We never got a fight between Jon Snow and the Night King

>we never got a fight between Jon Snow and the Night King
anybody else feel a bit let down by this?

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No, that woulda been shitty writing, got is not fucking dragon ball.

Have sex

No, it went downhill from season 5. Season 6 and season 7 were garbage. I don't even understand why someone watches it and expect anything good from it after the dumpster fire that was season 7.

No it would be dumb. Noone can face the NK straight up.

I was expecting it to happen and was expecting it to be magnitudes worse than the Dayne fight, yet I feel I'm even more dissapointed by their ninja Arya decision.

Why? because he can freeze and shatter everything by just touching it?

we got it right here op

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hey i'm not talking about a life or death fight. A little bit of a confrontation would have been good enough. Instead we got the Night King acting all smug and walking away instead of going against Snow

There was actually no reasonable sword fighting on display in that entire sequence.
And absolutely yes the "kings" ought to have squared off against each other, it's only natural.
Most of the fighting was hardly visible due to darkness coupled with the cliche'd shaky-camera bullshit.
All round pretty fucking awful.

GoT is a shame. It’s been clear the writers are lazy and prioritize their own agendas over everything else. The entire series is a sad what could have been, like a great athlete who never lives up to their potential.

Like Arya’s neck...

You sum up everything wrong with this board's attitude. You don't want a duel between Jon and the NK because it's cliche and GOT should be subverting tropes like that, then when they omit a duel and kill the NK in a genuinely unexpected way you cry about the duel you never got.

Can you contrarian idiots just shut the fuck up for once and stop hating everything simply because you're bitter at the world? Most of the supposedly 'better' ideas for TLN I've seen in here have been fucking terrible, and I can guarantee you spergs would be 'REEEEEE'ing even louder if D&D actually followed them.

Yes, the show's writing quality has dropped significantly. No, you idiots can't do better. Get fucked.

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>you cry about the duel you never got.
Except that's wrong retard. I expected a shitty duel and somehow they made a choice that was far worse. I'm not crying about a missed duel, I'm crying how I expected a turd and got vomit instead.

I don't understand you people. You watched the last seasons, you know this series has been a joke for literal years. Why be surprised at more shit when you gobbled up shit for as long as those two mongoloid merchants wrote this garbage without Big Daddy Martins guidance. I watch this crap too, sure, but for comedic reasons only. Hell the idiotic dialogues and piss poor story writing surpass any comedy show in getting laughs out of me. If you're still actually invested in this you deserve every little drop of disappointment coming your way.


t. benioff

I'm mostly disappointed that the long night only lasted 2 hours and was ended by having a character with no ties to that plot teleport behind the NK.

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Not really. I just didn't want him to die so soon, let alone by Arya's stupid trick.

The biggest disappoint of the episode was Jon pussying out while running toward the Night King. I wanted him to slice through the wights like carving a cake and then have a little skirmish with NK (since I already knew Arya would kill him)

it’s hard to let go of the show considering the early seasons were very good and the plot unfolding was intriguing. by the time it fully went to shit everyone had plotlines and characters they were invested in. it’s still kinda shocking to see the new lows they reach as it comes to a close. It’s extremely similar to the end of relationship that has been turning ugly for a while.

I feel tremendously let down by this. Jon has been built up to defeat the Night King. D&D says so themselves. We got cucked out of an epic battle

it honestly wasn't that bad. Yeah GOT has many flaws, but as tv series go it's as good as it gets. by that i mean 90% of tv series are shit and GOT is fairly entertaining

Two reasons. One. There's a slight simmer of hope they will accomplish a decent story on their own, which they seem to fail miserably time after time. It's hard not to have some minimal amount of hope left given how good the show used to be.

Two. People don't expect that much from the show's current state yet they constantly make choices that make the meme speculations seem good. People are expecting it to be shit but still are left baffled what utter shit they actually managed to produce.

I just want to know how it ends, and I think that's all that most people want. Even normies can perceive how mediocre and uninspired the writing is, but it's only three more episodes, and at least we have the special effects bonanza to look forward to, however lazy and contrived the script is.

No. The choreography in this series is extremely insulting and terrible. They managed to ruin the tower of joy with it, one of the most kino parts of the entire series. Nevermind the sand-snake shit.

The let-down is a character who didn't even know what a white walker was an episode prior killed their OC donut steal king and all of them in an completely illogical way, cucking the decade-long arcs of several characters, retroactively making the concept of the prince who was promised and the lightbringer completely pointless and making the iron throne the end-game of the story when the entire point of the story had always been that it's not going to fucking matter who sits on a dumb throne when the dead come back to life and kill everybody because they're too stupid to work together.

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Should have had the dragon battle result in him crashing somewhere where he is isolated. Then have him fight our main characters until he finally gets killed. Perfect way to finish him.

>long night
More like 'Chilly afternoon'.

How much of an insane fanboy do you have to be to say such retarded shit?
Anything, including a "cliche" duel between john and nk would be better than what we fucking got, night king getting one shotted with every whitewalker dying ending 8 seasons of build up.

>No, you idiots can't do better. Get fucked.
It's a fact that some of the alternatives posted here are miles better that what dabid shat out, deal with it.
Also, have sex.

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Still, it's like watching Sopranos for several seasons after which they fire all the writers and hire writers from Big Bang Theory. It might objectively be decent but still it's such a shitfest compared to what it was and what potential it had.

actually seeing that pieced together was far more entertaining than I imagined. it would’ve been so kino if it played out that way. as devastating to watch as some of the deaths in the early seasons. much truer to the series, too.

No. Wanted Jon to 1v1 the Night King in a duel to the death is as dumb as thinking Lord of the Rings would have been better if Aragorn had a 1v1 with Sauron in the climactic battle.

fuck a duel, it should of been the last 3 remaining nights watch members 1v3ing the night king

but no we got jon being useless, edd dying instantly for le shock value, and sam being a useless crying cunt

>white woman - the post
Reminder that all of the storylines all now meaningless thanks to your faggy 'muh unexpected'. Go buy another Porg.

>GOT should be subverting tropes like that
That only applies in the sense that main characters can be killed for shock value, not in the way the story is structured. Having your main protagonist and main antagonist clash it out after multiple setups leads to a pay off for the audience and the character's arc.

Well what we got with GoT was Pippin leaping onto Sauron and killing him.

Guys does laser removal leave a bad scar?

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it's getting pretty dumb at this point. i live how they didn't kill off any of the important characters either, just the ones they could part with

thisshits all over what you just said

And some of them they couldn't be arsed with like Davos, who really doesn't serve a purpose in the story at this point but normies would be like "who the fuck is that guy" so they choose not to kill him like a bitch.

Because he's the personification of death and none of us can defeat death. The only reason he was defeated in the past was because of Azor Ahai powering up his sword by killing his own wife with it. You don't get to face death just like that, there must be severe consequences. This guy can kill a fucking dragon by throwing a little stick at it and can burn you in your dreams. The reason the Arya thing was retarded is because once he got a hold of her he should have just snapped her neck instantly. The only reason why it can even begin to make sense for her to kill him is because of the dagger being involved on so much stories of loss and sacrifice just like the sword of Azor Ahai.

If you take the dagger out of the equation then the only one who should be able to confront the NK straight up is Bran. Having Jon just fight him with a regular sword as a regular human is retarded.