Based Hollywood making mutt actresses as undesirable as possible

based Hollywood making mutt actresses as undesirable as possible

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I want to hunt those monkeys

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Is Hollywood trying to cure my jungle fever?

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Zendaya is very desirable.
The mutt above is fucking disgusting though. Made me quit Westworld when i saw her disgusting pug face.

Zendaya is cute
whatsherface is disgusting plus extremely annoying to boot


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>tfw we will never get a badass war vet Agent Venom
>all because the “BULLIES ARENT THE SAME LMAO” meme

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the black girl they faked us out with for most of this movie was so much hotter than Zendaya, what a crime. hopefully Penis Parker can get some /ss/ from the Avengers MILFs on the side

how the fuck did we go from emma stone to this

I want to fuck both of them. OP is a faggot.

Imagine getting bullied by a Pajeet



Had a dark chick once, crazy as a monkey on steroids. never again.

You never had sex.
You never even had your hand!

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He’s a spic

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He’s Latino

because mutts go hand in hand with "don't sexualise me ugly women are equal" politics.

>steps in your path

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Zendaya is an el atrocidad...

I guess that casting directors are almost always gay men or catladies so they have literally no idea what an attractive woman looks like

why did they change everything about him but kept the "flash thompson" name?
how many people with the surname thompson have you seen who look like him?
same thing with a filipino dude name ned leeds
why even keep the same waspy names when the actors are clearly not wasps?

>tfw find black women attractive yet hollywood only hires the ugliest ones

Its fucking insulting is what it is.

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It wasn't even bullying. It was like "Hey Parker, you arent as well liked as me, HAHAHAHA im such a bully" made me realize how much school has changed.

she's not a mutt, she's a cute!

God I fucking hate nuHarley

>one actively tries to cast the character
>the other will hire anything not resembling the character for woke/virtue signal good boy points

Still would fuck domino though.

She’s cute but she’s still a mutt

>Wonder Jew
>black Deadshot
>gay Jew Flash
>brown Aquaman whose solo movie is all about an evil blonde man hating his literal half breed brother
Look I can cherry pick too

HollyHeebs love their ugly little nigger mutts! :)

Modern art proved that you can make people appreciate anything if you push it hard enough.

2040 will be the year of the 400lb Hollywood starlet(male).