Do you watch shows in public transport or generally outside

Do you watch shows in public transport or generally outside,

or do you have to be at home or in movie theaters?

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thick lad there

lol what if he started masturbating on the train haha

quads recognize quads

imagine being hate fucked by him with his feets on your head ahaha (no homo)

Why would you when there are free bulges on display?

Haha good one! Imagine if there were no seats so he called you a fag and told you to sit on his lap haha that would be so funny

guys stay on topic please!!! (i appreciate the effort of the screenshot though)

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While we're here, can anyone tell me the name of this show?

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he needs to sit on my face while his sweat still lingers on his balls!

>Henry will never scissor choke you unconscious


and afaik him and channing tatum are bi hmm...

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Why do men shave their legs?

gosh thos thighs

bodybuilders/lifters do to show off their body. they also tan, some guys i met even have naturally barely hairy legs

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Depending on what sports he does, less air/water resistance.
Or maybe he is just a faggot.

why am i so gay bros?
i wanna get full nelson fucked by a thick thigh daddy so badly

men don't. Metrosexual and fags do

...i swim

desu i am horny a lot but I still don't do hookups, although I look pretty good (just being real).. i'd rather have a real relationship

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in semen

and what about it?


i fell asleep on the commuter rail to new york once. woke up covered in drool and a rock hard boner.
hopefully no creep took a photo of my massive bulge

to signal to other men their homosexuality

I play vidya in public transport

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I stalk my waifu on public transport.

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shieet is that ssx?
my round nigga got good taste

>spot Eva Green in public

Evacuate the premises through the nearest window before I become an accomplice to her public exposure charges.

Based Creep-poster

I feel bad for this nigga

>start to manspread
>their literal main worry is how others will see them

this is why you'll never assert yourselves, femanons.

Silent hill bro


Quad gooooddddd

If god didn’t want us to be gay why did he make men so attractive?


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>38 and no kids.
Why didn’t you save her?

god i would do anything just sniff her jesus fuck AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

I like to think mommy Eva has thousands of children she loves all across the world