Whats the best Shakespeare adaptation movie?

Whats the best Shakespeare adaptation movie?

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Chimes at Midnight or Ran

i remember we watched the old ass Romeo and Juliet movie in my middle school English and the Juliet actress is full on naked in bed at one point, so let's go with that

Romeo + Juliet
Especially the part with the latino guy with gay johnny rocket koolaid hair

Probably Ran

Fight Club

How does one *read* Shakespeare? His plays are suppsed to be watched enacted on stage, no?


10 things I hate about you. A classic.

Branagh's Henry V


Convince me an infinite amount of monkeys with an infinite amount of time will write all of his works.

>it was the best of times, it was the blurst of times

But they are usually cut, and you actually need to analyse what’s being written as well at your own pace. Our brains are different to what they were in the 16/17th century, as we are better at reading and they were better at hearing.

Though Kenneth Branagh did do a full 5 hour~ version of Hamlet, his longest play

Shakespeare in Love no meme

why were the Shakespeare monkeys writing a Dickens book anyway?

Polanski's Macbeth

Batman v superman is a modern take on Julius Caesar

Since it is infinite, of course it is possible.

pedo rapist

The funny thing is that you dont need an infinite amount of monkey

The Lion King

shakespeare sucks

mirin quads

The one with that one guy where it's Hamlet but set further in the future I mean still in the past but not as far back in the past as Hamlet was supposed to be

Brett Kavanaugh I think

The Macbeth with Captian Picard

The Forbidden Planet is The Tempest in space and is kino

The Lion King

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one monkey, infinite time
stop thinking that infinite means a really long time

Infinite monkeys, one hour.

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10 Things I Hate About You

>implying some pleb from the midlands with no education actually wrote all that shit


>nurture not nature
cringe and bluepilled

most of the greatest ancient epics were composed by illiterate plebs

She was underage and not allowed to watch the premiere of the film because it contained nudity.

Much Ado About Nothing

Based Keanu

if you like The Simpsons

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The Merchant of Venice (2004) and Hamlet (1996)

The film that sent Amanda Bynes crazy

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Richard III with Ian McKellen

this guy gets it

This or Ran

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>stop thinking that infinite means a really long time

It doesn't? What does it mean then?

Any answer ITT that's not Tromeo and Juliette is objectively wrong.

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Pure chance.