Why does the left have such an incel problem?

why does the left have such an incel problem?

Attached: have-sex.png (500x298, 149K)

Me, moderate


Those're post-abortion stats. Pregnancy stats are like x2500% for the left.


Higher IQ correlates with a lower amount of children. A bunch of inbred hicks are having their 8th kid because they're too fucking stupid for birth control.

Wealthy people tend to have less children.

having sex != shitting out kids unless ur a nig or a cathocuck

Have sex.

More seething, also your lack of children is the reason why republicans keep winning and will do so in the future.


because a right wing incel just rapes.

>w-we have l-loads o-of s-sex
>t-there's j-just n-no evidence i-it ever h-happens

Attached: soy addiction.png (553x598, 385K)

And educated.
OP image literally says birth rates dummy.

>this much damage control

Based and redpilled

>Why yes, I think both spectrums in politics are retarded, how did you know?

Attached: 1551034302467.jpg (1080x1331, 97K)

This doesn't seem accurate.
Minorities are literally breeding white people out of existence in the US, so how is this possible?

>A bunch of inbred hicks are having their 8th kid
What? White people will no longer be the majority by 2050.

Found the incel.

Based enlightened centrists making whoopee

Having sex steers you towards rightwing values. Once you get laid, you suddenly wake up and realize your dad was right after all.

Attached: th.jpg (474x355, 21K)

>shows evidence
>d-d-damage control

Attached: Seething.png (1324x1053, 362K)

Facts don't care about your feelings.

Name one good reason to have a kid besides carrying on the white race. I'm waiting

>25% of your population literally failing to reproduce
>why is our population decreasing

>he doesn't know the difference between race and political ideology

Every day we get closer to Idiocracy being a documentary.

So conservatives are the Africans of America?

Attached: 450px-Countries_by_Birth_Rate_in_2017.svg.png (450x206, 48K)

High IQ doesn't correlate with leftism though.

Based. The facts prove the left not only can't meme, but they can't fuck either.

moderates are the biggest retards of all, and cowards to boot.

Just submit to anarcho-facism already...

It literally does though

Niggers are the niggers of America.

I'm getting sick of the incel meme

Who are you quoting? No one asked that question.

>>he doesn't know the difference between race and political ideology
>what are statistics
>he doesn't know that minority voters are statistically more likely to vote democrat

What facts?

Going to college =/= high IQ.

>bunch of inbred hicks are having their 8th kid because they're too fucking stupid for birth control
Islamaphobia will not be tolerated on 4channel

>everyone failing to realise that kids from conservative parents are still going to get indoctrinated by the exact same school/university/media as all the other kids

Leftists are incredibly stupid, so no it doesn't.

>minorities are breeding white people out of existance in the US how is this possible?

High IQ correlates with college going individuals who tend to be founded within leftist political ideology. The higher the education, the more liberal. FACT DON'T CARE ABOUT FEEFEES

Based reality denier getting angry at facts.

Modern education is a joke, and we can plainly see the stupidity of leftists every time they say or do anything.

>Multiculturalism and diversity is good, so let's genocide all the white people and replace them with muslims! That's a good trick!

>Doesn't know what birth control is
No wonder you can't have sex

>get hit with leftist propaganda for four years
>become leftist

Attached: k.jpg (462x339, 112K)

If you don't provide me those facts Ben Shapiro's gonna rape you boy.

Lots of discord trannies pretending to be conservatives ITT

>is an incel
>blames condoms

Yea Forums - Television & Film

Not sure if you're a non-native English speaker or just retarded. The question was about the image posted.

So let me rephrase since your potentially single-digit IQ is incapable of abstraction: How is it possible that more Conservatives are having children (see: OP) than minorities which are outpacing white births?


>get hit with leftist propaganda for four years
>become leftist

When a websites tv board is actually less toxic than ita political board...

You suffering from brain damage mate? You asked a question, got an answer and now you are trying to weasel your words around to make them mean something they don't. Get a fucking clue. Here's a hint ya brain dead retard - whites make up 6% of the world's population.
>hurr durr how come there is more of them than us when we are a tiny minority and a quarter of us aren't reproducing

Isnt IQ a racist social construct?

Not today. Maybe tomorrow.

Historically yes. Currently yes.

Only when you point out niggers have the IQ of tap water. When liberals want to use it to peacock then it is a perfectly valid scientific measurement.

That pic doesnt mean shit
Because the conservative's kids will be educated in a liberal school system and they'll be watching liberal media

>I'm a sheep with no critical thinking skills so I immediately get brainwashed by getting an education

No wonder Americans are such morons.

this. low iq and poverty means more children both in any given country and internationally when you compare countries


Wait, whats the conspiracy surrounding liberal propaganda in colleges again. Why are professors more likely to be liberal.

>i-it d-doesn't matter w-we c-can't r-reproduce

still better than adopting niglets or having no kids at all, like typical leftists

Are you implying /pol/ is poor?

Those who can do, those who can't teach.

Wait, who teaches the doers then? Do the doers teach themselves? If they teach themselves aren't they teachers? If they teach others what they do aren't they teachers?

They dont allow right wing professors in US umiversities.

>people who go to leftist indoctrination centers likely to have leftist views
truly shocking

Have sex

Seething incel teacher detected.

Yeah I don't know why either. Right wing incels are very small in number and mostly limited to this site. Basedboys are fucking everywhere and are the biggest permavirgins on this site. In fact, they tend to just be gay or become cuckolds to cope.

Like who? Professor Peterson