You hate it because he's black, not because of "he has no character development" or "bucky's his best friend"

You hate it because he's black, not because of "he has no character development" or "bucky's his best friend"

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Exactly. Next they'll have him acting white.

but his only trait is being black and he isn't even friends with bucky, also he's black

its about time we had a black captain america

If you've ever read anything where he was Captain America, you'd understand why it didn't last.
Movies don't matter.

It's about time we had an America without black people.

I hope they give him super soldier serum

The only characters who wouldnt be hilariously stomped by Cap Marvel would kill current Falcon with a flick

A Black Panther vibranium suit would do too

I hate Blacks

He gave them the shield without the super soldier serum
It's fucking useless to him

Honestly they should have just retired the mantle

I'd rather have Iron Patriot than Captain Falcon

And the new comics are sjw trash

if it's not norman, i'm not interested

but i don't hate it, it makes perfect sense. i assume because of the type of person bucky is that he wouldn't be interested plus i like anthony mackie as an actor and person. i think he'll be a great cap.

They only made him the new Captain America because he's black. At least in the comics Bucky got to be Captain America first for a spell.

this guy's captain america? his real name clarence

black people are the dominant race in America now

A lot of people got to be Captain America, and none of them lasted that long. Sam was Captain America for 3 or 4 years, I think? And he never did anything worthwhile.
They even made an event just to shit on Steve (Secret Empire) and Sam still couldn't be anything but a dead fish.

captain falcon? isn't he a nintendo character or something?

I'd honestly rather have Johnnie Walker as Cap, Super Patriot, or even US Agent than Blacktain America.

that's a funny way to spell mexicans

Not even close, you pavement ape.

>In a recent interview with IMDb, the actor revealed that before shooting, he had not seen the Endgame scripted ending, and it was actually Evans who informed his friend and co-star that his character would be taking over the mantle of the Captain America.

>"We were at his house and he goes, 'You excited?' And I go, 'What are you talking about?' and he goes, 'You don't know?' He jumps up, runs out of the room and comes back in with the script," Mackie said.

>After reading the ending, Mackie was blown away, the actor admitted.

>"We cried. We drank. We laughed," he said of the evening. "I am very happy I got that moment with Chris, for him to not only pass me the shield, but to tell me it was happening."

>"We're catching Steve at the end of the life he wanted to live," Mackie said of Rogers getting to spend his life with true love, Peggy Carter. "He found that happiness that Tony [Stark] (Robert Downey Jr.) was telling him about."

>"It means a lot to me for my sons to see Captain America as a black dude and for me to be that dude to my sons," he said. "So that moment was not just, 'Hey, we're acting.' It was more of a thing. And then they cut and I cried. And Chris cried. And the Russos cried. And everyone cried. It was an emotional day."

Does he even have the serum? Is he just a gigga-nigga in spandex?

I hate it because Bucky makes more sense to take up the mantle
>super human
>known steve his whole life
>metal arm
Meanwhile Falcon just has a wing suit.

Who says I hate it?

Anthony Mackie is based.

bucky was cap too

But Nazi cap was so based and redpilled

I do hate niggers, that's accurate. However, I do not care about this because capeshit is gay

>"It means a lot to me for my sons to see Captain America as a black dude"
I hate this argument, and its only ever used for turning white characters black

Steve Rogers is still white. Sam Wilson becoming Cap doesn’t change that.

>I want my sons to see white people had a great history and culture
>fk u, ur ancient greece show needs to be niggers

if you think the mantle of Captain America is only reserved for those with superhuman abilities youre wrong. Most of Steve’s charm was his personality and sense of morality over all his physical abilities. That makes his character. That said falcon as Cap is still a shitty idea because the MCU will never be able to top Chris Evans’ performance as Cap America. The black dude will literally always be living in his shadow (they’ll even probably work that into his character arc). Then, if his movies/series flops disney will have a chance to blame it on racism, not their poor decisions and writing.

I hate it because he should have at least *offered* it to his best friend as a show of faith. Bucky could turn it down as a way of acknowledging that he sees Sam as a friend, not a rival. I also hate it because the writing’s so shit and that they fucked up the time travel so bad that there’s no reason Cap couldn’t give them *both* a shield without even having to steal one.

because what you're saying is stupid to even suggest and shows you have no grasp on bucky and cap's relationship.

So you think it’s better that old man Cap just completely ignored Bucky, not even acknowledge him, his best friend who understands him best and lived with him throughoit his entire childhood, who were comrades during the second world war and briefly served together in the battle of wakanda?
Get a grip, shill.

I hate him, beacuse he can't even talk to birds. Fucking shit

Op is a hopeless retard who only exists through bitter arguing.

why make a thread for (you)s if I don't make it about a debated topic? do you prefer i make another cunny thread?

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> this entire thread
Have sex

eth day dubleyou twash

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Despite being only 13% of the population, we commit over 50% of the murders. How isn't that dominant, wh*toids?

>Before I leave them, I want my son to see we wuz cultcha
>*shows black dude in capeshit*

Oh fuck off you race baiting cunt. He’s fine as Falcon. Mackie is actually a decent guy. I want Steve Rogers as Cap or the name to be retired, I didn’t buy this shit in the comics and it’s even worse in the MCU.


Cap’s end is utterly shit. They wreck the character. The moping over the dreary Peggy and farting off with her despite the Avengers half dying and his best friend is there after 5 years of death etc. It just sucks and it feels like it’s all to set Peggy up for their shitty TV and animated series.

They are though. SJWs have also made America a laughing stock, bravo retard.

Why do people like Captain America? Aside from the cringey WW2 era propaganda name, he's basically just a Gary Stu who is unironically perfect at everything, even his "flaws" aren't really flaws. Iron Man, while also being a Gary Stu with gadgets (Batman anyone?), at least has some charisma and makes actual mistakes that have an impact on the story.

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>And he never did anything worthwhile.
Sam being made Captain America in the comics is even worse than in the film because at least in the movies he's a soldier; in the comics he's an ex-pimp. But I will say the very first arc of him as Blacktain America by Rick Remender was genuinely good. It wasn't anything amazing, but Remender was one of Marvel's best writers at that time and wrote a solid first arc.

why can't captain marvel be black

>Cap America
>no charisma
Yeah, ok lol
I cant speak for others but cap was my fav marvel hero simply because he was the most human. He’s just a very strong regular human, he still needs to learn to fight, and needs to exercise to stay in shape all the same. Maybe he’s a bit of a stick in the mud to you personality wise because he clings to the values upheld by 1940s america. It’s the only thing he can bring with him to the current year and he sticks by it regardless. The only thing that frustrates me about him is:
>doesn’t use guns
Which is why Bucky is far cooler.

You posted his comic version. His comic series was TERRIBLE. It was so terrible that “Nazi” Captain America sold better. Spencer took what should have been an awesome concept and ran it into the ground.

MCU Sam is actually cool.

Just like Superman he embodies the good in people. Where he differs from damn near all the others is it isn't a choice for him and he doesn't stop and hesitate regardless of the outcome. He's going to do what's right no matter what. He was willing to be killed by Thanos, knew he likely would, and he still tried to at least slow him down.

You don't get that with Stark or Thor. It's who Cap is. It's also absolutely the only good thing about Batman vs Superman. It's played up that Superman might let the power go to his head but in the end he's always going to be Superman. He will never be tempted or stray because it would be like you trying to breath water.

I know those don't appeal to younger people because you don't understand what convictions are and you find things like morality and justice to be malleable. You will never be a hero and you'd never understand why.

To be fair, he did use guns during the war.

He doesn't have any powers.... And he's giving up his flight suit and all his gear just to symbolically carry thebshield which, wothout powers, he won't even be able to use properly...

He has no powers...

> we cried

Jesus christ

He was also selected because he was black. That's kind of unfair, specially when he got next to no characterization outside of being "the black dude with wings".

neither do black widow, hawkeye, antman, ironman, starlord, etc

Yeah no shit. I hate niggers

He's a poorly written character with no backstory.
Also he's black

>You hate it because he's black
No, I hate you because you're black.

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I hate it because every single one of Caps movies has revolved around his relationship with Bucky

it took chris evans three movies to get steve roger right, by then he was already half way through his contract.

Cap was low A tier at best before winter soldier. First avenger was a mediocre movie and capt was pretty forgettable in avenger 1.

Mack will hopefully grow into the role like Chris did. If nothing else he and Seb had great chemistry together in civil war.

>You hate it because he's black
Yes and? What is fucking wrong with that?


>You hate it because he's black

>I know those don't appeal to younger people because you don't understand what convictions are and you find things like morality and justice to be malleable. You will never be a hero and you'd never understand why.

You...I like you

>We cried

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Love the crying racists here.

He’s black. Get over it.

Racism lost. You lost. Go get beaten to death

I'm actually shocked they didn't clap.

>Racism lost
How? Explain how? We literally got a racist elected LOL

I hate it because he's not Captain America. He's Falcon, and he's a lot better off as Falcon.

It's like being an affirmative action hire but you actually have qualifications but none of them matter because you're literally reduced to nothing but your skin color.

Yes lets reduce everything to skin color and not actually base it off qualifications, skills, experience, etc.

I think all the people screaming "You only hate it because hes black" are the actual racists.

I hope we get US Agent in the next movie. Having the Disney+ series run through Sam losing control and not being able to handle the mantle could be a good lead in.


Where? In your 99% white bay area community? Kek.

>he has no character development
Well... He really, really doesn't. He aso has no super powers, it's pretty retarded when you take your loony liberal glasses off and think objectively about its place in the narrative of the films.

>b-black lives m-matter
>please stop killing us senpai
This is dominance? I suppose we can't expect chattel to know the meaning of the word.

I hate it because they barely had any bonding moments and in the end they act like they were best friends while bucky just sat back and watched

Antman and Ironman have massive tech advantages that let them fight super villains.
Star Lord was half celestial so had latent toughness.

I like Falcon, I'm glad he was given the shield but all the low powered heroes are hilariously out gunned now, he needs some SS serum or BP flower.
At least give him a fucking suit

You know I've actually seen every movie with him in it and all I know about him is he is a vet and he understood how iron man felt when war machine was shot down.
Other than that it's that he's caps friend. I know nothing else about the character or his personality

>you hate him cause he's black


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I like how no one can say why hating him for being black is a bad thing

they could always have him immediately fail and have him have an internal struggle with not being good enough and have him take a super soldier serum

Never read a comic about him before.
Does he get some special powers? Or is he just a regular dude wielding the shield?

I hate this because I give literally no shit about this character at all.

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>He also has no super powers
Neither does Iron Man. Retard.

Tony was a genius. Falcon uses a suit somebody gave him.