Bypass a whole bunch of bullshit by sailing most of the way

>Bypass a whole bunch of bullshit by sailing most of the way

Not to mention it being way faster. I'm literally a genius.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Saruman would probably blow the boats up with his magic gravel. Who knows what industrious innovations he had waiting in anticipation

they might have run into that big pointy thing on the bottom left though

It's not shorter even if sea travel was teleportation.

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are you suggesting they make port in umbar
a place literally controlled by black numenorians and corsairs

>just sail through waters dominated by the corsairs of Umbar and then through Osgiliath, always near shores contreolled by the orcs
Come on, user

I know what this thread is

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why didnt they get the eagles to kill the pirates?

But user, there's pirates and stuff

you know......

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no one said shorter


To enter the forbidden sea pays the penalty of death

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What if the Loch Ness monster attacked them tho?

>good guys
>black numenorians
>bad guys
Ummm sweeties?

Why not go all the way by water? I bet Gandalf could enchant some small boat to easily go upriver.

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travel by sea is much faster and easier (providing you know how to sail or row) than travel by land

dig up Tolkien and have him write an alternate version where they take a boat and it's all corsairs and mythological ocean monsters and sea elves with exposed breasts

Why didn't they just row out to deep ocean and throw the ring overboard?

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Until you get nabbed by pirates.

fucking rivendell is meant to be some magical hidden place and it's on the fucking world map. it's also like 4 days walk from the shire. fuck tolkein was a hack.

I am the wizard now

>it being on the map means you can just go and make a house call when you please
it's protected by Elrond's enchantments you utter fucking sperg

>Dig a tunnel using dwarves
>Come out at Mordor



>Go out to sea
>Drop the ring 1000s of metres below the surface

Wrong. It's also a "shorter" distance between LA and New York, but before highways and railroads it was faster to travel by boat between coasts. Retard.

Why didn't they build a magic rocket and send the ring into deep space?

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Yeah because pirates are so much harder to deal with than a horde of urukai/orcs/wraiths etc.

>thinking Sauron's victory depends on the ring
It could have been hidden in the deepest trench of the sea, and it still wouldn't have saved Middle-Earth. Sauron was going to win, and destroying the ring was the only way to defeat him at that point. The Battle of Pelennor Fields was a premature attack that Sauron was baited into because he was hungry for his ring, and believed Aragorn had it. When the armies of Men march towards Mordor, they know they march to certain defeat unless Frodo and Sam succeed.

holy fuck, Tolkien-Odyssey fanfic kino, sign me up

>Until you get nabbed by pirates.

They've got a literal wizard, just get him to put a hole in all the pirate ships

Those aren't "pirates", those are Umbar sea predators

>whirlpool detour

If Saruman can conjure storms and avalanches, imagine what he could do in the ocean. Not to mention the monstrous sea life that’s probably in Middle Earth.

>Umbar sea predators
Indeed, they are much more sinister than mere pirates. They spend weeks, if not months, grooming you into sending compromising nudes that they then use to extort your magical valuables, or they'll post them on social media. They masturbate to them as well, the sickos.

And then they manage to put a whole in your ship and you will swim the rest of the way.

so what happens when sauron finds out and sends all those corsairs after you

>Implying everyone had this kind of map

Fucking Boromir had to blindly get out in search for the legendary place. You think they all had google maps on their iphone, zoomer?

>Ring gets eaten by fish which get caught by orc

There are monsters in the sea that would be drawn by the ring

>Fish 1000s of metres below the surface coming to the surface for food

Put the ring in a metal box, then drop it

now youre just being difficult

>bigger fish eats the box

Metal rusts. Also the ring desperately wants to be found. No problem for some keeper-like creature to crush some metal box.

Use Gandalf's magic to make them avoid it

Gandalf isnt a all-powerful god
The ring will always find its way back to Sauron, regardless of what you do with it (unless you destroy it)

>get enslaved by corsairs as you enter Belfalas

Why didn't they just steal some lava from mount doom, put it in a box, carry it back to the shire, and then throw the ring inside the box? That way, if you get caught, you can just say that you left the ring in the shire so you don't have it.

Tolkien's a hack. What else is new?

Mount Doom lava can melt steel boxes

If you manage to get in and out to steal some fucking lava from mount doom you might as well have brought the ring.

Sauron isn't gonna just let you go just with some piss poor excuse.

Pirates would fuck them up.

Because someone, somewhere, sometime will inevitably find the ring.
Ring has a power and will of it's own and it will return in someone's hands eventually.
They talk about it in the book, during the Council of Elrond

Only thing that stopped Sauron was Gollum who tripped into the volcano

>Dig a tunnel using dwarves
>Come out at Mordor
You'll run into nameless things or worse.

I swear to god they mentioned in the book that if they went by water, the Kraken would kill them - this was already addressed.

Umbarites have the best ships in Middle Earth, there is no escaping them, or beating them on the sea.

>you might as well have brought the ring.
But not bringing the ring is part of the tactic. That way, if you get captured, the enemy can't take the ring from you

You'd be a sitting duck for the nazgul in a boat in the middle of a sea, they can fly, you can't. All it takes is for frodo or someone around him to put on the ring just once. It wouldn't take long for others to strangle each other for the ring while being in a confined space.
Plus as mentioned in the thread, there's pirates. There's also sea creatures of all kinds, if you thought the tentacle monster in moria was bad, it's probably x10 size at sea.

Nah there was too much pirates.

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they'd still have to go through the most difficult part

Why didn't they ask a blacksmith to create a safe with a number combination known only to Frodo, and they just lock the ring inside, and then Frodo kills himself. That way, nobody can even use the ring.

I always forget that Fieldy from Korn is in that movie.


Corsairs of Umbar at their apex, Haradrim in the middle of a war with Gondor.

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Sea monsters


Orange:Humans alligned with Sauron

And this is before they knew about Isengard

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They would have nothing to eat from the time they leave Rivendell until they get to Gondor. In addition to supplies, they also have to construct a boat big enough for 9 people and ponies. It's also moot since in this scenario, Saruman wins and there's no saving Minas Tirith

This and it wouldn't destroy Sauron.

So Sauron was the rightful ruler based on majority support?

>Orange:Humans alligned with Sauron


Fuck off literal fag.

Wild men of Dunland , Easterlings, Haradrim, Corsairs of Umbar

ie they can't just pass through.

>be director
>put yourself in your own movies
>A-am I Hitchcock now?

Haha suck my Iluvatarian COCK you massive satanic liberal democratic faggot.

Because only incels want to watch boat movies

3-4 days tops

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They addressed that in the books, I don't remember what exactly they said why they can't do it.

More like two weeks

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So, was Talion canon? Apparently he died as a Nazgul riding a drake at the on of the trilogy.

No, he's not, its a fucking game with blacks as gondorians.

Could you theoretically take a part of Mt Doom, heat it up back into a lava state then dip the ring in it and it would then be destroyed. Because in all likelihood Mt Doom is made of solidified lava that has erupted over the course of time to create said mountain. So therefore the lava down below would have the same material composition as the mountain itself, bar heat applied.

That's One Piece though.

While the nigger was bad, the game made a pretty cool story. Celembrimbor was top fun.

why didn't the hobbits just dig a tunnel into mordor?

''It can only be destroyed in the crack of doom'' so presumably is was more about geography than just the lava itself.

too many orcs with their own tunnels that they live in

>Khand is bigger than all other kingdoms combined

Remind you of anything, white boi?

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>the brown lands
A little too heavy handed there tolkien.

Why didn't they just Colombus that nigga?

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they'd fall off the edge

During the First Age Melkor corrupted Ossë, a Maiar of Ulmo. Ossë was redeemed and re-entered the service of the Ainur, but they never fully trusted him again. Ossë's domain is the littoral regions and shallow depths of the seas, but there are creatures and powers under his control that go much further. Ossë is a friend of Círdan the Shipwright who was in possession of Narya, the Ring of Fire, but later surrendered it to Gandalf. If the Ruling Ring was thrown into the ocean, it may have come into the possession of Ossë who is already vulnerable to evil and has a violent character, who could then manipulate Círdan and the rest of the Elves.

The world is a sphere in the Third Age; Eru remade its shape towards the end of the Second Age when the NĂºmenĂ³reans invade Aman.

Why didn't the Empire just bombard Windhelm from their harbour?

Likewise, why didn't the Stormcloaks just bombard the rocky pillar that holds half of Solitude in place?

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Fucking nerd


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Why didn't they just make it take place in a more interesting province?

>biggest landmass
>smallest contributions to society

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they had no resources.

da wite pepo tak it all

Yeah, what lies to the east of Mordor? Is it all just empty land without people? I have always wondered.

They literally did for hundreds of years.

They would reach that hidden continent where people are not allowed.

They actually made it more interesting than it should've been. Lore-Skyrim is 99% covered in heavy snow, like "Winter is coming" snow. The only place not covered in it should be Karthwasten in the very west of the province, but revamped the entire area in the release version. It's all rocks and mountains now.

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that map is fanmade and it's garbage
neck thyself

gibs reparatiens

Is that map official, i.e. Tolkien made or is it just fan fiction?

That doesn't explain the several thousands of years the negroids had to come up with the wheel. But they didn't. The Egyptians were building pyramids and the negroids couldn't even build proper mudhuts, long long before white people even knew of the existence of black Africans. Fucking pathetic.

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Entire North jumps on Drogon's back for the next fight. Book it.

>increasing the length of the journey by 2.5x including a treacherous medieval sea voyage that requires close contact with an entire crew of sailors to somehow not see the ring and want it which was the whole point of having a small trustworthy fellowship of skilled warriors traveling in secret to begin with

It's fanmade. I'm not even sure if Tolkien ever described the rest of Endor (Middle Earth).

Why didn't they just build their own volcano and throw the ring in there?

Just get the wizard guy to use a removeWater spell

Why didnt gandalf come back a few years earlier from his study session, so they could make this comfy trip? Just avoid everything that looks a little dangerous and at the end just sneak to mt doom and call it a day.

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Why didn't they just sail on the eagles?


The entire point of the books is that sauron was going to win even without the ring. Hiding it wasn't going to stop his army from destroying middle Earth.

>one city per province and maybe one camp with 3 generic NPCs in it

What's the next step on Todd's master plan?

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Why didnt Gandalf just put a hobbit in a box and mail it to Mt doom.

A normie ship can't reach Valinor by sailing westward in the 3rd Age.

>larger and with more natural resources than the majority of the world
>never invented the wheel

Gets the noggin joggin

Calm all y'all, sweaty

you know there are no blacks in LotR? The closest thing is referred to as half trolls because they were presumably negroes that got raped by trolls.
That big downy things in the first one.

This is the only good depiction ive seen of them.

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Khand isn't Niggerland, It's steppe Kurgan land. Far Harad is Niggerland.

>by transposing as many of the world's other countries
>africa is a country

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i think that over lap should be turned to the left a bit.


>Frodo puts a quill through a piece of folded parchment

>Gandalf climbs on a eagle and flies as high up as possible
>fires ring out of the atmosphere into space
>ring gone forever

Sauron still kills or enslaves everything on earth if the ring is gone, it has to be destroyed

It's from MERP. MERP also has one nazgul be female Numenorean queen waifu.

>other named countries
>Western Europe
Bravo, negro.

meh, if it ever comes to anything the angel-gods from across the sea will show up and push his shit in

the right thing to do would be to just chill with Bombadil and wait

We don't know that, the Valar were incredibly indifferent to mortals by this point and might have thought that Sauron conquering middle earth would be what causes dagor dagorath, big mistake to try and stop that happening. Plus eru told them not to interfere in middle earth and they're all aware of what happened to numenor, the last place that went against eru's wishes.

>Western Europe
>half of Germany/Poland gone
>entire Balkan area cropped out
>Spain cropped out

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>they had no resources
>the most resource rich continent on earth

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>That doesn't explain the several thousands of years the negroids had to come up with the wheel. But they didn't.

Not only did they not innovate the wheel themselves, they immediately went back to carrying things on their heads after whitey had them using wheelbarrows for centuries.

>mordor surrounded by a square mountain range
explain this

Sauron (or maybe Morgoth, I don't remember) morphed it. Mountain ranges and geography in general were shaped by Valar and then Morgoth fucking it all up.

was the map changed over the years?
I remember a slightly different map from ~15 years ago where Minas Tirith was right next to Mordor, with Osgiliath on the river (Anduin) also very near to Mordor.
There were no indications of the extent of Gondor.. and I don't think the mountain ranges surrounding Gondor were there.

they're still there, just not viewable on that map

literally the richest continent on earth in terms of resources

What would Sauron have done when he got the ring? Conquer all of middle earth.....then what? Wouldn't he get bored and need more self actualisation once he's reached his main goal?

He would have slowly raised the taxes.

Radagast can control animals, or at least persuade them to do shit. Why doesn't he just shove the ring inside a pelican or some shit, and make it fly into mount doom? You really think Saurons nazgul are going to fly after a pelican?

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>tfw you'll never see something as ambitious as LotR in movies ever again
Heavy use of CGI ruined everything, LotR can't be done anymore in the current era.

'course not
it was a pretty shit story,mordor was better

Lotr was full of cgi.

Spain is there. Also
>western europe

Where are the delicious brown Elves on that map?

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It was full of subtle CGI mixed with practical effects and costumes.

Will this be in the new LotR tv-series? Asking for a friend.

rebuilt it in his image, he was obsessed with order and believed the world was doomed to chaos if he wasn't in charge

ered mithrin(blue mountains?) is overun with goblins and so are iron mountains(where some small portion of dwarfs are struggling)

>Because only incels want to watch boat movies
Based and redpilled, only people who haven't had sex like boats

>ered mithrin
Grey, not Blue. Blue maintains are near the western coast at the edge of the map were Grey Heavens are, dorfs live there too.

read silmarillion. it was always about those. so he would probably try to respawn his master Morgoth and then go back to hunting down Silmarills, killing elves etc. Same shit as in First and second ages...

right, ok. grey it is. still with goblins thou so making a way via north wouldn't work...

That's going trough orc and easterling territories that have spies all over.

he lost the electoral vote

What was Sauron's tax policy?


He'd probably crack down on immigration and strengthen the borders.

>safer trip
>just go through Angmar lmao

He's kinda the vice president that took over after president Morgoth was impeached.

He was defeated and only serves as a shadow of Sauron, and lives in Minas Morgul anyways.

oh man this made me kek

Timegated exploration where a window pops up and you hit "explore" and get loot instantly.

why didn't frodo just put the ring on his cock so that the orcs would be gay if they tried to take it?

oh fuck

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That doesnt mean that its free of the monsters the Witch King commanded, Aragorn even mentions in the book that the Dunedain rangers have been keeping the beasts in the north away from Bree etc. for a long time now

Frodo would become invisible (same as if he puts it on his finger) so only Nazghuls could suck it. Literally.

>going through Angmar, land where the Witch king used to rule
>going near mount Gunduband, the base of goblins and mountain orcs
>going ANYWHERE near Rhûn
>going through the icy north regions of Middle-Earth

they could say no homo first you fucking retard

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Fuck off back to containment

most of his army was driven away (at the time to Minas Morgul along with king of angmar...)
only trolls/goblins are living there now. still not a good place to go through tho, for sure.

Then Sam would turn invisible

there's no dark *lf board

and stay there

that's the anime board, retard.

What did you post?

>Going through the brownlands with jewellery

I posted "that's the anime board, retard."
It's right above your retarded post

Just fuck off back to your weeb corner

Why you so mad kid

Because hiding the ring is a lose condition

Why do you insist on posting your mental illness in a LotR thread?

Why didn't they just attach the ring to one of Gandalf's magic fireworks and shoot it into mount doom?

Why you so mad kid

this whole fucking time I never knew these were cameos

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Even if that worked (and it wouldn't like said), Sauron without the Ring can still defeat the goodguys.

>by sailing most of the way
Not so fast sweetie

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I bet you he was just fucking with Frodo

The kid Aragon coaches in the second movie is Vigo's son

>its a "Yea Forums discusses LOTR" episode

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Why didn't Reich made it into the game

fly you fools

Dude, if this thing was in a tiny lake imagine the monsters that are in the ocean

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invisibility is such a lame ability
why does everyone want it?

Mountains increase travel time

But the eagles were afraid of Mordor....until you know, 2 seconds after the ring went in, then they suddenly darted there.

Anyways, Middle Earth is the worst map in all of fantasy. A mountain range with two right angles? Really?

Doe they even have reliable shipbuilding technology in Middle Earth? The only boats I saw looked like fucking swans. Like, do they even have the compass? Are they capable of sailing on open ocean?

They could have encased it in molten iron, put it in a barrel filled with concrete and plate it in iron and then just hide it somwhere with minimal guards. It would be too heavy to carry and so you can just leave it unattended.

Based tolkienlore user

Because Sauron was dead and couldn’t use his eye laser on them.

Everyone is aware of the theory that they were going to take the Eagles, but Gandalf never told anybody for security reasons? Then he falls and he says "fly you fools" hoping they would understand but they didn't.

Well, Frodo insulted him a little bit, didn't he?

>But the eagles were afraid of Mordor....until you know, 2 seconds after the ring went in, then they suddenly darted there.
it's because they saw there was actually a chance of finally defeating sauron

they were there instantly.

probably heard of his defeat at minas tirith and set out beforehand

they don't take the eagles for reasons explained in The Hobbit. Tolkien didn't bother bring it up again because he isn't a hack fraud that explains everything every 5 minutes


>Tolkien didn't bother bring it up again because he isn't a hack fraud that explains everything every 5 minutes
Except he explained it

not in the movie storyboard

Why did Jackson leave out The Scouring of Shire, i.e. repeated assrape of Gandalf?

>excuse me Mr. Sauron, we're from the sanitation department, we're here to inspect your drainage and take lava samples

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"heard" ?
As in got a phone call, picked it up with their beak and held it to their ear?

Where do these things live anyway?


Just cuz niggers to weak defend themselves

>the hobbits guys obviously walk on their knees
WKUK is kino

>tfw whiterun has more intractable NPCs and questgivers than the towns in Morrowind

They are direct underlings of Manwe who is for all intents and purposes omniscient.

They were way ahead of the curve on the new star wars too.

Why not just go to a different volcano? Lava is just superheated rock, which cycles through the geological core of the planet fairly evenly, so it should be the same at every volcano

Why didn't they just give the ring to Sauron and let the system implode on itself

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>Zoomers don't know about that retarded Jack Black skit


>Making most of the trip next to Dunlengings' land
Fool of an OP!

Holy fucking shit this is uncanny. Between this and scetches about Kennedy and Reagan, is Trevor going to get suicided by 27 shots in the back?

>Dunlending lived in Rohan (can't remember old name) before the Rohirrin displaced them
They were those who lived across most of Eriador before the Numenorians arrived and conquered, colonized and enslaved them
Those who got to Beleriand in first age (Haladrin, IMHO, were of tose group) got fucked over by everyone multiple times
And all they ever did was chill in the forests
I'd be mad enough to ally with Sauron too desu

And are they just big ass eagles or are they more?
Do they eat big rats and shit on the walls of Minas Tirith?
What do they do in their day to day live? Just eagle stuff or do they fight in wars, write poetry or share wisdom?

nah nah nah, Shire is England, Gondor is somewhat Italy (post-great empire, white mountains are a bit like Alps etc)

(yes, yes, Second Age, I know)

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wow. someone is fucking touchy

They are magical but magic in Tolkien's work isn't like contemporary D&D or video game magic. It's a lot more subtle, like the magic in old myths and legends. Eagles don't cast Chain Lightning or something like that, just like Gandalf isn't a lvl100 pyromancer just because he has a Ring of Fire. In this case, magical properties of that ring mean that maybe Gandalf can ignite fire in the wilderness without dry twigs, or that he can "ignite" hope or courage in others. Asking are the eagles eating rats, or what they do in free time, is like asking what Medusa does to pass the day inbetween turning dudes to stone.

So eagles are just waiting around like unemployed dudes, waiting for someone to need them?

Medusa is just a normal woman. Aphrodite was angry because some dude found her hotter so she turned her hair into ugly snakes and made every person to look at her turn into stone. But Medusa isn't a magical being in her own way. She is just a woman

You're oversimplifying a complex myth about Gorgons, which has a rich history and symolism, as well as dozens of variations in both hellenic and other mythological systems. I could try to elaborate more about ME eagles, but it seems you only want to shitpost in a dying thread so I won't bother.


Most mountain ranges were not formed naturally, there were built by the gods as ramparts to protect their realms in elder days.

But we were talking specifically about Medusa

No, not really shitposting. Generally curious about the eagles because they are really kinda stupid compared to the actually really interesting Majar, Elves etc.
Even the orcs have a good background.

what the hell is this referencing, it sounds so eerily familiar but I can't place it

It's a trope used when trying to explain wormholes. I think it was first used in Event Horizon and has since been used a bunch of times, including Interstellar

Medusa is a Gorgon and almost every monstrous being in all of world's mythologies is created as a "corruption" of something ordinary (man, woman, animal, etc). It's an archetypical narrative device, used later by Tolkien (orcs) and numerous others, including hacks like Blizzard's Metzen.

Concerning eagles, they are the ultimate solar symbol in nearly every european mythological system. That's why they answer only to Manwe in Tolkien's work - to them, even Gandalf himself is someone beneath them or at the very least equal to them. In other words, they're not epic mounts like in WoW, waiting the heroes to act as their transport .

On the other hand, as I said, magic in Tolkienverse is subtle so eagles are just as suceptible to harm as every other being. Arrows and catapults can hit them and fell-beasts can fuck them up. And ultimately they're super obvious and the entire point of Fellowship's mission is to secretly destroy the ring while Sauron thinks it's actualy being used against him, making him avert his proverbial gaze elsewhere.

So yeah, they're not as cool as dragons, giant spiders and undead warlocks, but everything about them checks out in a mythological sense, i.e. the only sense that mattered to Tolkien.

Used by literally everyone to explain alternate dimesion/spacetime/whatever desu

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I think I've seen this shit too many times to not realize I've seen it too many times. Weird.

Where's the gif from? I only know the scenes from Event Horizon and Interstellar.

yes yes yes I get all that but are they then just animals...special but still can do only the things an eagle could do? No language or telepathic abilities to make them intelligent or conversational with Gandalf or so?

Practically a Pegasus, a quasi divine thing that isn't any more magical than a horse but can fly?

That's my question. Are they just big ass birds that are special because they are big ass birds under the cotnrol of Manwe like the horses or dogs of Loki and such?

Stranger Things

>Practically a Pegasus
>like the horses ir dogs of Loki
I pointed out several times they're not like typical fantasy mounts/pets in any way, and are more akin to demigods or celestial beings in animal form.

Why don't people realize how fucking stupid this sounds? Africa is huge. At their technology level, the colonialists couldn't deplete Africa's resources if they had 10,000 years.

>I built it

If Gandalf didn't like the idea of Frodo going through Cirith Ungol, what route would he have taken the fellowship? Through Rhun and in from behind?

why didnt they just ask the orcs nicely if they would let them pass?

To be fair, this wasn't a wormhole. But tomayto tomahto. Where else has it come up?


>Give ring to Elron inna box
>Elves take it to Westernesse
>Elron buries it in a very deep hole, and doesn't tell anyone where it is.

The ring would eventually control the pelican and fly it straight to Sauron.

>Sauron still conquers all of middle earth because he both has the larger army is the superior strategist
wow sure showed him

Literally the first time someone did fantasy worldbuilding on a huge scale like we know it today
>haha y is the map so unrealistic lol those mountain ranges tho haha didnt the author watch "the hyper realistic worldbuilding tutorial for you D&D campaign" on youdube like i did and i immediately became an expert haha

>He only needs the ring to plunge all of middle earth into a second darkness
Good luck running an evil empire without a body.

Homer and other ancient greek writers established a better and much vaster fantasy world.

movies and books both explicitly state sauron will win if the ring is not destroyed
Sauron explicitly has a form during the books and we see it briefly in the extended version of the films and deleted scenes

He is literally a god. Why the fuck would he need a body? His powers don't lie in his physical form, he isn't a Naruto boss.

>ywn see Lord of the Rings for the first time again.

Can one of you book-fags explain to me why this route wouldn't work?

Attached: getrapedsauron.jpg (1000x750, 551K)


I'm sure Harry will find a way to stop the reincarnated evil wizard from ruling the universe for ever, without having to destroy the magical artifact that makes you invisible which the evil wizard needs in order to gain ultimate power.

a) Comparing thousands of Greeks creating and rewriting myths over a period of millenia to a single guy doing something in his lifetime;
b) Implying that Greeks "wrote fantasy settings" in a contemporary sense, which is horrendously untrue, because myths in Hellenic world were indistinguishable from "normal" history and geography.

Perhaps he can enlist the help of a friendly old white bearded wizard, who talks in riddles and only does sleight of hand magic and firework tricks like putting candles out, despite being able to do some really fabulous magic. Allegedly.
Oh, no...wait! He falls to his doom 3 books before the end of the story.

>going anywhere near Rhun
bro, no


Kek. But how else are you suppose to practically explain wormholes?

Attached: 1553774456161.png (662x478, 22K)

Isn't that just the same as the route they took except through less friendly territory?

Why didn't the fellowship just go for a vacation in Lake Evendim? I'm sure they would have a good time fishing there.

Attached: screenshot01459.jpg (1671x984, 300K)

My brain cannot comprehend this image

Attached: thumbnail.png (529x394, 211K)

Is that screenshot from LOTRO?

This looks cozy. Is this the MMO?

>80 quests related to Balmora
>14 quests related to Whiterun

Attached: Qin_liangyu_2.jpg (1280x1809, 195K)

This is discussed at the council of Rivendell in the book. They can not go by sea, because there are many dark beasts still lingering in the depths, and they could be drawn to the ring's power.

Yes. Evendim (Nenuial) is canon, by the way.

It's one of the comfiest zones in any MMO.

Attached: Evendim_View.jpg (2560x1440, 634K)

okay nerds, why couldn't they do THIS then?

Attached: best path.png (1260x945, 2.98M)

heh. smooth.

Why didn't they just build up speed for 12 hours?

Attached: banner.png (1366x768, 1.28M)

Why is literally everywhere in Middle Earth super dangerous except for the Shire? How does civilization even exist?

Because Third Age is a mess. Elves, the strongest caretakers of the world for almost hundreds of thousands of years, are almost entirely gone from the world and live in a handful of secluded enclaves. Dorfs are getting it even worse. Out of several strong kingdoms of Man, only one and a half still stands, and they are in shambles. And of course, Sauron is gathering his power which means every bumfuck ork or highwayman from Angmar to Umbar is getting super uppity.

LotR is basically a dark fantasy novel with entropy being its main theme. Third Age is the time of ravaged empires, dying magic, forgotten history and old ghosts rising again.

ok bucko

Honestly that's probably why all the eastern countries sold their souls to Sauron, the power he offered was the only way to survive

>He doesnt realize where that trash came from.
Its the same in india, its not hteir trash, its all from teh 1st world

not enough white people

Middle earth was created by the Valar, and people like Melkor wrecked a lot of it, it was not made by natural formation.

Attached: 1554059432024.jpg (1080x985, 170K)

>I didn't poo in this street, you did.

>its not hteir trash, its all from teh 1st world
It's their trash. They bought stuff from the first world (because they make very little stuff themselves). But they just never got round to inventing stuff like trashcans and landfills for all the stuff they want to throw away.
You can commie trope it into our fault all you want. But the fact remains that there is very little that is simpler than putting the trash in a trashcan, yet the lazy fucks just let their kids play in big piles of garbage instead.
If there were big piles of rubbish in a white town, the people in the neighborhood would organize a "let's collect the trash and put it in the big hole outside town" day.
But these people just sit next to it all day and stare at the shite their kids are playing in.