What’s next for Dan Bilzerians acting career??

What’s next for Dan Bilzerians acting career??

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paying to be in more movies and then getting cut out of them again

What movies has he been in.

Never seeb him in anything.

>roided to the bitchtits
>not even 40 years old and already had two heart attacks
>has no real friends
>has to pay women to be with him
>desperate for validation from zoomers on social media
>never made any money on his own
You know what's even more disgusting and pathetic than Bilzerian? His fans

>that feel when you are so fucking delusional and rich that you held a birthday party for your alligator pet while wearing alligator boots made with the skin of your pets mother

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He is 5'9 which is pretty average besides, what is he supposed to do about that?
Prove it
>>roided to the bitchtits
He is on TRT not roiding
>>not even 40 years old and already had two heart attacks
>>has no real friends
He has a lot of famous friends like Marshmellow, Jon Skywalker, Skrillex, Mel Gibson, Skrillex, Vin Diesel, Trump etc. Who are your friends? Literal nobodies.
>>has to pay women to be with him
He doesn't pay them. They BEG him to hangout with him.
>>desperate for validation from zoomers on social media
>>never made any money on his own
He has his own Weed companies and invests in startups.

proving his point desu

what a fucking douche

Worst type of human being

white people are so fucking ugly

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>implying zoomers even know who bilzerian is

Bilzerian pls

Respect the man who single handedly took out the Las Vegas shooter.

Ok Dan, whatever you say

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>acting career

Fuck off Dan, we all know you’re 5’7

daddy's money spent on turbo slut whores claiming he's a role model to young men

wew lad, he sounds like a kikey jew.

didn't you claim to have won the money at poker?

you are a fucking whale mate, welcome at any table.

your daddy is a criminal and left you his blood money

get bent

have sex


Have sex (not with a prostitute)

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Should I pay for my women like you pay for yours?

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This is embarrassing

different eye color

You are too beta to talk to women, let alone to leave your mothers basement to pay a hooker to take your virginity

Different everything.

>Dropped out of BUDs
>Paid a million for a role in Lone Survivor to live out his failed military dreams
>Only on screen for 2 minutes (if that)
>Pretends to be a poker player
>All his money was inherited
>Pays for women to follow him around


Would not surprise me if he paid to hang out with celebrities.

Shout out to my man Ramzan for paying washed up celebrity's to do whatever shit they did on his birthday

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Really Dan, you have time to lurk on tv.

its him trust me

lmao keep telling that to yourself so you can sleep better incel

hahah do you have the video link? It's so funny how the cop makes him look like a bitch.
>Bro, give me a gun I'm a reserve police officer!
>What?! Get the fuck away from me you drunk idiot!

That cop was based.

keep the beard, Dan

keep coping incel

add Dan bilzeran to the list of semi famous faggots to visit Yea Forums

Also you're not even that good at poker

He's working on a film called "Stetson Hat. It's about a cartoonist from Montana who stumbles upon the secret world of Jewish subversion and crime, then spends the remaining 3 hours slaughtering nonwhites.