Best American movie of 2018

Best American movie of 2018.

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Unironically this, saw it twice in theatres, great fucking film. Opening was fucking fantastic in the x-15 and the entire gemini 8 sequence was almost word for word and real time accurate, not to mention it was shot entirely on film.

Loved it so much. Shame that lot of people spent this "this movie is anti american" misinfo because they don't show the flag. I'm not American, and this movie still left me with a positive impression of USA.


It was antiwhite propaganda that wanted to erase white American history from the greatest American achievement of all time. Literally no reason to not have that flag except as a middle finger to the greatest country on earth


People will make up any excuse to not see a film that isn't capeshit these days.

That scene was fucking based, it showed how stupid the blacks were.

Other Side of the Wind.

You definitely didn't see the movie.
Not showing the flag makes sense because one of movie's majot themes is Neil dealing with his daughter's death. Him throwing her bracelet into the crater is the most crucial moment in the film.
Also, the movie is full of all-white families with kids and they're all shown in a positive light.
Try knowing what the fuck you're talking about sometimes.

Shit bait

Besides, the american flags did appear at all times naturally, like on shoulder patches and on the rockets.

Exactly. Gosling and Chazelle really dropped the ball on explaining themselves and the marketing.

are you me, user?
absolute kino, terrific score, learned how to play "the armstrongs" please clap

Sounds like it's wasted potential for manly patriotic tears though, I'm gonna watch this film because of this thread and if I don't shed a patriotic tear I'm going to be livid.

What's the Armstrongs? Track from the ost?

>misinfo because they don't show the flag
It was more than that. You had comments from the director and actors to make sure every american knew why they didn't show the flag and it was their intent to shame america for being exceptional. Like how dare we achieve something and then celebrate the achievement.

It's not like it had any competition. The best films of last year were all Asian and European. Well this was probably better than First Man.

You won't regret it. Great fucking movie.

Boring normies talk about manufactured flag "controversy" well into 2019. Real people discuss space.

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Yeah Damien Chazelle is a great filmmaker but a dull moron in every interview I've seen of him. IDK man, it's disappointing that a lot of people missed this film because of bs politics.

I said "best american movie"
The best movie overall was probably Burning. Or the Jia Zhangke movie.

I keep telling all of my friends to watch it and that it has a great soundtrack and they just say “nuh uh it looks boring”


Agree. I'm surprised they even cast a white man as Armstrong.

That's precisely what it was. Hollywood lefties inherently hate the USA and what it stands for. They want to rip up the Constitution bc it was written by white men.

That's not looking too far into it, that's reality.

I know. I was just saying that it was weak year for American cinema in comparison with European and Asian. I liked The House That Jack Built, Burning, Shoplifters and An Elephant Sitting Still the most. I have yet to see the Zhangke film but it looks good.

I only enjoy films about the moon when they’re directed by Kubrick.

>Like how dare we achieve something and then celebrate the achievement.
then why make a film about it?

The Gemini 8 scene is next level badass. In theaters you actually felt like it was you getting loaded into the rocket.

>dude the moon landing was a global achievement not a white one

Trash flick. Gosling is known to be a closeted gay basedboy leftist cuck

yes, it's a piece written for harp but is pretty well suited for keyboard as well. heavily recurrent theme, link related

Twisted Pair

Most of us know their politics but they have to tell us up is down and down is up and they really believe everyone is stupid because they are soooooo smart and right.

Remember the sheboons that REALLY allowed us to go to the moon. Pay your respects.

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Honestly, i probably am

Hidden Figures? More like Hidden Niggers!!!

I was in a pretty much full theater when I saw it, and when the air got sucked out of the capsule and it was dead silent, you could hear a fucking pin drop. It was miraculous.

No talking.
No crinkling food wrappers.
No coughing.

Just glorious fucking silence. Everyone was absolutely gobsmacked by that switch to the 70mm IMAX and the beauty of that silence. Aside from the numerous beautiful scenes in the film, this experience stood out most to me and Ill never forget it. This shit was so good that it made an entire movie theater full of people absolutely dead silent. Im telling you this shit was incredible.

would have been great if they didn't remove the flag and made it about globalism

Hilarious propaganda

i couldnt see it in imax because my shit 3rd world country doesnt have too many imax theatres
that mustve been glorious

It was intended to take a US achievement and kick all americans in the balls with it and tell us we're wrong.

it was about what ambition does to a family. that scene of neil and his wife on either side of the glass when neil was in quarantine was pretty straightforward

whiplash and la la land shared these themes
andrew breaks up with his loving gf in whiplash
guy and girl never end up together in la la land

i know, i thought it was supposed to be about america

you bought it. up is down and down is up

Stick to capeshit man, you're clearly too dumb to get even the most basic storytelling concepts.

and in la la land america never really did anything right or good

when you have the star of the show tell everyone to go fuck themselves, america didn't achieve anything all of man kind did, you kinda know what the story-line is

Jesus fucking christ get the fuck over two sentences in an interview you fucking child, you stupid shit eating brainlet, I want to cave your idiot fucking face in so you cant use the resources someone else with an above 95 IQ could use. Stop shitposting in this fucking thread about a fucking interview that had an actor from a film without making any actual points about the film. Its been months since the shit blew over and your fucking lizard brain cant move past the same tired talking point. You are a fucking robot, a mindless drone, a worthless miserable unthinking, unappreciative, undeserving of life lonely faggot mutant.

I want to curb stomp your fat ass face.

Not every movie has to suck America's dick. Stop being such a mong. It's ok for a film to be critical of the status quo.
I agree with you about the marketing, they said dumb shit while trying to double down on what people (conservatives) were already saying. Bad move. The movie is not that for sure.

>then why make a film about it?
Oh yeah.
I'm sure making money wasn't a factor at all. Nope. Nah. Nuh uh.

pro family, pro white, pro american, pro success

ofcourse twitter doesn't like it

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Seething discord tranny

It wasn’t pro family, pro white, or pro American. It quite literally bashed Americans and they tried to paint the family as conflicted and troubled.

Beautifully shot too. Every shot was aesthetically pleasing.

Except for the shot where they purposely left out the American flag to shit on white Americans

THIS. I'm not even white but this scene made me feel like a 1488-er

slit your wrists discordtranny

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Back to your containment board.

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>it bashed Americans
>family conflicted and troubled
Yeah im sure that has nothing to do with the fact that the husband is an astronaut. And that 5 of his colleagues were killed on the job.

Why spew absolute bullshit?

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Im neither of those things and I want to slap your fat fucking cheeks you stupid fuck, I want to slap you around and make you cry while I insult you. Rest assured im better than you in every fucking way.

All families have conflicts and ups-and-downs you fucking idiot. Not that you would know anything about having a family. You're probably one of those mutts raised by a single mother.

Why did they depict the moon landing as a global achievement instead of a white one?

Why spew absolute bullshit #2?
There's literally a 15 second long uninterrupted sequence of going up the elevator before boarding the Saturn V and the entire scene is just a close up spelling out U N I T E D S T A T E S on the rocket letter by letter along with the american flag as the elevator goes up.

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Dude it's the same guy posting this shite again and again. Pathetic, really.

Yeah, we have different kinds of First Man threads. Either lame and boring talking about the same old fake debate or actually good threads where we talk about this and similar movies and that period of history in general.

politics aside, im just glad another gosling picture FLOPPED!

Oh my bad. Yeah Elephant Sitting Still was great too. Too bad the director killed himself before the movie even released.

You don't like the guy? He's really in this movie. Perfect casting for an emotionally shut off sperg.

There's a segment with a black guy(is it true that typing "nigger" will get you banned?) and he's singing "whitey on the moon" . I think that's the only time the movie tries to make a political statement and even then I think it tries to show that inspite of all that they still went to the moon and it was worth it inspite of public opinion in certain racial groups wasn't favorable. I guess the director felt that the moon mission at that time trumped the discussion for racial equality.

I was going to say you needed to get back to your containment board but in all honesty the best thing for you to do is meet and talk to people from other places on the planet.

The sort of blinkered view you're putting out is only going to make you sad and bitter and it's heartbreaking to think people actually think like you currently are.

You're better than this, user. I believe in you.

outside of the opening sequence with the experimental rocket craft and the sequence showcasing the out of control spin of the agena, the movie was incredibly bland and by the numbers, i hated the visual style with the shaky cam attempting to provide a faux-documentary feel, the fictional moon landing, and using buzz aldrin as a punching bag. i know chazelle was probably under heavy duress by the producers and his vision may have suffered due to this. the subject matter earned a more wholesome treatment yet we got an attempt with a muddled tone and unclear perspective. soundtrack fucking sucked as well
pic related is the best film of 2018

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Yeah I mean they can't completely ignore those things
The public confidence in the moon landing mission was definitely waning and there was a lot of criticism about the cost too.

Debicki kino. :)

>He's really in this movie
well im sure the marketing isn't lying about this

>soundtrack fucking sucked as well

He's really GOOD in the movie

more like heart of darkness kino. one of the best aussie films and one of the best modern films period
it was a piece of shit mate. let me show you something better than all of the efforts in first man combined

couldn't be more generic, bland and derivative

cognitive dissonance: the post

Hi, Simon.

he's really not

simon baker doesn't need a reason to argue why his film is good, it speaks for itself. however since im a fan of the film, i will argue for him

Alright Simon, whatever you say.

>simon wastes his time on an anime imageboard
he's actually a well adjusted individual who actually does things with his life, unlike us. he'd never interact with someone like you

>Soundtrack fucking sucked
Almost got me, next time leave something so glaringly obvious out if you want to bait people

Sure thing Simon.

it's not about patriotic tears, its about relating to neil armstrong and his feelings

>someone disagrees with my worldview, therefore he's just a troll and actually believes the movie to be good but im still going to call him a retard anyway because while i believe he's a troll and therefore contradicting his own point of view, i also hold the belief he's not trolling
what is it hypocrite? stop practicing double-think so much you dummy
link me the best track of first man and ill have a listen, but it was really unremarkable and contrived overall. also
You have to be a soulless literal tranny to think this is bad. It's great in every way, emotional and narrative one. Exceptional use of leitmotifs and the human operated ethereal sound of the theremin.

yeah i really can't stand that melody or the theremin. it's absolutely grating. not a bad thing you appreciate it and im sure you can work up the courage to accept that some people in this world view things differently to you.