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They'd better make up for this by giving Star Trek:Discovery a complete tear down.

their Endgame review and this were both terrible, what the fuck is going on with them?

Maybe even a Plinkett review for old times sake

>1 movie
fucking hate these

they totally ripped off cinemascre rental reviews in that one segment

It's to be expected of Hack frauds. This was just a half assed REview episode.

Stop being a nolifer e-celeb faggot

Then you’re a moron, most of these are great. This one was not, unfortunately.

t. reddit letter memeia paypig

I think Mike has the flu or something. He honestly looked close to death in this and endgame review.

This episode made me think about how disgusted I would be if I went through my bedroom with a blacklight. It would probably look like a cum bomb has gone off at my computer.

They are on the avgn decline, it's over.

Can we all agree that Partners is the best spotlight review? Last Vampire on Earth comes very close though.

Why do you watch this stupid shit, get a life

>get a life
I wish

>he said, while posting on 4channel

They've been visibly bored for years. When the skits stopped being funny the show was over. When the skits disappeared it was clear they didn't care a bit anymore.

They didn't change, you did

rich looks fucking awful, like somehow more awful than usual

the guy who made partners teaches film

kill me

he's looked close to death for ages now. almost catching up to rich evans

the guys who made space cop review films

kill me

I always skipped the skits. They've always been shit.

rEm LeZaR

Burn out. They're probably gonna be reviewing like 20 fucking movies in the next few weeks. They're tired of it but its their job.

Mike was sober for thirty days

They ruined their hobby by making it their job, they are in a living hell right now

What a bunch of babies

How do we save them, bros?

The difference is that RLM know that space cop is complete shit

Gastric bypass surgery

I get distracted easy with rlm. Am I the only one?

In what segment? They’ve been doing all their shows for years longer then Rental Reviews, genius.

And when they did the skits, everyone complained they hated the skits.

Where will these guys be in 10 years.

they will be discussed in books as vanguards of high culture

No energy episode about a movie that's not even entertainingly bad.

Where will you be in 10 years? Still here trying to complain about people more successful than you?

>trying to complain about people more successful than you?
Oh so like RLM?

Where will you be in 10 years? Complaining about people complaining?

Those were always plebs. Yea Forums loved those skits back in early days of HitB.

>anonymously shitposting on Yea Forums is the same amount of effort as creating produced videos and running a company that had a large fanbase

>moving goalposts this much
They are still whining about other more successful people

>had a large fanbase
wow are they losing subs now serves them right for being lazy

Sometimes. They also say positive things. You know, like critics.

But mostly negative things

I like these guys but this was very low effort.

The skits were terrible

Replacement for RLM, who else does humorous movie reviews?

That was for just shits and giggles.

No one.

kinos for this feel.

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

It's kinda sad watching Jay being all cheerful and enthusiastic while being flanked by Mike and Rich both looking like they have one foot in the grave


I miss Jack

>tfw Jay will live 30 more years than Mike or Rich

How can you miss him when he hasn't gone anywhere?

Confusing jokes with reality is a sign of autism

Welcome to Red Letter Media. You know it's always been that way right?

rich's table sucks.


it's easy to be happy when you win the genetic lottery
>inb4 he is short
it only matters if you are ugly

If they like the movie then it's a good discussion or at least they seem to care, just compare the Shazam review against endgame and you will see.

They liked both movies

I wouldn’t kick him out of bed but he is only attractive relatively speaking.

Imagine spending your time discussing the attractiveness of 40 year old e-celebs on Yea Forums

They were disappointed at endgame like everyone else, even Mike says that infinity war was like a miracle implying that endgame was more of the same just bigger, also that comment about taking a break from those movies.

Well, I’m a sad lonely little gay man but I still have standards.

They didn’t enjoy it as much as Shazam but they liked it.

he is the best looking one in the entire RLM expanded cast

Exactly why i said relatively. In the real world he’s just an average looking guy.

Suburban Sasquatch might be the best episode of BOTW in general ever.

they were salty that based Marvel made 1 billion over a single weekend while Shitzam was a embarrassing flop that believed it had a chance

this was the first single movie botw episode that was mehhh.... they should have done the new neil breen movie.

The fact that these guys are still posted here amazes me. There's really no avoiding it, I've grown up, and Yea Forums simply remains infancy. Look, RLM are the living embodiment of the smug, detached Gen-X ethos. What do I mean by this?

Well, I'd venture to guess none of them has felt a single sincere conviction about anything since childhood. They exist as polyps upon the colon of culture, satiating themselves on the perceived failures of others (i.e. "The Man") while adding nothing new to the discourse aside from ironic complaint.

They're a group of insecure, lost, rapidly aging burnouts who silently believe they could do a better job of making films than the professionals in the industry. Yet they lack the ambition and ability to actually enter the very industry they're obsessed with. They choose instead to fuck around and make student film piss-takes well into middle age.

They are awful, awful people. I've met thousands just like them, and the last thing we need is for these people to gain any attention for their navel gazing.

Please, Yea Forums, do not aspire to become anything like these people. Theirs is a lonely and pathetic road leading to depression and a life devoid of real purpose.

I hope they disappear and their disaffected followers stop subsidizing their lifestyle. Perhaps that would force them to do something productive with themselves.

>inb4 some retard (incorrectly) goes hurrr reddit spacing, as though RLM threads weren't as reddit as they come.

They literally have nothing to review. This year is fucking garbage.

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How often does Rich fart?

This. It really does feel like cinema is dying more and more recently. Around four or five years ago, I would visit the theater very frequently, but now I go maybe twice a year at the most. Good movies just don't get released in theaters anymore, and if they do it's an extremely limited run in only a select few inaccessible locations.

Another shitting on ST Discovery video when?

Probably one of their worst videos ever.

It was so short too. Like they don't even care anymore.

I think the problem is that, while entertainingly terrible, Twister’s Revenge isn’t a good movie to talk compared to the other bad movies they review.

it really was boring as hell, compare this spotlight with the teenage vampire one and it its like day and night.
They had a pretty long run for youtube anyway

steam ran out

>we watched this movie 10 times before, but we're watching it again and making a video about it to get JewTube shekels

Kinda lazy, desu. I'd rather them watch a movie they've never seen, so their reactions would be more genuine. At least we got some Chris Evans laughs.

Rich was barely there, felt like he got nothing to say about the movie

So like Jay.

Will they watch Detective Pikachu?

These single movie BOTW are always bad.

8 years ago


The Suburban Sasquatch and Last Vampire on Earth BOTW are great

3 people watching and discussing a movie isn’t a great dynamic. 4 just works a lot better.

here's the inside scoop:
this episode was supposed to figure Richard Mogahan, aka emptyhero, a small time actor that they intended to collaborate with on a script,
but they found out that Richard killed a woman in 1993 and locked him out of the studio at the last second, thereby ruining all of their intended plans for this episode

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The vampire one was really good but I couldn't finish this.

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they only bother with superhero movies, they even ignored Bumblebee

botw and review is old movies though, not like they stop existing.

First a lacklustre endgame review then this? Tempted to unsub
Turned into what they hated
Didn't even watch this what did I miss? I find their banter quality is getting worse as well

nah, they'll watch godzilla though

He didn't imply that, you inferred that. They gave reasons as to why they didn't enjoy the film nearly as much and "more of the same" was not one of them.

im going to miss them

i liked that one because that movie was filmed at my college

pretty much confirmed in the avengers ep that miek and rich will do another STD re:view

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It would explain a lot though

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What the fuck is even going on with STD? Is that trash cancelled yet?

>>we watched this movie 10 times before, but we're watching it again and making a video about it to get JewTube shekels
That's the entire point of the spotlight episodes, genius.

>I'd rather them watch a movie they've never seen
You mean like 90% of the other episodes?

Americans and teir money...



>>mfw not a single RLM fanboy KEK has refuted this devastatingly accurate "review," especially not the last paragraph

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what is there to refute? its a long winded way to say he doesn't like RLM. That's fine, nobody cares.

Reality knocked on their door.