Wtf was his problem??

Wtf was his problem??

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Fish and rice tastes really good and there's legions of people out there that will pay through the nose for what they consider slightly better than other fish and rice.

He beat the system by understanding supply and demand creating a unique service and becoming very wealthy



People like you


You didn't PAY NOW BAKA

>me on the left

he just wanted obama's bank account

I don't think he has a problem other than being a bad parent that doesn't support his equally talented son. 300 dollar fish and rice seller is a successful businessman of good reputation.

>this thread
ameriburger """"""""""humor""""""""""
haha old nip talks rike that and says gaijin baka xD

What did Jiro do during the war?
He would have been 14 at the start.

He's seen some shit for sure.


I bet he's a Nippon Kaigi member

Probably raping Chinese girls and throwing Chinese babies out of windows

Was it autism?

Sushi is actually lame as fuck, not to mention unfulfilling. When you eat it it's basically the wasabi and onions sauce giving all the flavor. Ramen is unironically better despite being regarded as a pleb fast food.

They're literal cucumber sandwiches.

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too many nightmares of assrape

t. American retard, tongue fucked up from too much salt and sugar

Pure Fish and rice have a taste u mong

lol i doubt it
that shit is for people who didn't actually live through the war
real old timers were broken and just want to slice fish and stuff, not change the constitution and maintain a standing army.

Holy kek it’s real

>fast food

cheap ramen places have michelin stars too.

I kinda hope that Japan goes full TENNOHEKA BANZAI again just for the meme of it.
After all, Shinzo Abe is a prominent NK member



>Sushi is actually lame as fuck, not to mention unfulfilling. When you eat it it's basically the wasabi and onions sauce giving all the flavor
You have legitimately never had sushi that isn't from a gas station or supermarket and it's patently obvious.

yeah i knew that about the ol shinz'

what is the new emperor's politics like do you know? I thought the old one was against constitutional reform and over re-militerisation of staunch nationalism and so the whole movement which masquerades as 'monarchist' seemed on slightly shaky ground.

I don't know anything about the new dude except reading the other day that he'd acended the crisanthemum throne and that isn't daughter isn't dissapointingly not extremely qt.

but yeah nah, we broke them already, it's not going to happen. They're already all ultra nationalists anyway, with the most racially hegemonic country in the world bar north korea, and prosperous, so a nationalist movement is aimless as fuck.

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*overt re-militarization

I have many times in Japan and paid far too much for it. Sashimi in general as well

>dude anyone who dislikes sushi just hasn't had the TRUE sushi
Sad to be honest. You keep paying $1000 for those cucumber sandwiches and believing it's worth it. If it keeps your ego afloat I guess it isn't all bad

*or staunch nationalism

*his daughter is

jesus i think im having a stroke

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>I have many times in Japan and paid far too much for it
You may just have a shit palate. I've sushi there multiple times and rarely spent much and always had an exceptional meal.

>Dude maybe you just don't have a TRUE tongue like me
Or maybe it's just completely plain and overrated
>and rarely spent much
What happened to the gas station and supermaket elitism? As a side note I don't think I've even seen what I'd call a gas station in japan, nor what I would call a supermarket

I spend $70 on sushi and sashimi just yesterday because I keep falling for the meme that maybe there's some magical good sushi out there, but it was unsatisfying as always

I bet you're a gutlet too

not him but what did you get lad?

There are, especially along highways (gas stations)
There are also スパー like SEIYU

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>sushi requires prep and uses expensive ingredients

>fish and seaweed you can literally get free from the ocean
>unpaid intern massages an octopus for 24 hours
>jiro makes 2 cuts and slaps it together in 20 seconds

>'expensive ingredients'

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>expensive italian restaurant
>olive oil
>tomato sauce

they don't charge $500

Could just be you dislike it. I've had sushi from various parts of Japan, it's always nice, but I've never considered it remarkable. Would rather spend the money on some beef, or even just okonomiyaki 10 times over. But I can see why people like sushi so much.


maybe if they fried the sushi and slathered it in mayo that would be better for u lad



tell me what the politics of the emperor are and i'll give you the sauce

Isn't that just American sushi? But nah, it's just a different level of satisfaction for me, it's odd because I dislike mayo usually. I prefer a lot of yaki, and I typically only have sushi once or twice a month because it never feels like something I want as a satisfying meal.

I might even go as far as to call sushi "nice" if I was feeling generous, I don't keep buying it while actively hating it. I just find it disappointing and meh every single time

I strongly agree on the okonomiyaki point. but it has to be Hiroshimayaki, because the dude just fuck my shit up lmao variety is objectively inferior

maybe unironically so. just because frying is associated with plebs doesn't mean it's inferior to just not cooking at all like some fucktarded vegan


some fancy places do


jej, it's gotta be fake. fuckin baka gaijin lmao

ITT: weebs defend spending hundreds of dollars on some fish and rice because some nip threw it together


I actually feel great every time I eat a decent-sized sushi meal. Fish tastes good and it makes me feel 100x better than eating a meal with red meat. We used to stop at a cheap sushi place for lunch at my last construction job.

why does sushi taste better with ketchup or ranch dressing

well yeah fish is objectively one of the healthiest things you can eat, especially fresh fatty fish like salmon or tuna

you probably eat too much fish and onions and no longer have the gut flora to properly digest red meat so it doesn't sit well with you. try being less of a faggot.

I do eat a lot of fish and a lot of onion.

I eat my peppers than I eat onion though, and more broccoli than I do peppers.

I'm pretty fit and confident that I would more than likely destroy you in a fist fight, though.

some people spend more for a bottle of fermented potatoes

>Sushi is actually lame as fuck, not to mention unfulfilling
stop buying them from gas stations

Italian cuisine is based, not really bashing on jap cuisine though as I like it as well.

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stop not reading threads.

if I did buy it from a gas station I bet it would also be the least satisfying thing there, behind all the packaged stale bread and cheap snacks

does peruvian cuisine consist of rotten animal intestines or something?

they have deepfried/roasted guinea pigs

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Far left would get the dick no question.

Peruvian food is mostly what they can get there (mostly identical to Spanish ingredients) mixed with Spanish influence.

I think more accurately this shows that Peruvian cuisine is indistinguishable from most Spanish food, I'm fairly certain that Ceviche originated in Peru but you only see it in Mexican restaurants.

This guy got jew in him.

Sauce NOW

Thats inuit cuisine. They eat rotten seal and shark meat.

I don't even speak japanese and I know those last two kanji mean foreign person.
Guy got duped if the screenshot is real.

Far left is probably just as ugly, her chin is just being hidden
that said people who pretend all japanese people are ugly or even ugly on average have not been to japan

popular =/= good

Brazilians and Argies suck at marketing because their bbqs are pretty good. Italian and French is massively over hyped.

>>fish and seaweed you can literally get free from the ocean
what kind of logic is that?
>Oil and gold come free from da ground why you charge so much for it

because oil is useful and scarce, gold is pretty (with some obscure uses) and scarce

how are seaweed, vinegar and rice scarce? they are laughable non-scarce. thus not valuable. it is all about tricking people into believe your artisan preparation where you fold your sushi knife 1000 times is worth the money. the emperor has no clothes

Oil has applications in nearly every manufacturing field, this is not a good comparison.

Gold is used to back currency because it's scarcity and it's applications in electronics.

This was a really dumb comparison and you look dumb for making it.

Sushi is expensive because it's exotic and has a whole lot of faggoty Japanese "culture woo" tied up with it. The ingredients themselves are cheap, easy to harvest, and can be slapped together by any retard at home with a bowl full of salt water.

Don't talk anymore brainlet I'm getting angry just thinking about how wrong you are.

>shits on a plate

at least that took time to ferment and skill to distill properly.

some nip rubbing his grimy hands on raw fish and rice for 20 seconds doesn't seem like its worth hundreds of dollars.

they actually peel each grain of rice by hand
so it's mostly the labour cost
japanese labour is expensive

sushi isn't exotic in Japan and still incredibly popular there, despite prices that would be incomprehensible for a foreigner


yeah it takes a lot of time and skill to produce ethanol, you can really taste the artisan's craft behind it

Um.. Who cares?

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im pretty sure thats a rat.

nice manlet cope, Napoleon

Jiro buys pre-prepared rice and uses it as is. he gets away with that by saying the guy who makes it only does it for his shop so it's special

he wouldn't retire.

>british """cuisine"""

who is more likely to smother Jiro with a pillow?

the son who does all the work now for the restaurant, who jiro takes all the credit from, who is in his 50s but jiro still refuses to pass it over?

or the son who jiro considers a total failure and won't speak to, even though he also has a michelin star restaurant ?

nah it's a guinea pig, dish is called cuy


if you are talking about distillers that bottle in the 3 figure+ range than yeah it does take a lot of skill and knowledge to get consistent flavors distilling something multiple times. considerably more training than it would take to throw some sushi together.

yeah you're totally right here's a grand for one of your finest bottles, I'll be sure to savor every sip

Rape of nanking


cope seething Amerimutt

british food gets a bad rap, first of all their dairy is the best in the world and their candy is incredible. their food is just very basic on ingredients. but noone who has had actual british fish and chips wrapped in a newspaper will say they hate it.

what the hell is Australian cuisine?

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lmao we have that here too, it's not Australian.

your cultural appropriation does not make that fine dish any less Australian in origin. you're probably a kiwi shitter anyways

Imagine thinking that putting sprinkles on bread is a uniquely Australian concept.

Damn you really want to keep the status quo

dont forget the margerine lad

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lmao just another dumb weeb who thinks stuff is magically better if it came from nippon.

hmm I might like this

>sandwich bread with butter and sprinkles
this is not food

I think it's near impossible to say something as simple as combining two/three extremely common foods is uniquely Australian. It's like when two American companies were fighting over who invented the hamburger, but it's literally just meat on bread and they eventually found out it was already being served in the Roman Colosseum. I would've thought some dish involving kangaroo meat or something would be much more Australian.

>rice with vinegar and raw fish
this is not food

kangaroo meat is fatless gamey shit. it's a bad substitute for beef

atleast sprinkles take some processing and skill to make
fish can jus tbe taken out of the ocean and cut up

You forgot the truffles

>Italians rate Italian cuisine very highly

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