>"Discussing the sexual allegations made against the head of Zentropa, the Danish studio responsible for many of the Dogme films, as well as The Hunt, we touch on the wider #MeToo movement against sexual harassment in cinema."
>"I’m saying, one word wrong and you’re a dead person,” he says, before citing the fate of Matt Damon, who was criticised in 2017 for suggesting that sexual abuse allegations should be treated on a “spectrum of behaviour” and bemoaning a “culture of outrage”. For Mikkelsen, Damon is “the most politically correct person in history. He said something quite common sense and he got fucking slaughtered. So this is not a healthy discussion any more.”"
"Discussing the sexual allegations made against the head of Zentropa...
Based Mads "Permakino" Mikkelsen
>mads is alt right
What is that word that is so wrong?
probably stuff like 'there are 2 sexes' or 'don't inject kids with hormones'.
>white man has opinion
Based. He should know this considering he acted in The Hunt.
white men usually have something intelligent to say, unlike shitskins.
what a fucking racist
>shit actor only popular because Kojima uses him
>Yea Forums loves him
and they say Yea Forumsedditors aren't here
It's over, Kojimbo brainwashed /ourguy/ with all those videogame sexist ideas
>So this is not a healthy discussion any more.
it never was a discussion in the first place, twitter is a tool for mob-mentality, not a discussion platform.
Thats why leftists love it so much.
you should try having an opinion some time.
Usually works better than just having an ideology.
MGTOW spreads like wildfire
so what tranny made this?
>For Mikkelsen, Damon is “the most politically correct person in history
Any retard who still defends women, like Matt Damon did, deserves to be ruined.
amused at how blatant this is
Discord Trannies working overtime i see.
i suppose you think heneke is alt-right too because he says the same thing
It's completely ontopic
They literally did nothing wrong. Women brought this onto themselves. They want to use accusations as a weapon and in the same breath, expect to be treated like innocent angels. That's what's stunning here. Those men are smart.
everybody who doesnt support their bullshit is alt-right. Just look at that moron trying to shit up the thread with his dumb MGTOW BS because he is scared of a discussion.
>Women brought this onto themselves.
right, because that hysteric Twitter campaign is obviously a good thing and critique is /pol/
>dumb MGTOW BS
Mads is /ourguy/
nice try tranny, nobody takes it seriously, its all the same subversive cultural marxist ideology aiming to destroy individual identity.
nobody takes conservatives seriously either
>please let men be expendable workhorses again ladies, pleeease!
An ideology is a set of opinions. Also why would you encourage people to have opinions? Most people are fucking morons and it's best if they just stay quiet.
Could Kojima be the key to redpill Hollywood itself?
How can one man be so incredibly based?
>Unwell 6ft man
Wtf is that even mean?
Sorry jews, but I still know plenty of decent girls.
You won't turn me against my own people, I know who the true cancer here is.
he wasn't well
A 5'11 man who lied about his manlet status.
Automatically discarded.
Twitter users deserve to be put down like the filthy, rabid dogs they all are regardless of race or ideology.
Who is Kojima? And why don't you know him from movies like The Hunt? Are you underage by any chance?
>being around women is walking on eggshells
>women cry because men don’t want to do that for 0 reward
spoken like a true leftist
An angry coloured chap.
I love rereading this article
>He was a big guy
>Im a size 8
>I dont blame him, he was clearly unwell
>Im a size 8
>I blame those 2 WHITE middle class men
>Im a size 8
>6ft Southeast Asian man
I really doubt he was from Cambodia
based mad
Based Mads.
Also The Hunt is a fucking fantastic movie.
He's right though, civilians are mostly stupid, why do you want them to be into politics when insisting on making dumbass civvies get into it has only cause ruin?
Wow, so the true redpill was women are based queens who should all be treated with respect after all....
Thank you for CTR, alt-white knight!
What are you even talking about? About feminism? About metoo? About women in general?
No, some are nice, some are cunts, like everyone else.
Feminism though, it's the cause of the jews.
Of course, since you are a bunch of millennials, you are autistic retards who rather focus on the symptoms rather than the source of the illness, which is why you fight feminism while not caring about, or even supporting Israel.
Remove women and feminism, and jews will simply use another tactic to destroy you.
Remove jews, and you remove feminism and any other threats.
Anyone who is against this is a jew himself.
So what you’re saying is that women are so mentally and emotionally stunted they can almost unanimously be manipulated by a semitic shadow group?
can you read? Can you follow a simple discussion on this board?
Fuck off with your false-flag cringe-posts, you are just as bad as the ones you hate.
>women demand that you believe all women and never question an allegation of rape or sexual assault
>as a result men refuse to be alone with women without witnesses
>"wooooowwwwww, um, okay, sexist much?"
Yes, but are you any different?
After all, they succeeded in making you focus on feminism and your own people rather than the real threat.
I've even seen people talking about "how based jews are", or even those men who actively want to racemix.
Again, if you think the true enemy is anyone but a jew, you might as well be a jew yourself, and as such, a traitor of the west.
are you implying that women can't be manipulated?
>almost unanimously
What are you talking about?
If it wasn't for white women Trump wouldn't have gotten elected.
>white woman
>get attacked by a minority
>doesn't blame minority
>explicitly blames two uninvolved white men
Women are irrational creatures that need male guidance. The weakness of males in western society has left women acting randomly to their environment with no ability to grasp cause and effect of their actions. The real problem is the weakness of the white male. Just having muscles is a good start. Most women will follow you based on muscular appearance alone.
Why are you assuming I don’t name the kike? Just because I’m not some bleeding heart white knight like you doesn’t mean I don’t criticize kikes or Israel.
The difference between you and me is I actually acknowledge that women have done horrible things as a group autonomously, whereas you coincidentally place everything as “WOMEN DO NOTHING WRONG IT’S ALL THE JEWS LEAVE BASED WYMYN ALONE!”
>women voted for a jew
why are white people so racist
Considering the other option was Hillary, it wasn't even a choice.
Why would minotities in the US vote for a party that has used anti-immigration and "the good ol' days" as an election platform?
Also, the issue in the US isnt Dems vs Reps, but the fact that you have a retarded 2 party system with representatives and eloctorates rather than an actual democracy
What you seem to miss is that voting is anonymous and therefore and estimation like your pic is based on very small sample size and liable to gross inaccuracy.
Do you have any better sources?
Who was only there because women wanted a woman president.
can someone explain the spectrum comment for a brainlet?
>If it wasn't for white women Trump wouldn't have gotten elected.
Stop defending white cunts.
And, ironically, if you removed all female voters, Hillary would have been elected.
not all rape is rape
sometime someone is just being flirty and that's not as bad as full on rape, obviously this is according to a man
farting -------------- groping ------------- physical rape
>if you removed all female voters, Hillary would have been elected.
Ironically, among white millennials and zoomers, there's a bigger percentage of female Trump voters than men.
Obama and Bill Clinton got elected because of women's suffrage.
Yeah, we should be attacking them.
The way to save the white race is attacking white women, specifically white women, until they are all dead and we can racemix with our black queens.
Right, Mr. Goldsteinberg?
To resolve this, they should have the staffers sign consent forms with lawyers present to absolve the man of any claims of wrongdoing.
You don't, you are a millennial, an easily manipulatable fool who thinks he's going to change something by discussing the amount of niggers in your beloved superhero movies.
Even if you have some use in the end, when all of this is over, you'll still end in the rope.
And Dubya Bush got elected by men. Those 2 are bad examples. Clinton was arguably the best president since Lincoln. The economy was rock solid and the 90s were a time of prosperity and wealth thanks to him.
Obama inherited the mess that Cheney left him and did the best he could. His biggest legacy being the Iran-deal and not going to war for Israel, which is why he is HATED by the AIPAC, the JDL and Israel.
No, the real solution is to let women abuse and demonize white men in the society and make women so privileged and coddled that no white man would go near them, then shame them for it, while raising up black men to fuck our based white women.
Isn’t that right Mr. Noseberg?
how the fuck did mads get away with the lines he had in the pusher films?
no one watched them
Now you even talk like the brainwashed feminists.
Culture war millennials need to be dealt with swiftly, you are the only thing standing between us and the jews, because you will derail any attempt at doing something with your pointless race to see who is the most thin skinned.
i did
white women in particular. as groupies they wanted to fuck both these presidents
>"One word wrong and you are dead"
Being a female victim gives status and power, and we are seeing a huge rise in baseless accusations where women are actively seeking to become victims in order to further their careers.
I can't blame men in positions of power for taking Mike Pence's advice and avoid being alone with a female related to work or political office. Just a baseless accusation will destroy your career forever.
So well done to feminism for again taking thins too far to the point where men refuses to associate with your gender professionally.
t. Schnozensteins
>is attacking white women, specifically white women
Indeed it is, because white women are the greatest source of this cancer. Attacking does not mean killing. They should be still left for breeding.
Babby's first trip into politics?
Its not Pence's rule, its the "billy graham rule".
Thank you, comrade.
t. proud white woman
I heard Mads sexually assaulted an old woman. I'm not saying he definitely did it, but until we know for certain, we shouldn't listen to anything he has to say.
You spelled "centrists" wrong.
Why do white knights think they’re welcome here?
They are the only women who vote republican.
And how are they the source of anything, when we both know it's the jews?
Destroy feminism, and jews still exist and you are just jumping from one thing to the next.
Destroy jews, feminism crumbles and no more threats in the future.
Woah, no one could have seen this coming. What a surprising and completely unexpected reaction to these events
Because you judge opinions based on a wider range of opinions on various subjects. This may be shocking to you, but people don't belong to absolute sides. You can share an opinion with someone will disagreeing with literally everything else they say. You have that right, acknowledging someone can be right on some things doesn't necessitate you agree with everything nor does it give your argument in other matters any less merit. If anything, holding such blind faith (or refusing to give any to others) makes you seem opinionated, manipulated and honestly, stupid.
Are you white-knighting for incels?
is mads a cunnisserus? in the hunt his character did rape the girl?
That literally doesn’t make any sense.
Gooooooo back to r/inceltears there newfag.
Flex thier debating skills against ciswhite devils like you
It's a pure joy seeing the USA crumble away.
America has been pure cultural poison for the west for the past 30 years, it deserves to be destroyed as much as Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union and Israel.
>we both know it's the jews?
It's not.
>it's not
Jew detected.
Sex, have it.
And the kike drops his mask.
>t-those are stormfags
Why would you be against stormfront unless you were a jew?
Yes, goy, defend your enemies
White daughters being indoctrinated by evil white Hicks who probably molested their kids. Sickos
>Why would you be against stormfront
Because they defend the cause of the decline
Notice how the kike completely ignored this.
No, there's some that are bad, some that are good.
You don't, you want to destroy them all, because you are a jew who wants to destroy white people.
Fortunately, you are nothing but a millennial, which means you are not going to do any fighting, and when your time comes, you won't put any resistance.
After all, for the past 10 years, even though the world has been going to shit non-stop, you haven't done anything at all.
Some are good, some are bad.
I'm not going to attack them all because white women are the only ones who vote republican.
Jews, on the other hand, are all enemies, there's no such thing as a good jew.
The world won't be safe until every single one of them is dead.
You will deny this if you are a jew.
this. they deserve to suffer for what they did to european culture alone
Thoughts on the much much much much much more common female who hates white men and fucks niggers archetype? I’m guessing you think that’s pretty based, right?
>No, there's some that are bad, some that are good.
Stop nawalting.
Because they're white knights (like you).
>white people racemixing
Not at all, less than 10% of white people have even dated someone outside of their own race.
But yes, those are traitors and the enemy.
>I'm not going to attack them
You should attack all women
How is Clinton to thank for the economy, that sounds like a pretty bluepilled cablenews level talking point.
Why would I attack the only demographic that votes republican?
Are you jews?
Why would I attack the people who support me?
Are you the same that spent years on /pol/ attacking absolutely every single personality of the right for no reason at all, in order to try and cause more divide?
>spreading misogyny on Yea Forums
Yea Forums has always been misogynist though
Why though?
If there's women who support you, why attack them too?
There are conservative Jews too, why do you attack them?
Are you saying we should also attack women who support my ideologies?
Any actual answer that isn't just pictures?
Yes, because a conservative jew is a jew who fights for the well being of his own people, not for the well being of mine.
he has made plenty of kino but most importantly he still has a ton of untapped potential, he makes every movie he's in a lot better.
>pusher trilogy
>the hunt
>valhalla rising
>casino royale
And a conservative woman fights for her own existence and what she knows is a better life for women (sitting at home, not working while her beta slave husband wageslaves all week). So yes I can and do hate all women because either way they’re looking out for their own happiness alone and don’t give a shit about the problems they created for white men.
>conservative woman
Absolute madsman
No you’re right and that was my point.
>sitting at home, not working while her beta slave husband wageslaves all week
Are you implying that's bad?
You do know getting women in the workforce has done nothing but damage to the economy, right?
It's harder to get a job and pays are lower because of it.
But most importantly, it's a biological thing.
It's from the time when we lived in caves, when men went out hunting while women stayed and took care of the kids because men are far more physically capable.
A man is stronger because he's built to work and fight.
A woman is built to take care of people and the home.
>So yes I can and do hate all women because either way they’re looking out for their own happiness alone and don’t give a shit about the problems they created for white men.
All while, of course, you ignore jews.
As such, you are a jew, a traitor, and you will pay for it.
Good thing you are a millennial, it means you won't put up any fight.
As I said before I name the Jew for the shit they pull, but this discussion was from the very start about women. You immediately shifted the goalposts to jews because you are a pathetic white knight who is DESPERATE to get people to stop rightfully blaming women and so you’re trying to use Jews as a scapegoat. I’m not gonna follow your pathetic attempt at goalpost shifting, because I know you’re a pathetic white knight.
But, to satisfy you, fuck kikes. They are actively trying to undermine Western civilization and basically control the American government.
BUT, that doesn’t excuse women. Sorry not sorry.
I like how hard these two are getting ignored because it makes the jews argument crumble away.
>As I said before I name the Jew for the shit they pull
Not enough, traitor of the west.
>control the American government.
And the innaction of the American people means Americans are also the enemy, because you support jews.
This is why I have absolutely no problems with seeing latinos flood your country, it's the best chance to get rid of the USA once and for all.
I wonder what Israel will be able to do without their loyal lapdog of a country flailing around to help them.
I’d rather be called a traitor of the west than being an unironic traitor of my gender, white knight cuckhold.
>getting women in the workforce has done nothing but damage to the economy, right?
I have no doubts that a supporter of the jews puts infighting ahead of saving his own civilization.
This is why your decadent nation needs to be put down like a rabid dog, the loyal, private army of the jews, that's what America is.
man you are so confused, good luck with that and I hope you get over the resentment you feel towards your mother.
>I have no doubts that a supporter of the jews puts infighting ahead of saving his own civilization.
And I have no doubt that a supporter of feminism would want to protect white women.
oh right it's that thread again
I do not support feminism, I simply do not attack the women who support me.
Of course, that means only some white women, not all of them.
You are American, you've been brainwashed to hate your own race, just like feminists.
Which explains that, in the same board this thread is in, there's so many threads about people wishing to racemix.
Then again, we can't expect anything else from a country that was born out of betraying the west, who's entire history is nothing but attacking Western civlization, culminating in the ultimate betrayal of the west when you fought against nazis.
A country of traitors, for traitors, by traitors.
why would minorities vote for a party that seek to flood the country with cheap unskilled labor and welfare recipients. seems against their own self-interest to me.
>I do not support feminism, I simply do not attack the women who support me.
Virtually all women support feminism. Virtually all women attack you by supporting the biggest win of feminism: women's suffrage.
>it’s not the women, it’s the Russians! Stop blaming all women you fucking white male incel!
>it’s not the women, it’s the Jews! Stop blaming all women you fucking Muslim male incel!
If so, there wouldn't be any republican voters.
But then again, you focus specifically on the only women who have shown to support you.
Quintessentially American behaviour.
You are the biggest menace the west is facing right now.
>expecting anything coherent from politics
Just grab some popcorn and enjoy the show.
Skinheads and anarchists don't exist anymore, so not even far left and far right radicals are a danger, you can poke them for fun as much as you want.
>If so, there wouldn't be any republican voters.
Wrong. Republican party is already deformed to attract female voters.
based "Mad Lad" Mads
>confusing /leftypol/ with liberals
asian women > white women
Nope, enlightenment values provided women's suffrage, just like it abolished slavery. Feminism then took credit for its achievements, like it steals false credit for everything else positive it alleges to have been responsible for.
Is this going to destroy Mads' career?
yikes, not a good look.
>pornography bans
Isn't that a good thing though? Pornography is just another Zionist propaganda tool. It just spreads degeneracy and makes people lethargic.