Any kinos were pseud's get exposed?

any kinos were pseud's get exposed?

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Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off back to pol

fuck of back to Yea Forums

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How much fucking water do they need?

>Tulsi Gabbard? She's an Assad toady
>So she's an Assad sycophant?
>Yes, it is known
>What has she said that qualifies her for that?
>I don't remember
>Well I like talking to her
>Yeah I like talking to her
>But she believed in conversion therapy
Joe Rogan is great at catching people in traps like this. He lulls them into a false sense of security by being so agreeable and frankly dumb, but when he knows he has someone he is really good at pressing them.

fuck off back to tv

Have you seen Žižek talk? The guy has to replenish all that spewed saliva

There are very few movies where Jews are exposed. Most were produced in Nazi Germany.


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Jimmy Dore did a live show on this interview, he really shits all over her too.

they love water

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>Tulsi Gabbard? She's an Assad toady
Whats wrong with that?

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Who was who in this conversation?

thats a based comic what the fuck

israel good
assad bad

It is known khaleesi

The jew is the completely uninformed one who jumped to assumptions about someone she's never talked to

>but when he knows he has someone he is really good at pressing them.
Or if they dare to question the miracle drug marijuana
Second person is Rogan

I'll never understand how American pundits can reconcile their support for Saudi Arabia and opposition to Syria


Be careful. You'll end up like me and so many others here, as the evidence piles up in front of you. I was a shitposter when I first came to /pol/ for some "epic Nazi trolling" and, within a year, found I agreed with about half of what was discussed. By the end of the second year I was indistinguishable from the rest.

The terrible truth of /pol/ is that it's as liberating as it is horrific.

You lie to yourself less, but you begin refusing to accept the lies from others - even well-meaning others. Your personal relationships with the few people you can stomach to be around, will suffer and degrade under the stress of the constant need to suppress your power-level. In the truth you'll be sickened at the world, yet constantly drawn to seeking this same truth. It's a counter-"hugbox".

/pol/ is the Hurt Box.

Instead of locking out reality in your "hugbox" like a progressive, you'll force yourself into this hurt-box on a regular basis. /pol/ is a self-inflicted and intellectual masochism, as the price of placing the truth above all else.

You could have prevented this.

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Bari Weiss is an NYT journalist. The “jouranlist” claims that tulsi is “an Assad toadie” after Rogan mentions her. Rogan asks her what “toadie” means, and she can’t answer him so she literally has Jamie google “toadie” and reads the definition. Then she expresses disapproval of gabbard after Rogan says he enjoyed having her on his show and when he asks why Bari doesn’t like her she starts stalling and furiously googling shit on her phone. At one point she even says maybe she’ll come back another time and talk about it. It’s hilarious.

Nice Blog, upvoted.

>why don't you like Hillary?
>m-muh emails...

I don't know why people are still surprised at this stuff, people like Bari get into the positions they have out of nepotism, not out of any scintillating political insight.

Weak bait

Bari Weiss makes Ben Kikepiro look like a Hamas member.

Everybody knows that. That level of arrogant ineptitude is still stunning, though.

>Your entire farcical career rests on never ending whines about evil jewish cultural marxism
>can't name an actual cultural marxist

Bari Weiss Syndrome has a nice ring to it

that's that fucking retard who came to australia and wrote a fucking retard cunt of a piece about us. fucking dumbass.

I mean if you turn a blind eye to it eventually its going to degenerate from "sufficiently competent to do the job anyway" to Bari-tier "my worldview is entirely derived from NYT/WaPo headlines and opinion pieces"

>jews did everything
>yay i'm redpilled

Žižek wants the Democratic party to go full commie

is she Barry Weiss from Storage Wars daughter?

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The thing is nobody identifies themselves as a neo Marxist/cultural Marxist. it’s a pejorative used to describe extreme people who espouse identity politics. It’s like asking “where are the racists?”. This whole event was kind of ridiculous but became the takeaway because Jordan memerson got “owned” because he couldn’t answer a kind of disingenuous question.


he didn't ask for neo Marxists/cultural Marxists, he just asked for marxists

my key takeaway is chinese but I like pizza from time to time too

Hillary would have had me put to death if she'd been elected is that fucking good enough for your kike ass?

Truth is painful
Truth challenges everything you have ever been taught
Truth is unpleasant
Truth makes you the observer outside looking in
Truth is isolating

But it is truth.

Sam is a Crypto-Jew. Of course he hates islam, christianity but refuses to criticize israel. There's nothing atheistic about him.

>But it is truth.

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I don't get it

Your whole set of ideas can be Marxist without you ever hearing about Marx or Communism

non sequitur

this is deep

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Hear me out.

Adult women have no souls though they once did.

Females are born with souls. Little girls have souls and they express their good nature all the time. They're loving and caring and beautiful. But at some point in teenage years when that little girl turns into a woman, her soul escapes her. The soul rises to heaven yet leaves behind the rotting corpse, the physical flesh that we perceive as adult women.

Women are not living beings, they're walking corpses without morality or any kind of complex thought. You can see this in their behaviour, in how they think and their interests. There is no soul in their body.

The sad reality is that females die before they hit adulthood, only having an incredibly brief life before leaving us and leaving nothing but their corpse to pester and haunt us.

>pol and intellectual in the same sentence

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Based incel

No such thing, even the ones who claim they are are volcels.

This is why I'm a cunnyposter

is that perelman?

It's Marx though he looks like Rasputin

lmao half the shit /pol/ posts is straight up lies and the other contextless data

theres more to /pol/ than that. about 85% of the shit you see on that board is nonsense and incel fuelled garbage but every now and then you find little nuggets of information that sound like make believe but upon further research you find out otherwise.
/pol/ isnt a great place for political discussion but it is a good place to find out things you would never find out anywhere else

This, but with Das Kapital.

Based culture warrior

i will admit that /pol/ has gotten a lot worse recently though. so many larpers shills and trolls. wouldnt surprised if the genuine posters make up less than half the activity on there

Have sex sweaty

who is this semon demon

>The terrible truth of /pol/ is that it's as liberating as it is horrific.
le strong men create le good times le good times create le weak men
This is the apex of /pol/ 'truth'


so, reality

Thanks for the spicy pasta

I am watching this now and how is this woman employed as a journalist at America's newspaper of record

because of her race

what the fuck is a strong man?
what the fuck is a weak man?
what the fuck is 'good' times?
what the fuck is 'hard' times?
can you prove that such a cycle exists, materially?
shut the fuck up

Women have souls but they require Male supervision their entire life to be kept on the straight and narrow.

A little girl wants to please her father and naturally a sexually mature would want to please her husband. We just happen to live in a society where men with guns enforce the will of people who want all women to be detached from Male authority.

So your post hits at something true because without Male supervision women do become monsters but it can be prevented and all is not lost.

Not him but you are a lazy-minded coward and homosexual.

>what the fuck is a strong man?
not a leftist
>what the fuck is a weak man?
a leftist
>what the fuck is 'good' times?
not leftist times
>what the fuck is 'hard' times?
leftist times
>can you prove that such a cycle exists, materially?
why, will you believe it then?
>shut the fuck up

not an argument

I don't know if that is necessarily the case. I think it is more important that she echoes the dominant ideology (interventionist woke neoliberalism).

based and in fact of the pills most red

left > right desu

this guy gets it
left > right > left > right, it's an endless cycle whereby the weak destroy, creating the conditions for the strong that rebuild

for example, the nazis were weak and replaced by the strong soviets, who were in turn replaced by the weak americans

>can you prove that such a cycle exists, materially?
Every successful evolutionary change has occurred because of destructive selective pressures. Predation, food insecurity and suffering have lead to the myriad forms of life we now see. The wolf gives the deer his speed. Without selective pressures (hard times) life would be at the level of phytoplankton. Do you know what happens when all needs are provided for and there is no wolf at the door? Look up Universe 25.

Evolution isn't a cyclical process, it's a constant one. As the deer gets faster, the wolf gets better at sniffing it out.

Evolution also takes place over thousands of years. To compare this to something that isn't affected by selective pressures like human society is frankly idiotic.

>human society isn't affected by selective pressures

if you can't outcompete a good portion of the males around you you're fucked

Hi Plebbit

hi leftist

Hi /r/le_Donald

gb2 russia

>if you can't outcompete a good portion of the males around you you're fucked
outcompete how?

small smirk

Make more money, have higher status, be stronger, wittier, any of these that would signal you as a better provider for children or less likely to die and thus possessing genes that you would pass to children who would also be less likely to die

Hi /r/politics

hi r/socialism

elderfag ere
shut up, /pol/ is just an Yea Forums for neonewfags

>Make more money
there's plenty of very poor families in america
>have higher status
social status varies wildly between differing groups of people. just because you're popular in your high school cool kids' club doesn't mean you'll be socially successful in your workplace. there isn't a popular - unpopular slider that governs all one human's social interactions
>be stronger
different women value different traits in men
consider for instance the popularity of 'weaker' men like the twilight fuccboi
>be wittier
same as above


Someone needs to make one on fat shit professional victim Lindy West. Never seen a bigger piece of shit in my life.

t. Adam

Are you some sort of an animal who takes TWO sips from one bottle?

If you cannot see that adversity breeds strength and fitness, you obviously are unfamiliar with what goes on in a gym. If you cannot see that comfort and freedom from want breeds idleness and maladaptive behavior you have never met a spoiled child.

Has that EVER worked? Do you honestly believe it ever will?

elder elderfag here
no that's Yea Forums

STOP assuming everything on Yea Forums is an incel because you are, thanks

>not even redpilled on anglos

>adversity breeds strength and fitness
Adversity results in adaptation, and if that adaptation isn't available, it results in evolution.
Going to the gym isn't 'facing adversity', it's simply manipulating your body's natural muscle-building mechanism for selfish reasons. There is no aspect of modern life that requires strength, unless your job is physically demanding.
The ultimate point is precisely that. You don't need to be strong to succeed in modern society.

There's a reason shorter presidential candidates opt for a box to stand on.

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cmon, Yea Forums is /toys/ for bearded children...
honestly, idk in what state is modern Yea Forums, I was there back in 2005 last time..

There's also a reason shorter people exist.

Peterson loves the Jews though. The rest of the "Intellectual Dark Web" (cringe at the name) is heebs except for their pet chimp/ expert Joe Rogan.

On pol the good leaf is called Juden Peterstein.

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I mean he's not wrong, especially about the social status part. Just look at e-sports nerds and twitch streamers. They're scrawny nerds. They are by no means what I assume your image of an "alpha male" is yet many of them have girlfriends. Granted there are some dudes that are objectively attractive to the majority of women, but the idea that if you aren't 6'3" uber chad who makes 300k per year, then you're doomed to inceldom is pants on head retarded and a coping mechanism for dudes who are just too socially retarded to get laid.

meant to reply to

>there's plenty of very poor families in america
and where do those families live, you pathetic leftist? right next to the rich ones? usually not. often there are entire neighbourhoods and cities where the poor live and which the rich don't go near, lessening the competitive pressure that rich men present to the poor men living there. those men still have to compete with the men around them though.

>social status varies between groups of people.
>dude there are different environments so that means adaptive pressures don't exist
absolute brainlet. two of the differing groups you mention pertain to age and are thus not relevant to mature individuals. the same genes that lend themselves to earning status in one group will tend to provide an advantage to earning status in another, even if those groups have different cultures. a cat living in one environment has different pressures from a cat living in another. so?
>be stronger
different women value different traits in men
top laugh. the things women value in men do not particularly change in different mature populations and studies show this. having more money simply gives you an advantage. being stronger simply gives you an advantage. women are not throwing themselves at homeless, retarded, weak men with zero status en mass simply because those women have unique snowflake preferences

do you think other animals don't have different preferences too? one female cat might prefer one male over another, while a different female cat has the opposite preference. that doesn't mean there aren't averages across their preferences that create selective pressures that drive evolution over time. exceptions do not prove the rule. nor do slight variations blow up into dude everything in relative lmao

you should stop listening to your communist professor and drop out of his gender studies program entirely.

After 3 penises women become emotionally celibate, and see others only as props for social validation from the herd, even their own children

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