Daily reminder that GoT went to shit after season 4 ended

Daily reminder that GoT went to shit after season 4 ended.

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s8e3 should be a giant brown stain where someone used the drawing to wipe their ass

>Facebook filename
>image is horizontally flipped for no reason

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the show actually ended here

Reminder that it went to shit during Season 2 and you're a retard for thinking otherwise.

game of thrones was never good
it has always been lowest common denominator shit from the get go
if you were into it back then, you're not discerning or tasteful for complaining about it now
and no one is going to be impressed by you complaining about it now as if you're somehow better than everyone else

the absolute irony of you

>game of thrones was never good
yes it was
>it has always been lowest common denominator shit from the get go
>it has always
>from the get go
redundant phrasing. absolute brainlet
>if you were into it back then, you're not discerning or tasteful for complaining about it now
you are more discerning and more tasteful because it objectively worsened. he's also more tasteful for recognising that season 8 episode 3 was not the start of the decline, nor was episode 1, or season 7 or 6. more discerning, that is, than someone only just realising now
>and no one is going to be impressed by you complaining about it now
among the people who liked early game of thrones, the people who were satisfied with latest episode are a small minority. so this part is true. but also not an insult
>as if you're somehow better than everyone else
purely imagined motives. prove he isn't just trying to strike up further discussion because he's upset that this travesty is continuing to degrade something he used to like. you're the one who comes off as an incredibly bitter and buttmad individual who has something to prove

not liking got doesn't make you better than anyone. it makes you worse. the kind of person who won't watch things or admit to liking them out of principle because he's afraid of what others think. first seasons were genuinely enjoyable

>you h-have to like the shit I like, you're just p-pretending to not l
ok bud

>it has always been lowest common denominator shit from the get go
going to elaborate on how brainlet this line is. it's not simply redundant. it actually only achieved its intended meaning as a side effect because it literally means "the beginning of this show has always been shit". under the (false) assumption that the show is shit in all parts, this is essentially just stating that time is linear and the past doesn't change. or it means a dozen other things you didn't intend, like the beginning hasn't retroactively been made good by plot reveals relating to it later in the show

brainlet as fuck. this can only come from the mind of an NPC who just strings groupings of words he's heard together without thinking about them

At least Avengers finished strong.

i stopped after season 5, feels good making the right choices in life

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you're not smart lmao

smarter than you. but as I've demonstrated, that isn't hard

>smarter than you
ok bud

>current year
>people swallow this shitty bait hook, line and sinker
the total state of this board

no one is going to be impressed by you complaining about it now as if you're somehow better than everyone else

don't rain on my parade please you fucking dickthistle I'm having fun

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page-by-page-adaptation fags are the worst.

Season 1 is far from a page-by-page adaption, yet is still very good.

That coin scene was kino as fuck.

Season 4 had topless Ramsey so no it was shit as well.

First season was kino.

It is true

About the time Tyrion fled Kings landing is when it went utter shit

It wasnt shit because of that, but that is when it happened.

Daily reminder that GoT started to go full retarded at the end of season 3 and season 4 was for a good part already unwatchable shit.

The show died with Tywin, this has been known for years now.