Multiple walk outs and even faints reported during this

>multiple walk outs and even faints reported during this

Are people really this sensitive? Not trying to be edgy here, honestly, but after growing up on the internet I watched this and had to Google if my version was censored or something, because there wasn't anything near as shocking or gory as I kept hearing about. I can't imagine being this innocent.

Also shit movie btw.

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Europeans lost their blood thirst in the 1990s.

is this the one where the vegetarian starts eating raw meat?

it's good though

The part where she pulls the hair out of her throat was pretty gnarly and hot

nigga not everyone grew up on Yea Forums jerking off to gore

People fainting/puking/walking out in Cannes is an age old tradition

was probably the scene where she pulls hair out of her throat/stomach

It's because it is a uniquely female horror film and people are frightened of women.
Normally a horror film would be about stabbing, penetration, and be a masculine horror.
This is about consumption, taking someones flesh inside yourself, a feminine and womanly take on what is terrifying.

Combine that in the film with female empowerment in general, matriachal power, vaginal waxing, female masturbation, sisterwood, women raping men, a deconstruction of 'nurturing' tendencies as evil and womanly lust;
This is all frightening and repulsive to people in a patriarchal male society.

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tbf I felt squeamish when she started nibbling the finger
I think it was because it felt really realistic, like how she was taking little bites and pulling at the flesh

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It's mediocre in every possible way.

First off the unnecessarily cringey college/frat boy environment that makes no logical sense. Students are always running around, trashing the entire institution, there are no figures of authority, seemingly no obligations. There are maybe 3 class scenes and 1 single teacher appears.

Then you have the main character's transformation which is immediately undermined and destroyed by the fact that her sister is worse. Before the audience even gets the chance to start theorizing, imagining how far it's gonna go, that maybe she's sick, etc etc etc her sister is literally killing people and eating their brains, only to allow the silly twist ending that takes it into Mickey Mouse territory by explaining that DUDE, CANNIBAL LINEAGE LMAO.

And that's not to mention all the far fetched, forced scenes like the finger getting completely cut off by a common clanky scissor because the character barely moved her leg, the implication that her sister caused many "accidents" (two seen in the film) and no one ever investigated or went after suspects (police also doesn't exist until the very end apparently) and so on. So basically, just another illogical, hastily put together "horror" movie that requires your IQ to be in the 20 to 50 range in order to be appreciated.

This is literally undisputable and I am objectively correct.

Nobody gives a fuck and is scared of women except incels

I feel that way all the time

I sometimes wonder if my teen years where friends would regularly send me all sorts of nasty shit they found online, just because there was a general assumption that someone our age would have a detached curiosity about that type of stuff, was a relatively rare experience and limited to people of a certain age bracket.

if that was true, we'd have gender equality

a great film but i agree walkouts is hard to believe. something like martyrs maybe but this was mostly tame.
1980s-style first week hazing/partying/trashing campus is still common in belgium

>This is literally undisputable and I am objectively correct.
It's a terrible critique of the film, because you don't mention any of its strengths to contrast your criticisms

That's not how it works fucko. I'm saying the movie is bad, I don't have to praise it. In fact I'll add a few more for you:

>main character's morality changes immediately

She goes from saying monkey rape is equal to human rape and being completely disgusted by eating the liver to allowing her dog, which she is shown to miss/love, to get put down. At no point in the movie does she seem conflicted about it, and her gay friend, who initially knew her as a vegetarian, never even questions her weird behaviour.


Her sister not only causes many accidents, but causes them IN THE SAME AREA, repeatedly. Despite this there are no cameras, and every time she is lucky enough that the cars veer off the road in just the right manner, hit the post the same way, and people instantly die. No one ever questions why this stretch of road, which is silky smooth, has no bumps, no cracks, nothing wrong, kills so many. Students can also just play around with dead bodies, record it, spread the video all around to the point that people that weren't even in the party see it and there are no consequences.

>movie undermines itself, again

At first she appears to be sick and freaky. By the end she is caring for her sister who just had a cannibalistic episode. If you introduced another cannibal in Hannibal which was worse than Hannibal it'd just diminish his impact. This movie does this not once, but TWICE by including her mother in the mix as well.

>huge party scenes

By far the worst thing you can put in a movie. It's empty and stupid enough in real life, but when you commit it to film, with a bunch of people ACTING empty and stupid, you lose at least 2 points right away. DUDE LOOK AT PEOPLE BEING EDGY GAYS KISSING GAYS WOMEN KISSING WOMEN WOW. Every single time the same shit.

And that's leaving aside the lack of memorable scenes, technical prowess, the very basic and bland use of colors and so on.

>empty and stupid enough in real life

Have sex

Man, you are the one who's out of touch.
You are raised on the internet, which means you are most probably quite knowledgeable of internet culture and you've seen shit like rotten back in the day, Yea Forums, bestgore etc. The "normies" who while also use shitloads of internet especially nowadays, pretty much spend 95% of their time on Facebook/Instagram/YouTube/ or some shopping site/sites they need for work. Theres no really a way to see gore online nowadays unless you look for it, biggest platforms do a good job of keeping their sites clean.
I'm also kinda "meh" to gore cos I was obsessed with it when I was a kid and I've seen shitloads of videos and pics, so sometimes I forget that I'm in a minority. My best friend is a turbo normie and ive shown him some vids with gore that I thought are funny or interesting a few times and I just got a weird look.

There's no conflict about eating human flesh. No attempts to rationalize it or prepare it like normal meat but finding that doesn't satiate the taste. It's just OOP I'm a cannibal now!

I liked the film but didn't love it, I felt the pacing was wildly wrong.

The most uncomfortable I've been watching a film I think has probably been Black Swan with the finger and toe nail parts.


It says a lot that the most well-known scene, present in most articles and in the movie's poster, is the nosebleed, which happens for maybe 30 seconds and leads to nothing, it literally serves no purpose at all in the movie's plot since her sister steals the possible kill at the end as well. And that's all this movie is, pointless scene after pointless scene after pointless scene.

Dude, let's vagina shave out of nowhere (apparently, when her sister said she "gets" brazillian waxes, she gives them to her own self), dude let's piss standing up on the roof (completely pointless), dude let's bite that guy's lip off (leads nowhere, forgotten), dude it's a week of hazings (suddenly irrelevant to plot after the becomes a cannibal), dude her sister lost a finger (it's all good, let's never mention it and her sister doesn't seem to care), dude they are fighting in the middle of campus and biting each other's face and arms off (no one gives a shit though everyone sees it), I mean Jesus, just by writing this I thought more about it than the director.


The ending was dumb he should have just touched his lip, but instead the film was like "LOOK SEE LOOK AT THE SCARS LMAO I'M EXPLAINING IT TO YOU NOW LOOK SEE HE HAS SCARS ALL OVER HIS BODY."

>It's mediocre
>I'm saying the movie is bad

It is a poor analysis of any film if you're unwilling or incapable of saying some of its strengths.

Anyone ever seen bite?

Go eat shit, then come back and tell me what you liked about the experience, you fucking coping brainlet.

I mean, cope away all day, won't change the fact you can't reply to me at all.

I thought the sister was hot af

it's directed by a woman so it had a lot of attention

i overheard a coworker saying they had to look up the plot of Us before watching it because they would be too scared going in blind.

you yourself that that this film was mediocre
so the film is not analogous to eating shit, unless you're also ambivalent about eating shit.

i watch a lot of horror movies (and had literally just watched cannibal holocaust the day before) and always feel fine but i nearly fuckin passed out during this. I didnt know that was a thing before this post.
It was the scene where she was getting her pussy waxed and then she starts eating the finger.
Never had to turn a movie off before that desu. Nearly fuckin passed right out for some reason, no idea why

>literally no response

You should take one of those straws you're desperately trying to pick and shove them up your ass. Sorry I made you feel dumb for liking le dumb cannibal movie.

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is this worth downloading? i find women scary and disgusting as it is

It honestly felt like the entire movie was a excuse for the scene at the end where the sister strips the other for the shower. The camera goes out of its way to focus on her ass.

Why would anyone want to watch this?

Serbian film is much worse

Well that's marketing and exploitation movies in general.

How is it a straw-man if i'm just quoting something you said?
Do you think that the film is mediocre or not?
And if it's mediocre, why don't you mention any of its strengths when discussing it at length?

Not him, but a SHOCKING movie being mediocre is synonymous to it being shit.

I'm not writing a critique for my fucking blog which I don't even have, you pathetic fucking monkey. I'm criticizing the movie on an imageboard, I think it's mediocre "in every aspect," which in sum makes it shit, and I don't like it.

You have NO response to anything I said, not a single argument, because it's factual. It's actually funny and kind of sad that you feel so insecure about this movie being torn down that you need to try and defend your ego like this. Are you the director? I'll give you one, ok? Cool butt shots, buddy. Have your cookie.

Its pretentious trying way too hard to be shocking.


Made me wonder if the female director was gay or bi and was using the movie as an excuse to indulge thier perversion ala Blue is the Warmest Color.

I don't even take exception to any of your points about the film.
I'm just sick of people here refusing to take any position between 'terrible' and 'brilliant' and refusing to say anything nuanced or make any criticisms when they're praising something or give any praise when they're criticizing something.

It's just fucking moronic and ubiquitous here.

>mediocre "in every aspect,"
You just keep contradicting yourself.
You've made multiple points about aspects of the film that you think are really bad.

Paranormal Activity did the same fucking thing, dumbass.

And IF you think that there is literally nothing good about the film, then why is it even relevant where you're expressing your opinion about it?

>Dude you're not wrong... BUT

No, fuck off. I'm not wrong, period. It was shite, I could've used the time to improve at a skill or watch a better movie, therefore I have the right to complain. Stop trying to seem like the reasonable intellectual in a land of savages like this fuck because you just come across as the passive-aggressive, desperate copelord you are. Five posts in and not a single rebuttal, and then you get laughable shit like this >DUDE IF YOU HAVE NOTHING NICE TO SAY JUST DON'T SAY IT

What are you, my fucking grandma?

You're not even willing to admit that a film can't be simultaneously mediocre and absolute shit

you're a stubborn idiot

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I haven't watched the entire movie because I felt the same way halfway through. Glad to know there are still some people with their balls here.

Maybe they left cause it's boring? I mean I read the synopsis and I won't be touching this movie ever.

I didn't get to the point of turning it off but the 1 hour and 40 minutes felt like an eternity. I can only guess people are so defensive about it because there is a cute girl in the movie and they wanna bang.

People seem to love that subgenre of "angsty euro flick about sexually liberated cute girls" a bit little too much.

Same with that Blue Is the Warmest Colour flick.

I get so tired of all these horror thrillers that are just vehicles for oh so deep female angst.
>oh no meat is so eww
>oh muh periods
>oh gotta whore myself to find myself
>stupid men

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Good film, a beautiful film of estranged sisters connecting. Not a horror film. The subverted hero's journey was a nice central theme, she's forced to go on it without her knowing and transformed along the way without having a say, while her previous beliefs crumble along the way. A twisted hero's journey. The concrete jungle of a school in the daylight depicts the institutionalized west pretty well, having students roam amok isn't thematically off, it's necessary.
The best scene is saved for the last, when both sisters clash in the courtyard, biting each other's hands, a moment of complete understanding dawns upon both, the surrounding melts away. Beautiful. The horror compliments the destruction of self, all one thought to be true, is reversed and the helpless feeling of not being able to stop it is the true horror. Good film.

and what didn't you like about it

There are no strengths.

The film is fantastic and garance is a cutie

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Could've been longer honestly, the family dynamic was brimming with richness and it felt severely unexplored. Also the paint makeout session felt a tad bit cliche in a film like this.
For a film that really took pride in its "shocking" & "distasteful" scenes, it all felt underwhelming. Overselling yourself on the weaker aspects of the film is a major misstep.

Why are horror or thriller stories that focus on women always the same shit? Always muh bodily functions, muh free sex, muh evil men who just don't understand me, muh estranged relationship with my sister, sexual innuendo in everything from fruit to animals.

Why don't you?

I haven't seen the movie and frankly don't really care but you're as bad as debating as he is at reviewing movies.

Fake, the pretended that happened for the exorcist too.


I would have walked out on that bullshit ending too tbqh with you famalam.

The Exorcist didn't need to fake anything. Not only is it still more disturbing than this movie but it came out in a pre-internet era and actually raised the bar for horror. It's not a stretch of the imagination by any means that some people weren't ready for it in the 70s.

>he fell for the marketing
thanks for your ticket money, goy

>Also shit movie btw.
Absolute shit taste, it was the best movie of 2017

walked out because the audience was unbearable
since i avoid movie theater like the fucking plague

>multiple walk outs and even faints reported during this
this is literally always a marketing meme

That's how you market a festival flick these days.

If it didn't make anyone either walk out, die or make a 12 hour long standing ovation then it's worth nothing.

you think you're smart but you're not. shit movie tho

we got a brainless twitter refugee over here

>abbreviations are never used on Yea Forums tbqh famalan
nice cope btw

That's not even me you 'tard. Wants to appear smart but can't tell people apart from the way they type LMAO.

>muh realism
lowest form of art criticism

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right, he just shit on me for no reason
post screencap you larping autist

Never, ever, ever again, as long as you live, 'till the day you die, 'till your deathbed, for the entire duration of your existence on this Earth, your entire life, in anything you do, ever, believe yourself to be smart.

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nigger did you just respond to yourself with bait. literal autism

>can't admit he was wrong
>doesn't understand how it the overlay works
>he uses vanilla Yea Forums


that's literally how it works, 4chanX has a function that enables you to tag and untag (you)'s so that screencap is worthless. larping retarded autist




>Not a horror film

It's literally not horror, it's a coming of age movie

She was 17 during the shooting of the movie.

So the writer/director/producers are all wrong? About their own movie? Ok.

>By far the worst thing you can put in a movie
What about scenes where people have sex?


>So the writer/director/producers are all wrong. About their own movie?
If they said it was a horror movie, then yes, they're wrong

Yea Forums personified. Good job, user. I am so glad I’m not you, holy shit.

not an argument

have sex

This, also

>be me
>cannes 2018
>the house that Jack built is on
>people leaving en masse at the duckling scene
>spot based Gaspar Noe laughing at them

Is this about bareback homosex?

No, it's a coming of age movie dressed up with cannibalism


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no dog in this fight but you come off as absolute retard

an argument

The movie was definitely overhyped. Nothing at all that was out of the ordinary for an R-rated horror flick.
Cannibal Holocaust was more graphic than this.
>Also shit movie btw.
I wouldn't necessarily call it shit but it was definitely forgettable.

Well spotted. Just a statement of fact: I’m really glad I’m not you.

Unironically imagine the smell

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Spot on, me and my gf saved this movie for a while because we heard it was so good. He both thought it was shit in exactly the same way you did.

>He both
slipped and freudianpilled

This thread sucks: recommend me a MST3K episode

thanks for conceding

>I can’t read but I’m going to keep replying anyway!

We do.

thanks for conceding

Conceding what? That you claim to know better than the makers? There’s no argument to be made. It’s just so monumentally stupid.