Is it possible to drink like Julian IRL where you pace yourself and maintain a small buzz throughout the day? How addictive is it and do you get hangovers from doing it?
Is it possible to drink like Julian IRL where you pace yourself and maintain a small buzz throughout the day...
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Sure it’s possible
Near constantly but after the first couple drinks the pain kind of melts away
Not unless you want cirrhosis. The whole point of the dark humor of the characters are how white trash they are you moron. But if you want to give it a shot I say go for it. The world needs less retards anyway.
cant be hungover if you never stop drinking
Why are you so mean?
You're better off just smoking weed, all that sugar in rum and cokes is super bad for you
I was actually thinking of doing the same thing. I am a super spergy schizo, but when i have a couple of drinks and get tipsy i feel very comfortable around people and just about talking in general. What should i drink to achieve this effect, have a flask of whiskey on me and just take a sip here and there?
No keep a flask of Fireball, that way you can offer /sips/ to girls
>A shot of Fireball clocks in at 108 calories, but if you consider all the sugar, that's probably not that bad
Based, i wont even have to eat
>is it a good idea to consciously become a functioning alcoholic Yea Forums?
you can build up tolerance over time so it's really not a big deal. though it makes you an alcoholic and good luck funding it unless you're sitting on some bux
>you need money to be an alcoholic
who hurt you, user?
the only difference between me and you is a couple of drinks
That's an incredibly bad idea user. Feeling like you need alcohol to function is alcoholism, and you haven't even started yet. You'll wind up drinking hand sanitizer within a year
thats how most boomers who party hard drink from my experience
Yeah you just gotta build up to it. start slow and once you've been drinking for a while you can go harder. I start drinking about lunch time when I'm not working.
feels good man
>main character of the show has zero personality or jokes
Any other examples besides Julian?
my biopic
currently unreleased
>Zero jokes
Just made a good one deceiveranon
basically you drink in sips
that's all it is
you reset the hangover cycle just by being in a constant tipsy state
DONT do this. Girls will only find it creepy.
Absolutely. I'm not on the Julian drinking program per se but it can be done. Drinking all day is an art.
that's why you sneak it into their drinks user
are you a virgin or what?
This. Julian is never noticeably intoxicated, just buzzed. In earlier episodes he even scolds Ricky for taking his drink and says things along the lines of "Easy Rick, take baby sips." If you drink too fast you end up Lahey drunk
Are you user?
Just a couple drinks
pff, no way
he had a character before bubbles got added to the main cast, then he became the guy with the plan who thinks he's a lot smarter than he is. remember in the first season when was pretending to be some old lady's grandson or some weird shit like that
I always thought it was odd how Bubbles became a member of the Trio never knew he was intended to be a side-character. At first I thought he was just another random character like the white guy that raps.
no. eventually you will need more to maintain the buzz. your tolerance will creep up on you and eventually you spiral into desperate addiction without ever realizing you were sliding towards it the whole time. the more times you recover from this the more aware you become. essentially, this idea of forever drinking in moderation is concocted by people who have never been addicted to alcohol or indeed any substance
Girls dont take sips from flask user especially not straight whiskey thats a guy thing
Id worry more about the 10 years later effect.
My childhood best friend's mom was an alcy and one record breaking heatwave later she died from blood poisoning, due to lack of water.
As we cleaned up her room after she had died, her matress told a story I would never forget.
I do this occasionly 24 hour sipping for days
Youll have diarrhea and unless youre drinking some kind of onions meal replacement vitamin soup with everything you need youre going to look and feel sick after day2 complete with the shivers. And youre going to smell like whatever youre drinking. Wouldnt recommend.
You should call out to Jesus to heal you unironically
This is true, growing up I used to get like a crate of beers to just sit in my room and drink because fuck it and then over time I realised I wasn't getting the same amount of drunk I used to get so then I started mixing it with other ale's like cider and lager and then eventually getting hard liquor to throw in the mix and it's been pretty much down hill from their. Alcoholism isn't fun friends.
Biggest mistake in the show other than the switch to high definition widescreen. Bubbles is reddit: the character. Should have been Ricky and Julian taking on the world and given Julian more to do.
Yeah, I don’t know if I’d recommend it though.
Larry Hagman did this for literal years and years while on television. He’d drink champagne all day everyday, like 5 bottles or some shit. You can look him up.
You see evidence of this in the show where he doesn't have any liquor in the morning. Trombley plays hungover Julian really well.
How the fuck does one not notice fireball being snuck into their drink? That's like expecting someone to not notice the pebble you just put in their shoe.
it’s not fun you just start to feel terrible, like you’re in one of those half-asleep waking dreams
Post best Ricky Scenes;
I didnt think he drank it that much, but he needed it to not feel anxious.
Ricky is the main character.
He's just like me!
Using alcohol to cope with mental illness is guaranteed to make you an alcoholic. Just see a therapist user
>Based, i wont even have to eat
There was a time when 85+% of my caloric intake came from drinking. You’ll never look or feel worse and you will be on the fast track to an extremely shitty death
>that's why you sneak it into their drinks
Not only a felony but also an awful thing to do
same. when i was going through it i lost so much weight because the alcohol dampened my hunger and i would just drink all day like a piece of shit
Based. Bubbles is the only thing that prevented the show from being top 5 sitcoms of all times.
All the shit with Conky and Weed Leopard.
Plus Mike Smith stole a shitton of jokes from the other cast members from what i've heard.
Drinking in order to deal with everyday situations is the quickest way to become an alcoholic.
it's called being a high-functioning alcoholic.
Good luck in keeping a driver's license though.
>Being a man
>Doesn't drink raw vodka
Pick 1
Anyone here ever experienced true alcohol withdrawal? I wouldnt wish that shit on my worst enemy.
I bet your fun at parties
In the early seasons when it was more a black comedy about poverty than just a low class comedy there's a scene where a broke Julian is mixing the last drops from like 5 different empty bottles, gets 1/10 his glass full, looks at it with disdain, drinks it and is clearly unsatisfied. It was such a perfect depiction of alcoholism I remember being legit sad at what was probably played for laughs.
Go on, please
jus a coupladrinks ran
I bet you barely passed grade school
How'd you guys stop?
Asking for a friend
>its another "retard spirals out of control and ruins their life trying to self medicate episode"
i hate reruns
I still think it's easily top 5 (top 3 even) but they would have had #1 in the bag with a few slight changes like that.
Well he did get his Grade 10 finally.
Samsquamch will never not make me laugh no matter who says it
oh no no no no
What do you guys think of the cartoon? Episode 1 was genuinely the worst 20 minutes of my life, but the episode with them as kids genuinely had a lot of charm.
it sounds lame but you need to work spergyness the hard way. as soon as you make a routine out of drinking in order to deal with people "a couple of drinks" won't cut it anymore. you build a tolerance and need more and more in order to reach a state of mind you feel comfortable in.
It also fucks up you health and people will notice it or smell it on you.
it's far better to get shitfaced every once in a blue moon than to drink constantly in small quantities, if you dont give your liver a break it will go to shit exponentially faster. my uncle drank 1-2 beers every day after work and at 50 he was diagonosed with cirrhosis and lives off a diet of hideous boiled food with no spices like a fucking toddler
most civilized places have laws against carrying around open alcoholic beverages
>how addictive is it?
That's literally the fastest way to become an alcoholic. When being buzzed becomes the norm, you feel like shit when you're not drinking.
Fireball is fucking awful
Lots of pussies ITT
not if pour them in listerine bottle they dont
>you aren't addicted like I am
>haha pussy x)
what's your poison, Yea Forums?
Same with pot.
clear alcohol is for women
was it really necessary to make lahey this much of an asshole during mid-season 11?
St George Terroir gin. Usually just drink it straight over some ice.
This, but unironically
okay Yea Forums i have this plan that will make us rich but i want you to keep it in secret
Is there a more kino episode than 'The Bible Pimp'?
i believe they wanted soeone to contrast both ricky and julian by having someone who is more innocent and goody two shoes but it slowly became another manchild like ricky
This is actually a good idea, I've been thinking the same. I was thinking about carrying a coffee tumbler filled with vodka and just take a few sips before meeting people.
I just came off a bottle of whisky a day, it's very easy. My day would consist of
>Wake up 10am
>Put laundry on (already full from wife and kid)
>Pour whisky high ball
>Sit on sofa and watch YouTube (comedy,. Music etc)
>Hang laundry up
>Continue drinking till 3pm
>Go to supermarket at 3
>Buy dinner and lunch
>Come home eat lunch (continue drinking)
>Greet daughter (she's finished school now)
>Continue drinking till 5
>Bring in laundry
>Begin to start cooking dinner
>Wife comes home from work
>Serve dinner
>Clean dishes
>Watch kino like taxi driver or drive
>Go to bed
I done this for 4 years, only recently stopped. House husband is not that fun
Tolerance is a thing. Very serious alcoholics can drink a fifth of vodka and barely feel a buzz. At that point your health becomes completely fucked. Stopping cold turkey can even kill you.
>tfw one of my colleagues is an alcoholic and doesn't think people can notice or smell it on him
don't be that guy, user
The only time I liked Bubbles was the tear-jerking time when he's opening his present at Christmas and maybe Conkey.
passport scotch with squirt or just beer
Half of my family was like this... i say was cause most of them are dead.
>liking anything with conkey
those were the worse, it adds nothing good to the show except just make bubbles le ironically schizo
I liked when Ricky would argue with it and punched it in the hospital.
>barb and lahey hint a secret
>secret was about lahey being ricky's dad
>turns out is false
>lahey fucked with ricky and julian stripping them from the money
julian is too kind hearted, sometimes
Actual schizo here, you can't do it. You'll stop being able to pace yourself and start drinking heavily constantly. Been there, done that
>everyone ages like milk except for julian, ricky and bubbles
what is their secret? Even jacob looked too young when he first appeared and next season he now looks older than the trio
I am so glad that there are people who hate Bubbles as much as I do.
Its my fav show, but everytime Bubbles gets more than 5 seconds of screentime I cringe
I hate the way he talks and looks, he feels very forced into the show.
JRB's actors are making an actual living wage while the rest of them are making pennies
fucking asshole
they really fucked them all just like in the show
i get that same feeling with bubbles, his moral justice ruins the entire plan all the time
lahey and randy with every season they start to give me more reasons to hate. at first they just wanted to get rid of ricky and julian for business motives, later devolves for personal grudge to the point of exchanging money for Bubbles' life.
Not my fault you're a bunch of alcoholic failures. By all means, please keep destroying your health. Nobody cares and the fact that morons have to ask if alcoholism is bad for you then please do continue on your road to stardom.
Hey guys should I willfully kill my self via alcoholism
>no, user. Don't be retarded.
Wow you're a dick!
The rush episode.
I find it gives me worse constant hangovers whereas getting shitfaced and going to bed after food and water makes me wakeup reborn.
Who is this semen demon ?
In the first few stages it is absurdly expensive. I've known 3 hard alcoholics in my days. They were spending upwards of 300-500 a month on booze. Graned this is in canadaland where a twofour is like 35 bucks.
Jameson Diets
Why the butthurt?
Did you get cucked by a guy like Julien?
Stupid faggot
ok guys
Fuck, Marry, Kill with
>Mommy! People are mean to me on the internet ;–(((
Maybe the loser ones like you lmao
Yes, i spent like 8 months back in 2016 doing just that
Maybe not entirely suprising but turns out Yea Forums has a ton of current and ex-alcoholics.
good luck getting over it buddies
are you fucking stupid?
are you fucking stupid?
it was easy as fuck for me to quit drinking it's the smoking that is kicking my ass. I dont wanna vape.
you're an alcoholic.