Japanese capekino

>japanese capekino
>character is strong because he worked hard to get his powers

>western capeshit
>character is strong because he got injected with magic steroids/got bit by magic spider/was born a god/became indestructible rage monster by accident/got caught in explosion which made her the most powerful being ever/has 100000 IQ and can build anything from scraps
Why is the West so afraid of meritocracy and hard work?

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Other urls found in this thread:


as if the vast majority of anime don't feature a protagonist who is specifically mentioned to be special in some way

The point is that that isn't a very hard thing to do, and there's some other reason he's strong. You dombo.

100 push ups
100 sit ups
100 squats
And 10km a day isn't close to a hardcore training regimen that was the joke you utter idiot.

Please say sike.

>japanese capeshit
>boy literally gets handed 7 superpowers and leaps to the top of his class
Bravo japs

Why is the second season such total garbage?

>shit sticky animation by a slice of life anime house
>shit rushed story telling and weird pacing?
>totally cucked by Buko No Hero.


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why is she so kino lads?

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Hero Academia is the most popular anime capeshit atm, and the protagonist is explicitly ordinary. He then gets gifted powers because he deserves them, and still has to spend most of his time figuring how to not break all his bones while using them

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>I'm just average Japanese high school student but...

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Yeah it's been proven this wouldn't do much of anything to make you strong other than maybe the squats. It would be cool for endurance but eventually your own body weight isn't enough to make you that strong.

I think it's just a joke desu

Weak bait son

>thinking running 10km daily wouldn't fuck your knees into oblivion within a month

You expect too much of people over the internet.

I actually tried talking with some normie faggot and he could not get the idea that a hero going through struggles to get where he is more meaningful than basically Superman coming in coz he's an alien.

For example iron Man and Batman are both normal people at the start. Yet in their movies you see how they use their brains to train and prepare to become the iconic heroes. Esp Batman with prep time planning. There is no spider biting them and suddenly they are a hero (although in raimi's film you see spiderman slowly develop which is why it's much better than most capeshit)

Meanwhile he thinks they are exactly the same as Superman.

Metal Bat is absolute kino

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which era you talking about?

30'-40's was mostly detective stories and Superman

50'-70's was super science/gadgets like what you're describing and Superman

80's-90's was emotionally driven by pain and Superman

2000's-now is a hodgepodge of the previous origins and more Superman clones

anime has degraded as well, it has almost all become some kid in highschool that is put in a situation, they rise up to meet the challenge, then it turns out they're actually special and are the only people that could do whatever it is they're doing for one reason or another.

Superman has a different struggle, it's called world of cardboard and some people don't really get it, essentially he's so strong he has to be extremely careful 100% of the time or else he'll basically kill everything around him, it's sort of like a curse.

Didn't he also used to have very powerful enemies with powerful abilities so stories were creative a in a way for that?

yes and they'd usually take him off earth for it

Well in the early days it was more like every random villain of the week somehow chanced into a rock of Kryptonite, or used magic, which Supes has always been weak against. As things got more serious he did actually face more genuine threats like Doomsday, who was engineered to kill him iirc.

Her sister is hotter

eh, Superman does what he does out of altruism not because of vengeance or grief like most heroes that had to suffer or be taught a lesson.

He’s not weak against magic, he just is as vulnerable as anyone else, same with shit like reality warping and I think electricity.

Saitama didn't work hard. It's part of the joke.

>>character is strong because he worked hard to get his powers
>>character is strong because he got injected with magic steroids
second one is more realistic

When you're Superman, being "just as vulnerable as everyone else" to something is a weakness user. You're correct about the electricity though, I think I remember a JL cartoon where they reference that.

>forgetting no aircon

Probably the hardest part of them all

>Is gifted the most powerful quirk by knockoff Superman #436
You can't be serious. MHA would be vastly improved if Deku had no powers at all but still tries to be a hero

electricity is just a thing in the cartoons

>10km a day isn't close to a hardcore training

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That's not much to be considered hardcore. Hardcore for a beginner maybe.

That makes more sense, they really had to nerf a lot of the characters in those to explain why they even keep Batman or Hawkgirl around. If they weren't forced to job Supes, MM, GL, or Flash could one hit nearly all their opponents.

He still does. Superman fights reality warpers, God's and the most intelligent beings in the universe. Before Batwank fully set in it was widely accepted that Luthor was the smartest man on the planet

the thing that was really good about the DCAU is it had a sliding power scale so the more time went on the stronger everyone got/Batman got smarter, etc JLU Superman would obliterate everything in STAS without issue and Batman would make nearly as many mistakes.

What's a hardcore distance to run every single day then? Not a runner just curious.

when's the last time Bats did any detective work in his comic? 10? 20 years ago? who is saying he's a 9th level intelligence?

Theres a good episode where Doctor Destiny gets into the Leagues dreams and makes them live their greatest fear. Superman's is that he started with no power at all and he's scared it will never stop. In the nightmare he's killing everybody because he's lost control. It's exactly what said.

literally every Redditor spouting the "BATMAN CAN BEAT ANYONE WITH PREP TIME" meme that the writers actively encourage?


it's taken from Emperor Joker, really good book you should check it out if you haven't already

let's see him prep time his dead parents back alive

Not for a while. Now he just solves crimes because "I'm Batman" more than anything else

reminds me of that Teen Titans episode where Doctor Light fucks with Raven a little too much and she mindbreaks him. god that show was kino

>trained enough to be a state-level athelete
>punches a meteor out of the sky


Now with Prep time I think Batman can potentially beat anybody, if it's on a good day and the luck's with him. If any League member attacked him out of the blue he should get the shit kicked out of him

yes, that's the joke. congrats on realizing the entire premise of this comedic manga


Modi said the same thing about middle East

>Now with Prep time I think Batman can potentially beat anybody,
see this is my fucking point. yes, the comics have trended that way, but it's a ridiculous notion. Batman holds his own incredibly well for a normal, but there's no way him being holed up in his NEETcave and making some new gadgets for 24 hours or w/e should make him able to hang with reality warpers and truly high tier DC characters.

if you think that's true read the wedding issue

You completely missed the joke. OPM supposedly became superhumanly strong, because he stuck to a repetitive and completely accessible training regime that might fuck up your knees a bit if you don't do it properly. It's supposed to be funny in an anti-climactic kind of way, because the world is full of super-human characters who must have gone through mind-blowing rigour to get where they are.

How exactly would 10 km a day make you a superhumanly powerful puncher?

You're just watching crap anime. Stop watching shounen.

it wouldn't, that's the joke.
But 10km every single day is a fucking lot and super bad for your joints no matter if you're fat, skinny or fit.

>character brings his toddler level grudges into adulthood and becomes a villain with some edgy vague conviction that preschoolers and manchildren think is cool
>main character overcomes adversity by doing the exact same thing he was doing, but screaming louder and punching harder, not changing his ways by growth and self-reflection
>characters are falling over each other to show how selfless they are
anime truly is the lowest of art forms

I think we're all just ignoring OP now because he's retarded. Manga protags usually have a whole punch of advantages. Goku trains hard but being a Saiyan is like winning the genetic lottery when it comes to fighting. No matter how hard Tien or Piccolo train they will never catch Goku (Who also gets insane power boosts from getting his ass kicked), Naruto was powered by the Nine tail Fox, Deku has 7, SEVEN quirks. Even in a more realistic manga like Hajime no Ippo, Ippo starts boxing already incredibly strong with great balance from years of working on his moms fishing boat.

Just because it's a joke doesn't mean it has no substance. The point is that Saitama achieved godlike power levels because he never cut any corners. He stuck to one thing and did it until it nearly killed him.

that is so far from the point that I'm wondering if you have brain damage. you know OPM is satirical, right?

that bullshit and you know it, that shit is barely brought up, trying to make the character more interesting then he is.
then again is no human so is struggle are irrelevant to us

>more realistic

anime and capeshit are the same shit basically. 99% one-dimensional stuff aimed at kids.

Like you can do 100 push ups.
Stop lying to yourself fatty.

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you're a retarded faggot who doesn't run

all the other shit is easy but running 10km per day is stupid and will injure you over time

Yeah that's why I said "more" it was for the comparison. Any way is he back in the fucking ring yet?

>if it's satire nothing is cereal LMAO
Watching marvel quipfests destroyed your brain, faggot

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Stop calling it anime when you are exclusively talking about battle shonen.

It sound like it's an accepted genre convention, then, and those who complain about it are genre aliens.

what if I'm exclusively talking about 80s hentai and ecchi?

why did you post a selfie?


you don't structure your training like that, not a flat distance daily. it depends on your goals and various circumstances like whether you also lift weights, also do HIIT, etc.

for example I lift 3 days per week and run a half hour on off days (which for me at decent pace is 4-ish miles), at least this is how many normies do it. pro athlete distance runners do crazy unhealthy shit sometimes but
>wanting to be one of these faggots

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If anime is so bad, give me a romcom at the level of Kaguya-sama

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Where the fuck can I even watch OPM season 1 for free? They cracked down on the regular sites when s2 came out but I just want to rewatch s1 in 1080


Unfortunately in real life while there is no such thing as being bitten by a magical spider etc, a lot of heroes are in fact born with genetic/social advantages that only they have.

Eg boxing, you could be born with an extra thick skull making you impossible to be knocked out like MW goat Haggler. Or alternatively you could be born 7 foot like shaq and bully everyone off the basketball court.

thanks thats perfect. but that chat on the side is not

or Michael Phelps' freakish fish body and his lower lactic acid production

Redpill me on this webspace. Is it all 1080p when available and do they source it from good encoders and not faggots like deadfish, bonokai77, or cleo?

Have you ever tried? Exactly.

>eastern cringe
>character screams and has a tantrum for five episodes and gets stronger
>literal visual projection of the inferiority complex from the little asian man himself

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Maybe if you're extremely overweight. 6.2 miles everyday isn't terribly difficult. The only hard part is the discipline to do it everyday.


idk but everyone's compulsive need to literally slap a human face on any and everything is just cringe

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doing it every single day would be rough, not enough recovery time, you'd probably get injured after a week or so

If you have decent running shoes (not some shitty nike outlet store crosstrainers) and aren't a landwhale you'll have no pain in your knees doing such short distances frequently. Especially if you have halfway decent form.

Look mate, fitness isn't the problem, the problem is that once your knees give out, that's for life. Overstraining them to prove some macho point is beyond retarded.


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why don't you beauts have a seat?

Haven't watched season 2 yet but I have a hard time believing the boros episodes will be topped

Saitama is repeatedly ridiculed for his training regime, precisely because there are weaker charaters who train way harder. But you are just trolling anyways.

It's so pedos wanna fuck her, you know.

>He then gets gifted powers because he deserves them
He still had to work for them though, he needed to become a suitable vessel

Season 2 is being animated by a shit tier company, so it wont surpass anything in season 1. It's really disappointing, to be honest.

>he has no idea how OPM works
The point is to break YOUR limits.

That 140 page chapter that Murata knocked out in under a month was honestly one of the best things I read in years, the guy is a god

His true power is never ending money. He spent the equivalent amount of money the US Defense gets in its annual budget to build a mecha to fight the JL just in case. Like its on board computer systems could keep up with the Flash and anticipate him. It had like red dwarf stats compressed to the size of quarters or something in its knuckles, it had some deflection shit that was impervious to kryptonian heat vision, etc.

I get Wayne Enterprises is well off but even if Bruce liquidated every WE asset and his own personal net worth there should be no way for him to maintain the constant upkeep, R&D, and usage of all his gadgets and tech.

Nowhere in the show is that a real theme. Except maybe for Mumen Raider and just to show that it doesn't accomplish a damn thing, because you are hardcapped by talent which cannot be overcome by emotional animu speeches or wanting something really hard.

>Nowhere in the show is that a real theme.
Except it's how literally everything in the series works.

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Mumen doesn't try to break his limits. He accepted his status as a C-list hero and hopes to help at that level.

Mixing batman and luthor in one character was a great idea though in bvs

>He wants Batfaggotry
>"I'm so smart and resourceful I can't outrun Flash, out punch Superman, survive being punched by an angry Darkseid, survive reentry on the athmosphere and hitting the ground at mach 38 wearing only my cape, redirect plasma using a toilet mirror and a long fucking etc"
Batman is fucking cancer, Satan

>The main it's the son of someone super powerful.

Fuck off naruto and all your 'hard work'.
Also rufy, goku, ichigo, gon and so on into the sunset.

The main theme is that Saitama hasn't earned his powers and consequently gets bored by a lack of personal challenge and a lack of fulfillment.
Characters like Genos who push their limits to literal self destruction are constantly cucked and mocked by Saitama's existence who resolves their build up struggle anticlimatically without any effort.
That's the theme. It is not hard to understand.

Ackchually Goku is the son of a low as fuck cannon fodder Saiyan

>capeshit is unrealistic
that's what you're trying to argue
seriously usually never do this but im going to recommend you have sex

They're bodyweight exercises... Rest is for weights..

Okay and situps are bad and outdated

>The main theme is that Saitama hasn't earned his powers
But this is WRONG. He worked so hard he broke his limits. The theme of the series is about struggling with depression, not about the surface-level gag of Saitama being invincible.

>japanese capekino
>character is strong because he worked hard to get his powers
Except Saitama clearly didn't just get his powers by working out. It's the same with tons of action anime. Sometimes they start out with the character being the underdog but sooner or later it's revealed they're the super-duper chosen one who's also the son or grandson of some king or dead hero. Look at Naruto, Attack on Titan, Dragon Ball Z, and so on.

top brainlet post

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Luffy's not a hero though, he's criminal scum.

why doesn't saitama ask her out?

One Punch Man is a satire of the genre.
how stupid are you all?

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Saitama is not an underdog. Saitama is invincible.
Goku was also not an underdog until his fight against Jackie Chun, he was superhuman with zero effort for the first few volumes.

>Saitama is not an underdog. Saitama is invincible.
Saitama started out as an underdog though. They make that pretty clear in the flashbacks, he wasn't invincible from the start.

So you're telling me OPM started as an underdog story until it was revealed Saitama is the son of a legendary hero, thus explaining his powers?
Do you even read it?

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He didn't work hard at all not by the standards of this world and definetely not by in universe standards. It gets pointed out several times by other characters.

Same reason you don't go and ask you waifu out.
Because he's low rank trash.

Is that boiling oil in that glass or battery acid

Allright, well done user. You managed to give me something I hadn't seen before.

He was a completely average person and started this training from day one, every day with no breaks. An average person that doesn't exercise regularly can't do that kind of training without pausing or without missing a single day for any reason. The first thing you will notice the very next morning after your first day of hard exercise is that your entire body hurts. And when Saitama's body couldn't take anymore, his bones cracked and he started coughing blood he kept going anyway.

That's in like one very short flashback, and even then he is shown to be more of a pathetic goofy stereotype than a sympathetic victim.

What? No, I'm saying that Saitama clearly got his powers from kind of supernatural source. Obviously the whole premise is that he's invincible, but they show in flashbacks that he wasn't always that way.

>Why is the West so afraid of meritocracy and hard work?
It's actually the other way around. The West is obessed with meritocracy and they use comic books as escapism.

He pushed himself to near-death over and over again. This is the only standard. It's how Phoenix Man and Garou continued to evolve as well. Please at least TRY to pay attention to the actual story instead of writing fanfics about how he's the descendant of a legendary hero.

If you did that IRL you'd just end up with chronic injuries though.

>I'm saying that Saitama clearly got his powers from kind of supernatural source
No, he very clearly did not do that.

> Pushed himself to near-death
> 100 sit-ups
Okay user, it's time to lay off the hot pockets.

is season 2 good?

He very clearly did, you don't get the power to punch through buildings by doing basic strength training on a daily basis

You CANNOT. A completely average person that doesn't exercise can't just one day do 100 pushups in a row.

>he didn't pay any attention to when Saitama himself explained this
Dude. If you don't read it why are you talking about it?

Honestly it sounds like what David Goggins does irl, constantly pushing himself to the point of excruciating pain. And he's regularly in and out of the hospital. No word on whether or not he can punch an asteroid, although somehow I doubt it.

>An average person that doesn't exercise regularly can't do that kind of training without pausing or without missing a single day for any reason.
>He pushed himself to near-death over and over again.

This is what fat people really believe.

He is being melodramatic over his training and repeatedly gets called out on it. It's a fucking joke, you double digit IQs.

Yes you do if you live in a universe where liking reptiles a lot turns you into a reptile man and eating too much crab turns you into a crab man.
But you ignore that in favor of your personal headcanon.

> It's a fucking joke,
Yes. It is a joke. And you think that because it's a joke he's actually the descendant of a legendary hero or some bullshit. You're the only retard here.

>He pushed himself to near-death over and over again
he literally worked out, a lot, and got super powers surpassing those of everyone else in his universe. if he were a sports manga protagonist hard work would undoubtedly be a reasonable explanation for his prowess. but it's not, so trying to rationalize the explicit and inherent joke of the series is silly.

But the joke is that he didn't even stick to it for that long. He did it for like a year, then he stopped to live a NEET life, eating ramen and playing video games with King. He's like the sloppiest character in the entire series. He's also a wildly unreliable narrator, he might even be lying about even that small amount of training for all we know.

But I'm not rationalizing anything, I'm repeating to you what the series itself is saying.

The reason why he is so strong will probably never be revealed. It doesn't really matter. OPM is satire not an epic saga, some elements are just there for a punchline/theme and don't need resolve.

Look mate, if you take an obviously satirical manga as some sort of personal inspiration, that's fine. A little weird, but whatever, to each his own. But your reading comprehension is completely shit.



>never be revealed
jesus christ how dumb are you mr speedreader

It is how every Manga goes these days
>Literally every single good idea and interesting plot point concentrated into one Anime season's worth of content
>After that point immediately derail and boring
Its like the people behind Manga know that almost every anime adaptation usually gets a single season only even if they do well, and write the works around that fact.

Because real life isn't meritocracy faggot

not an argument

What personal inspiration? Where are you pulling this from?
It's a FACT that people in the series can accomplish enormous power-ups by going to their subjective limits. Garou did this. Phoenix Man did this. Saitama did this. Gay Prison-Rapist Man does it right there on the page when he hugs the porcupine thingie.
You choose to ignore how it works. That's fine. Keep it to yourself though.

>He is being melodramatic over his training and repeatedly gets called out on it. It's a fucking joke, you double digit IQs.
The OPM universe grants power to people based on positive or negative habits, and many people have become relatively strong monsters over mundane shit like punching the ceiling fan chain, or very powerful heroes like Darkshine who got strong by lifting a 3lb dumbbell for years and working his way up. On top of that, the concept of limits was also introduced when the monsters association began and was reinforced by the narrator itself, it is 100% a reality within this universe and therefore justifies Saitama's and various other characters becoming strong with their training, take it as a joke or not, you double nigger brainlet speedreader.

Many of the characters became insanely powerful for entirely different reasons, though.
First of all, Saitama didn't get powerful by going to some near-death limit, it's entirely the opposite. He became powerful by going through a poorly designed cliché training regime for about a year, which any NEET can do (at the cost of long term knee integrity).
Other characters, like the fat man and the little girl, are pretty much the opposite of that as well.

>many people have become relatively strong monsters over mundane shit like punching the ceiling fan chain, or very powerful heroes like Darkshine who got strong by lifting a 3lb dumbbell for years and working his way up
the fact that you can type this out from memory and still not realizes that this series is a satire of common superhero tropes worries me

you're just a stupid faggot

Absolute capekino of the century and Yea Forums will get to experience it in full awful western adaptation when it inevitably gets butchered by Hollywood.

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Yeah and after all their training their strength completely pales in comparison with a guy who does 100 push ups per day. Their struggle is devaluated by Saitama q.e.d.

not an argument

The fact that it is a satire is irrelevant. The series has explicitly told the audience about its universe rules for growth and limiters multiple times, and speedreaders shouldn't weigh in about things they don't understand.

>Batman is fucking cancer, Satan
Agreed. Batfags are the most shit tier of all comic bullshit.

The point is that all these growths, sacrifices and multipliers don't fucking matter in the end, because Saitama will save the day last minute without effort anyways. You are dense.

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batman is only cancer in team up stories, hes great on his own when he only has to deal with the scum of gotham

>This is what fat people really believe.
> He is being melodramatic over his training and repeatedly gets called out on it. It's a fucking joke, you double digit IQs.
Talk about double digit IQ, the comic and show literally tell you that for Saitama it was literal near death, in addition he went looking for trouble with monsters and almost died doing that as well. His limits were his personal limits, it doesn't actually matter if they were hard to other people or not.

Batman should stay in his own little universe. The cross overs are pure fanfiction.

He is a good character otherwise.

The vast majority of anime isn't battle shounen, and this doesn't preclude the need fopr training.

It's not anime's fault that you refuse to watch anything except battle shounen.

Anime includes basically every genre there is, and most of it isn't made for children.

This is a projection of the inferiority complex that Americans have towards Japan.

>Yeah and after all their training their strength completely pales in comparison with a guy who does 100 push ups per day. Their struggle is devaluated by Saitama q.e.d.
The material never pretends that all people are equal, its why the hero world is divided into a class hierarchy, same for the threats they face. Part of the story telling is that personal struggle is individual and success is generally unique to the person or monster.

>durr uh... no u

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its a fucking superhero manga, its not realistic but thats the in-universe explanation we have
the powers are all about going past your limits and hardships, the prisoner dude got new powers after getting tremendously upset over his sweater being ripped and prisoners being turned to monsters, its not realistic, but it made him go past his limits
saitama was a weakling normie fucked, he went so past his personal limits (mind you which weren't that crazy even irl) he became super strong
and thats the joke
how autistic are you

you scared me. I thought they announced a live action

You just got triggered because I responded to multiple posts at once.

keep saying it and stay being retarded because you can't read

10km wouldn't be too bad if he ran barefeet in the dirt or some other way, like many african and australian tribes do. Concrete and shoes are kinda bad. Maybe some foot biology as well. I know some tribes have evolved to have better padding under their heels.

I like it so far

But that would only be an in-universe rule if it was consistent. Saitama became absurdly strong based on a simple procedure, whereas other characters work a million times harder for small gains. Saying it's some sort of theme for the series ignores how inconsistent it is.

It's not a joke. And thats the joke

>10km wouldn't be too bad if he ran barefeet in the dirt or some other way, like many african and australian tribes do. Concrete and shoes are kinda bad. Maybe some foot biology as well. I know some tribes have evolved to have better padding under their heels.
No joke. Concrete will wreck every bit of your body that needs to walk if you have to be on it enough. No shoes will save you.

That could easily be a page from Naruto. They really are just making the same thing over and over aren't they?

He worked hard according to his atandards and thats what matters, pushing yourself in life to achieve your goals. His strenght is also the joke.

>being worried about getting injured by doing some bodyweight exercises and running 6.2 miles

I've seen literal grandpas exert themselves harder daily without coming close injury. 100 pushups/squats/situps is a joke. I've been running at least 8-10 miles daily for about three months now to work my way out /fat/. Even when I was still obese-- a day was more than enough recovery after I got through the first couple of weeks of severe DOMS. If some weak tubby asshat like me was able to quickly maintain a basic regimen like that, anyone can.

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enjoy your knees giving out by 40

>and thats what matters, pushing yourself in life to achieve your goals
It's great that you're inspired by this show but seriously it's meant to be a comedy.

seething comicfags

And then he stays overpowered by watching TV all day. Saying that OPM is about self improvement by reaching your limits is completely opposite to what the show wants to subvert as a trope. you get a F for reading comprehension.

>if it was consistent
it is
its not that everyone is born without powers, there are vampires and espers and shit but so far how they evolve and become stronger is through hardships and breaking their limits
its established like thousand times
>Saitama became absurdly strong based on a simple procedure, whereas other characters work a million times harder for small gains.
because saitama was weak ass normie fuck with aspiration to be a hero, those were his limits, not someone elses
the theme is even explored with genos and the metal knight dude, they keep getting upgraded after getting rekt in fights
cant really help you if you just choose to ignore the theme tho

Yugami-kun ni wa Tomodachi ga Inai
Kawaii Joushi wo Komarasetai
Miss Komi is Bad at Communication
Teasing Master Takagi-san

>And then he stays overpowered by watching TV all day.
yea thats the joke hes bored as fuck cus there is no longer challnege
kinda tough to go past your limits again when nothing even begins to reach your level
no one argues its about self improvement either

Your normie friend is could be a determinist that sees all qualities as mere means to an end
All qualities are ultimately gained due to some force outside our control, whether thats a more efficient brain, alien genetics, or a brain with a disposition towards perseverance
Smart? Strong? Willful? All come from sources ultimately beyond our control.
Logically I disagree with you, but emotionally I agree with you

anime/manga are garbage

You could say the same about almost all fiction ever made.

>anime/manga are garbage
So is everything on tv/movies whats your point?

>100 (Yous)
>100 shit posts
>100 dabs
>and a 10 month ban

I am sneedpost man.

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Then everything is garbage.

Jesus fucking christ. Would probably do a better job than anything Hollyshit could produce honestly

distance running mostly lowers your strength because muscles are heavy and caloricly expensive
It'd still be ludicrous if he said sprinting the same distance, but sprinters are typically more jacked

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Last I checked, this board wasn't drowning in threads about Kubrick, Hanecke, Godard, von Donnersmack, etc.
Instead, the entire front page is GoT, Star Wars and MCU. Compared to that, even middlebrow stuff like OPM is fucking Citizen Kane, Aeschylus and Shakespeare rolled into one.

I guatantee anyone saying that 10km a day "isnt that much" has never tried it

>I've been running at least 8-10 miles daily for about three months now
Lol. No you havent. Why would you just lie anonymously like that?

is saitama like a monk that got chi powers and he doesn't even know it?

I think people are more implying that it's not some sort of super-human achievement (unless Saitama's real superpower is indestructible knee joints, which honestly would be well within the spirit of the manga)

I was making a comment about Bats true power being Monet compare to you saying it was prep time as a joke to how ridiculous both are. Christ, maybe you are the one who needs the sex if you thought I was actually arguing against or for anything.

Dicku is an insufferable faggot.

>all those idiots overthinking one-punch man

Jesus, how could so many people miss the fucking point of OPM on a board dedicated to fucking Anime?

You people really are retarded as fuck and I shouldn't poat here anymore unless I want to be as retarded as you stupid fucking ass holes.

>boy literally gets handed 7 superpowers and leaps to the top of his class

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Western superheroes do work hard though. They train all the time to hone their powers and become stronger, they just don't make as much of a deal of it. Why do you think that the X-Men have the Danger Room?

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I still don't understand how the fuck the Invisible Girl got a higher score in a PE exam than Deku. Deku is buff guy, and the Invisible Girl is a girl who isn't buff.

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I think the X-Men are the only superheroes who you see actually practicing on a regular basis. Everyone else just sort of does their thing, unless it's an origin story (like Spider-Man getting his ass kicked by Kingpin and Electro for the first couple comics).

ITT: People who compare anime to reality/movies and/or take it way too seriously. Guys, i love anime, but i learned a long time ago to look at it as a totally separate thing and not compare it even to other anime, not to mention live action shit.

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They do train on a regular basis, writers just don't feel the need to show it on-screen all the time because they have more interesting things to write about.
Hell, Captain America has personally trained all of the Avengers to be good at hand-to-hand combat.

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Shitposters can't fucking count

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Wow another faggy anime about a child. Why don't they just stop making this garbage.

The push ups, sit ups and squats are very doable, but fuck running 10km every day.

You can't break your limits. If you break them, then they're not your limits.

An anime where the main character is a teenager could be about practically anything.

I imagine the thought process for the writer coming up with the routine went something like this:
>"I know what'll be funny: 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, 100 km running"
All 100s for a joke at arbitrary numbers.
>"Oh wait a moment 100 km running is too impressive, lets lop off a 0 to make it 10".
So the 10km isn't supposed to be impressive, it's a joke.

The without breaks part of the training is probably a translation error, "Every single day" sounds very specific but it probably sounds a little less specific in Japanese, it could be merely referring to "keeping to a routine".
Genos gets angry at Saitama saying it's just normal strength training and isn't anything special. And at the start of episode 6 Saitama gets stressed feeling like he's scamming Genos because he can't teach him anything, there's no secrets. That's why I don't believe anyone should put any emphasize on having "no rest days".

The counter-argument is that Saitama says he trained so hard his hair fell out.

Attached: saitama.jpg (1920x1080, 262K)

>Autistic unsocializable sperglord walking down the street after a hard PRO GAMING session
>No job, friends, or marketable skills whatsoever, the true phlegm of society
>Suddently, a portal opens
>He is transported to a different world, a harsh, survival-of-the-fittest reality with magic, dragons, and big tiddied anime girls
>This fucking 16 year old retard who could not hold a shift at McDonalds is instantly the centerpiece of everyone's attention because he has managed to apply his PRO GAMING skills in this reality
>5 different women do all they can to try to suck his dick
>The worlds' big bad instantly acknowledges this spineless waste of space as his nemesis

The japs have an entire genre dedicated to something much worse than capeshit, get the fuck out of here

I'm skele distance man and had to stop 4-10 mi everyday after 6 months cause my it fucked my left hip into oblivion
knees are fine tho

Just because there are isekai anime similar to that doesn't mean that all isekai anime is like that or that these things even define the genre. Isekai is defined as a story where someone from our world is sent to another world. And when did people start thinking that big tits only exist in anime? What is even wrong with big tits?

Reminder that BHA has been falling down the Shounen Jump rankings like a rock recently and will inevitably get the Bleach treatment

The nips didn't invent that genre, user.
Granted they made it far worse.

So you're saying that MHA still has like 400 chapters left?

The eternal debate

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The only attractive girl in OPM is the athletics chick

now post the gif

The worthless weaboo selfinsert is about as common a trope in Isekai as "Good guy gets the girl" is in bond films

It is the literal foundation of 90% of isekai anime, because the entire point of the genre is to serve as a selfinsert escapism fantasy for your average nip.

There are no weeaboo characters in anime. Japanese people don't even know what a weeaboo is. People who don't actually watch isekai also keep assuming that the main character is always some exaggerated loser, when in fact this is not the case.

Self-insertion is a Western problem and there is nothing wrong with escapism.

Hisoka from HiatusXHiatus really shouldn't be there dancing

>There are no weeaboo characters in anime
I can think of one, but it's literally only one so I think your point still stands.

>and will inevitably get the Bleach treatment
So get dragged out for hundreds of extra chapters even though by all rights it should have ended years earlier?

Murata definitely faps to his own characters

The production committee just wanted to sell merchandise. They would've settled for worse if the current studio hadn't been available either.

>The counter-argument is that Saitama says he trained so hard his hair fell out.
That's just Saitama coping with being bald

Merchandise is a bogeyman. Americans still haven't gotten over the trauma of their own 80s shows and keep projecting that onto Japan.


Jamie pull that shit up

He did it for like 3 years and only stopped when he had his absurd power level.

How is it a boogeyman? It's a known fact that Anime gets most of its revenue from overpriced merch.

In every single Isekai, the main character, when introduced, is 90% of the time, an exaggerated loser and literally designed to be a role that's easy to self-insert into

Unless your problems are unsolvable, escapism masked as entertainment is literally toxic

Like Naofumi the Shield Hero?

Americans are traumatized by their own 80s shows that were half-assed for the sole purpose of selling toys, and now everything they don't like about anime is blamed on merchandising.

Overseas revenue accounts for the largest segment of the industry's profits, most merchandise is not overpriced, and people don't understand how merchandise relates to anime and just assume that every single decisions somehow revolves around it.

You've never even watched isekai. You're just repeating memes.

Self-insertion remains a Western problem and will not cease to be a Western problem regardless of how desperately you try to blame it on Japan.

>Unless your problems are unsolvable, escapism masked as entertainment is literally toxic
No it isn't.

Not the guy you're replying to but isekai is stuff like Sword Art Online, Log Horizon, and Re Zero, right?

>ironic power level shounen shit
>endless quips in modern capeshit

Literally the same bottom of the barrel pleb garbage. Kill yourself or at least watch Non Non Biyori

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Yes, those are isekai.

Would you humor me and please list all isekai where the MC isn't introduced as a wizard-level dreg of society?

Would you say that they're representative of the genre as a whole?


> show about super beings, robots, and magic
> normal things can't have supernatural outcomes
it's a fucking cartoon, the reason is whatever the writer wants it to be you colossal ass ramming fuck pile

Slime, Grimgar, Kenja no Mago, Smartphone, Death March, Knights & Magic, Youjo Senki, Gate...

I'm sure you would like me to say that so that you can judge every isekai based on just the three you have seen or heard of.

It's not a cartoon.

>I'm sure you would like me to say that so that you can judge every isekai based on just the three you have seen or heard of.
So is that a no?

>It's not a cartoon.
colossal ass ramming fuck pile

Facts don't care about your feelings.

>everyone is ignoring the fact that Saitama didn't use AC during that time
Also, considering everything we know you might just become a powerful hero because you want to. A lot of people turned into powerful monsters because they had an obsession (e.g. phoenix king or whatever he's called).

They're not because Isekai is filled with nuance , intricacies and no two shows are alike. For example, Video Game Isekai #7 has a big tittied red haired girl banging the MC, while Tolkien Fantasy Isekai #3 has a girl with cat ears wanting to suck off the MC. Many of them have a harem, thus the sheer combination of female characteristics is always original and unique.

The MC usually ranges from a plethora of unique characteristics and deep motivations, ranging from absolutely having none to "I'm bored and wish I weren't so bored" and "Why is everyone so mean to me?"

You have never seen any isekai.

>MC is a massive pussy
>trains until he is no longer a pussy, attains his dream of being a hero
>school arc stars
>MC is a massive pussy again
wow, what an arc.

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real people don't care about you

This has nothing to do with me.

Based my D&D character off this guy.

>what are type I and type II fibers
Guy on the left trained in the same ways, he's just got more slow twitch because genes
that's the point of this image

That’s only about an hour of running per day.

>The primary physical activity that humans have done since the dawn of our existence is bad for you
No, fatass. This is why you're a fatty.
If you're worried about your knees, run on grass.

westner superheroes be like:

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Weren't there buttons on the back of robots to turn them off if your quirk wasn't powerful enough to destroy them? She could have easily just gone behind them to turn them off hiding her clothed parts of her body behind rubble until the opportunity came or just went nude.

user, I was talking about Aizawa's PE exam in which he threatened to expel whoever scored lowest.
Which by the way, was extremely hypocritical of him since he criticized UA's entrance exam for being unfair to kids with Quirks like Shinso, and then he sets up a test in which Shinso would also do badly at.

>user, I was talking about Aizawa's PE exam in which he threatened to expel whoever scored lowest.

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>>Op conveniently neglects all the Yea Forums protags who are suddenly empowed e.g. Bleach, Yu Yu Hakusho, etc.

If you are good enough you could run 10km every day and not be a distance runner.

The mc in yu yu hakusho is not suddenly overpowered. He trains a ton with genkai and then uses her techniques and to get them she dies and he almost dies. He gets his ass kicked more often than not until the dark tournament and has a threat of losing during the final fight.

It's because the West can't appreciate hard work and determination. The liberal elite writers are so used to getting everything handed to them that they expect their characters to receive the same treatment.

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Member when Ruffy was just a guy who could stretch?

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Most anime protags start out relatively weak and get more powerful. That doesn't mean they don't just magically get empowered to begin with. Luffy eats a fruit, Ichigo gets stabbed, Naruto gets possessed by a demon fox, etc.

Meanwhile Thpor starts out a god but still gets progressively more powerful, Tony builds better and better suts, Cap gets better at fighting. It's largely the same thing. When we don't see it happen it's largely backstory, and plenty of Yea Forums types show up powerful due to their backstories.

I'm glad i dropped this shit, the series peaked early with Almight vs AfO and will never get back up there.

Western capeshit is defined primarily by moral dilemmas and how they deal with them. Spider-Man isn't defined by how hard he had to work to shoot webs and climb walls, but he is defined by the self-sacrifice he endures to live his double life and the mistakes he's made by neglecting to stop criminals or picking suboptimal methods of rescue.

Japanese capeshit heroes are cookie cutter personalities defined solely by their training.

yeah OPs pic is about dissecting that trope though.

>everything in anime is "cookie cutter" because that's what I heard on the internet

well in theory, that development sort of makes sense. At least more than the haki bullshit.
He stretches and then contracts at the fastest possible speed, until his limbs are fully loaded with kinetic energy. The color change then comes from the haki, which, admittedly, is bullshit (but at least applies broadly across the setting, and not just to Luffy)

> Every anime is shounen trash
Seems like there's about 200 variations of that comment in this thread.

Who became the first super sayan

>picking suboptimal methods of rescue
the meteor chapters are about that

again satirizing the genre, because Saitama outright states that he doesn't give a fuck about the city or its people, and only did it for himself.

>Naruto gets possessed by a demon fox
Naruto had that from literally the day he was born though

The point of opm isn't that he worked hard for his powers. The point is just to set up the same joke over and over again. 'Wouldn't it be funny if this bald guy with a flat affect could shit all over typical tryhard action anime trope characters'

I'm not complaining. I watch every episode and still find it funny.

Pretty much, but there are some other funny jokes as well (there were more of them early on), like PuriPuri, defeating villains just so he can rape them in prison.

Sure, it was bound into hum when he was a baby. That doesn't mean he doesn't start off unnaturally strong, he just gets stronger as he levels like everyone else.

>not letting both double team you

Putting aside that it isn't funny, Japanese prisons are run stricter than boot camp (and I'm not talking about first world country boot camp).

It will forever piss me off that Deku did no strength training before he was guaranteed to get the most bullshit power in the series. This cunt fully intended to go to the UA entrance exam with zero powers and zero physical training.
He got everything handed to him, all for being a suicidal moron.

Well, I laughed

i do 100 push ups, sit ups and 100 squats erryday, i run about 12km.

I cant punch like this dude tho.

Which was absolutely bullshit. None of the girls except for Tsu could possibly beat any teenage boy at any physical event.

there are different department in UA though, not just hero department. Also, that's not the point of that scene, it's not that he deserves or doesn't deserve it, it's that anyone can become a hero; and even the number 1 hero can be inspired by the actions of a quirkless child

He's still just stretching and using Haki, it's consistent.

If he's blasted with flame it won't harm him even magically made flame.

If he's turned into a toad he'd still be super toad or some shit.

>there are different department in UA though
I never understood why UA has a general studies department. A hero support and a hero management department makes sense, since they're related to heroics. But why have a department focuses solely on normal students with normal classes?
That would be like a military school having a section that's just a normal school where none of the students have to do do any military training. Why do they even bother?

>Goku trains hard but being a Saiyan is like winning the genetic lottery when it comes to fighting.

Goku is special even among Saiyans, achieving power levels not achieved by regular saiyans or even royal saiyans for eons.

Jap protagonists are born special. None of them work for that power.

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>on a board dedicated to fucking Anime
you do realize you are on Yea Forums right?

The centipede had a face like that in the manga retard

Attached: Centipede face.jpg (376x376, 85K)

And in the original webcomic aswell

Attached: Centipede face webcomic.jpg (618x469, 83K)

Yea Forums is an anime imageboard

Shoujo Mangaka Nozaki

even goku a super powered alien had to work hard to get to the point he's at now
sure he gets extra large gains because of saiyan biology but he still has to fucking work out constantly in order to improve and stay strong

meanwhile superman is just strong because he is

Are you retarded? That's not his point. OP is claiming Saitama worked hard for his powers, being immune to all damage and strong enough to destroy the universe isn't "working hard", it's the writers giving you superpowers.

It's always been a gag manga, read the webcomic. Stop taking shit so seriously, goddamn. This is why movies suck these days, all you assholes sit around and break down the mise en scene of a flick like Tango & Cash and now we have Avengers: Endgame where what should have been a fun-filled romp becomes biting social commentary and bullshit.
>but comics have always had social commentary!
Comic books are for queers, watch Dolph Lundgren's Punisher and tell me there's social commentary in that flick.

>shaq was born 7 foot
I feel sorry for his mother

>break past your limits
>someone with a higher bar on their limits complains that you didnt train hard enough

>what is demonic form?

So you’re running 5 minute mile pace?Not true unless he was a cross country/track/road runnerI used to run 70 mile weeks and had a sub 15 min 5k time. It’s possible to run 6 miles a day if you’re sure to stretch and ice and rest well and have good running form

silly hand wave for his overpower godlike power
was meant as parody
became what it parodied
became popular as fan self insert which beat everyone
today we have "saitamas" in a lot media which onepunch every villain

and the west has a reverse isekai genre
sonic the hedgehog coming to the real world, so epic

>using a fucking satire parody manga as an example
please kill yourself weeb retard murata/anime fag

Nah everyone powers are based around crazy shit. I mean you got a group of people that get their power from tank tops. Doing a standard workout was enough for opm to break his limits showing he was so damn lazy that a standard workout was his key to power. Or just being bald was the true source of his power.

he did do strength training. that was the whole beach cleanup bit, it's just he is so pathetic physically that he went from negative 5 baby strength on the power level to below average teenager.