Name a more iconic trio
Name a more iconic trio
What's their name again Yea Forums?
Farmer #1, Farmer #2, and Sneed
they are the true avengers but NOOOOP
the normies are praising those hollywood avengers oh im sorry those actors arre fighting thanos? well the skeptic community is saving someone you may know...its called THE FUCKING WEST and no recognition whatsoever, that says a lot about our society man
The Ghostbusters
The Three Amigos
James, Bosh, and Wade
To be fair how many can claim they destroyed a political party in their country?
>people warned Sargon years ago all the shit he says online will be eventually used against him
>it's literally what's happening now when he wants to do something in RL
I wouldn't even let my best friend put his arm around me like that, shit is fucking gay.
>I wouldn't even let my best friend put his arm around me like that,
nothing wrong with holding your bros bro
2 bears 1 twink
Unironically came here to post this.
Who's the third guy?
I find Dankula genuinely funny at times although his more political video are cringe.
Sargon is a smug and humorless caricature of political discourse.
PJW is just a clickbait contrarian, if society went full right wing he'd have an excuse to shill left wing extremism.
hi buzzfeed
I assume Sargon doesn't have a job and has turned his Youtube thing into one? I ask because at certain level you're basically unemployable due to all the baggage you bring with online exposure.
hope you don't really believe this, world is bigger than the faggy e-celebs you obsess over.
Farage is a kosher Trump tier grifter, he had a shot at Brexit and purposely botched it so he could keep his pro-brexit money train going.
He has an answer for everything, though. The Daily Mail even resorted to throwig together multiple out of context quotes to tie him in to pedo sympathizing
Why watch tv shows when you can watch Sargon fuck up UKIP?
How the fuck are these people considered right-wing? Not one of them is against gays unlike actual right wingers like Bolsonaro
They're not right wing, they're just not left wing
Overton window
He actually has destroyed UKIP you fucking moron. Look at the polls, look at all the defections to the Brexit party and resignations. Sargon has destroyed the UK's only chance at a real right wing party. The Brexit party will be a cucked free market "anti-racist" shit show, as Nigel is a fame whore who is cozying up to the cuckservative American groups like TPUSA and Shapiro worshippers.
Because US notions of left and right don't really apply in Europe like they do in the US.
Agreed. How could people so wrong be considered right?
>if you're not with me, you're against me
That's all there is to it. Nobody old enough to post here should need this explained to them.
quads of truth
i just don't understand why that guy has all those faggot piercings on his face and was retarded enough to make huge holes in his ears. on top of all that, he does woke shit for edgy teens and exploits /pol/ memes for jewtube bux. are contrarian teenagers this easy to manipulate?
He has 2,428 subscribers on SubscribeStar, each pledging at least $1 per month, plus whatever he makes off his channels, plus whatever he gets in Paypal donations, plus whatever he gets selling merchandise. He really has the freedom to joke about whatever and not care what Blockhead Joe and co. say.
He used to be a commie and went through commie self-effacing rituals, so the holes are already there and I guess he's just used to wearing the piercings.
He's a redditor, that's all you need to know.
how do we stop him, bros?
Leftism, Sodomy and Self-Hate.
Has there ever been controlled opposition this successful?
lmao you must be retarded. the party came out for free speech and everyone left. follow the authoritarian left into another world war. please.
Did Armored Sceptic get fat, or is this another extremely generic minor Youtube celebrity?
They're radical centrists
he was always fat
What 'shit' exactly? He's radically centrist.
Alright, that's fair. I ought to have said "fatter."
Mr Metokur is /ourguy/
He joked that he wouldn't even rape a woman, which in England comes off as very Islamophobic. It's part and parcel of living in a major city, and he acts like he's above it.
Oh, is that who that is? He shits on furries, so good enough.
Figures he'd look like a greasy dsp knockoff
fucken homos
he changed his mind, he said he would rape her, if pressured enough.
a forced rape.
>The party came out for free speech and everyone left
No, nobody in the party wants to be associated with a loutish nonce like Sargon, or a degenerate like Dankula. These filthy e-celebs don't have dignity ,and have tarnished UKIP's reputation beyond repair. You can support free speech without making yourself and your cause look repulsive.
A perpetual rape
That's not Metokur, that's some troll with troll remorse that Jim uses to remind him of his past. Metokur's avatar is pic related.
This entire post sounds as if you actually talk about Farage.
>look at all the defections to the Brexit party
Are you retarded? The Brexit Party it's a European Parliament party, not British Parliament.
Yes, I think Farage is terrible, and Sargon is largely to blame for Farage becoming the only credible "right wing" alternative to the tory party
Sargon unironically said it depends on the child, and called a bunch of people winding him up on a livestream niggers, and said he wouldn't even rape a female MP. That stuff isn't taken out of context, he said it, and the public are not impressed, thus the fall in UKIP's popularity.
There have been defections to the Brexit party, futhermore, look at how many seats UKIP lost in the local elections. They're fucked, and Sargon is to blame in large part. Batten should never have let the YouTube grifters join the party
>have tarnished UKIP's reputation beyond repair
Right, the fabled UKIP reputation in the mainstream. Kys british tranny.
Dankula is pure chad but pjw and sargon is autism incarnate.
Sargon is absolutely irrelevant in anything Farage.
I think Sargon forgot he was in UK, not USA. Everybody in UK is a boring, stuck up faggot. If he had done the same in USA, he would have Trump level success by now.
By defections, I mean that party members have jumped ship, not that seat holders have defected.
These 3
Dankula is a Reddit tier faggot who belongs in prison for being an eyesore
fuck off he's fun.
>who belongs in prison for being an eyesore
imagine living in a country that actually does this
This guy get's it
He's a degenerate, but his mad lads series is entertaining.
I agree, he looks like a massive faggot so I've automatically disregarded him entirely.
I also try to avoid anyone that's only famous for being persecuted
Dankula's mad lads videos are pretty good. Te politics can be cringe but I don't blame him since what happened is completely unjustifiable
This I agree with in full. That's a good series.
Don't forget Vee!
Has Sargon won yet?
Yeah, he won the Applebee's employee raffle and he got a coupon for a free appetizer.
He's on his way
>tfw Sargon is a successful politician these days
What happened?
People are tired of politicians selling their homes to brown people and he's openly opposed. That's it, they're not voting for quality only opposition.
Le Jim's dicksucker are still seething
He's FAR from successful. I'm not even sure you could call him a politician. Is running for office enough to be called a politician? He's never held a government position. And given his history, he never will either.
So Sargon won UKIP a seat, right?
Did he wear that so Trump will retweet him and Gamergate 2.0?
I wouldn't even rape him.
>Name a more iconic trio
>nobody watches her friend because she's fat
ITT: Chapo Trap House capos.
Reminder to any leftshit, commie and tranny here that if you didn't end up on the alt-media influencer research list and Google didn't throttle you, you are not anything anti-establishment, you are a corporatist cocksucker.
Who wore it better?
so you ignore people the government take advantage of and attempt to destroy?
does she have nice milkers at least?
Don't forget the Sweetie Squad.
These 3 are based. Sargon did nothing wrong.
>Sargon tit milk
Is it the same thing he feeds all those who damage control for him when he fucks up?
I wish I was perfect like you!
Except be a retard.
look at this nigga
Yeah but he had fun doing it and brought a lot of lols. Theres a lot bigger retards in politics and no one gives a fuck about them.
Yeah pretty much. A sob story doesn't do anything for me, so in conjunction with the guy looking like an aforementioned massive faggot I've just decided to ignore him really.
>REEEEEE Sargon is a real human being REEEEE
>Yeah but he had fun doing it and brought a lot of lols
That's what retards do in every instance, yeah.
No wonder your empire fell
>Yeah but he had fun doing it and brought a lot of lols.
Pretty sure the worst thing for him is to be humiliated in a public space.
we'll all be sure to laugh when you get life for telling user to kill himself.
How can one man be so based?
mr metokur just attacks popular people in the thing he wants to do
his entire userbase is just loner kids getting hyper on a weekend, they crave drama thats not happening to them
>what about...?
We're talking about the exceptional faggotard known as Sargon tho.
I thought it was pretty messed up what happened to him my man, I'm just not going to listen to a man's political views because he got prison time for training a dog to respond to Heil Hitler or whatever the fuck.
It's also true that even in light of that Sargon looks worse than he does right now.
That's only if Ireland joins Northern Ireland
not just sargon, jim also thought he was important enough that the wall street fucking journal was after him to stir up his underagefans
sargon is popular in the area of politic vlogs
you haven't listened to anything hes said as per your own words so how would you know what his politics are?
who even are these faggots?
How did Farage botch brexit you mong? He had no institutional power to have any effect on how the conservatives have conducted their selves. He got Brexit to happen, his one and only political aspiration and then kind of retired, hoping that the referendum would be respected. Now he's back because both conservatives and Labour are attempting to renege.
Jim gained notoriety enough to start Gamergate.
Sargon is most known for owning Sargon.
He handles it well I think.
Yeah and I've told you what I think about him.
>how dare you i'm not a racist it was just a little joke
>now let me just go hang out with these racists