Who's looking forward to the lovecraftian kino of the year? It will have ghost pirates...

Who's looking forward to the lovecraftian kino of the year? It will have ghost pirates, great old ones and an endless bottomless ocean.

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>shot on black and white 35mm film
creaming my pants already

isn't it a bit pseud tho? can you do cgi when shot like this?

I can already tell this movie has more soul than 99% of films made today.

Yes,I am.

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How did Robert Pattinson turn into such a kino machine?

>isn't it a bit pseud tho?
What's pseud?
Speaking of Pattinson and 35mm film, Good Time was great.
>can you do cgi when shot like this
Of course not. CGI was non-existent before they invented digital cameras.

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I hope the movie is good but goddamn that is one horrible poster.

no it isn't

Holy shit will you tryhards ever be satisfied with anything? Jesus Christ I swear once a director takes chances and wants to experiment you start butthurting

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sorry user, but it is

is this the new nic cage movie? Im not sure how i feel about him being in the movie. Ive read and listened to color out of space like 20 times and absolutely adore it. I just dont think such compulsive actors can create a slowly burning and weird fiction story but am looking forward to it nontheless

I mean like an art student using flexaret camera instead of a regular one because its old school and hipsterish. Can you really create great cinema shots of the bottomless sea imagery on it or is it just a lofi hipster thing? I truly dont know much about how it works mind you. I am looking forward to the movie a lot just unsure what this means

the best looking movies are black and white, with a few exceptions (ran, 2001 for example)

This but unironically. Yea Forums is always so desperate to trash directors. I've been here for years and still haven't been able to write up a consistent good/bad formula on moviemaking based off of Yea Forums's ever-changing criteria.

If director decides to use such gear than it’s justified by its story and overall concept

it is absolutely horrible. rainbowy and not at all creepy
doesnt show the deep woods surroundingit and the well and the house look like shit.
something like pic related works much much better

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Pattinson looks like an interesting guy

Nothing more based than making your name in Twilight and getting all the cash from that, then going on to star only in kino.

That looks so fucking generic,reminds me of those marvel big blue shit shooting in the sky scenes.

It's supposed to be an indescribable unearthly light, that's just blue

I haven"t seen any movie with him in it, any advice ?

Does it come with a bottle of soilent

Attached: the witch director vZ.jpg (1200x900, 182K)

Good Time, The Rover, Lost City of Z, Cosmopolis, Maps to the Stars, The Childhood of a Leader and High Life.

well better that than it being rainbow but im not a fan of hte blue light either I just think the compositoon of the poster is much better. You get the dark creepy house, huge forest behind it and a good looking well. The light itseld isnt the greatest desu but definitely muhcmuhc better than the real poster

thanks, will check it out

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it may have something to do with the fact Yea Forums is not a hivemind

Eggers is not an art student, he's a proven filmmaker, he doesn't need to look back at what some dumb teenagers on Yea Forums would say about him shooting on film.

His fucking pipe is upside down.
Nice hat, though.

It prevents the water from extinguishing the light.

>white knighting a director
I am taken aback really. I never said he is a shitter and that he's supposed to care about my opinion. I legit asked whetehr the use of that is justified and has advantages compared to regular filmmaking or if it's solely a hipster thing or whether it will have any technical. drawbacks ie using cgi/supernatural effects as I don't really understand it. jeez you really get triggered pretty hard

>whetehr the use of that is justified compared to regular filmmaking
Film is regular fimmaking
>and has advantages
It looks better
>technical drawbacks
More time-consuming, otherwise none, cgi looks more natural on film.

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>"Yea Forums is more than one poster"
>constantly proves otherwise

yeah meant to say digital instead of regular

thanks user

How would you choose to portray something indescribable and not from Earth then oh wise one?

Entirely in post using colour grading and image transforms

The one thing that bothers me. Did they submit this in competition and the jury relegated it to Directors Forthnight? Or is Directors Forthnight a separate thing altogether?

what's it called?

It's a horror. This type of genre films are usually in DF. Also Eggers is not established at Cannes. I doubt they would submit this type of film in comp. Especially after the reviews of Under the Silver Lake. Every year there are very good films in DF.

the lighthouse

looks interesting but i don't see any old ones in the trailer

>Of course not. CGI was non-existent before they invented digital cameras.
You're immensely dumb

There is no trailer.


some user tried using some software to create weird colours and Id say just rapidly changing them with different speeds. Colour of a light is just a wave lentgh of a photon so I'd probably fuck with it and not make it a single one but maybe rapidly changing hte frequencies or making them not clear but obscured and somthing would ocme out.
All im saying is it shouldn't look like an instagram thot's bubble bath bomb but more static creepy colour.

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If it's an A24 film I'm not because I know I'll be disappointed

>its known to feaute "old sailors tales" but i hope for some lovecraft shit

pic related but constantly changes

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A24 is just a distribution company, what's your problem with it anyway? Answer without using any buzzwords.

>How would you choose to portray something indescribable
You create the context around it and let it happen off camera so the viewer has to imagine it.

Almost all A24 movies have nice looking aesthetic and intriguing stories but fail to deliver in the end, or waste their potential. Style over substance and what I want from a lovecraftian movie is a strong story with less emphasis on visuals and pretentiousness

>lovecraftian movie
>less emphasis on visuals

A24 only buys more arthouse films. Style over substance is meme. Hereditary, First Reformed, The Witch, Spring Breakers all had a story. Also what even means emphasis on pretentiousness?

>Almost all A24 movies
A24 released 90 movies, did you see all of them? I'd like to see some proof of that.
> but fail to deliver in the end, or waste their potential
Describe the way 5 (five) any A24 movies fail
>Style over substance
Describe the difference between style and substance in film and explain why substance is significantly more important.
What's pretentiousness? Give me your definition of it and how you detect it in film.

I'm talking about blunders like Ghost Story, Killing of a Sacred Deer, It Comes At Night, and Swiss Army Man. All of these had interesting premises and that's what got me to watch them. Instead I had to sit through hours of boring drivel and stories that went nowhere.
I won't argue that A24 is all bad, since Hereditary was one of the best horror movies I've seen in a while, but I'm more cautious than ever when it comes to that company

true but the colour should be part of the whole house, animals and even people. you need to show it somehow

it comes at night subverts your expectations in a wrong way and falls short but I think A24 itselfs has no say in the fact it is that way
the vvitch ends pretty well and has a cool visual story I might be hesitant to be 100% hyped but I would say "its confirmed shit" like you did just because the distribution company has a few underwhelming movoie

>I won't argue that A24 is all bad
But you said in your pevious post >Almost all A24 movies fail to deliver or waste their potential
and >If it's an A24 film I know I'll be disappointed
Why are you contradicting yourself?

>Ghost Story
Is a very good movie.
>Killing of a Sacred Deer
Is a very good movie.
>It Comes At Night
Is a good movie.
>Swiss Army Man
Is a very good movie.

>I had to sit through hours of boring drivel
I'm sorry to hear that, but that's your own personal problem. Most people who saw those movies enjoyed them.
Sounds to me like you're extrapolating your own frustrating experiences, which could happen due to any number of reasons, from your inability to pay attention while watching movies to low intelligence, on the company which distributed the movies. Can you explain why?

i am and i don't care what any of the fucking contrarian faggots on here say. Its gonna be absolute fucking kino.

wow dude let the poor user be lol

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Good Time is a must watch btw, even if you don't want to see the others

> just blue

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Do you work for A24 or something?

People need to be called out on the grandiose cynicism, otherwise the echo chamber of negativity can lead to cult of anti-intellectualism and breed absolute human trash like this user

Or, perhaps more accurately, you're a brainlet, and these films with their awkward pacing and artsier-than-thou approach to production fooled you into thinking you were consuming high art, and you held that appreciation of what you considered to be a more sophisticated kind of filmmaking as testament to your own superiority. That's why you react to criticism of A24's work as if it was a personal attack on you, because it threatens a pillar around which you've built your self-esteem.

I dno't know, it's got to be one or the other, there's no other explanation.

Answer the questions, user. No rhetoric, no deflection, no attacking the opponent, just answer the questions.

I'll burden you with some more
>awkward pacing
What does it mean? Explain awkward pacing to me on the examples of those 4 movies (each one separately) and define "artsier-than-thou approach to production"

I think anyone who isn't a contrarian or a normie is looking forward to this wholeheartedly. Solid director who does not fuck around, solid actors, decent setting, shot on 35mm in black and white, interesting plot points with shitloads of potential; this will likely be one of the best films of the decade and almost definitely the best of the year. It'll get a lot of shit from brainlets trying so hard to fit in they reveal their own ignorance in being unable to enjoy anything actually decent (happened with The VVitch) but everything points to this being genuinely incredible and I for one am actually excited about it.

b8 no one's that retarded


No! Fuck you!

This Yea Forums is a soilent and a24 board

why is that man smoking a pipe australian style?

>writes about men going mad from knowledge of unknowable things
>lovecraft adaptations
>lol here's your cgi tentacle monster bro don't forget to buy a C'thulu flavored Slurpee™ limited while supplies (and your sanity) last!

Attached: The_Lovecraftian_Horrors.jpg (860x1280, 267K)

(((They))) make dishonest meme movies for Beta söy Cücks and Discord Trannies from Reddit

>Hereditary, First Reformed, The Witch, Spring Breakers all had a story

They all had a story which shit the bed in the last half because none of the writers are capable of ending a movie without spoopy horror cliches.

The Witch is a folklore story, the ending was good.

>No! Fuck you!

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>Key people:
>Daniel Katz
>David Fenkel

Wow, I wonder what the ethnicity of these two guys are. Must be a pure coincidence, absolutely based etc.

Nah, it comes down to a stylistic choice. It would be shit if they filmed in color and then turned it black and white with post processing like Mad Max 4 etc.

>dafoe wearing a sea captain outfit
It's already Kino no need to watch

Lovecraft is all about mood and atmosphere over plot though.

okok nice I literally just dont know how that shit works

what color and flavor would the slurpee be

why the fuck did you reply to me? I was just recommending Good Time to the other user.
Couldn't give less of a fuck to your opinion, whatever it is.

I like Da Faux
I like Patterson
I like Black and White
I like Lighthouses

It could just be a film about lighthouse keepers and I'd be happy

What are the chances of this movie being about those lighthouse keepers from the 1900’s randomly going missing from that island? Apparently some of the last logs they left spoke of a horrible storm but people who had sight of the island said the weather was the complete opposite.

Also “In a discussion between Pattinson and Dafoe published by Interview magazine last year, the latter mentioned “the conditions were so harsh” on the movie’s set that the two actors “hardly talked outside of scenes.” Pattinson added the role was so demanding that he “hardly talked to anyone,” period. One scene forced Pattinson to get sprayed with water over and over to the point where it began to sting.

“That’s the closest I’ve come to punching a director,” Pattinson said. “However much I love Robert [Eggers], there was a point where I did five takes walking across the beach, and after a while I was like, ‘What the fuck is going on? I feel like you’re just spraying a fire hose in my face.’ And he was like, ‘I am spraying a fire hose in your face.’ It was like some kind of torture.”

This movie was literal trash.
The whole buildup was really well done, but it was fucking trash after you hit the halfway mark..

There a good podcast about Eilean Mor

RPat is becoming a kino man, watched High Life the other day and he killed it as a space monk convict.

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I only didn't like the town part.
I loved the ending when he goes to see his own movie.

Did you mention this podcast a few days ago in another thread about this movie? I listened to it and I’ve been listening to more of his shit. So if that was yiu thank you

Wasn't me but I've recommended his podcasts a lot, Really underrated

>“the conditions were so harsh” on the movie’s set that the two actors “hardly talked outside of scenes.” Pattinson added the role was so demanding that he “hardly talked to anyone,”

He always does that shit. It's just his way of getting into the character.

>Willem Dafoe

Instant watch. Guaranteed kino.

Green and mint

>Director of VVitch
>Black and white
We did it Reddit, looks like le kino is back on the menu guys!

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Isn't the color described as an entirely new hue? Wouldn't that make it literally unfilmable?

By not trying to adapt it to film since it is impossible.

>spoopy horror cliches
i guess you didn't see first reformed?

it is but everything else but the color is very well filmable so if you find a way to make a colour creepy like this it can work out just fine