What's your job bros?

What's your job bros?

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neet and proud

Heneral laborer for a concrete company. Im a slave with benifits.

I trade grain.

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Software Engineer at Big tech company

I apologize for my earlier post, spreading negativity isn't what I'm about, but I feel like in the general atmosphere of Yea Forums the only way to respond to everyone is with more negativity. I'm in a good mood and I hope all of you do well, unless you post something I don't like, then go fuck yourself.

I'm 25 years old and I never had a job.

im a waiter. some days it's all right, other days i am inundated by overwhelming feelings of a desire to commit suicide.

I just sit around and do stuff, I don't know

I used to work from home, the extra isolation broke me

I'm not a social person and thought it would be perfect, but going to the shop started getting hard because i never interact with people

life started to feel like it was behind a glass panel when I went out

back to red*it

I'm an English teacher, I came from Wales to Mexico 5 months ago and still feel hopelessly empty inside.

I used to mine bitcoin when I was a teenager.
Worked at a mall until 2017, when I sold most of it and now I'm a rich NEET.
Not extremely rich, but at least I paid off my family's debt and moved to Southern Europe, which has a cheaper cost of living but it's still safe and developed so my money will last forever here.
I may start teaching English soon, NEETdom is great but it's starting to get boring.

I work at a feed and seed

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Civil engineer but the project I'm working on is kinda crap

no u

When i worked there it was called Chuck's

I make beer . It's okay because it's mostly all automated but stills need me to problem solve once in awhile.

i oversee the popcorn mines in my local kinoplex
it's hard work but someone has to make sure the moviegoing public has their precious popcorn

How can I get a job working from home?


Actually enjoy it.

The guys I work with are hard and tough, a little rough around the edges. No one on a construction site is a femsoy consuming boy. You get some laughs, learn some legitimate practical work, use your hands, get grip strength, stay fit and active, and it can lead to tons of other opportunities once you’re a journey man.

Courier for the meat industry
>Wake up at 5am
>Ride motorcycle on empty roads to clients
>pick up cheques, drive, repeat
>finish by 12pm daily

Obviously I use a car in the winter time but my job is so comfy

Why do you enjoy cleaning people's toilets?

Work from home for Blizzard. Promote Classic WoW on various websites. $12/hour. Not bad since I enjoy what I do.

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Every plumber I've had has not completed his job by cleaning up after himself. The last one I got in I told him to clean it up and he refused. Can you tell me why I'm expected to pay plumbers and clean up after them?

CEO of a Fortune 500 company

do what you do in a regular outside job but work 3x faster and harder


"manager" of a porn artist and he is just beginning, he is really talented and does commissions, sadly he only works by Twitter.

mailman desu

Lionbridge, Appen,... shit like that. It pays peanuts and it's soul-crushin but at least I don't have to see anyone all day.

yeah but you're probably fat as fuck

I made bespoke wedding stuff since I had the equipment

a lot of work and some chinese company will just mimic and mass produce it

other sellers will just steal your photos of the item to sell an inferior product, someone won't even remove your name so you get emails from retards thinking they bought it from you

Same, except i do it for free

No job, can't find one. I do some freelance shit here and there but barely earn 300 monies per month.

Repairman of gardening machines.

research assistant in chemical tracers lab

Orderly in a mental health hospital

Which ones you put in jet fuel, you fuck?

is he jewish?

Software engineer/forensics technician for govt intelligence contractor.
Infosec niggas have been right all along. Literally nothing is secure and everything you do is monitored.

How many big booty Latina hoes have you dicked down?

Kill yourself

I work in a national museum. My position let's me spend up to 6 months in other countries as part of exchanges. Even though I'm literally a paid loremaster, I do want a more NEET lifestyle

We just process samples from animals and plants for stable isotope analysis, carbon, nitrogen and sulfur.

This.10 years strong

Janitor on 4c******.org

what field

Law Enforcement

>dummies think being a plumber means plunging toilets and not laying out the pipe work for buildings in early development-all the way thru to finishing when you learn to put toilets, sinks, bathtubs, etc in the units

Fucking morons. You’re thinking of service plumbers, which I’ll never do. I’m a plumber on a construction site.

One Russian girl. You might find it hard to believe but Mexican girls seem pretty timid. Guess I haven't found the right ones yet.

I will when im 30

Agnostic and makes jokes about the holocaust but that doesn't matter.

Day trading? Why grains and not more liquid index futures?

How much is peanuts? 7 an hr?

been feeling the suicide dip

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>goes to country of ez Latinas thirsty for bwc
>fucks some subhuman Russian whore
You must be a next level faggot or super fat

former President of the United States

>killing yourself when you finally get your wizard powers