Who are some based film critics?

Who are some based film critics?

>Camilla Long reviewed the film for The Sunday Times, a British paper known for leaning to the right, and argues that there’s nothing “urgent” about a story that’s been told “countless times, against countless backdrops.” (Because we’re always flooded with films about poverty-stricken gay people of color.)

>“Moonlight barely has 10 minutes of plot,” she wrote in the review. “I’m not even sure it’s fair to call it a plot, more a hazy one-page meander through the journey of a gay man.”

>Long also declares the movie isn’t relevant, arguing that the audience will be mostly “straight, white, middle class,” and reiterated the opinion on Twitter by saying “it’s a film for a non-black, non-gay, non-working class, chin-stroking, self-regarding, turbo smug audience.”

>The critic, a white woman herself, shut down any white people on Twitter who tried to disagree with her scathing review, but remained quiet when a black man chimed in with praise for the film.

>“I loved Moonlight. I’m black, gay and working class and had no idea who you were before your racist review,” wrote Dean Atta. “You know nothing of what Moonlight means to black gay men. It’s not for you to question its relevance to us.”

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Other urls found in this thread:


>racist review
i want off this planet

Pic related: the only true kino for the black gay working class.

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>local woman criticizes shit movie

if a juvenile dismissal of a film on the ground of themes you can't relate with makes you based, then everyone on Yea Forums is a based critic

>shits on a Black movie made by Black people starring exclusively Black people for being for Whites
What's wrong with white w*men?

>this mobie is 2deep4u u juss dunt geddit

she's absolutely right

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underrated post

excellent based post
let me screencap you and make a thread about it

There's not been that many movies about the struggles of black gay men struggling to fit in their own community that is hostile about homosexuality.

we've reached the point where someone expressing a dissenting opinion is now news

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she was right though, the movie was total Oscar bait that was rushed out after the #oscarssowhite backlash

The joke was on the African-American community though who went to see it when over 70% voted against gay marriage and were the reason gay marriage failed to pass in California of all places

>this movie is for me so its good

movies are dead dude

>what is Blackbird
>what is Trapped in the Closet

White liberals always turn out to be more racist than the actual actors it’s hilairous

Camilla long has since been blacked (by me)and has changed her views
You're welcome Yea Forums

But everyone on Yea Forums IS a based critic

So two other movies. Wow, so many.

mfw when people like this ARENT just a caricature in my meme conscience.

That's a yikes for me dawg.

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those were just the first ones that came to mind. your meme oscarbait ain't the first flick to do it.

Some people just don't have sex.

Women are only good for sucking dick.

Debate me.

>>The critic, a white woman herself, shut down any white people on Twitter who tried to disagree with her scathing review, but remained quiet when a black man chimed in with praise for the film.

So she was right. Out of countless of triggered retards, only one was an actual nigger faggot from outer space.

she also gave under the skin 1 star for being misogynist, she gave gravity 5 stars saying she had a breakdown at the end because of the emotional impact and she frequently shits on corbyn for muh antisemitism
shes just another right-winger who loves identity politics

she sould have sex

>sunday times
>right leaning
Now I've heard everything

Corbyn is a faggot

And that's not even a certainty

>turbo smug

Absolutely terminally BASED

the guy who made that died recently

Hear me out.

Adult women have no souls though they once did.

Females are born with souls. Little girls have souls and they express their good nature all the time. They're loving and caring and beautiful. But at some point in teenage years when that little girl turns into a woman, her soul escapes her. The soul rises to heaven yet leaves behind the rotting corpse, the physical flesh that we perceive as adult women.

Women are not living beings, they're walking corpses without morality or any kind of complex thought. You can see this in their behaviour, in how they think and their interests. There is no soul in their body.

The sad reality is that females die before they hit adulthood, only having an incredibly brief life before leaving us and leaving nothing but their corpse to pester and haunt us.

it's that some kind of post-modern alternative art that i'm incapable to understand?

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> "straight white audience"
> based

was it autism?

>hating on white cucks
>not based

why does she thing heterosexual men watch gaynig oscarbait?

>Nobody says nothing about a no movie, other no ones react


Camilla "Soapy Tit Wank" Long

but who was based mommy?

Imagine taking xer glasses off and just snapping them.

ur smart

>straight, white, middle class
>non-black, non-gay, non-working class, chin-stroking, self-regarding, turbo smug audience.
>I loved Moonlight. I’m black, gay and working class
It's so dense.

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She’s right too.

Shes right. Wh*tes are cucked ethnomasochists and they love seeing negroes and minorities doing wh*te "people* stuff in their flicks.

Where’d you get that pic? Top tier art

She looks like a woman that fucks black dudes

>Who are some based film critics?
Cole Smithey

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>it’s a film for a non-black, non-gay, non-working class, chin-stroking, self-regarding, turbo smug audience


What did Armond have to say about Moonlight?

How does this happen to a person? How do you go from an innocent newborn to this?

There were even a few anti black statements made by LiberAls around that time

Wait what? I thought gay marriage is allowed in Cali

The cunt in OP’s op has reached the point where she’s so disgusted by her fellow whites, that she’s paranoid of any art that whites could even POTENTIALLY like. And since she assumes (correctly) that most of her fellow whites are ethnomasomhistic mentalists as well, that includes art made entirely by black people, for black people. It’s a hilariously twisted situation.


It's allowed in every state now due to the supreme court. But before that it was on a state by state basis and California voted against it.

Here's another Yea Forums must-see. It's a commentary about the white man's plight in face of changing social dynamics.

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Lacking the ability to think logically, being easily led, thinking that you are on the ''right side of history'' oh and self hatred.

I'd be interested if they were huge buff black dudes but those guys are almost as puny as the poor little white guy.


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>“it’s a film for a non-black, non-gay, non-working class, chin-stroking, self-regarding, turbo smug audience.”

thats every "artsy" movie ever though

No Nigger is ever gonna watch a Lars von Trier film.

She's not wrong. Armond White had about the same opinion of Moonlight and he's a literal gay nigger.
At the same time, I have to wonder: what fucking side is Twitter supposed to be on here?
She's fundamentally trying to say the movie is bourgeois and exploitative (which it is), so shouldn't the Marxist fags on Twitter actually agree with her?

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You actually believe Twitter discussions are about arguments and the content of statements?

Oh you poor naive soul, its all about who said it and how it can be used on the enemy.

Modern politics is a competition to see who can please blacks/queers the most.
>our product is progressive
>no, it's so progressive enough since it has appeal to whites more than poor blacks

The "woke" left is anti white at all costs. Can't criticize a minority even if it is justified. If a minority makes a mistake, it's bc a white made him or her do it.

What I read
>Long also declares the movie isn’t relevant, arguing that the audience will be mostly “straight, white, middle class,” and reiterated the opinion on Twitter by saying “it’s a film for a non-black, non-gay, non-working class, chin-stroking, self-regarding, turbo smug audience.”
What she really meant
>This is oscarbait for "progressive" critics. Straight black people, conversative whites, and literally any other ethnic group won't care about this film at all.
No shit the black fag is the only one who gives a damn about Moonlight lmao.

Almost every flick for the last 20 years has had a positive line from Peter Travers in the trailer, I admire his complete lack of shame in shilling for whatever production that promises to give him exposure

If entertainment is about a poor black and panders to them so much that it appeals to whites more than blacks then its racist.

Fucking clown world. Accelerate.

>Camilla Long
>right winger


>Fucking clown world. Accelerate.
how do you fags always find ways to be cringier than the tumblrshitters? it shouldn't be possible

The californians voted against it three or four times then a judge just said it was the law anyway and now it is

back to tumblr with you

Ugh! Aren't those toxic racists just as bad as the SJWs?



Isn't he CWC's brother?

The one and only.

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With your permission good sir, I will copy this pasta.

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Their men aren’t controlling them anymore. They are the whores of Babylon.

Men commit 99% of all murders, 99% of all rapes. Perhaps it is them that need to be controlled.

Holy shit, Based!

And 100% of anything that matters in life.

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