Alita: Battle Angel
General Discussion #461
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Say it with me anons

There will be no Alita 2, and I can't COPE with this

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Nah I'm not gonna say something that isn't true

You sneaky bastard thief

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this pixel art is so cool

Sorry I wouldn't have made it if I had seen your post but it popped up after I made mine

His is numbered wrong anyway

>twf no rosa GF

It's not going to happen user. Hell is more likely to freeze than ABA 2

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Nice OP though the CG motorball short is cool

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This us the second time you steal a thread right?
Thread was stolen yesterday. We need to teach you some manners!

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No I'm up really really late so I doubt that was me

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Here it is boys

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Jesus where did you get that Waltz gif, he looks 12 there

I thought the thumbnail was scarlett Johansson

Ok now I'm really going to bed
I like it this late/early, very comfy

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Waltz has been acting since 1977.

I think I just searched Christoph Waltz on giphy

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Lets say you are right
Lets say the movie did not make enough for a profit.

Movies that flopped but have a a strong fanbase get tv shows.

Disney has that new streaming service. Alita fans are so loyal, disney could make a tv show sequel to get people to sign

You lose again.

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>low budget TV show
>exclusively on Disney+
I'd rather have nothing.

It's the best time of night.

>oh no no no
It's no longer a sequel movie, but a TV series (that isn't going to happen). Winning big league!

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Also user you're forgetting that we have this film, and always will. Nothing can ever stop that.

>it's the best time of night
I hear birds though

That's a huge fuckin pic of an anime girl face

It's 9:15pm for me user

>user Alita didn't have any advertising trust me!!!!
>‘Alita: Battle Angel’ Again Tops Studios’ TV Ad Spending

>Ads placed for the sci-fi thriller had an estimated media value of $5.63 million through Sunday for 1,120 national ad airings on 35 networks. (Spend figures are based on estimates generated from Jan 21-27. Estimates may be updated after the chart is posted as new information becomes available.) Twentieth Century Fox prioritized spend across networks including ESPN, Adult Swim and Fox, and during programming such as NBA Basketball, College Basketball and “Steven Universe.”

>Just behind “Alita” in second place: Columbia Pictures’ “Miss Bala,” which saw 811 national ad airings across 31 networks, with an estimated media value of $3.42 million.

>TV ad placements for Paramount Pictures’ “What Men Want” (EMV: $3.33 million), Twentieth Century Fox’s “The Kid Who Would Be King” ($3.28 million) and Warner Bros. Animation’s “The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part” ($2.93 million) round out the chart.

>Notably, “Miss Bala” has the best iSpot Attention Index (109) in the ranking, getting 9% fewer interruptions than the average movie ad (interruptions include changing the channel, pulling up the guide, fast-forwarding or turning off the TV).

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Wasn't Dark Angel already basically an Alita TV series?

I think 5000x5000 is the largest you can go on Yea Forums

Actually it's 10000X10000. Might be different on some boards.

You fucking retards keep saying there will never be more alita.
They are already working on a dredd tv show as we speak.
Lower budget or not. Since Cameron is so obsessed with alita and with making a sequel, there will be more alita.
Even tron legacy got a tv show and that's a disney flop.
The new alita could be a cgi show
Thank you for bumping the threads shitheads.

Looks like I have some collecting to do

$6M is nothing though
James Cameron blew $2M on one scene in Titanic and then he cut it out of the movie

There is really no need to get upset this easily.

Do you have some useful comparison point for major studio films? Because being close to 'Miss Bala' with a budget of $15mn (lol) kinda proves our point that advertising was cheap.

>They are already working on a dredd tv show as we speak.
I know, and I am keen.
>Cameron is so obsessed with alita
Cameron had a "passion Project", not an obsession. He made it, it was a flop. It doesn't mean he's obsessed.
>Even tron
Not James Cameron, irrelevant. Who says JC want's to take another gamble on a flop like Alita?
>$6m is nothing
>broke records

>Twentieth Century Fox prioritized spend across networks including ESPN, Adult Swim and Fox, and during programming such as NBA Basketball, College Basketball and “Steven Universe.”
What the fuck were they thinking? I don't think there's much overlap between weebs who might be interested in Alita and NBA enthusiasts


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Cameron spent 25 years trying to make alita....
"Wont gamble" for a sequel

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You can see now why people thought the film would bomb so hard.

He tried, and it failed.

I hate this sounds like goal post moving, but I thought the original argument was that Alita was mismarketed not that they spent exactly nada on advertising. Thus any success the movie had would be largely attributed to word of mouth of it being good rather than baiting viewers through relentless marketing. In other words, they built a small but loyal fanbase out of almost nothing comparatively speaking, which spells good news for the future.

Troll you obviously dont understand obsession.

But it didn't fail. It made a profit. And the sequel is gonna have Edward Norton as the main villain, which is bound to attract even more people seeing as he's a big name actor who's proficient at playing mentally unstable characters.

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Quads and I get a cute girlfriend.

Sin city didnt make that much money. Fan interest got it a sequel. I can keep going all morning.

Realistically a sequel is almost guaranteed.
A third one might not get made, but one sequel is for sure

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How cute are we talking?

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Did you order one alita GF sir?

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Aww did the guy arguing about box office numbers give up?

which will be a tranny

I...I can't pull the trigger...
i think i'm falling in love with leeta, can she be cured of her SJW ways?

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I think he requested a CUTE GF user

You aren't getting a sequel :^)

Endgame spent a record breaking $250 million on advertising, and Alita would of been no where near as much as that....


Current issue of Bristol Magazine. I think the back issue will be published on Issuu later.

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Oh dear sweetie, did you not get the memo?

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>me when Alita doesn't get a sequel

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It's Cameron. If we get a sequel, we'll get two, filmed back to back.

Honestly, I'm not even struck on Alita reactions either. Maybe its just because it's live action that I don't love the reaction images.


Not sure why it tagged someone else

>Thinking it's not getting a sequel.
My god when the day comes round when we get our sequel, the sheer amount of butthurt and faggotry that will fill Yea Forums will be so immense....

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Yeah it would be nice to get some perspective regardless. Even a smaller MCU film maybe?


Maybe after Vector turned her down for that job, she discovers where the money in the Vector Foundation actually ends up.

There's a lot of people who are going to need to eat Blu Rays.

I am not worried in the slightest.

Oh and you faggots better not be counting reboots as sequels.

I can't deny my feelings!
So there's hope!

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Reminder to the Eurofags:
Alita is still in 3D in Berlin and Utrecht. It's also playing in some other theaters on the continent - check Google if Alitatickets doesn't work.
Also, the open air kino season is soon starting, and not only is Alita playing in Cologne on May 18th and June 7th - people can also vote for what movies they want to see on some of these: nrw-tourismus.de/open-air-kinos

To be fair pink-hair leeta is best leeta.

Well infinity war and spiderman homecoming had a budget of $150 and $140 mil respectively. If that helps at all... And i doubt they would ever spend much more than these movies did desu...

Tempted to vote for this to secure the future of anime and a future for no Western interference.

Are all artificial-hair colored Alita's considered Leeta or is it just glasses?

Think its the glasses that do it.

Do it

Where did you get these numbers? you're off by at least $170M for IW

In that case my fevorite Leeta:

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Oh we were talking marketing budget, never mind.

Have you prepared your fallout shelters yet, gals and guys?

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Hi frens

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You realize that I mean vote to ensure it loses more money and they don't make sequel

Those grind cutter things are so cool.

Morning fren

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>Post about open air kino
>This angers the troll
It's going to be a rough summer for him while we go to all these outdoor screenings, I see.

Idk about you but I'm fine with getting killed by an extremely cute cyborg girl

Back when I was in jail, each cell had a TV set with a built-in DVD player(yes I know, European jail...). One of the things that was passed around in the cell block was the full Dark Angel box set. All of us watched it since the stuff that's broadcast on TV is so boring most of the time.

What got you sent to jail?

>Back when I was in jail

You do whatever make you happy friend.

based Delinquent user

Drug and violence related charges. I only did less than a year hard time due to being a young first time offender.

Ohh that's not much really. Just a fight at a club or something and you had drugs on you?

Glad you're here with us and not hunted to death for it. Are you norwayanon?

>/ALITA/ activity and topics of discussion during yuro hours

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It entertains me

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Come bring us something to chat about user. It's fun to hear everyone's stories. Since we're all lucky enough to have our memories still.

Shepard is better

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Speaking of, what kind of games would ourgirl like? I feel like she'd love fighting games.

All of them and anything as long as she’s with you. She’s the type of girl that would be really curious to learn all the games and then get super competitive

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Armed robbery and possession and dealing of hard drugs. I also committed several assaults with clubs and knives and personally OD'd twice but luckily no one died.
Not from Norway.

Well I hope you've got your life back on track now.

How’s this for a change: Norway is maybe getting an Imax 3D on June 1st, and some Swedes are coming to join.

So what brought you here? Sounds like quite the change.

Now that's just too fucking cute. I have to say I agree on the competitive part. She'd probably do really well with anything fast-twitch given her military/martial arts training.

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Oh also Archanon whenever you wake up for this thread or next here's the updated link to my archive. Thank you for all the amazing work. I'm glad you're around.

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Fucking savage nagger
Alita would have cut off your head if she saw you doing those things

I really don't get why you like the live action reacts. Like, yeah she looked alright in the movie, but the reactions look awful.

Roman-Greco wrestling

Alita wins every olympic event ever when

Rosa drinking

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Post Hugo Alita may enjoy some essential depression kino like NieR or Shadow of the Colossus, or maybe not. Who the fuck knows, I'm just projecting.

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That would be a bit boring. It’s the struggle that makes it interesting.

F-Zero, mos def.

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F-zero is kino

I just hope I get reincarnated to live in 2563.

hello fren how is Alita so badass and goofy at the same time?

It's like poetry

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probably anything except an RTS no Command & Conquer or Dawn of War with Alita for me ;__;

lol I'm happy to see you saved that with my filename

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So many emotions in just three seconds.

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Sure beats sucking namefag cock during A/US hours.

These are also AU hours for those of us with terrible sleep patterns

The year is NOT 2563. The war was less than 200 years ago, most sky cities never existed. It's all lies made up by Zalem to keep Iron City under control.

Another au poster.

>not on Yea Forums for ~6 months
>come back
>3 /got/ at any given time and Uncanny Sally has her own general

Nice to see ya friend. I like the comfy hours.

intredasting take user. What if Zalem kept up a pretense of some unceasing war with URM? What if the URM isn't fully defeated and are prepping for another attack? How would Alita respond? Would they coerce her into betraying Earth?

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Ok but watch the movie tho

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>uncanny sally
made me laugh desu welcome back

>not on Yea Forums for ~6 months
More like 6 hours.

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you should've been here last week. /got/ shitposting reached critical mass and /alita/ was the only sanctuary. We've been here since Feb. watch the movie tho

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God i wish i could have a drug induced kiss with rosa

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Oh yeah and all the endgame shit. We had anons who dont care about this film here just because it was the least shitty place on Yea Forums for a bit

/alita/ has the best filenames

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long hair Rosa is best but androgynous Rosa is underrated.

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Ourgirl is still at 94% fan rating versus 90% Endgame fan rating on Rotten Tomatoes. It's a win.

that's what you get when your fans are insane and genuinely love something.

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Yeppers. Is why I said Fan and not Disney paid shill reviewer.

Both have the same average rating, which I find interesting.

I keep responding to things with bigWOO.jpg

jesus 90% of film critics are just complete, bought and paid for smooth brains. I'm glad not all of them are just mindless drones; Alita does have some fans out there.

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It's almost like if people watch the movie instead of paying attention to people paid to bash it, they love it. I have been slacking, I have convinced gotten two people in the last month to watch it, and they both loved it. Both had no real interest in it before, and one of them demanded my downloaded camrip immediately after watching, while both planned on buying the movie in June.

my favorite alita review was by a bunch of boomer star trek nerds.


Suspicious to me too, as Alita fought for that 94% for months, while we are barely into week two for Endgame. Something fucky with math here.

I fucking love that rocket hammer. That shit is the first sci-fi weapon to impress me in years.

Also, not to take anything away, but Shazam, a very good DC movie has taken a drop from the mouse paid shills. DC has been hit or miss, but Shazam was one of the better ones.

I haven't really been able to /heal/ too many people but I've gotten my mom, brother and sister and 3 friends to go see it and all of them enjoyed it. I did my best to get the good word out. I'm still the most autistic about it but I'm also extremely online whereas they're not.

I think it's mainly that bigger publications sent MCU fans to review Endgame, while they sent the completely wrong people to review Alita. If I cared enough, I'd investigate all the critics on RT to see what they usually like and dislike.

that's too bad, I also really liked Shazam. Really getting tired of the mouse fucking with everything these days.

We used to argue about how viable it was before we realised that it was cool as hell.

Imo Shazam is the best DC movie since TDK in 2008. It should have made a lot more money.

Hugo was even scared of it too. He was having naughty thoughts at first when he saw Alita body, but as soon as he realized Ido was responsible for Alita, he cleaned his act right up. I think Ido is a savage, and based on the Kansas bar scene, no one wanted to fuck with him either because of the hammer, or his skill at repairs.

>So you're saying I have a strong fanbase?

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I hope we get to see a scene of Ido kicking ass in one if the sequels. The one fight we see in the film he's clearly distracted by Alita being there, and fucks up bad.

In fairness, it is not much of a drop. Only seven or so, from 94 to 87. It seems that they are willing to reduce good stuff to below 90% so as to prop up their own.

He still gets his NICE SHOOOT, FOR A MEATBOOOY in.

>while they sent the completely wrong people to review Alita
I could believe it. I mean I follow one New Yorker reviewer; Anthony Lane because our taste is basically identical and he's a really good reviewer. But for the Alita review they got Richard Brody who is the most dour, stick in the mud, unimaginative dick possible and predictably, he hated it. AL gave a lukewarm review of CM and an EXTREMELY short and unenthused review of Endgame. I truly believe he would've enjoyed Alita. What's more annoying is the gripes most of the RT critics have. The one guy who whined that the movie necessitated 'doing homework' before watching never fails to make me feel like I had a stroke. I hate how everything is/was going against ourgirl.

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>'ha, you have a fanbase that can power you for years.'

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>naughty thoughts
Nah, i'm pretty sure he was considering jacking her cyber parts.

Yeah, I know, I have a funny suspicion it would not have gone well for him. Little flea hopping everywhere and tossing his buddies through windows.

Good morning, /ALITA/. Let's try to have a nice day with /ourgirl/ and our Alitafrens. No politicking.

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Yeah this. Hugo shows caring for her but no lewds till she's get the new body and spirit.

I won't but even so we kept it pretty civil last night and let it drop last night.

Fuck Rosa looks so good here.
Rosa GF when

We do well here leftyfren.

What if alita kissed you

Why does Waltz look like he would be fun to hang out and get drunk with in this pic? The epicness of that evening would be great.

she's just enjoying life and hanging out with her pups. Living a legit comfylife.

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It would probably taste like licking a battery

Or that reviewer who thought Zapan ran Zalem, or all the reviewers who missed basic things like Alita not being an android.

Someone link it please omg

I have immense respect for Christoph Waltz, one of my favourite people in the movie industry.

is it weird that I find it nice that the small leftyfren faction here always blanketpost?

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We need to find a way to get Rosa in here. Before the general hits it's last allowed creation. I am not saying she has not been in one of these, but damn. She needs to know. Christoph too.

>thought Zapan ran Zalem
oh fuCK this hurts my head
>missed basic things like Alita not being an android.
oH shITTT my brain deflated wtf; how do you get something so basic so wrong? Ido says in the first 10 minutes "YOUR VERY HUMAN BRAIN" wtf is wrong with people.

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The "rich white guy Zapan" reviewer was the same who said Alita failed the Bechdel test (it actually passes).

My first experience with Waltz was in Inglorious Basterds. It was excellent. I have gone looking for more stuff with him in it because of that performance, and I was delighted to see him as Ido.

Nah it's cute. It shows that we know that politics is not the reason we're here. Though it helps us connect, it can never be more important than our caring for Alita.

no, as much as we would love it, they can never know about us or be associated with us. Rosa I'm sure could take a joke and realize that we genuinely like her and the movie but we can't assume outsiders looking in won't conflate us with the rest of Yea Forums's behavior.

No, "we" must remain in the shadows. The world must never know what kind of autism happened here.

checked, blessed and confirmed for truth. Alita transcends our politics.

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Ourgirl has been fighting for everything. Her achievements are all hard-earned, and that makes it even sweeter when she gets them. Endgame faced a brutal drop-off this week since people watch it once for their quarterly superhero hit but we know that anything which comes up for us will be cherished. Alita: Fighting Angel indeed.

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Normies and Reddit have succesfully tricked the media into believing that the entirety of Yea Forums is an exclusive hub of mass murdering incels. It's better that she has no involvement here, though if we created a subreddit...just kidding i would rather these generals burn than go on that poisonous website

truth, she fights and struggles in her story and she fights and struggles in real life. The easy life isn't for Alita but she will win.

She makes us better as people. That's enough for me.

there's already r/gunnm and r/alitabattleangel anyway but their OC is pretty weak and reddit's format doesn't allow for the instant interaction we have here. Yea Forums is the ideal home for us.

I can't believe people still make hate-threads about us. Makes me feel special

'mentally illness' made me lol

>not having this general as your sole Yea Forums tab open

haha who would do that lol I very rarely check the catalogue anymore.

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I'm enjoying all the sonic memes and GoT meltdowns it's like mcteague.webm

>not having the generals and the previous threads you missed out on at week open simultaneously.

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It's good to go back out occasionally and check- if only to remind yourself of why it's so important that this place is well-kept. I'm not surprised that the average Yea Forums poster doesn't get it though. Genuine enjoyment died for them a long time ago.

>"hahahaha" *lights up new cigar

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now this is NEXT level plays

oooh, is that where she is from?

>not having every single archive open

gotta check the catalog to find the thread

The 3D printed prosthetic company is from there at least. It looks like a feature on several companies from the area. I don't know if this is journalism or just softball advertising because I'm not familiar with the magazine.

>tfw born too early to have functional cybernetics
>tfw you'll never be a genuine cyborg
a-at least we have movies...

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That reminds me, i got some scans from a 3D artist magazine about the creation of Alita

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Ah I remember these! Thanks for posting this.

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>Weta has a full 3D model of Rosa sitting on their computers
And they are keeping it to themselves

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>Genuine enjoyment died for them a long time ago.
They never had a chance to experience what Yea Forums was like back when it felt like an actual community. All they know it to be is a dumping ground for stale misery and discontent.
Something wonderful has cropped up here and they're too far gone to see it. I pity them, I really do.

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See if this flips

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>Jim and Rob wanted bigger eyes
>potentially there were a lot of questions about whether that would work...

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they might be /healed/ yet, fren.

>motorball sequences taken from original jimbo storyboards and manga

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>Literally rendered every single strand of her hair

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>Jon Landau confirms that James Cameron did Avatar first as a learning block for Alita

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>Jim making Alita paintings since 2005

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It's also going to be on us. There will for sure be new people once we get BD and webrips, and with the interested people will come more trolls as usual. But I know we'll be welcoming to everyone new. Because that's just who we are.

>Heavy use of physical sets at Rob's insistence

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Archive because why give clicks, and I think this new site even triggers the Yea Forums spam filters (absolutestateofentertainmentjournalism.webm): archive.is/CzMwk

thanks for sharing, user! These are really cool.

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you're not wrong. We've weathered trolls before but I'm sure many more will genuinely want to be here when they watch it.

Based Rob.

alitachan when

Why would we need a multitude of boards? A single thread has worked well so far. It’s not like we need to fracture and split this up? Maybe if hudreds of people come to discuss ten different topics, we would need a board - but I don’t really see that happening.

We'll always endure. Besides, they can't do any worse to us than they've already tried.

It's a joke fren but I'm really glad we've got this thread consistently here.

You misunderstand. Not a board, a website.

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Who's gonna pay the hosting costs?

Some Mexican.


Both reasonable solutions

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>We went for that [material] so that when the sun would shine through Alita, she would be glowing.

I love mai waifu.

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I really need to rewatch

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>ywn have an Alita harem
Just rocket hammer me now, Ido!

I know that feel bro. Also I'm off to bed sleep well and sweet dreams everyone

Never give up, user


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>mai waifu
I don’t recall her giving any consent? As a grown adult, I’ll respect her choices, but if you go around saying she is your “waifu”, you have to deal with me.

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And what will you do? Will you crush my skull with the rocket hammer?
Thank god...

One of the reasons I like it so much is that it's a union of brute force and finesse. You'd have to practice with it to learn the optimum time to throttle up without throwing yourself off balance. I just think that's cool as hell.

>drawing can't give consent therefore...

Oh no. This is bad. Leeta got to Ido.

Another Aus going to sleep, have a comfy rest of thread people.

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What, you’re just going to be creepy with a drawing? Well, if you don’t bother anyone, I’m not one to judge. I could help with your head problems, but I have more than enough repair work waiting already.

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Good night fren

night upside down fren

maybe they are adding more scenes? on the chinese marketing they mentioned hugos hand being his brothers but that wasnt in the film. maybe we will get his and makakus backstory in the BR

Even better than...

yeah, you've got a point there.

Oh, wait! Watchmen came out in 2009.

Shazam! is better than Watchmen?

Would anyone happen to have a cutout of Alita: Fallen Angel? Desperately need for an OC i got in mind

>2 hours of blu-Ray content

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all I've got, sorry fren.

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>tfw this is the only deleted scene we know of
I really hope there's more or some kind of director's cut but it doesn't look that way.
lol nice

Thanks fren

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I haven't seen Watchmen, just read the comic, so I can't say for sure, but based on what I've heard about it Shazam is probably better. Besides, I don't really think of Watchmen as DC, since it's a totally disconnected universe.

>been browsing this general for 12 hours

Too fuckin' ez

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Those are rookie numbers son...

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welcome to the club. If I'm not at work or out doing stuff, I'm on here all day. wouldn't change anything.

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>Alita: Battle Angel deserves its mixed reviews. Clearly like any other Western adaptation of a manga or anime, it fails to live up fans and enthusiasts’ expectations. It is not entirely bad though. The CGI is a masterpiece, its world is immersive, and their lead hero makes the film worth watching.
>Robert Rodriguez did not give us our replacement for sci-fi cult classics like Blade Runner. What he did give us are two things: a good time filled with CGI-action and Born Sexy Yesterday found dead in the ditch, the place where that sexist trope should be.

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Yeah I just usually have /ALITA/ open when I'm at home, and while doing other stuff I just chime in and say/do my bit, unless I'm making OC.

I shouldn't be awake but I can't sleep, so I'm eating chili and browsing the chan. Good day, /Alita/.

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Increasing comfy potency just for you, fren.

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eating chili because you can't sleep is a weird ass combo hombre

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Odd choice, user. You're gonna be tooting in bed

>tfw no gassy alita hotboxing the blankets because she ate too much chili
imagine the smell

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wtf have I created

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Cheers friendo

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Might also be confused marketers mixing up the OVA and the movie.

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>shooting with both eyes open
based, RR did his homework

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>Christoph Waltz in Inglourious Basterds
One of my favorite Rosa quotes is "the way he ate a strudel made me piss myself"

Which interview is that from?

>she can do crazy things with her lips

Attached: mangaidosweat.jpg (229x300, 18K)

Rosa does a lot of flinching with firearms in her other movies though

fuck, imagine holding your breath for 8 minutes.

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Well, she isn't exactly Keanu Reeves, if she spent some time with Taran like he did then that would probably be greatly improved.

>calculating each individual strand of hair
Fuck yes I'm finally vindicated.
I said that in a thread a month and a half ago and people made fun of me so I watched like 40 minutes of behind the scenes features for at 1.5x speed and still didn't find a source.

I think they mention it in the CineFX mag too, fren.


Don't remember, I think it was one with her and other people up on a stage like at ComicCon or something

Relevant for

She'll be great by the third movie when she actually uses guns, she didn't get as obsessive on other films but she went all out for Alita

Attached: rosafighting.webm (960x540, 2.79M)

Keanu has also been doing gun stuff since the Matrix so he's had a while to get gud

I call bread

I call breed

That really depends on if RR/whoever directs decides to get autistically anal about the gunplay or not. While realistic gunplay would be nice, considering the nature of the source it could be canon either way, honestly.

And yeah, I'm talking about Alita using what amounts to Orc weapons.

Guys, we didn't hit image limit

Have some fun.

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You aren't ready for my idea of fun

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>tight jeans fitting onto a girl's legs

Mmm, gets me there almost as much as sweatpants Alita

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Attached: cute screwing up the odds.webm (640x238, 1.03M)

>Well I hope you've got your life back on track now.
I have been healed by Arita.
I decided I won't be a waste of space. Went back to school, gonna build a career.

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>Jim making Alita paintings since 2005
I think this is the one they were talking about

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55, unlucky numbers

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>R63 Koyomi

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Some absolute madman actually built one and demonstrated that it's actually a viable weapon.

Have fun but not too much fun young lady.

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so has the film broken even? is a sequel possible?

That really depends on your definition of "too much" fun........dad

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Dunno, could've been. I don't really follow youtubers.

referencing this panel obviously

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I prefer R34 Koyomi

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It broke even at $350M according to Fox, cost/profit is tied in with the Avatar series anyways so a sequel is basically guaranteed

NEW bread NEW bread NEW bread
NEW bread NEW bread NEW bread
NEW bread NEW bread NEW bread

Did someone say Koyomi?

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Let's just hope Avatar does as well as Jimbo seems to be banking on it doing