How would you write the third episode of the 8th season of Game of Thrones?
How would you write the third episode of the 8th season of Game of Thrones?
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Sneed and Chuck entered the Nigger Annihilator 3000, lights and screens whirring to life as they settled into their life's work. "Well well" said Chuck, entering the final sequence codes. "Look at the niggers pulling up to our fancy American annihilation field." Suddenly every nigger in the world was teleported in front of them, covering the isolated plain for miles and miles. "Pardon us" said Sneed, firing up the laser cannons and nanoblades. Without warning, the NA3K fired off tactical nuclear weapons, targeted at the perimeter of the nigger slaughter field, ensuring none would escape. The mech began moving, as Sneed and Chuck began inputting commands. Miniguns tore niggers to shreds, lasers vaporised entire villages worth. The monstrous machine projected a barrier around itself, disintegrating anyone who it flew near. Tactical destructo-discs and anti-personnel nanobots spread across the field, putting the works of Hitler, Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot combined to shame. Chain lightning fried one million niggers in an instant, and in the next weather manipulation devices rained acid down on another million. Finally, they flew out into outer space and unsheathed PETUNIA VI, their ultimate weapon. "Ultimate Attack: Park Avenue Manicure!" they yelled in unison as they blasted the field from orbit using their superweapon, killing every single "person" with a single drop of nigger blood in an instant. It was a beautiful day, but Sneed and Chuck hadn't even brought out the Kikestompter Omega yet...
Night King just sits on a lawn chair throwing undead at Winterfell occasionally raising his arms.
Azor Dany has to stab Nissa Nissa Jon through the heart with dragon glass, making him a White Walker
He beats the Night King in a one in one match and replaces him
Marries Dany, making a pact between the Others and Humans
I would've written more about the ice zombies, their motives and culture and stuff, and then have the battle be a massacre, and the resolution be something about Bran and NK's connection.
Cooking a few burgers , drinking a few beers with his night's knights.
Casually tailgating Winterfell with his bros.
Dany goes insane, wipes out the entire dead army with ease, the Night King and his underlings slip away quietly.
Jon Snow's Targaryen blood also kicks in, they both become bloodthirsty. Jaime realizes he must be kingslayer yet again but waits for the right opportunity
Cersi gets assblasted by Dany and Jon. Jaime and Tyrion forge a plan to kill them.
Mass battle between Cersi's remaining army and Dany. Targaryen incest couple finally get killed, everybody dies.
Podrick takes throne, has Hot Pie and Samwell Tarly as aides.
I wouldn't because I'm not a writer.
Night King needs to be a larger threat and have more motive and backstory though
Have the night king win the battle of winterfell, with most of the cast dying in the retreat south, then have the final battle with the night king in king's landing
That Night King will attack the King's Landing with the dragon and most of his army theory was pretty good.Night King wipes the fuck out of the city, turns them all into wights while Cersei is escorted to Winterfell with some of his forces, acts like she's changed.That way when The Night King is defeated, you can still have Cersei with a poison on her hand attempting to poison Daenerys' food and Jaime caughts her in on the act.She tries to convince him to help her or let her go, Jaime doesn't budge.Then Cersei drinks the poison herself, making valonqar prophecy come to life.
This, and when they are retreating south they get attacked by Cersei's army.
Winterfel is lost, most named characters die, and they flee south.
The battle take place at winterfel but without the night king and the last scene of the episode we see the NK on his dragon over the kings landing
For starters, they stay inside the fucking castle instead of trying to fight an enemy with vast numerical advantage in open battle.
I would have Daenerys go to king's landing, not winterfell, to begin with. She's a shallow bitch who wants power and the throne over everything else.
So the north fights alone, fights hard but get rekt, having a shit tiny army and good tactics, not the opposite like we had during this shit show episode.
Eventually, Arya could swap face with a night walker and kill the night king, if it's really what the obese man writing the book wants.
Or have her hiding and looking at bran getting prepared for execution, like she saw her dad beheading during season 1. And then she snaps and flash kills the night king.
I don't know, but just don't make her jump out of nowhere in a circle of undeads. It just doesn't make sense... It's not a cheap ninja movie.
Mormont gets stepped on during her hilariously retarded charge at the giant. Arya gets trapped by the white walkers and is raped on the spot.
Or since Bran literally did nothing during the battle, just cut the scenes with Arya and have her be Bran when she gets up and punks the NK.
I'd make it a two-parter and put it at the end of the season. I would also have had the Night King fuck up everything in the north except for Winterfell, and then go south to shit on Cersei, then shit on Dany.
sold. That would be a twist.
90% of the cast die.
Dany and Drogon die.
Arya tries to attack the Night king and is effortlessly knocked out.
The Night King speaks to bran. We learn more about their motives.
Jon arrives and fights with the Night King
It is no use.
Bran takes control of Rhaegal and manages to save Arya and Jon.
Jon learns some shit because of the battle and the deaths.
Night King moves on to take King's Landing.
Exactly the same, except it opens with a shot of the Night King getting stabbed
>*record scratch* *freeze frame* I bet you’re wondering how I got into this pickle.
I wouldn't because Game of Thrones is a soap opera and only housewives and faggots watch soap operas.
Wouldn't she have to kill Bran to get his face? Would be pretty Kino
Everything would be the same shlock except when Theon is stabbed and on his knees, he pulls out a dagger and stabs Night King in the crotch and we hear him finally utter "Ow My snow balls!" and every wight and white walker dies, the patriarchal white supremacist destroyed by ex-male
NK wins
Would be like nazi zombies on level 999
an endless tsunami of the dead swarm in and overthrow the cringe "living" tried to set up
before bran even knows it, after he's don't fucking a cat as ghost, he is shadowed and shredded by the endless dead
Arya should have killed several WW generals first to establish er connection with the NK.
People really like to act like 8x03 is the problem and not everything else leading up to it.
The lighting was shit but everything else is par for the course. Arya killing the NK was good if badly directed.
There is no room to explore anything else and making the Iron Throne the endgame is the right move, otherwise it becomes a pale copy of LotR.
It's fine. You can't unmake an omelet.
I don't think they established that as a rule in the show. The books probably are much more specific about that, but with magic face stealing, it'd be alright for something that wasn't specifically called out to be used for something clever.
Sure as fuck beats what actually happened.
Battle tactics are more realistic which means everybody who can fit there is inside castle manning walls while the rest are at the sides or behind. Bran is warging and revealing the wights position so the dragons can let loose on the zombies. And Dothraki/Vale cavalry can go and snipe the generals if they get too close This forces the Night King to come on his dragon to try and melt a piece of the wall prompting a battle between dragons. The NK succeeds in braking the wall but falls from his dragon in the process and the dragon is killed. The zombies are now rushing into the castle prompting our heroes to fall back to the keep. One main character heroically holding the gap and dying to let the others retreat. The NK now on the ground faces off against Jon who fell near him. Both dragons got hurt/died in the fight before so are not available. Jon Duels the NK but realizes he is no match. He gets rescued by a remaining cavalry unit and escapes with them. Meanwhile the dead have broken through to Bran in the Godswood with the defenders failing. They light a last ditch fire trap to surround themselves and buy time. The Generals then step through the ring of fire and battle our heroes some of who fall taking some generals and their army with them. This gives an opportunity to take Bran and retreat into the keep. The NK realizes that with a huge chunk of his army dead and no way to break into the keep without exposing himself personally his plan will not succeed and retreats to go and gather more dead for his army. When dawn comes many of our heroes are dead and the castle is ruined. Realizing they have no hope of holding off a second attack they retreat south. The Starks looking back on their ruined home before leaving.
>Episode 3 would be the last episode
>Battle is somewhat the same
>No bs tactics.
>Troops properly placed.
>No cavalry death suicide charge.
>Sam is with the women in the crypts and not frontline
>Melissandre arrives with a dozen of red priestesses that support troops with magic
>Battle goes horribly bad. They get overrun.
>NK comes in Winterfell goes towards Bran.
>Jon goes after him.
>Danny tries to kill the NK with Drogon near Godswood. She fails. NK throws spear hits Danny on the shoulder she falls off Drogon.
>Jon arrives in the general area near NK. Sees Danny dies in the ground. NK watches. He has them surrounded
>Danny is badly wounded. She asks Jon to kill her so she won't turn into a wight. They say goodbye and Jon kneels puts his sword through her chest with both hands.
>He pulls it out of her chest and the blade starts flaming. Azor Ahai confirmed. Lightbringer looks fucking godly.
>NK sends his WW.
>Lightbringer starts cutting through anything, swords, shields... Nothing can stop it. Thousands of wights die each time Jon swings Lightbringer at the WW. They all die. Only NK left
>Cool battle, Lightbringer has no effect on the NK.
>NK stabs Jon in the belly with his ice dagger. Jon falls to the ground mortally wounded.
>NK moves towards Jon to finish the job. He grabs his spear and is about to execute Jon. Jon grabs the Ice Dagger and stabs the NK.
>NK becomes ice and breaks into a million pieces.
>Jon Dies saving Westeros.
Winterfell is destroyed, most of Dany's army is killed because of their fuck awful on-screen tactics, the North has to be abandoned. Only those with Valyrian weapons survive, plus Dany and her stupid dragons. They make it to Walder Frey's castle on the river and are stopped by Cersei's army, which prevents northern survivors from crossing south. Jon sends Jaime to Cersei to intercede on their behalf but Cersei just jails Jaime so he can't leave again. The dead arrive at the southern border soon after and Jon and the others escape on Ironborn ships while the unprepared Lannister army faces off with the wights and White Walkers at the river. Meanwhile, on the Ironborn ships, word reaches them by raven that Jaime has been imprisoned, meaning Cersei has rejected their plea for assistance. They decide it's time to confront Cersei directly before it's too late. They sail up to King's Landing and in another battle sequence the two Ironborn fleets face off against each other again, this time in daylight under snow flurries. In a fury about losing her army/house negroes, Dany flies off to the Red Keep on her dragon and insists on killing Cersei. Jon rides after her to stop her from burning down the city. She starts torching the walls and the markets. Jon tries to stop her and they have a short battle in the skies over King's Landing. Meanwhile, the undead reach the walls of King's Landing. As the reports come in, shackled (but finely dressed) Jaime kept near the throne like a pet tells Cersei to deploy the Golden Company and recall Euron so they can fight off the undead. Cersei says they're the only two people that matter in the world and she doesn't care. Jaime realizes she's insane. He tells her to at least go with him to the balcony to watch the end of the world. She does. Dany then spots them both and incinerates them.
>Dothraki charge the undead army
>But the Night King summons the blizzard and they are repelled, some undead are killed by arrows but not many
>Melly Sanders showed up in the previous episode so that's not blatant deus ex machina, along with three other Red Priests
>The dragons are on the battlements as the storm is too powerful for them to fly in. It's magic, just go with it
>The Dothraki fall back behind the Unsullied, but in from of the artillery because that's where your artillery is supposed to be
>The undead army charges the living army
>The armies clash and the Unsullied hold their own for a while but there are too many undead plus six White Walker commanders enter the fight
>The storm buffs the undead and walkers
>They begin to push back the living
>Several hero characters engage with the walkers
>Jamie is about to be killed by one when it's head is lopped off by Brienne
>Numerous undead fall to dust around them
>Sam and Edd's scene happens the same way but it's a walker that kills Edd
>The Walker is about to kill Sam when a flaming sword comes out of its chest
>More undead fall to dust, Beric picks up Sam and tells him to get to the crypt, he's of no use out there
>Melly is with Beric, casting fire spells on the undead
>A extended shot of the battle shows many dead, some familiar faces: Lord Royce, a couple of bloodriders
>The living are pushed back to the spike pit line, Grey Worm sounds the retreat into Winterfell
>Beric is wounded by a walker and ends up being saved by Pod, who is missing an eye from a wight attack
>Melly attempts to help him but is wounded as well, Davis sees this from the battlements
>The undead swarm the retreat and Beric tells Melly some about how the lord of light can save them but not us
>A couple of redshirts hold off the undead from the two of them
>All other forces are behind the pike line and the bridges are dropped
>Melly holds Berics hand and looks to Drogon and Rheagal
>In an overpowering voice, she cries out to them in High Valyrian
>The dragons summon great columns of firebreath that engulf the two, Beric and Melly
>One of the largest blasts goes off and the battlefield is consumed
>The scene goes on for a minute, similar to the wildfire in Blackwater
>When it clears any undead that was within the blast is no more, along with their Walker commanders
>The living retreat behind the gates of Winterfell and the remaining Red Priests ignite the pike pits
>They hold off the magic blizzard and the undead army, who marches up to the flames
>As the living realize they are in a stalemate for the moment, their commanders reconvene
>They assess they lost nearly a third of their forces and the undead maybe half but it's impossible to know
>A red priest informs them that the fire barrier will hold for some weeks
>The Hero's decide to get as many of the living back onto fighting condition as they can
>Someone mentions that they think the storm is not nearly as powerful as it was in the beginning
>They speculate that killing the Walkers has lessened it's power
>Jon gives command of the battlements to Jamie as he is the most experienced one left
>Jamie has oil brought up to the battlements for when the undead begin to scale the walls
>Timeskip of several weeks
>Everyone has grown restless in Winterfell
>The undead army is still at attention at the fire wall
>Jon, Jamie and Davos are standing on the battlements conversing on the situation
>They see that the flames are not once had high and powerful as they were the day before
>A red priest tells them they can no longer hold the flame wall
>It's power will run out before the end of the day
>Then the undead will be able to smother it and cross
>Jon retreats with Tormund, Gendry and Theon to protect Bran in the Godswood
>Jamie summons everyone who has every held a bow to man the battlements
>He walks the battlements and sees Arya is there with a bow
The problem is that everything that happened had to happen because the story has unfolded that way. Writers who just write without a plan often have this problem, they end up to some dead end where only shitty endings are available.
There had to be an epic battle because that is what they have been gathering armies for.
Defensive battle would have made more sense against threat like white walkers, but when you have 100k dothraki there is no other option but to send them out. That is how they fight they wont take defensive stance or settle being support and cavalry inside a castle would be pretty stupid. And as nobody knew what they are even up against they couldnt have known everything will fail so badly so I guess it was fair move.
Dragons are too OP so you always need excuses to not use them. Like in this case they were supposed to defend Bran and kill NK when he shows up.
Bran and NK had to meet. Why? Nobody knows. Its likely that even Martin doesnt know. He just decided that they are connected and thought he figures it out later. Luckily NK gets killed before we have to solve this and the battle goes from being important to being just a setting for this useless shit we have to live with.
White walkers had to get into the castle because NK had to get in so battle going wrong makes this happen. And as most of the main characters are around this gives them change to be there being almost killed and build tension.
Arya and the Melisandara had to meet to close the prophesy shit and this had to happen right before she kills NK to keep people guessing.
Arya had to kill NK. This has been set from the start. Did Martin know this? Its possible, but considering what kind of cluster fuck we are stuck with its just as likely that Aryas arc didnt have any direction either. But as she has been training all her life and gone through rough shit she had to do something important or it would all been useless.
>The flame wall is now just regular fire and the undead begin to pile on, smothering areas
>Jamie commands the archers to fire at will
>Archers begin to take out wights but there are just too many
>the dragons shoot fireballs at the undead but even they cannot hold them at bay
>The undead break through the fire wall and reach the walls
>Jamie commands ever other archer to continue to fire at will, the others begin to pour oil over the undead
>they drop torches on the undead and light the ones in oil on fire
>It takes out some undead but not enough, they begin to scale the walls
>Jamie orders swords to be drawn
>Pod, with and eye patch and Brienne are there with Jamie and Arya
>They wait until the undead are at the top and begin hacking away
>They hold off the vast majority of undead, any that get over at put down and any living that falls is immediately replaced
>One of the Hero's remarks that they might just hold them off
>Just after they say that, Viserion is heard
>The Night King has shown himself
>He flies to the gates and Viserion blows them away with his firebreath
>Three undead giants March into Winterfell, along with undead and the last of their Walker commanders, about a dozen
>The forces at the gate are decimated by the giants
>They manage to bring one down but they are killed by the other two
>Jamie commands the remaining oil to be dumped on the giants, sacrificing the walls to Kill them
>Lyanna is killed in a similar way by a giant but she kills the giant as well
>The undead wave comes over the walls and through the gates
>Jamie orders a retreat into the inner castle
>Another sweeping shot of the battle goes on, the undead are pushing the living back
>Dany takes off as the storm is now a flurry
>She sweeps the forces outside the gate with dragonfire
>The Night King engages her in the sky
>Similar to the episode, a dance of dragons in the sky occurs
>2 on 1 is too much and Drogon rips off Viserions head
Everyone dies
Because they spent close to a decade of fuck all politics trying to see who gets to sit and rule a shitty kingdom.
Danerys arrives and thinks she can take over with her dragons and army of useless people, get overrun by millions of white walkers.
>The Night King falls and Drogon burns him but he is unaffected, keep the smirk
>Dany flees to take out the other undead
>Back in Winterfell, the living have fallen back to the inner courtyard
>They hold the undead, Jorah battles a Walker, as does Brienne w/Jamie
>They kill their respective walkers and more undead drop to pieces
>They focus their attack on the remaining walkers
>As each one falls, they begin to gain the upper hand
>In their retreat, they left the entrance of the crypt unguarded
>A walker breaks into the crypt and begins to off the civvies
>He comes to Gilly hiding, with her baby
>The walkers just looks at her and then turns to focus on the others
>Varys is killed, as is Missandei, rip qt
>Sansa is about to be killed when Tyrion drives his dagger into the back of the walker
>He shatters into ice
>Out in the courtyard, Dany lands with Drogon and it seems they are going to win
>Someone remarks that out loud
>The last of the undead are outnumbered 1000 to one
>As victory seems in hand, the Night King walks into the inner courtyard
>He surveys his remaining army, maybe a hundred or so undead and two Walker lieutenants
>The Hero's see him raise his arms and all the fallen begin to shudder and rise as wights
>Screaming is heard from the crypt
>The Night King turns towards the Godswood with his two walkers and some undead
>Half the Hero's head to the crypt and the others, mainly Unsullied and Dothraki hold the courtyard
>The living in the crypt are being slaughtered by the undead Stark's
>Jorah leads the living to save the crypt
>They gain the upper hand but he sees the undead Lyanna mormont
>On his moment of pause, he is taken down by wights
>In the Godswood, the NK has arrived
>He and bran look at one another, each seem as lifeless as the other
>The final fight begins, the NK remains in the back as his forces attack the Hero's
>The undead and walkers are eventually dispatched by the Hero's in the Godswood
>Then the NK draws his sword and an ice spear
>He chucks the spear which takes out four living and pins them to the tree
>He overpowers Theon and others killing them
>Gendry and Tormund are wounded and the NK is about to behead Jon
>Then Aryas spear pierces through his body and his cry echos out, similar to how a Ringwraith sounds
>The undead drop to the ground and the living are victorious
This can set up Dany going nuts as two of her closest companions are dead, Jorah and Missandei.
fresh and neat
neither are D&D
more arya sex. full pen
>but when you have 100k dothraki there is no other option but to send them out.
Wrong, absolutely dead wrong. Any non retarded commander would have used them to constantly flank the entire battle, as well as perhaps station some inside the walls.
Nice but too many scenes for a one episode and the people sitting on the money bags wont let you make battle this big last 2-3 hours.
>Battle of winterfell
>Brienne, theon, Bran, Sansa, and everyone in the crypt dies
>the rest abandon winterfell and flee to the iron islands
>fast forward several months
>the army of the dead has pushed south and destroyed major cities along their path
>Cersei reaches out to broker peace with Dany and Jon as she realizes Kings landing and Casterly Rock are in danger
>Dany Jon dragons and remainder of forces from the North, riverlands, and Vale united with Lannister army
>Preparations are made to wage major battle
>Arya acts on her own and kills cersei
>Chaos ensues and Drogon is killed
>Dany loses it and uses Raegon to subdue lannister army
>Goes too far and Jon pulls a darth vader and kills her
>Lannister forces rally behind Jaime, the rest behind Jon
>Raegon fucks off and becomes a myth, flying around the world
>Show ends with approaching army of the dead
this whole post is retardation, you should intern for d&d
Episode ends with the Night King walking over to kill Bran, but instead he kneels before him and Bran gets up, telling him he has done well.
They are dothraki and not some highly trained cavalry that listens to some fancy pants pussy giving orders behind the lines. They go in and fuck shit up. That is how dothrakis fight. Everything else would go against their honor code and you just have to let them because you wrote them to be like that.
So I'm only going to focus on the NK/Bran bit:
>no piano music
>no Theon charge, he just kneels defeated and broken, sobbing in the face of the terrifying majesty and awe of the NK/WW, NK snaps his neck and rips his head clean off his shoulders as he kneels
>NK pulls out sword, swings
>Jon appears and deflects blow, the the power of the swing cripples Jon, sends him sprawling across the floor and to a heap on the ground, absolutely shellshocked from the supersonic sword swing
>NK warps on top of Jon, picks him up and tosses him like 30 meters through the air until he smashes into Winterfell walls, broken or dead, he's out of the battle regardless
>NK returns to Bran, he is gone from the wheelchair, just an empty chair
>cut to scene of Arya desperately fleeing with Bran on her back, fleeing into the dark and the night
>NK senses him, but just as he is about to hunt him down Daeny appears on dragon with second at her side
>huge battle occurs between NK/WW and the 2 dragons, joined by their undead dragon
>javelins another dragon, kills it, turns it
>Daeny flees, but she has bought enough time for Bran and Arya to make enough ground and cloak themselves somewhere, somehow
>Jon is dead but revived again one final time by Melissandre, doing so consumes her though and kills her
NK/WW depart to scour for Bran, Wights utterly demolish the rest of Winterfell and annihilate anyone there, including a few major characters.
Daeny wails at the end of the episode, mentally broken, 2 of her dragons killed and enslaved by the NK, Jon thought to be dead, all her army and allies gone.
Completely fine for the White Walkers to lose, and even for Arya to kill the Night King - but not like that. Or at least with explanation of where she came from. And there ought to have been more casualty from the human side. I think it makes sense that, as a story is coming to its end, there will be some characters who are integral to the plot resolutions and thus will be somewhat unkillable. But really, that now only counts as Arya, Bran, and Jon. All others ought to have been at more risk. The writers could have killed Daenerys, who tries to be too brave and fight, after Jorah had also died trying to defend her. Easily could have killed Sansa, perhaps trying to defend the women and children of Winterfell and failing. Jaime and Brienne had their perfect chances to go. Wouldn't it be great if Jaime, so long a bad guy, finished his redemption arc by sacrificing himself for the living (and/or for Brienne)?
Maybe you just dont know shit about writing. Its tough to make endings and with tv shows and movies you have budgets and runtimes to consider. And at least I try to understand their choices instead of just whining about it being shit and thinking this whining makes a difference.
"Look at me I'm unique" - the post
kek. audibly laughed. my neighbour ponded on my door and told me he's going to talk to his uncle about it, who is the landlord and already doesn't like me because I still haven't made an appointment to let him in to fix the frame of the window that's been broken since before I moved in
2 hour asshole licking scene between my character and Sansa
Let's assume the end has to be similar. The Night King dies, most main characters live.
I would change, chronologically:
1. The Dothraki are to the side, behind cover. They've been told to wait and to flank. Melisandre lights their weapons, the Dothraki can't wait to fight, and charge. Same outcome.
2. The damn trebuchets are on the castle walls and keep firing throughout, lighting up the battlefield.
3. Jon and Dany, knowing they're coming, cleverly dodge some WW spears before the storm.
4. After the walls are stormed, the main characters are pushed into a chokehold, explaining how they survive. Sam fucking dies.
5. Arya easily sneaks around the wights instead of clumsily struggling.
6. Jon distracts the dragon to let Arya get into the Godswood
7. There's a build-up to Arya's assassination, she doesn't just come out of nowhere
8. Bran actually does something to help
9. It's clear whether the dragons die
But realistically they should've kept the NK around as a final boss.
Mostly a fair assessment. I would have killed Sam, Brienne, Varys, Grey Worm, and the Wildling dude. Preserve Jaime so he can be the one to kill Cersei.
But most fucking importantly is have Dany's dragons swoop in to deal with the NK's ice dragon, so that Jon can have his final confrontation with the NK. It doesn't matter who deals the actual killing blow, but having Jon be there is a necessity.
Beyond that, tweak the beginning of the battle so that it isn't retarded. Put the trebuchets in the back of the formation. Give the Ironborn some swords. Give the dothraki a reason that they decide to charge, you could just show them getting anxious or something.
> WW show up and we get actual fights with them against our hero’s with varying outcomes more names characters die than what we got, most of the living armies are completely defeated.
>Danny is angry at Jon about his claim of being a Targaryen and thinks he charmed her for the Throne and gets angry as they watch more and more of her armies lose to the undead.
>NK shows up and Jon and Danny fly to fight him, jons dragon and the NKs dragon die and Jon and the NK are knocked to the ground.
>They duel while Danny is still on drogon, Jon stabs the night king but it does nothing and he loses longclaw, Jon tells danny to kill them both though she is upset and conflicted she has drogon burn them both.
> Jon emerges unaffected by the dragon fire which Danny becomes enraged over as this proves jon is a Targaryen and she flees towards KL thinking the NK is dead and Jon wants the throne. It is revealed The NK also survived the dragon fire and kills jon as jon watches Danny abandon them.
>melissandre and an army of red priests arrive and push back the NK and hold off the undead with fire magic, Mel tells the remaining living that the only weapon that can defeat the night king is lightbringer and it must be forged by Azor Ahai who is a decendant of Aerys Targaryen and must sacrificing a loved one to forge the weapon, they agree it must be jon and Danny, Beric gives his life to resurrect jon.
> the remaining living then learn Danny has abandoned them from Jon. The NK resurrects the fallen and his army suddenly doubles, the crypts come alive and the civilians escape above ground.
>brienne dies saving Sansa and gives Jaime oathkeeper dying in his arms telling him to defend the starks.
> winterfell is overrun and in chaos Mel tells them they must create lightbringer before performing a huge fire spell that kills her but gives the remaining a chance to escape and head for Kings landing.
I'd use actual lighting
Yeah, theres just too much they have to wrap up and I get the feeling it's not going to happen.
Bran knew everything and is in fact the connection between the Night King and Jon. Jon becomes the new leader of the dead, Daenerys and company flee south. They get killed by the golden company. Jaime survives, goes to kings landing and stabs cersei in the back, becomes azor ahai and faces the lich ki..I mean Aegon Targaryen. They both die in the process, Littlefinger pops out and takes the throne over the ashes.
Jaime gives oathkeeper to jon to help protect his family as brienne wanted. Danny goes to KL and her dragon is killed by Euron using a scorpion right after burning the top of the red keep Danny is killed by Cersei. They arrive and learn Cersei killed Danny they explain it was the only way to defeat the dead and are now fucked, they are let into the remains of the red keep and Tyrion says there must be another way to defeat the WW something other than prophecy. The NK arrives and the able fighters go to defend the city the undead swarm. The NK resurrects the dead in KL and gains control of the mountain, we get cleganebowl, the hound gets over his fear of fire and dies killing the mountain saves Arya. Cersei suggests wild fire could “burn them all” bran upon hearing this wargs the past and tries to warg into the mad king but cant, instead whispering “burn them all” in his ear over the course of his lifetime driving him mad but causing him to stock pile wild fire. Meanwhile Jaime argues with Cersei about blowing up Kings Landing which she says she just has to give Quiburn the signal for, the NK arrives and Jaime kills her over everything, his sword glows red hot and his golden hand lights on fire revealing him as Azor Ahai. Bran while whispering in the mad kings ear learns aerys loved tywins wife and slept with her causing Tywin to hate the king and no longer be his hand, Jaime and Cersei were aerys children all along (explains the incest) and part of the Targaryen line, Jaime was brought to aerys kingsguard so the mad king could be with his son Jaime, Jaime eventually kills him to save Tywin and KL from the wild fire. Tyrion was tywins only true son, both jame and Tyrion killed their fathers. Jaime says “do you know what people call me?” And fights the NK, he’s mortally wounded and dies when Jon arrives his sword also glowing red hot (both swords were forged from Ned’s sword ice). Jon kills the NK, and Jons becomes a reluctant king.
Imagine if there were stakes to Bran?
Say the NK, in the middle of a fight with Jon, starts draining Bran. We get cuts to all the major characters starting to lose their memories and becoming cataconic -- Cersei stumbling by the throne, Jon falling over in the middle of a charge, etc. Before he finishes, though, Arya, who's been sneaking towards the NK in the background of the fight scenes, kills him -- she's No One, she wasn't affected.
Tons of other things should have been better. The writers like Deus Ex's too much, they let their characters do stupid shit, and they keep main characters alive in ridiculous situations. But the climax was the most disappointing part.
Cersei and pirate visit Dorne.
Hot Pie helps feed an army
Theon, Varys and Greyworm go on an adventure and talk to each other about life without a penis. Peter Dinklage makes a joke about it
how many fucking times does it have to be said that targs are not immune to fire, only dany
Bran being "history" doesn't mean he actually is the mind of every person in Westeros you goof.
> properly placed army, in terms of strategy. ie. castle walls full with archers, pelting the wights as the trench stops/slows them, unsullied behind the trench picking off the ones that get through etc etc.
> ultimately the characters are forced to retreat southwards, winterfell falls to the wights
> NK marches south, getting far as sacking KL
> last stand is organised in dorne, realising they can't win by brute force they come up with a plan to target the NK
> the main characters with valerian steel swords clash with the white walkers
> last fight is like the tower of Joy fight, where it was 8 on one , main characters vs the NK
> last man stanging is jon and it looks like he's going to lose
> jaime manages to get up and stab the NK in the back
> expecting it to shatter him, does not, throws him off
> secondary characters like Podrick get there to try and hold him back, no one can defeat him in direct combat
> arya stealth attack
>Arya stabs Night King
>Ice crown grows on a different white walker
>He is Night King now
>everyone at Winterfell dies
>New Night King breaks bread with Cersei at Kings Landing and agrees to halt aggression for 100 years
It would still prove he’s a targ to her as no one else could even have that ability. Not all targs are immune to fire, like Danny’s brother, but jon being a “true dragon” at this point would make sense to also have fire immunity. It also makes Danny “not special” in that moment and would be part of making her angry and fly off to get the throne.
also NK kills cersei [and euron] and she looks pathetic in end waiting for jaime to come save her
there's no way to make ep3 good in the context of the story because cersei being the final boss is just plain retarded. with that in mind:
>no dothraki suicide
>actually good military tactics
>have the dragons be used to killl wights instead of chasing NK
>have jaime/brienne/jorah fight white walkers
>have bran do something useful
>varys dies in the crypts since his character is now useless, maybe also shansha or tyrion (bonus points if they actually suicide pact)
>don't kill theon and end his story further down the road with his sister (or have his sister there)
>have dany and her dragon, jon and arya fighting the NK
>arya can do her jump but make it less retarded
>meanwhile brienne jorah and greyworm die
>melisandre sets herself on fire and charges the wights to take out a lot of them
>NK kills arya or at least severely maims her
>she drops the dagger, dany distracts NK and sacrifices herself and the dragon so jon can kill him
So how the fuck are a few hundred (at most) women and children, 2 wounded dragons, a half dozen medieval Avengers, and a few dozen (at most) Ironborn ships supposed to deal with:
a) the Golden Company
b) the largest fleet in Westeros
Even if the next 2 episodes consisted of Dany and Jon travelling the realms asking all the lesser lords to help lead a brave rebellion that will (most likely) fail, I doubt there are enough soldiers left outside of Dorne and maybe the Reach.
lannister army is nothing anymore, thats why they hired the golden company in the frist place
all that remains of the lannister army is basically regular people . They will break, and the golden army will abandon cersei too
>sansa jumps out to do her ninja thing
>gets grabbed
>suddenly, pic related, arya and cia lock eyes from opposite sides of the nk
>Looks like Harrenhal'sh back on the table, girlsh
Arya can take out cersei on her own.
I can smell the bullshit coming from a mile off how D&D , dumb&dumber, will write it where suddenly she loses or gets caught by a reagular guard
It goes the same but their tactics aren't as retarded, they are just completely overwhelmed over a long period of time, possibly days on end without sunlight
Everybody in winterfell gets totally fucked up, and by the end the only survivors have to escape by flying away on Jon& Danaerys' dragon (no more than 10 of them)
Night King is absent the whole time, at the very end it's revealed he flew to King's landing, last shot is Cersei's army all preparing the ballista's and shit because they saw his Dragon. Then he raises his arms and an army of wights rises up from the ocean where the battle of blackwater happened. Cliffhanger.
*teleports behind you*
What do?
Out of /10, how much do you think you will be disappointed after tomorrow's episode?
Yea I'm aware the Lannister army is dead, but so are
>Both Riverlands armies
>The knights of the Vale
>The Stormlands army
>Da Norf's army
>The Wildings
Not to mention every army that Dany brought to Winterfell, which was everyone she had as far as I'm aware.
The only armies left in Westeros are
>The Golden Company
>Euron's fleet
>the Reach, maybe, since I can't remember if all of the Tyrell army was destroyed
>Dorne's army
>) the largest fleet in Westeros
I misread you, because they used to say something like that about the lannister army being the biggest/best, but now I see you said fleet and mean Euron's ships
Exactly the same but every character has enormous tits.
>How would you write the third episode of the 8th season of Game of Thrones?
-Dothraki are kept in reserve ( to be called in by Bran warging into raven and signaling them to approach the castle and attack the enemy in the rear, then retreat and turn around again to fight the smaller group of wights chasing them, repeat )
-Battle is generally paced over longer period of time than an hour or two, at minimum over the whole night
-The castle and fortifications are used competently, defenders on the walls/choke-points are rotated to keep them fresh
-Defenders primary goal is to funnel as many undead into as small as space as possible to be destroyed by fire/wildfire/dragons - This only properly works once, NK switches to more sophisticated tactics after this and begins professionally probing the defenders with attackers acting like clockwork in coordinated manner, seeks to infiltrate the castle to be able to attack a choke-point from both sides at once, preventing reinforcements from other parts of the castle
-The relentess undead assault gradually grinds down the defenders and people start getting tired, making mistakes, the mistakes pile on, positions start getting properly overrun, things start getting desperate fast, living have to retreat into deeper into castle, keeps, towers and become isolated from eachother
-NK approaches bran, begins unsheathing his sword only to be surprised when Bran (Arya in disguise) lunges from his wheelchair and buries the dagger into NK
Ah, well my bad, I could've been more clear.
>Everyone is inside the walls.
>dead are spotted.
>Arya leaps and lands in front of them.
>everyone is amazed
>Arya is tearing them apart.
>she gets surrounded, but then Jon in a nervous and amazed tone asks if that is the tiger hand seal.
>Arya uses fire style: dragon flame jutsu.
>lots of undead and WW dead.
>Nightking screams Arya and charges at her.
>Arya screams Nightking and parries.
>Arya and NK fight for a bit.
>NK finally stabs Arya and says this was the only conclusion, it's his destiny.
>Arya appears behind him and stabs him.
>he stabbed a substitution.
Have the tactics make sense, like catapults in the back, army behind barricades, men on the wall, dothraki skirmishing at the sides of the army of the dead. Make it feel like a close battle until the NK shows up and resurrects all recently fallen soldiers as wights, turning the tide.
Everybody dies except Jon and Daenerys because they happen to have dragons.
Bran goes back in time to see his ancestor, Brandon the Builder, and learn about the wards on Winterfell. Why there must always be a Stark in Winterfell. He invokes this old magic.
The Night King causes the dead in the crypts to rise, but they were buried with iron swords to remind them of their duty and prevent their spirits from serving evil. The dead Starks in the crypts march forth in defense of Winterfell, fighting against the dead who serve the Night King.
The returned army of ancestors battle the oncoming dead under the White Walkers, giving Jon and Arya an opening to face the Night King.
Theon dies fighting the Night King protecting Bran. The Night King advances toward Bran, but the loyal dead press from behind, allowing Arya to leap at the Night King, with Jon following. The Night King hears her, turns and grabs her by the throat. She drops the dagger into her other hand and stabs him... and it does nothing.
Jon swings Longclaw at the Night King, but the Night King parries it with his hand, picks it up and stabs Arya through the heart with it. Arya falls to the ground, lifeless, dying in Jon's arms. Jon is overtaken by absolute despair as the undead Viserion descends and engulfs him in the blue flame. All is lost.
But Jon has both the blood of ice and the blood of fire. He is both a Stark and a Targaryen, unburned and unfrozen. He rises from the flame, wielding Longclaw, turned into the true Lightbringer as his beloved Arya's blood is set alight. Now he can harm the Night King... but the Night King still has a sword, and ten thousand years of battle experience. They duel, and the Night King knocks Jon to the ground, preparing to strike the killing blow. Ghost appears, and as Jon's loyal wolf, takes the blow for his master. In that moment, the Prince that was Promised pulls his Lightbringer up from the snow and pierces the sternum of the Night King, vanquishing him and the White Walkers forever.
Arya should be killed by the Night King. She spent her life serving the God of Death, while telling him "not today." But when the Long Night comes, the day is over. The God of Death, the Great Other, has come to claim his faceless men.
>just finished writing episode 3
>it will end in a stalemate
>Jon and NK both injured AF after their ebin duel
>Producers slam into room
>Start yelling how this is misogynistic and arya should kill the NK
>rewrite half of my shit
>NK is unbeatable
>Danny devises an IQ 300 plan
>makes gendry make a pointy helmet out of valyrian steel melted from Jons snow
>Cause Jon dont need that sword, silly men and their guns
>Arya wears pointy helmet
>She is loaded into a Ballista
>Ser Brienne of Fucking Tarth turns out that has an excellent aim too
>Aims at NK
>Arya becomes the first human ballistic missile
>NK explodes into fireworks
>Arya steals his face
>All the females proceed to piss on NKs face
>Men make a line and have their balls cut off
>And who...are you...
I agree that a bunch of odd choices in timing for drama sake put D&D in weird place. The problems in the storyline really started become apparent when Jon was raised from the dead and it was treated like a get out of jail free card instead being biblical thing or some serious necromancy.
Doesn’t absolve D&D for their proclivities in schlock.
I'd change the entire episode but to focus on key points :
-Have Arya kill zombie dragon with the dragon-glass spear when dragon block Jons path
-Jon fights the night king in the gods wood, at first they seem equal but when the NK gets serious 8000 years of combat experience btfo's Jon easily
-Meanwhile Bran is warging back to the day the NK got created, we get a little bit more info about the human NK.
>Bran does a similar thing to NK as he did to hodor, mindfucking him in the passed to create a reaction in present day,
>This gives a tiny opening for Jon to stab the NK, he does.
You've given Arya a wank moment, given some NK lore, made bran Useful, and fulfilled the prophecy.
Ressurected Hodor kill NK
1) Sam dies
2) Bran wargs into Jon's dragon to help dodge NK spears and tries burning him
3) WW's are more active Jaime and Brienne face a few of them, Brienne sacrifices herself to save Jaime
4) When NK and WW come for Bran the WWs are more involved while the NK just watches, Theon kills a few WWs but gets stabbed.
5) Jon comes to face off the WWs and NK and save Bran
6) Bran is still warging in a dragon, burns the WWs
7) NK panics and issues command to all wights to come to their location and kill Jon and Bran
8) Jon battles NK 1on1 while Bran burns off incoming wights
9) Jon starts losing, about to be killed
10) Arya comes in and stabs NK
>Night King dies
>Whole army doesn't fall with him
>Everyone dies
>Bran becomes the new Night King
They lose the battle, a whole bunch of characters die, and they get pushed back south. End on shot of Cersei's army marching north.