Do Women Orgasm from watching KINO?

Exhibit A. @13:46

At least one of them came.

Attached: 2cuntsoneshow.png (2478x1366, 3.02M)

Other urls found in this thread:

female orgasm is a myth

Have sex
But clean your room first

>cuck of soi
You should really consider killing yourself

girl in glasses definitely came buckets

oh look it's the edgy teenager poster. act like you care about his opinion.

>gulps a bottle of soi while replying

I have a hard time understanding why anybody would watch this pure drivel. These reactions are so entirely forced and fake.

Why do women pretend to like stuff?

It’s not just women

But the answer is attention.

I thought they were in prison clothes from that thumbnail.

>Whoa lets not look at the screen when the action happens and think about what 'quirky' faces to pull to try and look cute to the people watching

i checked out this guys post history, and yup, he's a racist incel. move along people, downvote and ignore.

Wow he’s just a shitty human being

>have sex
>but clean your penis first

fixed it for you

send them this and find out

Clean your penis after bro
Women are disgusting creatures inside.

Imagine the smell under those covers

*dives in and takes a whiff*

Would smash both

Huff! Huff!

Society IS prison