Best American movie of 2018.
Best American movie of 2018
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Unironically this, saw it twice in theatres, great fucking film. Opening was fucking fantastic in the x-15 and the entire gemini 8 sequence was almost word for word and real time accurate, not to mention it was shot entirely on film.
Loved it so much. Shame that lot of people spent this "this movie is anti american" misinfo because they don't show the flag. I'm not American, and this movie still left me with a positive impression of USA.
It was antiwhite propaganda that wanted to erase white American history from the greatest American achievement of all time. Literally no reason to not have that flag except as a middle finger to the greatest country on earth
People will make up any excuse to not see a film that isn't capeshit these days.
That scene was fucking based, it showed how stupid the blacks were.
Other Side of the Wind.
You definitely didn't see the movie.
Not showing the flag makes sense because one of movie's majot themes is Neil dealing with his daughter's death. Him throwing her bracelet into the crater is the most crucial moment in the film.
Also, the movie is full of all-white families with kids and they're all shown in a positive light.
Try knowing what the fuck you're talking about sometimes.