Doctor Strange predicted 14,000,605 different outcomes for Infinity War...

Doctor Strange predicted 14,000,605 different outcomes for Infinity War. What's one of the dumbest/weirdest outcomes he saw?

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The next DCEU movie breaks a billion.

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one where people shove food in their ass and shit out of their mouth

Why didn’t they film the one where everyone teams up to mind break captain marvel?

Thanos creating infinite resources

There was probably one where they tried to seduce Thanos

what is this, r/askreddit?


One where I stumble upon Antman's van and accidentally trip into the timemachine and somehow acquire the soulstones. Which I then use to bring Scarlet Witch back to marry her and have nine children together. We lead a fulfilling happy life and she'd attain happiness that she wouldn't get in any of the other outcomes.

because she lives in the heads of insceure men rent free

I wouldn't know. I've never been to reddit.

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stark fell down the stairs and become a quadriplegic

Thanos attempts to escape in the Thanoscoper but it crashes so he runs away but trips and lets go of the cube!

>actually getting triggered
I would rather see black widow, but I can’t remember these peoples names.

Thanos poopoo peepee on everyone xD:D

that just means that you're proud of being a dumb follower that can't make up your mind on your own.

Thanos Cock

But this is the best manga, as long as you read it properly.

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The one where redditfags shove cacti up their assholes

I'm dumb for not visiting reddit?
Idk what you mean bro. Simmer down.

The sword he used looked like a helicopter blade and he even spins it super fast at one point.
It's a reference to Thanoscopter and no one will convince me otherwise.

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jerry get ipad


Hawkeye jumping on thanos out of nowhere and killing him with 1 knife stab

Just before the original snap Arya Stark jumps from out of nowhere and stabs Thanos

Ironman challenges Thanos to a dance off

Christ, what is this hivemind?

Miss Marvel jumps from a tree and offs Thanos with a beam to the stomach

thanos suffocate in scarlet witchs bobs

Potts jumps out of nowhere and stabs Thanos with Cap America's shield

then everybody claps

imagine going through the list of females (and males?) trying to seduce this purple giant. watching as they realize this mother fucker is only into incest and gamora refuses to fuck Thanos for the fate of the universe

The one where the Holocaust actually happened

inb4 Thanos did nofap or some shit and refused to fuck any of the women

you're dumb for not forming opinions on your own. you're bragging about letting strangers decide what you think. this is cuckoldry at the deepest possible level.

I too sawt this thread on askreddit fellow redditor

No you didn't. We live in the universe where it originated on Yea Forums first

what are you talking about friend
all i said is i've never been to reddit
huh. what a coincidence. i've never been to reddit. :)

The outcome where Nebula and Gamora fuck like rabbits and Thanos slips on all the juices they've squirted out while scissoring haha that would be weird

Antman penetrates Thanos' anus and then expands inside

one that ends the movie immodestly and no shekels for anyone

and another one where he uses his tech to shrink himself down first too

Thor invites Thanos for a beer and its poisoned

lmao xDD

me watching it on kinoplex with my gf

They did, but this is exclusive footage reserved for jewish producers. There's one for every marvel actress and actor.

Can we stop replying to reddit thread please. Thank you.

The one that happened. Stark surrounded by literal gods and high powered aliens but he had to do the snap?

>So just tell me, Titan, what the power is? Is it infinity stones? That's what my brother says. Well, you got lots of stones, so what? I think the power is in truth. Whoever is right is strong. Say, you've cheated someone, made magic gems out of it... Did it make you stronger?? No, it did not. Because the truth is not on your side! And the guy you cheated - he is right. That means he is stronger. Right!?

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Nick Fury discovers Thanos' secret cheese pizza collection and blackmails him into giving up the stones

feige is rebooting it.

Having high standards about shit characters is now insecurity.
Whatever you say, femcel.

>Hey, Thanos. You got something for me?

Probably the same one you idiots watched

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>Right to left

A totally gay earth results

The one where Peter Quill tries to distract Thanos with dance off but Thanos is a great dancer

The Avengers travel to the Westeros universe and summon a little goblin to take care of biz just when Thanos is about to do the snap

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at least a few hundred where Tony and Captain American turn into fascists and wipe out wakanda. Damn, I'd pay to see that movie.

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The one where they challenge Thanos to a baseball game and then they all realize they don’t know the first thing about baseball.

THIS. Someone give this man gold.
inb4 QUEEN ARYA stabs Thanos.

I can tell you what the best outcome was.

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Challenge him to basketball and let Wakanda handle it.

>thanos uses reality stone
>kevin bacon comes out and out dances Peter.
>then to rub salt, brings peter's mom out and make out in front of him
oh fugg


So if Strange was tasked with guarding the time stone he did a pretty poor job. Still the best character though.

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Wow, what a coincidence. I've never been to reddit.


A timeline where Thanos really did everything to win over the love of a girl, but it turns out he's just a lonely neck beard neet orbiter and she doesn't even remotely like him.

The one Ant Man shrinks down, enters Thanos’ anus then supersizes up exploding him into pieces.

Shitty meme, she’s unfuckable.

The avengers decided that the only way that Thanos won't kill half of the universe is if he knew how it felt to experience true love. Then he would know how hard it would be to lose the one you love. So in order to make Thanos find true love, each of the avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy attempt to seduce Thanos. Unfortunately when Thanos realized that Hulk didn't actually love him he took revenge and killed half the universe.

Basically everyone rolled a 1 on their attack throws. Drax trips and impales himself. Doctor Strange accidentally drops Mantis on some rebar. Quill sticks his grenade to Iron Man's head instead of the gauntlet. Spiderman just ends up swinging into Thanos' upstretched arm and hits his throat, choking to death. Critical fails left and right!

I don’t think about her at all until it’s relevant to a thread here, which is what you did by whining about people’s taste.

Stop being a contrarianfag. Most people would fuck a lubed up garbage bag if it was scrunched just right. You don't have to look at Brie while fucking her warm hole

The universe where Yea Forums has sex

I’m not that nihilistic. I really don’t find 4/10s fuckable.

The one where you go back to Yea Forums you raging faggots.

Tony's long lost sister Arya kills Thanos the end

I would hatefuck Brie Larson and it would be wonderful.

Imagine there is a universe where this movie released with a cpt marvel prolase scene

i'd fuck the anime version tho

Oh fuck now I cant unsee this

How do you know he posted this on reddit if you didn't visit reddit

Thanos being defeated lke this

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I would regular fuck Brie. I bet she's not even a sadist. Probably likes to be dommed hard, like spitting on the face and shoving your hard cock deep in her throat dirty. Ahh just imagine it. Hot cum all over her face, disgusted by her actions but she just keeps going. Just in ecstasy at how much of a dirty whore she is. Probably likes to be slapped so hard it leaves bruises and pissed on like the toilet she is. Fuck, I'm getting hard just thinking about it.

Fuck off incel.

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I'd hardly call that a defeat.

Imagine her riding your dick while peeing on you.

Lmao, what is this obsession with brie larson peeing on people all of a sudden? Not the first time I've seen it mentioned.

>he wasn't there

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Thanos sees Tony cry because of the death of Peter Parker, which leads Thanos to unsnap. But then Black Panther informs him, that doing that because of two white guys is racist, Thanos snaps the world again, which leads BP dying.
The female heroes inform Thanos, that it was terribly racist of him to do that, so he snaps again, this time leading into death of Captain Marvel, but he is then informed, that it was a sexist move.
Dismayed by this, Thanos snaps again to make himself disappear. The final thing he hears is someone stating, how that is exactly what white supremacists do.

With each other?

That's the beauty of 2D

>Turns out this was actually a second future where they succeed
>Strange refuses to accept this and lies to everyone about what must be done
>Rather have Stark die than to live in a world where they beat Thanos by having ant-man crawl up his ass

simpsons did it!

Please let there be more.

Why did he even count the outcomes?

The biggest nofap of all was that he canonly took the blackpill because he wanted to fuck Lady Death.

based /tg/ lad

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>Tony uses the gaunlet
>He can't stop thinking about stupid sexy Thanos
>The entire universe becomes a perfect replica of his ass

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Use Yea Forums mathematicians to beat Thanos.


He went through every single one of them, to him it probably felt like eons. He wasn't JUST looking for a way to win, he was also looking for the best possible outcome.

It was to his dismay that he discovered one actual possibility for victory against Thanos, he was probably hoping to find a couple dozen and choose the best of the bunch.

Ant-man expands, puts Thanos up his ass and then shrinks, crushing him with his enormous anus.

>deadpool keeps dying and fucking death
>thanos gets jelly
>makes deadpool immortal
>deapool survives snap
>steals gauntlet when thanos takes it off to fap
>uses it to turn thanos into francis
>fills his ass with 1000's of tiny ant men
>ant men all expand
>francisnos is kill

That one where everyone were saved by one single rat.

Captain marvel JUMPS on Thanos from the back and stabs him with a vibranium dagger.

ante man get ipad

Something you can't buy time, I want my three hours back


i was told by the redditors on 4channel

Point them out.

The one where the autism that posts on TV got to write the script for

this one


Hank Hill defeats Thanos.

whoops wrong guy it waa actually this one

The one where the Russo brothers get the greenlight to make Deadly Class season 2

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>mfw Disney had no qualms about using time travel to wrap up the Iron Man era
I hope they enjoy the rest of their franchise being bugged with the question "Why didn't they just use time travel to fix it?"

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Everyone rebooted as the Ultimate Marvel Cinematic Universe