>lifting weights
>voting Trump
>owns guns
>goes hunting
>honors the flag every morning
>stars in the best MCU movies
>watches DC
>somehow even radical leftists like Chris Evans love the guy
Can you get any more based than him?
>lifting weights
>voting Trump
>owns guns
>goes hunting
>honors the flag every morning
>stars in the best MCU movies
>watches DC
>somehow even radical leftists like Chris Evans love the guy
Can you get any more based than him?
fuck off retard
He's alright.
Kill yourself libtard. MAGA
10/10 use of the paste command
>Judging the value of a person for what they own or who they vote
You are part of the problem. Kys.
Literally everything except
>watches DC
makes him based. DCShitters are faggots
>Judging the value of a person for their personality and values
You are part of the problem. Kys.
yikes honestly
He's an awful actor
start by having sex for the first time.
>voting Trump
Where'd you get that info from?
>is a christian
>has a son
>leaves his wife
>gets a hotter one a week later
>makes new kids and forgets about his old ones
Based and sexpilled
>watches DC
Oh well, nobodies perfect.
you forgot sub 80 iq and also acting only in garbage. I honestly wish everyone that watches capeshit and thinks its good pancreatic cancer
>>leaves his wife
>>gets a hotter one a week later
>>makes new kids and forgets about his old ones
Sounds pretty fucking based desu
>Was able to sneak the word "Jesus" into a typically atheistic Marvel Film.
No, he's boring and he's a hypocrite in real life (like most self proclaimed christians).
>>lifting weights
most actors do
>>voting Trump
never confirmed
>>owns guns
he's a hick
>>goes hunting
he looks up to joe rogan
>>honors the flag every morning
>>stars in the best MCU movies
they're all bad
>>watches DC
all comic book movies are bad
>>somehow even radical leftists like Chris Evans love the guy
Evans isn't a radical leftist, he's an establishment poser
Yes, hides his power level in plain sight. You get blacklisted for being right of center in Hollywood. He acknowledges his faith but doesn't talk politics.
>I honestly wish everyone that watches capeshit and thinks its good pancreatic cancer
>there's something wrong with you, not me!
Which is weird cause he seemed like a leddit cuck the first time i saw him. His feminine voice and mannerisms coupled with his five head i assumed he was some progressive type.
I own a shit ton of modern and heirloom guns and have loved upland and whitetail deer hunting for all of my life (it’s a family tradition that homies back decades) but I vote democrat. What am I supposed to call myself in public?
>his forehead
Do you assume people with large foreheads are progressive leftists?
Chris Evans isn’t a radical leftist, he’s a sexually degenerate effete man with a fucked up family. The political shit is to keep him relevant in his industry and because his uncle is a democrat. He’s extremely problematic in person if you know what I mean.
And yet here you are right in this thread. Such a beta.
He’s not progressive, he’s rather nasty actually, he bullies cute Tom Holland for being gay when the poor kid clearly had a little crush on him.
I think you got the wrong Chris
It's literally the opposite, they're usually more right leaning and have higher verbal IQ than average.
>omg this guy is so based he votes for trump
are you 16 or something
not the narrative, fuck off
This guy doesn't vote Trump lmao. He'd be a Ted Cruz guy, if anything.
The only based actors are those who don't talk about politics...
like based james woods and redpilled clint eastwood
>honors the flag every morning
pure ideology, imagine being that spooked. hemsworth is clearly more based and isnt a complete retard.
hemsworth is a confirmed faggot
Yes. Always support fellow men who understand the need for tradition.
These people in here whining about “pol” are just bug juice on the windshield of an internationalist imperative to rule our every thought.
You're the first to mention it. Does that count as whining about /pol/?
is that keanu?
this video make me feel funny ...
moar liek honoring the FAG amirite lel
>voted for Trump
fuck off
>wearing rug to gym
ffs. *own* it you ridiculous old popinjay
he was on fox and friends not that long ago and he actually called Trump “based” and the hosts started clapping
He is anti border, maybe Mel just lied so he could get money for his future projects.
>What am I supposed to call myself in public?
A cuck
Brenton should have had this training then he wouldn't have sperged and dropped those mags.
He did but we won’t believe you and ignore your post because it’s funnier to just post that he is based
I’ve tried that, but the guy at the hardware store doesn’t know what that means and when I tried to explain he had to get to the next customer and we both had screen door repair kits so it was awkward as fuck
>What am I supposed to call myself in public?
how about your name you fucking retard. only retards use labels for self-identification.
It was mentioned earlier in thread.
Voting for a Zionist is not based
>he namefags irl
>only retards use labels for self-identification.first time on 4channel?
what a bunch of sad dilating future statistics ITT
find some razors trannies and don't forget to walk DOWN the street, not across it
should I stream my auidw
>the most based actor
Livestream it for all I give a fuck you disgusting freak
should I link it?
A retard who wants his gun rights taken away.
First wife got mad he got /fit/ and became a bigger star. And she didn’t want more kids. Imagine having to deal with an insufferable cunt who won’t give you more kids.
based straw man
>went from being REDDIT the actor to being Yea Forums's most loved actor
this is how far this place has changed
no, nobody cares, just do it anyways and make the world a better place
>not being an antinatalist in modern world
Absolute NPC
Based. Unfortunately the Democratic Party is no longer the Democratic Party. They cucked out on blue collar workers and have become corporate stooges and race baiters. Everything they accused and hated the republicans for. Neocon cucks are just as bad. Sad that there’s virtually no one left to fight for the common man.
We /culturewarriors/ now. We're obsessed with politics and being outraged at leftwing culture warriors who are outraged.
Truly the best Chris. Hope that little twink ends up addicted to ice so i can pick his ass up for a couple twenties and a rock
>shagging arnie's daughter
that's how adults work.
I have no intention of habging put woth some gun grabbing hippie who spearheads causes for niggers
fuck off marveltard
He’s based on the most important issues: Vatican 2 being illegitimate, Jews killed Jesus and are thus members of the synagoye of satan and the holocaust didn’t happen but it should have. I can’t believe his rant included all that and telling his pregnant gf to get raped by a pack of niggers. Pretty damn based, especially when he shot that gay black Jewish boy on the set of heartbreak ridge.
That’s fine our species doesn’t need fags like you.
You're a fat ugly virgin
wrong on both counts, so have sex
oh wait, no one touches disgusting mental cases
It's pretty obvious you have no friends lmao
Tom Holland is an adult he doesn't need defending by you. I used to respect Tom but I realized at the end of the day he chomps down on a big fat cock every night.
>Lying on the internet
Just sad
>being such a disgusting waste of humanity you lash out at people and call them liars for not chopping their dicks off
bit sad really
>Seething this much about your lack of sex
It's pretty obvious you're a teenager
Not him, why are you so cringe worthy, culture warrior? Is it because youre a culture warrior and think that everyone who disagrees with you is a tranny?
>m-muh breeding!
Yeah that's the peak of your talents
Imagine being such a loser you can only hang out with other incels
Movie 43 was kino faggot
Didn't he divorced his wife to marry an Arnold thot daughter?
Didn't he asked for a left wing pedophile to get back his job?
>Didn't he asked for a left wing pedophile to get back his job?
He was the only one who wasn't up in arms about that.
That fat retarded wrestler faggot was mainly
Voting for the better option is always based, even if both options are shit.
Admitting you voted for Trump as an actor surrounded by a sea of shitlibs takes balls. Not having balls you wouldn't understand.
>implying I'm lacking
I think you're starting to project, tranny
and you are who?
>Can you get any more based than him?
by stop associating yourself with capeshit
we need more people like him
a hypocrite or a fudd. take your pick
A democrat?
Sweden is somewhere in the top ten guns per capita and the ones that own those guns are mostly northern swedes, who are the most socialist people in the entire country.
He respects Gunn as an actor and a friend. You can like people despite their political differences. Chuck Norris is one of Whoopie Goldbergs closest friends and they are politically so far away from each other as it possibly gets.
as an director*
His ass
>Pratt + Schwarzenegger genes
Kid will be a natural action star
Kek why you lie
You misspelled Chad. Have sex.
>hurr durr I'm a christian with christian values
>cheat on your wife
>not a hypocrite