to be in a deep civil war right now.

NK should just sent twenty good white walkers to do the dirty job instead while he chills (heh) with Craster Jr. #99 and his new pet in Land of Always Winter.

The threads will keep going for a little while after the show is done. There's other boards we can migrate to.

Ah yes, the major action happening offscreen, I forgot about that trope

How many years has the fighting been going on for already? Shouldn't they have reached the point of famines already?

>send a crow
>"burn shireen"
wa la

meh, Dany burning this pieece of shit King Landing and doing Night King job should get the most happy ending.

Rhaegar is the worst out of all of them

he basically got his kids killed because of his dick, and then names his second son the exact same name as the first

also technically he's father to the realm too and countless people have died due to his actions


I think peoples will still talk about GoT in this board for the next several years. Probably not gonna be as frequent, but as long as someone put Stannis/Robert/Tywin's face in the OP or that screenshot of Night King's final moment, it will hit the bump limit.

Those aren't the actual covers of the books

*AHEM* Fuck the White Walkers, and Fuck the Dothraki subhumans!

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>The Lines of a Song, Chapter 13

A fanfiction? Is it yours?

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he didn't just LEARN hodors backstory though, he actually caused him to become a retard
THAT was the sum of Brans significance to the story. He made hodor a retard.

Motherfucker HBO is going to be trying to shove spinoffs in our face for years. /got/ is going nowhere soon.

Unironically Robert, since Joffrey, Myrcella, and Tommen aren't his kids, and his actual kids are kept out of political war games while still getting looked out for. Wait, I thought you said best. Craster is the worst easily.

Season 4 may be weaker than what preceded it but it's still solid. The drop from S4 to S5 is immense, S5 onwards is all basically trash with some cool moments and nice battles here and there.

this is going to happen isn't it

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Stannis is not the man to send a raven to get someone to burn his fucking daughter and only heir.

wow, that's retarded

I'm still sad bros

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Guess the show can bend it enough so that enough families are still avaible to form something resembling an army. It's not like Cersei is overflowing with soldiers.
Dorne has not been mentioned at all so they might be just fine. Everyone minds their business and joins the battle when needed.

How big is Cersei's army? 10k? 20k? She must keep all of them together or they will be ultra easy dragon fodder, once the north knows where they are they can simply outmanouver them with the superior mobility of dragons, attacking where there's no defence and forcing everyone to attack her or siege KL.

1 > 3 > 2 >>> 4 >>>>>> 6 >>>>>> 7 >>>>>> 5 = 8

Smaller families don't matter. The Reach was basically reduced to Tyrell + Tarly. The Tarlys were practically the Boltons of the Reach. There wasn't even any talk of the Hightowers. And the city of Dorne is only run by the Martells who were succeeded by the sneks.

no, i'm just an autist who searches for ashara dayne/ned stark fics

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Season 4 has tons of twist and episodes where something interesting happens though. Its very good season of television imho. Oberyn was good character.

>Jon Snow sacrifices most of the wildlings to get Winterfell back from House Rapist & Mutilation
>Daenerys sacrifices most of the Dothrakis and reduce them to an even smaller minority thanks to the Night King
Not gonna lie, that's pretty evil.

And fuck Qarth!

wtf I'm a #danymissile now

I think it's very good, I just think S1-3 are all better.

>yfw it happens but it's just a Mance ruse and Stannis kills Melly and Selyse in a rage

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In my current game the Lannisters overthrew the Targs 2 generations after Aegon's conquest and sent the dragon riding king to the wall with his 2 valyrian swords. He deserted the Watch, tried to get the throne back with his relatives holding the Reach and Iron Isles, ended up captured and beheaded by a petty lord. After that Lannisters and Targs developed a blood feud and almost every Targ, now landless, got murdered. When I realized what was going on I married the last two Targs into my Dornish family and spammed seduction on a 42yo woman to get a Targ bastard out of her before it was too late. My spouse caught on and murdered me, my greedy regent uncle dismantled my heir's desmene and suddenly I didn't have enough troops to stand up to factionalism.

Fucking Lannisters man.

if i am getting my daily True Detective season 1 threads since bloody 2014 i am certainly getting my fucking Azor Stannis and Radmure threads for at least a couple years after the show ends

Very well, carry on.

I myself is an advocate of N+A=E

He only had 19

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>S5 worse than 6 and 7
S5 was shitty but S6 and 7 was pure shit.

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Season 4 is actually my favorite. Battle of Castle Black is pretty fun too even if it's not as good as say Blackwater, Bastard or Spoils of War.

The purpose of Hodor's character was to introduce that Bran can affect the past and how dangerous this can be. There has to be more Bran shenanigans (Brananigans). Something as massive as time travel was not introduced to simply explain why Hodor hodors.

user, dany is not getting a happy ending in the books. Grrm love the targs but you know what he loves even more? An anti war message.
Dragons are weapons of mass destruction, dany last chapter in dance is her embracing her dragon id. Dragons plant no trees and are unlikely to be part of spring (rebuilding). She is dying

>It's an honor to be joined by men

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Wasn't 'give me 20 good men and I'll impregnate the bitch' Bronn's line about the Eyrie?
Did Dabid just think it sounded cool and steal it for their own retarded purposes?

Yeah but if it WAS introduced for no reason that would really subvert your expectations wouldn't it?
GoT isn't a show about magic wizards saving the day with magic powers

Rhaegar, cause he's a faggot who plays lute all day, and will then start a war and leave you and your mother to die in the capital because you're not the chosen one son, and then give his new son your name while you get beaten to death at home

Ned is pretty awful for letting his daughter become a Mary Sue

Mine keeps crashing on start idk why it was working fine a few day ago

>Bran can affect the past
Why didn't Bran just go back and save his dad?

>implying she won't fall off her dragon and die after it's shot by the big daddy crossbow

Season 5 was boring dogshit "we're still pretending Game of Thrones is about politics and intrigue" but Seasons 6 and 7 were flashy cool fanservice dogshit like the battle of the bastards, Ramsay dabbing on everyone constantly, the wight hunt, and of course the most kino moment of the whole series with Jaime charging Daenerys on horseback

nah, it just turns out bran made hodor a retard and that's the entirety of his destiny as the three eyed raven
Looks like you've been sUbvErTeD

t. Dabid and Dan

S5 was still pretending to be Game of Thrones though, which just made it pure cringe
S6 onwards pretty much embraced that it's a sitcom now

I am surprised that Bronn has never been mentioned or anyone worried about what his character would do since DABID likes Bronn's actor

Why won't he get a cool moment. Now he's stuck with having to kill another mad queen/king and die of depression.

Bronn only needed 10 good men, making his power-level much higher than Ramsay's even if you account the need for climbing spikes.

Ramsay was shit especially in season 6 and 7. In literally every scene he just disposes of characters D&D couldn't give less of a shit.

He just conveniently whacked Roose, his cow of a wife, their child, Osha and finally Rickon.

>Your grace... i'm afraid there is nothing i can do.

H A R R E N H AL ?

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The only winners in this battle are the dragons because they finally have something to fucking eat

In theory he should try and kill them. He's a mercenary. He passed on fighting the mountain too even if that would mean that Tyrion would almost certainly be sentenced to death.

Eat what? Dead meat?

someone shop this to have the picture of robert with glowing eyes

Bran didn't want him to live to see the mess that is S8

We do not kneel.

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>episode starts
>"winter is over guys!"

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They aren't eating because depressed of being in northern shithole, not for lack of food.

Well according to Dany they eat anything they want, so i hope they want corpses, also they can roast them too if they need

If Ned Stark was alive Sansa would've never gotten raped.

>Motherfucker HBO is going to be trying to shove spinoffs in our face for years. /got/ is going nowhere soon.
These spinoffs are going to go over like a raven carrying Frey birthday invitations. They're going to make shit like MTV's Shanana Chronicles look like high art. It's going to be truly bizarre spectacle to behold, a drastic drop in quality not seen since the 4th season of Airwolf. All signs point to a scripted and filmed work of fiction so transcendentally bad it will join the likes of Battlefield Earth in it's infamy.

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Stannis will burn shireen its gurm version of Iphigenia and agamemnon

I'm sure he can arrange the dominoes in the right way for her to stumble upon some rape anyway.

I was thinking I'm pretty sure the last Harry Potter book had a higher death count prior its final battle than the last episode.

Can you explain how it would be possible?


>final episode,night king kills bran
>night king won
>fade to credits

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He is probably gonna kill Euron or Qyburn, most likely the latter, using the crossbow he gives in the first episode of season 8. Probably gonna give some snarky one-liner too while dabbing on his corpse.

Also, he will get his castle this season. One way or another.

Bullshit, it'll be
>episode starts
>"Winter is over, my kween!"

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For one. The rules for time travel seems to be something like a closed loop. Hodor hodors before Bran could go back in time to make him Hodor. Whatever has already happened probably stays that way.

Two. Bran is the Three-Eyed Raven, he probably wouldn't have the desire to.

The sad thing is that you're probably right. Hodor was a "shocking" moment from George, so they put it in without understanding the massive story implications that came with it.

what kind of dagger leaves a semicircular scar

>Ramsay dabbing on everyone constantly
I know /got/ hates Ramsay. I fucking hate him too for the villainous mary sue he is. But he is so over-the-top evil it's actually kind of funny. I wish Theon is the one to finish him.

>Haven't read the books

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based Dany took the first opportunity to get rid of those savages so she doesn't have to worry about what to do with them after conquering westeros
She's now my favourite character

Thoughts on the latest episode user?

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>episode starts
>well, it's spring now and we need a break
>suddenly GoT has a beach episode

>Burns to death
Do you think he regret that decision?

Euron is basically that but better. At least he doesn't have le 20 good men.

I'm tired wobbie

I like that the NK isn't the main antagonist but it was a "not like this" moment for me

>I hear Euron is a masculine man
>We are not all like that you know
>I will serve at your feet my kween
Most hyped up winter turns out to be the shortest one ever, I certainly had my expectations subverted.

>I never asked for this crown. Gold is cold and heavy on the head, but so long as I am the king, I have a duty . . . If I must sacrifice one child to the flames to save a million from the dark . . . Sacrifice . . . is never easy, Davos. Or it is no true sacrifice.
It won't happen during the Battle of Ice, it will happen later on after he reunites with her.
That is the epitome of Stannis' arc.
The sacrifice is happening just not in the underwhelming circumstances of the show

>Westerosi girls all wear metal bikini
>Jaime, Tyrion and Bronn try to play dude-bro and hits on chicks on the beach
>Jon just being Jon just sit there flat-faced doing nothing.

>listen robbie it was good to start off with when they had george's backing but the last 4 seasons have been fucking dreadful, it's time to go.

Here's for all my /azor beric/ bros

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A pivotal moment for the overall reception of the series. Depending on the next 3 episodes, this last episode could be the death nail for the show's reputation even in the normiesphere.


More like IMAGINE episode

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GOT used to be good. I love how Tywin is subtly explaining to Cercei that she already fucked up raising one king he won't let her do it twice. Cercei was always not smart and a spoiled child it's only after Tyrion kills Tywin and she becomes head of the LAnnister familly that she goes batshit. Tywin was so based how did he end up raising such fucked up children

I think Euron's conjuring of a fleet was far more egregious than 20 good men.

Viserys shall return and laugh at everyone who thought him dead, then proceed to take the throne for himself.

Believe this.

where's ned

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I guess. Euron also seems to be more convincing since he is that competent captain that manages to even (almost) beat the Lannister in the past and burn down their port. His entry using that boarding bridge is hilarious too.


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Shows like Twin Peaks, True Detective and Westworld have justified my HBO subscription in the latest seasons. Good riddance.

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The more I think about his death, the more fucked up it is to me.

So, in the end, his destiny is to take buncha stabs for Arya to let Sandor carry her from library to dining room?

Stannis was a mad cunt and burnt his daughter to death. You don't want to betray all your beliefs to kneel for a man like that.

is there a sadder character? only loved one woman that now wants to kill her
most either consider him a traitor or a fuckin idiot, family included
only his brother left to give him a grain of affection, but swore loyalty to the daughter of the man he murdered

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Stannis and danny fags will have a meltdown if the lazy fuck ever finish the books

Of all the mishandled book-to-show conversions the Sandsluts easily got it the worst.

That's when he is talking about Edric Storm, not his only daughter and heir.

>"It may be that we shall lose this battle," the king said grimly. "In Braavos you may hear that I am dead. It may even be true. You shall find my sellswords nonetheless." The knight hesitated. "Your Grace, if you are dead - " " - you will avenge my death,and seat my daughter on the Iron Throne. Or die in the attempt."

Also, just for good measure:
>“A sacrifice will prove our faith still burns true, Sire,” Clayton Suggs had told the king. And Godry the Giantslayer said, “The old gods of the north have sent this storm upon us. Only R’hllor can end it. We must give him an unbeliever.”
“Half my army is made up of unbelievers,” Stannis had replied. “I will have no burnings. Pray harder.”

DABID whitewashed Tywin a lot. He's a shitty dad by most accounts. Cersei was born an evil bitch, but Jaime and Tyrion's faults come a lot from Tywin being a distant domineering asshole.

no ned

only me

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I couldn't see anything

wouldn't you like to know weather boy?

I guess it's because his parenting was in bursts and not enough since he was so busy rebuilding Lannister through sheer force of will power.

It's like he would teach them to read but never told them which book to read, so they just read fucking kamasutra and incest doujins.


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Might be the recent update. its the same for my elder kings and gods mod

>Jon unites the 7 kingdoms
>sits on the throne
>credits roll
>post credits scene
>can hear metal banging against the walls as someone approaches to the throne room

No way. Euron.

final payoffs for punished jamie's arc: 0


>only loved one woman
Don't worry, he will learn to love again. This time with a bigger (and better) blonde lady.

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Tywin didn't raise them, he dominated them. Remove his domination and they just revert to who they always were.

I'd say Theon. He's the most human character in my opinion. Jaime comes very close though. They feel the most 3-dimensional

Brienne's teeth ruin the immersion

unironically all he needed was one half-trained faceless men dropout.

Can anyone edit guitar into Sandor's hands?

>Future GoT
>Lannister still hold supremacy
Fucking based.
The Starks are reduced into a bunch of cheap protesters lmao.

Kevan did nothing wrong

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>is there a sadder character?
Yeah, it's really sad how he pushed that kid out a window with a quip and a smirk. I mean.. he had to do it, if you think about it. He saw them. Jamie was tragically misunderappreciated.

Even Euron got it better on account of not being a completely incompetent fucktard.

most human Theon scene
>tfw Ramsay's shitstirring and autism brought out one of the most kino breakdowns in the entire show

hope she gets killed honestly, she's an hipocrite
true, sadly he was broken beyond recover

except being a diet tywin

Genna would have done a better job

forgot link lol

>“I know the cost! Last night, gazing into that hearth, I saw things in the flames as well. I saw a king, a crown of fire on his brows, burning... burning, Davos. His own crown consumed his flesh and turned him into ash. Do you think I need Melisandre to tell me what that means? Or you?” The king moved, so his shadow fell upon King’s Landing. “If Joffrey should die... what is the life of one bastard boy against a kingdom?” “Everything,” said Davos, softly.

Stannis never admits that he was wrong in considering sacrifice his nephew, and this time there will be no davos to stop him. He will Sacrifice her to stop the others

Hah! sounds good desu
Not sure, for my games so far it's either Tyrells stay in power or Hightower take over
Jesus, it worked way better for your Lannister than mine in my current game(they still grabbed half the reach, part of the riverlands and the crownalnds tho, no kingdom authority at all), they managed to overthrow Targ, but then mega civil war lead to elective, then came back to hereditary kgdm when a really good Rosby King managed to convince everyone
They recently almost managed to overthrow the ruling dynasty (Rosby now) again, leading 5 rebellions year after year consuming all of the 7kgdms resources and getting white peaces (very narrowly), but luckily during the last Lannister rebellion the Baratheons rebelled as well and took over the throne
And one of my daughters was already set to marry the brother of the (now) King, this brother's name is Stannis
dunno man, I got mine cracked a couple years ago and kept it like that since, did you do some updates or some shit?

imagine how he feels now for having done something to protect his children that all died anyway and to protect a woman that now wants to kill him
didnt say he's an undercover hero, just sad

Or when he killed his own cousin. Or attacked Ned Stark and killed his men unprovoked. Or allowed his sister to get away with blowing up the Sept and killing dozens of nobles.

How did Cersei still get the Lannister's approval? They should just left her and declare for Jaime or Tyrion or some other minor but competent cousin. She fucking kill her own uncle who is the second most respected Lannister next to Tywin himself in the show. WTF lmao.

why were robb and theon so alike but jon nothing like them?


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Theon works because everyone knows a dude like Theon. In fact, many of us -are- that dude, minus the sex of course.

People follow her because they fear her, it's literally the same thing Dany does

>How did Cersei still get the Lannister's approval?
What Lannister?
The three brothers are all that is left of the Lannisters in the show

If he kills Shireen there will be no more heirs for him. And even then, the sacrifice was for the sake of stone dragons which isn't a possibility anymore since Dragonstone is lost.

Don't worry Bran himself has no problem and not mad about it at all.

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>why people different uuuuggggghhhh

I don't even think there are any people living in KL anymore either. It's just Cersei and her black queensguard.

>Preston thinks Cersei should've been the one to kill Night King

What the FUCK is wrong with him?

The epitome of Stannis' arc will be sacrificing himself. He never liked the pyres, but put up with them to oust rebels and maintain strict order. He offered leeches instead of Edric at first, only going after the boy when Melisandre 'proved' herself, and he refuses to sacrifice even random heathens to beat the winter now. His turning point was Davos' paper shield, the reminder that he is the rightful king whether he sits the throne or not and as king his duty is to Westeros and her people. The sacrifice of his own life to see that duty through is his final destination.

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Maybe they'll surprise us, but I doubt it.

Help me Yea Forums, my autism is flaring and I'm on the verge of writing my own version of s8

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Lannister soldiers? Generals? Bannermen? Also, back in season 2 there are plenty of random Lannisters in Tywin's war council, unless Robb somehow kill them all, surely they have a say about something. Or are they just a bunch of lackeys for Tywin and his children to mock?

>why were robb and theon so alike but jon nothing like them?
It's almost like Jon had different parents

>reads the leaks
>tyrion betrays dany
>varys betrays dany
>sansa betrays tyrion
>dany betrays jon

wtf is going on...

He does ? lol

it's so bizarre to think how good the show used to be in comparison to what it's like now.

Stannis will value the lives of many over the lives of one (his daughter), after all he is the king who still cared. A tragedy user

I have a feeling Qyburn secretly turns all the queensguard into zombie by now...
Would be cool to have them as elite mooks to fight Jon, Jaime, etc while The Hound face off against his big bro.


Based Joff.

Yeah, from the podcast. He says either Yara or Cersei would be good, especially Cersei.

While on the podcast, he tends to throw out weird ideas that would be a subversion of expectations (like Pod being an evil little finger agent) just like D and D. I think he's probably just joking/ not being serious, and if he sat down and thought about it, he wouldn't stand by these ideas.

He was talking purely hypothetically that it'd be thematic for her character and something he believes George would do.

Yeah. S1 is superb. S2-4 fucked in some parts, but overall they were still great enough.

S5 was when the WTF moments started. That pants-on-head retarded Dorne plot, Stannis being thrown into garbage.. etc.

Preston always struggles to come up with good answers on the spot

Theon wanted to be Robb more than anything else in the world whereas Jon just wanted to do some good in whatever meagre way his little bastard self could.


He literally lays out exactly what his initial reaction SHOULD HAVE BEEN when they get back to King's Landing and find out he's awake. The War of Cersei's Cunt scene. Tell them whatever we have to, kill them all if they threaten us, but calm the fuck down. Basically, "fuck 'em if they can't take a joke, but i'm not murdering a kid because of it." His initial act of pushing Bran out the window was not fitting a character you expect to redeem. It's literally the sort of thing you do if you secretly despise women and want to see how fucking dumb and manipulable they are.

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so did theon...

D&D prolly work them off as blown up in the Sept with Kevan and Lancel

Alfie really was the best actor on the show, I wish he got a better end.

What would Tywin have done if he saw Drogon?

What's the play when Daenerys lands with her army and dragons?



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I'm sure stannis will give his life for the kingdom but the red woman will get shireen after all hope get lost. Shireen will burn and her father will need to know to be a true sacrifice

What a fool.

He would have made his best imitation of Ben D. Nee

Missed opportunity, lad.


So he's trying to be a retard and think up what D&D would think up? Makes sense if he's not serious.

>Reading prologue of ACOK
>Dragonstone described as being surrounded by salt (sea) and smoke
So basically anyone boron Dragonstone could qualify as Azor Ahai?

>Stannis will burn Shireen
>No he won't
>No I meant Melly will

With no heirs the succession is broken. Even if Stannis takes the throne, once he dies a power vacuum will occur and the kingdom will undergo a civil war again.

>20 good men
>Led to Stannis's death.

>Euron's meme fleet
>Led to the Sand Snake's death and the end of all dorne shitters

I know which ones I prefer.


>Night King is approaching Bran ready to kill him and end the realm of men once and for all
>Night King theme intensifies as all hope is lost
>Suddenly Cersei riding an elephant followed by Euron and Qyburn being piggybacked by the Mountain appears
>She fucking jump and stab NK in the back using her poison laced valyrian blade
>Heh, When you play the Game of Thrones™ you win or you die
>Dabs on NK's ice cube remains.

>Stannis makes a new shadow baby with Melly
>The next king is a shadow worshipping the Lord of light

Do they show more of how cool the blackfish was in the books? May I get a little snippet of a story?

>offby 1
the beggar king just can't catch a break

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I think it will be his wife who sacrifices her. She is the Lord of Light fanatic. BookStannis doesn't really care that much about religion

>We never got to see Jaime kill Cersei to become Azor Ahai
>We never got to see Bran become both Bran the Builder and the Night King
There were so many amazing theories and D&D just took a big fat dump on all of them.

At that point the succession of the throne will become a petty squabble

new thread:

>It's literally the sort of thing you do if you secretly despise women

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I love how it made even the normies realize that show is shit.

If this horrible retardation is true, it's the ultimate nihilist ending. They just got finished uniting to fight the ultimate threat then immediately go back to killing each other.

Completely leaves out the "sweet" in "bittersweet"

well, it's not "have sex". I'll give you that.

It literally can't, the whole war of 5 kings started with a problem of succession.

Have Hodor, Hodcel

Are they confirmed? Where are they?

The others>>>>> the throne
Stannis will try to save the world. It will be desperate times

can I get a link for that download

You can't read?

I had ck2 downloaded from pcgames-download (jade dragon, but expansions never worked anyway), used agot mod for that version, but submods make game crash anyway so I don't use them
Bad news is pcgyames has closed due to some problems with the team behind it or something like that

I bet she threatens to execute Sansa or something so heinous that overrides Jon's loyalty to her.

you need AGOT 1.9.1 with CK2 3.1
if you don't have these numbers it won't work

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She will probably dracarys kl

>Stannis will burn Shireen
>No he won't
>No he won't but also he will kinda

Shireen will be toast and stannis will let it happen to be a TRUE SACRIFICE


lel no

Lol yes

characters women simply cannot understand

It's already been explained repeatedly why that's stupid, all that's left is for the fat man to die and his notes to be revealed.

Stannis and dany fans will have meltdowns together