Conspiracy theories/ghost stories/crazy rumors in television and film

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Other urls found in this thread:

Poltergeist girl got assfucked to death

>Bruce Lee was killed by Triads/the Chinese government/some spooky magic Lo Pan nigga

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me in the back

Kubrick was ehacked by th pedo kikes in Hollywood because of Eyes Wide Shut.

What did they find on his computer?

Kubrick getting whacked for making that film isn't even a theory at this point, it's certainly what happened.

This rumor is just so disturbing to think about

The Master is a future incarnation of The Doctor.

I don't get it, there's supposed to be a man hanging in plain sight, they're looking right at it, and they're okay with it? Doesn't make any sense unless the whole cast and crew was in on it and it was a murder, not a suicide.


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Hollywood is secretly run by wealthy jews


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Sharon Tate = Patricia Tate

Oh my God! That man just got hit by a car! Did anyone hear what he was saying?It sounded very important, like the kind of secret one might kill to keep covered up.

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>Natalie Wood getting killed

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What is this referring to?

They fucking dead

FUCK I'd never seen that footage. At least it happened so quickly.

that shadow in the center is supposed to be one of the film crew hanging themselves

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which is complete bullshit, by the way


it was a midget who saw something he shouldn’t have

This is going to be very long and I bet people won't read it, but I'll try not to wall of text it.

Hollywood has been a magneto for pedophiles for years. The longer you've worked there, the higher up you've gotten, the more you know about this. Imagine it's your job to look at shirtless pictures of children all day. This is someone's job, most people do it strictly on the basis of it's casting. Pedophiles do it cause, well, shirtless pictures of children.

This stuff has of course escalated over the years. Fake castings, to molestation, to parties and so on. Hard to prove stuff, settled out of court type stuff. Kubrick has worked in Hollywood a long long time.

Kubrick 100% knew about things like Harvey Weinstein of multiple eras. He spanned back to the 60's. The weird shit they'd do. Just how Citizen Kane was modeled after a real person, so to was Eyes Wide Shut. How do you sue someone without admitting a connection to a missing person case though? Thing is, it actually doesn't allude to any one person. That was sick genius behind the film. Natalie Wood is just one famous example of a truth we'll never know. There's truths to the eyes wide shut story and we don't know which people it is, just rumors and heresay. Leelee Sobieski character being offered up as a batter tool, she was very much a parody of real life activity.

The fact Kubrick died before the films release comes as ironic. Some even think it may have been suicide, as a meta way of ending his film legacy. Like he did it as a gag, that he knew too much and must die just like the girl in the film died.

I actually don't think he was killed, because Hollywood is about one-upping each other and ruining others. Paramount wants dirt on Universal, Fox wants to smear WB and so on. Then again, if everyone in Hollywood is dirty, it becomes mutually assured destruction....

cringe i bet you browse /pol/

What's the rumor?

the dog in the movie might have died by now

wtf user

I love shit like this

The theory itself is ridiculous, but that fact that it got it got covered up with a digitally added bird is pretty fishy.

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Reminder that John Landis was told that the helo was dangerously close to the pyrotechnics but decided to go on with it anyway and killed Morrow and the 2 kids.

Didn’t he predict that he would die in a helicopter crash months earlier?

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Doesn't make sense, even in the 1955 trailer you can see the bird and the acting is exactly the same. Probably somebody added the hanging man.

please explain this
was it drugs they couldn't trace?

Based schizophrenic poster

It was a manic episode, no drugs needed

that's right, I'm based as fuck

Peter Jackson had an involvment in the Memphis three

Dolph Lundgren was being robbed but when the robbers saw that he lived there they put all the things they collected back and ran out of there.

That actress from the Nanny got rapped in front of her then husband, who later became gay because of this

Evan Peters accidentally flashed Jessica Lange and Sarah Paulson, while wearing a cock sock, on the first day of shooting “Asylum.”

Footage from an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm cleared a man of murder in real life.

Matthew Perry was Courtney Cox’s “man slave” on set due to losing a bet.

On August 20, 1987, Gary Stollman, son of a former KNBC employee, walked onto the set of the network’s live news broadcast and held anchor David Horowitz at gunpoint—with a fake fun. Horowitz didn’t know the gun was fake, so he proceeded to follow Stollman’s demand of reading a 4-page letter, outlining various conspiracy theories about the CIA, aliens, and cloning. After Horowitz finished reading the statement, Stollman dropped the gun and was arrested on the spot.

A few weeks before Christine Chubbuck shot herself on live TV, the news anchor requested to do a piece on suicide. She even interviewed the local sheriff about methods of committing suicide. Then, on July 15, 1974, as she was delivering the news, she broke from the script and announced: “In keeping with Channel 40’s policy of bringing you the latest in ‘blood and guts’, and in living color, you are going to see another first—attempted suicide.” With that chilling critique of news media, Chubbuck then shot herself in the head and died in the studio.

that looks more like complete mental destruction than manic episode

those last two should be easy to prove, there should be police reports and loads of witnesses if the footage wasn't recorded/saved

yea how was she found in a water container locked from the outside on the very top of the roof

OP asked for ghost stories too, where are the fucking ghost stories?

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you’re in one

Some insane lady. Drowned herself in a water supply some time after this video


me on the left

one motherfucker did this at the fair in town. He leaned back too far and rippen through that canvas ceiling above him. I guess it fling him about a block away before he landed in somebody's yard.

They still use the same machine, but there's a huge duct tapped patch over one of those triangles in the ceiling.

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4 of the actors given the script for the main role died after receiving it so it's called the "Atuk curse" or something, but it's not really that shocking because I think all the actors were on the hard drugs highway from before anyway.

The movie that kills anyone trying to make it. Belushi, Farley, ect.

based /x/ crossposter

>Peg Entwistle landed the part of Hazel Clay Cousins in Thirteen Women, her first–and only–movie. It was a psychological thriller based on the foretelling of doom and the revenge of a bullied young woman. The movie had its premiere on October 15, 1932. It was slated by critics.
>But Peg Entwistle never read the reviews. One month before it’s premiere, she made a tragic decision. It seems that, for reasons we will never know, she was a tortured soul who could see no way forward. Her suicide note read:
>“I’m afraid I’m a coward. I am sorry for everything. If I had done this thing a long time ago, it would have saved a lot of pain. P.E.”

>Reportedly heavily intoxicated, Peg climbed the 50-foot tall sign. She stood on the edge of the letter “H,” said goodbye to Hollywood, and launched herself off headfirst. According to the authorities involved in the investigation following her death, she would have died immediately from the impact.
>Her suicide was the last performance she had to offer to Hollywood. The body and the suicide note were stumbled upon by a hiker on September 18, 1932.

>Ironically, it was her death the made her world-famous. Since that day there have been stories about a ghost haunting the Hollywood sign. Some say that it belongs to Peg Entwistle and that, even in her death, she refuses to leave Hollywood.

>People report seeing an elusive blonde woman wearing 1930s style clothes in the park around the sign, a blonde who vanishes as mysteriously as she appeared.
>The stories vary in length and details, but all claim that the spirit appears to be sad and brooding. What made this starlet kill herself is a mystery to this day.

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>tfw will never be killed by an Inuit shaman's curse

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>those BLM activists that were all found shot dead in burned-out cars

American cops are on a whole nother level, shit

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You could always make your own low budget film adaptation and cast yourself in the lead role, user. Zero budget or connections required.

We used to call these urban legends. There was a great site that had a whole bunch. Even had its own Disney section, with music that would finally load and start playing while you were in the middle of one, scaring the shit out of you.
Speaking of, and good Disney ones? Like the deaths at Disney world/land?

Josh Criss posts here?

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Link to story? I hadn’t heard about that.

the real creepy stuff is in her death. the video, not so much.

zoomers will never know these feels

does manic episodes make you shrink in size so you can fit inside a small gap on top of a watertank to the point where firemen have to cut the tank to pull your full body size out?


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did he died

one motherfucker did this at the fair in town. He leaned back too far and rippen through that canvas ceiling above him. I guess it fling him about a block away before he landed in somebody's yard.

They still use the same machine, but there's a huge duct tapped patch over one of those triangles in the ceiling.

based one man film

Probably just niggers nigging, but still

Back to future 9/11 warning Byblos zemeckis

(Trust me it will make you reconsider reality)

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suddenly not as interested

not Yea Forums related, but I always liked the urban legend about a girl that was found dead on the toilet with a bunch of eggs in the bowl. It turns out that she was really lonely and into some weird shit, which included taking a bath with a live lobster, pressing it’s tail to her clit and then holding a lighter in front of its face to piss it off and make it rapidly move its tail around.

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did he died

pls explain


really stupid whoever made this
the malls called twin pines cause the guy who used to own the land tried to grow pine trees
marty drives over one when he goes back to 1955 and alters the timeline making it the pine tree mall

But why

The Omen

According to conspiracy theorists it's either a way to gloat about their control over events, or its some fucked up talmudic pilpul shit absolving them of blame because they lace media with these subtle "warnings" before these event shappen

Which movie is that?

Even my arsehole cringed at you. I bet you shit s o y you filthy nonce.

Twilight Zone movie.

why is this the funniest shit I've read all week

this one is v sp00ky

A little boy died at Disneyland Paris the afternoon I was there, he fell out of the car on the Pirates ride and got dragged underneath it. The actor playing Jack Sparrow tried to save him. That was a week before Halloween, it was sad as fuck.

literally keelhauled

>say the word. say it.

>On October 30, 2013, a 5-year-old guest fell out of a boat at the end of the ride after losing his balance. He became trapped between a platform and a boat. He was taken to hospital, where he was in critical condition and survived.[6]

>the sneed of /x/ but it's actually funny
how does a paranormal board develop better humour than a television and film board?

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not quite sure i understand what you're trying to implicate

>Bruce Lee was killed by weed OD

Tick tock Steven. A comfy place in hell is waiting for you

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But why male models?

/x/ is completely overrun by schizos and underage retards trying to summon tulpas and succubi nowadays. rippen is the only tool oldfags have to fight cancer but sadly it's not enough and the board is a shadow of its former glory.

You typed all this without explaining what they found on his computer...

>But why male models?

You goin' faggot on me, user?

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ghost adventures did an episode on this

>That actress from the Nanny got rapped in front of her then husband

Christine Chubbock video is supposedly "lost" I'd love like fuck to see it though

fucking kek

But it’s just so ludicrous of something that massive to happen. It’s just too fucked up for something like that

There is a tourist staying in the Hotel that later disappeared. After sometimes another tourist staying in the Hotel complained about the bad tastes/smell of the water. They checked the water tank on the roof wich was closed and found Elisa lam there after 20 days her disappearance. Checking the footage that is her last times she was filmed acting strangely and hiding in the corner

so it's hasn't changed a single bit since '09.
good to know.

>how can I find someone to teach me how to ruin my body through cocaine and die an untimely death but not before completely changing music several times and leaving behind hit after timeless hit?

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They don't even have good pastas anymore is the problem. All the creativity has faded away.

>literally keelhauled


>all the urban legends sites you visited as a teen are defunct now

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It's a comedy you silly goose.

lost like tears in rain

>that fucking gif

For anyone that hasn't seen it, here's a load of redditors shitting on Max about his dad being a murderer and Max REEEing about it.

the peak of /x/ for me was 2012 and reading about skinwalkers. i will never be that scared again unfortunately, it was quite exhilarating

Did you copy this on a book, user? I think I read this. Hello, fellow Yea Forums

to be fair it would just be taken and put on youtube
>don't for get to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE!
it is sad that the last things i remember even being remotely interesting is the edgelord killer and mckamey manor threads

They found his Yea Forums computer

I still have some of the best skinwalker ones saved. Used to spook the shit out of my friends with them.

What did they mean by this

Does this count?

dump them please

She probably swelled up a ton from dying in the water tank. Bodies do that after drowning.

I'm sorry to report that I'm phoneposting right now, otherwise I would.

I'm convinced it's mostly populated by females, which would really explain a lot. It's one of the most legitimately retarded boards on Yea Forums.

Who are you quoting newfag?

I read she was killed for investigating the JFK assassination

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something happened in tianamin during the late 80s


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wtf reddit is based?

It's really weird and acts like a different site compared to most boards here, even tame shit like /diy/ or /an/. Haven't been able to put my finger on it but you might be right. Maybe that's the biggest reason why it's so lame.

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The second video is beyond trash. The guy who makes these videos is literally a mutt that always sides with the cops stories.

Also loving the
>John Lang was a schizophrenic druggie who wanted to prove police were gangstalking him by shooting himself twice in the back and torching his house.
What did he need to prove exactly? He already had the surveillance videos of the cop's racketeering. Not only that but it happened in Fresno where the police chief got away with firing and killing a good cop in front of his son. Imagine you are the son, working with your dad on his car and then the ex-police offer says he wants to talk with your dad. The next day the ex-police officer is found on the side of the road, dead, and nobody wants to investigate. And all you have is some "justice for" groups talking occasionally about it.

They got fucking cut in half, damn.

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It is females 100%. Every female I meet online wants to talk about paranormal shit with me.

he got away with it

that looks like heads.

>Steven is a great director
>Somehow makes kids movies that bombs in the office for no reason...

Thats not a way to get ahead in life.

Not really a conspiracy but he rused the internet before offing himself. He had the most retarded business idea that bankrupted him so he spent most of his time hiking.
Eventually decided to off himself but his gf snitched.

>have manic episode
>climb in tank
>some worker sees it is unlocks and locks it

I don't visit reddit, but the singularity happened a few years ago. Haven't you seen the screencaps where people shit on Adam Savage and Bill Nye for being SJW cucks? There's no way to push back against redditposters on Yea Forums, and over time they merged. There's no escaping the shitposts.

ok what worker?

the point of this video is to make comparisons between too unrelated things. read the description

maintinence worker?


>The actor playing Jack Sparrow tried to save him.
You mean the animatronic came to life and tried to save him? That's pretty metal.

gimme some urban legends from your state

i have no proof for that nor does anyone else that has any theories on the subject. it just seems more likely than demons or whatever people think it was

no it was johnny depp who was there with his kids

Not him, but I grew up on an indian reservation in Nevada so skinwalker stories were plentiful.

has anyone else been delving into youtube animal torture?

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no you louse

animal torturers deserve the death penalty and will be punished in hell

no but i do have this image

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im dying


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poor niglet


I see you back there Fancy Lil' Danson! You scamp!

me in the back

director john landis everyone
jews ruin everything

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>when 50,000 volts isn't fun anymore so you up it to 100,000

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>MY family are the victims

I can hear the nasal jewish whining from here

what was the cutout thinking during this scene?

the jew cries out as he strikes you


I only discovered the guy now, what an insufferable little cunt he is.

That’s true though.

Will they ever get what is coming to them?

where’s the proof then?

not him but look up henry winkler talking about it. its painfully obvious he knows something happened

The same place the proof for every rape is, you fucking idiot

Yeah man. Disney’s coming up with so much revolutionary shit now. They ain’t fuckin around with their ride renovations.

This schizo guy made a video with the theory that every best supporting actor nominee in 2008 played the Joker at some point in the movie. Almost certainly not true, but it's something Yea Forums might find interesting.

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Kubrick was an insider who died of natural causes or faked his death. He would have never been allowed to direct in the first place if he wasn't.

the fonz admitting heather o'rourke was murdered

what is with all these violent monkey commenters? /x/ had a thread on it

three men and a baby has a GHOST

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Alright. Now put it in my ass.

one of the characters is an actor
it's his own cardboard cutout

This just goes to show how easy it is to make people believe something ridiculous when they're confronted with something they can't explain. The ghost doesn't look anything like Danson but it's somehow his "cardboard cutout"? Give me a break!

>gets 2 asian slaves to play a role where they might die
>they end up dying

woooow, such a bad guy
let's ignore that this happens in china all the time since the government doesn't force employers to care about their worker's safety and it's legal to kill your own employees

I don’t know how the fuck I found this guy but this is some crazy shit. This guy claims that George Lucas stole his idea for Star Wars (specifically Jedi Knights and the force) from him back in 1974. I’m not gonna recount the whole thing but you can check this dude’s videos out where he goes into all this detail. It’s rather amusing.

just stop max, none of that makes what your dad did okay

Hollywood pedo ring?

me in the back

>mfw I have to go on Yea Forums for my old /x/ fix

From Wikipedia:

>The footage of Chubbuck's death has not been seen since its initial airing, and numerous theories on what happened to the footage have been advanced. One was that the station owner Robert Nelson kept it, and it was in the possession of his widow, Mollie. It was confirmed in June 2016 that the footage of Chubbuck's death exists and had indeed been in Robert Nelson's possession, but was handed over to a "very large law firm" for safekeeping by Mollie Nelson. She has no plans on making it publicly available.[21]

In 2007, Greg Chubbuck spoke publicly about his sister for the first time since 1974 in an E! Entertainment Television special.[22] In 2016, Greg gave an interview to The Sun newspaper, stating that the tape had been locked away and that he had obtained an injunction to ensure that it would never be released.[23]

>a jew
>getting PTSD over anything other than muh holocaust and antisemitism

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>Mister Redditor


This video is insane. Thanks for sharing

Schizophrenics are always interesting. The way their mind functions is so removed from ours that the things they create are totally incomprehensible to anyone but themselves.
I remember years ago - the channel no longer exists now - but there was a youtube channel of a guy working on a video game. Every video was titled something like CAR RACING X DEMO TEASER LADY GAGA DIAMONDS, and it was supposedly footage of the game. What it actually was, was a bunch of 3D models, vaguely in the shape of humans and cars, making motions in Blender. I mean that a car rectangle would slowly move from one point to the other, and a human figure's arm would come down. And that would be the "footage", and there were hundreds of videos of it.

Why did you make so many videos?

> I'll call him names
> that'll prove im right

I'm diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic, if it ever deteriorates later on in life I'm going to hang myself.


Honestly think Max Landis is one of the biggest nonces alive

counts as based

a good friend of mine that's schizophrenic recently had a psychotic break and stopped taking his meds. he was driving from a different state to come back and visit his parents when out of nowhere he abandoned his car on the side of the road and walked into the woods. he kept walking until he apparently found an abandoned cabin and stayed there for four days. it was snowing and he got a slight case of hypothermia or something associated with the cold. he also has pretty serious heart issues he takes medicine for so he very easily could've died out there without his meds. it was really scary.

i'm not sure why i took the time to write this out but thanks anyone who read it. schizophrenia is a scary disorder.

>You said your dad developed PTSD? How did that manifest itself? Did he become one of those "helicopter parents"?

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I feel like I’ve seen this exact same thread before


based and RIPPENpilled

There was one like a week with the same specific theme. Also the wizard of oz/dwarf thing gets talked to death but these threads are still comfy

Oh behave


I enjoyed your blog post.

this guy isn't even remotely believable. sounds like a schizo.

>Rothschilds allow you to film in their mansion
>Oy vey, you made a movie about us!

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>"died later that day after surgery to repair an acute bowel obstruction..."
Yeah sounds about right

I don’t get it

That’s creepy dude, because the medics were consoling his parents at the scene.

Yea Forums was indistinguishable from /pol/ 6 months ago... glad to see GOT and endgame got you back on the right side of history.

Oh for sure. It’s just hilarious to see.


Kino thread


>my father killed a man and two children while trying to create more Holocaust propaganda
>but it gave him PTSD so stop talking about it you filthy fucking goyim
The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you

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what kind of proof do you need?

imagine if they all held hands while shitting

they found her dead inside of a water silo ontop of this building I believe, with no evidence she was stashed in there... as in she put herself in there I guess.

it was obviously demons

what an ugly fucking mick

discord trannies need to be gassed.


The skeleton at the entrance to the Pirates of the Caribbean is real, it was put in before the manufacture of fake prop skeletons

That's pretty hot.

Oof poor guy.

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I thought it looked nothing like him as well. Then I realized it's also out of focus and the very idea of a fully human ghost being captured on film is so fucking retarded you'd have to be someone like you to actually believe it. Grow up.

Parsimony and occams razor.

More like John Crashis

Did you guys know that candlejack, from the show Freakazoid was based on

isn't it obvious? The names and details of such incidents. If Citizen Kane is based on William Randolph Hearst then the events in Eyes Wide Shut are based on...... and that was on Kubricks computer.


subtle...I caught that

Golf rumors. Erica Blasberg was killed for finding out the truth, and Tiger Woods scandal helped cover it up.

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what truth

The same truth Kubrick pointed out.

To be fair her body was definitely bloated from sitting in a water tank. But that doesn’t explain the fact that the tank was closed and sealed. Something that she probably couldn’t have done as it was difficult for the firemen to even open and close. Iirc. Also someone should explain the salmonella test that’s called the lam-elisa or whatever.


Does anyone have recommendations for well done conspiracy videos? Like James Corbett. Just professional, intended as informational for an older audience.
I have insomnia, and ironically stuff like this helps me sleep.

Loose Change

The Obama Deception

Bruce Lee was killed by the chinese because they don't want famous chinese who they don't control that could turn the diaspora against them. Notice how jackie chan is pro-commie.

Fun fact: there was a company with goverment connections called invisible light working at the hotel. Also Alister Crowley stayed there and claimed to have summoned a demon. Multiple serial killers also operated there.

Yep, that was a maximum landing on the pilots part


fake moon landings?

Snopes has been subverted and turned into a nonstop Facebook barrage of anti Trump news.
Anomalies Unlimited is still up. That’s where I saw the Columbine shooters bodies for the first time
I got you fellow early 2000s bros

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At the time, there were more prominent Scientologists in Hollywood than Jews.

Rats aren't animals.

The Laura Dern part falls through for me. I was on set when they blew up that hospital in a Chicago suburb. I met Heath Ledger in makeup that day

>Bruce Lee fighting off dozens of henchmen as he slowly gets more tired and eventually gets shot to death
deleted scene from his last movie

holy fuck

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But you keep larping this badly, it's funny because it's so pathetic.

I think the fact that Dorothy got abused by the entire cast including the midgets is way more fucked up

Was probably near instant at least. Were probably dead before they could even register what happened.

None of these are conspiracy theories and most of these are confirmed.

This honestly makes sense to me, even back than I thought there was way too much media attention on the Tiger Woods story, at the time I chocked it up to news networks being little better than trashy tabloids but this wouldn’t surprise me

every hollywood actor is a transexual lab grown clone

I keep having a baader-meinhof effect on that city. Is it really as messed up as people say?

why do these fake stories about what golf rumors is keep popping up? is the cia trying to cover the real golf rumors up? the original is still in the archives, you will never win reptoid freaks

There's ten guys like that for every successful person in Hollywood.

Worked in the music industry for years. It was standard for a band to spend huge amounts of money fending off lawsuits from everyone they ever talked to, if they started making serious money - literally dumb shit like "We were drunk at the Rainbow and I said something and it's a line in that song!"

They do it because the labels will throw them a check to make them go away. Same for movies. Some are serious schitzos, like that Star Wars dude. He believes his reality, but if he were telling the truth, a lawyer could have easily gotten him a massive settlement decades ago.

Snopes had a lot of good urban legends. You can still browse them, but they're not really that easy to find and the website is full of bloat anyways.

Whats the real story then?

It's why I come to Yea Forums. Schizos are the best free entertainment around. Especially the really dedicated ones, who have built up a massive construct of conspiracy theory around Stanley Kubrick.

Just let them ramble, it's a great way to blow a couple hours seeing how deep their psychosis goes.

Back in the day, there was a dude in the Bay Area who was famous, for driving a white van covered in posters. He had an elaborate conspiracy theory that Stephen King, the author, had killed John Lennon. Had copies of his "manifesto" about it and all kinds of nutty shit, and you could get one for 10 minutes of him shouting at you on the street, for a buck or two. Great stuff. He was seriously insane, but he believed Stephen King killed John Lennon with all of his heart, you could tell. He was beyond invested in the idea.

Some of the posters here and on /pol are just like him.

It was murder.

Attached: it_was_murder.png (590x348, 26K)

>Being this gullible

LOL, that site is so full of shit. And the comments are pure Yea Forums cancer, of course.

how is that site full of shit

That happened in the US, the supposed beacon of the free world. That whataboutism is shameful.

nice boomer meme

By the disclaimer at the bottom of the page, dummy.


LOL. Which Yea Forums cancer are you in the comments?

He couldn't handle the fire that rapper spat

>Obama Youth's version of the Roman salute is dabbing

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 13K)

a ghost actually appears in three men and a baby, you can see it in one of the shots, its fucking freaky as hell, or at least was back in the VHS era.

this one was pretty kino before jewtube muted it

Listen to the podcast You Must Remember This for more info on her life. She had a rough time :(

you make a compelling argument

>Any threads that even lightly discuss /x/ related things on any other board than /x/ are better than /x/.

In the pudding?

Tuberculosis test. LAM Elisa, pretty easy to google. There was some rumour that there were guys at the hotel or nearby doing testing but I can't remember the specifics and be bothered looking into it right now.

I'm still waiting for one of those retards to actually kill one of their friends out of schizoid paranoia that they are a skinwalker.

Except it's true.

iirc his parents dressed him as a girl to confuse demons

That just means this has happened multiple times


Attached: 1554077267365.gif (176x144, 1.81M)

Explain how they were able to predict Weinstein and others so accurately? What you posted was a legal protection you dumbass. Wanna avoid copyright violation? Make a parody or use a fair use rule. If you write "this site is 100% accurate" then guess what? Lawsuits. The only reason this site started getting famous was when people discovered how accurate some of the posts were.

You mean CIA.

it said that one of the children got crushed by the heli's right landing skid. it doesn't seem to look like that in this footage

My Asperger nephew makes videos like this. I swear he's going to murder his poor parents some day.

LOL, so mad, because your gossip site is fake.

>What are defamation laws.

Oh wow you got me there.

it's not a ghost, it's a cardboard cutout, and a fairly obvious one at that

Nah, CIA is #woke now

Attached: D5C8ypqXsAA26n8.jpg (970x1114, 138K)

Oh fuck

Attached: 2FTC8zy.jpg (562x600, 37K)

When I was in high school, some guy tried to convince me that there was a ghost in - I shit you not - the music video for Party Rock Anthem. He was convinced that this blue lens flare was some kind of spirit.

Attached: blue lens flare.png (1190x629, 1.62M)

Brandon Lee?
also the preacher of poltergeist ii was suppssedly a child abuser

Pirates ride doesnt have actors or "cars" its little boats in actual water.

>tfw my brother and I saw a creature when we were kids that's best described as a manticore
>tfw shared story on /x/ and /k/ years and years ago
>tfw a /k/ommando in one of those threads saw something similar (his encounter had a much larger "manticore" with a different hue to its fur)
>tfw somewhat recently found a youtube video on a paranormal channel using my story
>tfw details of my story were changed, like my name and the size of the creature in question
>tfw /x/ only cares about larp and writing shitty short stories


one motherfucker did this at the fair in town. He leaned back too far and rippen through that canvas ceiling above him. I guess it fling him about a block away before he landed in somebody's yard.

They still use the same machine, but there's a huge duct tapped patch over one of those triangles in the ceiling.

Tell the story.


holy shit

He says that George Lucas' name was Jack Hamburger Jr as a kid

The wiki page also claims that Vic and one of the kids were "decapitated" when they were both completely gored from the shoulders up.

>YouTube ghost/demon videos conditioned an entire generation of youth to be scared by camera artifacts

Yo what da fuq is that a picture of?