As a pajeet in the west this hits me right in the feels

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Other urls found in this thread:

is he trying to find the toilet but isn't sure what it looks like?

White women are really easy though, easier than pajeetas. You just need confidence

>tfw pajeet but people think you're a spic

pajeetas are easier than you think

No, pajeetas are only easy for white men, they are horribly difficult for fellow pajeets. Just like white women prefer darker men.

That's not true. Women of all races prefer their own. It's biologically built into ourselves to show preference to those of similar genetics. It's part of the tribal mentality we've all inherited for millions of years. Of course there are outliers, but studies all show that for the majority, it's true.

All women prefer men who have sex

That's my anecdotal experience though. I think its more of a cultural thing, if you've got a pajeet with a thick accent smelling like coconut oil and bobbing his head then naturally white women won't be interested.

Autism. Not even once.

Peak poojeet copeposting, also
>smelling like coconut oil

>It's biologically built into ourselves to show preference to those of similar genetics.
So basically you're saying everyone should fuck their parents and sisters? Fuck off, kleetus.

open bob

spread vagen

stop being so cringe

He has the square jawline, sunken cheeks but no confidence, awful hair, fuzzy face and unplucked brows.

t. mulatto pile of shit

Read a book and learn some basic biology kleetus.

this will simultaneously trigger and comfort poltards

Rent free

I knew I'd find newfags in this thread


That's a result of all sorts of social pressures. Non-white whores prefer huwhite men, trust me.

Based armchair anthropologist


Where im from pajeetas choose white men over their own, its really infuriating

>It's biologically built into ourselves to show preference to those of similar genetics.
idk about that man theres no way i'd fuck my sister but hey its your life

Im a pajeet with really fair (white) but brown skin, practically like a light tan and look like an east asian.

What kind of treatment will I get in Burgerland? Life's fine here in sweden though.

Explain asian women chasing white men

How many dogs did you fuck today champ?

Yeah? Which studies?


He's right though. There is thing called genetic attraction. The reason for why most people don't fuck their siblings, is the Westermarck effect.
If kids grow up in the same household, even if, they're unrelated genetically - they won't fuck.
And the many cases of siblings falling in love with each other, happen because the children where split when their parents separated, or left them or whatever.
It has even been proven that, people that consider each other to be 'best friends', are closer genetically, than other random people.

No they're not. They are large children who are all on high horses and impossible to please and have ridiculous over the top standards.

This might actually be bullshit feel good science. The more you look into it the more it seems women in multicultural societies are more willing to betray their own race.

>tfw pajeet
>not first choice of my women
>not even on top of my own foodchain
lads what can i do?

Attached: Pajeet.jpg (620x388, 95K)

This entire thread is a yikes from me

>source: dude just trust me

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Your brain on Yea Forums

Attached: pooinloo.jpg (1208x620, 227K)

Just use tinder. You can easily find decent looking horny white girls that will fuck anything with a dick.

Friends - more genetically related:
Westermarck effect:
Genetic attraction:

White men are on average the most inherently attractive and high-value mates. Poos and other third worlders are mostly ugly and low value. Why would women be interested in smelly autistic brown manlets if they can do better? I’m not saying poos can’t be good-looking or charismatic, but most of them aren’t and those that are have the reputation of the other 95% to shake off working against them. Correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think I’m saying anything that is untrue here.



literally what is this

is that a wig?


It is now

cringe chad

It is now


pajeets are living proof of dysgenics in action
ancient pajeets were the first to construct advanced urban sewage systems, later composed some of the greatest philosophical and scientific texts
now they are a nation of a billion low iq streetshitters
also they are physically the weakest race

I see reddit has arrived.

Dont worry dude, just date other non indian girls. Theyll seethe when they see

step aside cuckboy

maybe try fucking your own kind?

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I think he means easy to fuck he didn't say easy to make happy or live with.

It's not really related to the webm at all, but imagine being a fat turbomanlet pajeet.

Imagine really thinking that the average normal white woman unironically prefers darker men and the insane mental illness and internet and media addiction required to really honestly think so.

I don't think modern pajeets are genetically related to the inhabitants of Mohenjodaro/Harrapa. We are a mix of central asian middle eastern and dravidian stock in varying percentages depending on location. Some of us may have a little greek too. There are anglo indians of course but you can tell them apart from the rest.
Source : Am Pajeet

you'll never fuck a white woman you brown virgin

>be pajeet born in canada
>develop a white man's disease
i wish we stayed in india

Attached: rope.jpg (238x250, 6K)

>i wish we stayed in india
Nah you don't bro. whatever disease you have , you've got a higher chance of making it there.You can always fly out here for a cheap operation tho.

Fuck off retard
Harappans had substantial Iranian Neolithic ancestry which is still found in most Indian ethnic groups
Do you think the Harappans just disappeared?

Our trashy white rejects don’t count.

Not true with some races. Pajeets are basically mutts created after generations of aryans breeding with australoids, so pajeets are prone to race mixing

its not true for western Oriental females, they all prefer white men over their native slant eyed men

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Do a higher percentage of Indians have autism or is it just a culture shock thing? From all of the shit I've seen online like "send bobs and vagene" it seems like Indians are huge spergs.

Are there really nonwhites on Yea Forums? How do you handle the fact that the rest of us hate you?

/pol/ is the least white board so they probably stay there

Give us burgers a break, we don't even get white right.

HWNDU reboot when?

>no source for OP's webm
>thread becomes /pol/ circlejerk

You have to go back.

>just be yourself bro
fuck off chad. let me play my vidyas in peace.

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Thiramai irukaravanukku vaipu kidaicha athe sariya payanpaduthikanum.....athuku Dhanushum oru utharanam

Brainlet reddit-tier posts.

But when you give them a choice, such as on dating sites/apps, they trend toward white men.
Obviously the idea most people prefer their own race is a side effect of most, for example, indians living in India where there's no choice, or blacks living in the inner city where there's no choice.
All things being equal, everyone prefers whites. Even yellow fever is an overstated meme in comparison to how many white dudes still end up with white women.

In large cities, yes.