What's the most disturbing Movie/Video you've ever seen?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Is that image supposed to be disturbing?

turn off your lights, put on headphones and watch this alone

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The early internet was a simpler time.

This kinda loses its charm once you watch him doing the same thing when it's day.

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Dreamers Heaven

The Grifter

That 9/11 call from that dude in the tower when it collapsed

what did I just say?
I gave very specific instructions

I’ve watched it during the day and you are right but that’s not the point.

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I don't remember the name of it anymore, but there was a movie about a woman with split personality, and she has a dream about a cat's severed head chasing her into a barn.
We watched that in high school, and it was messed up

Probably some random gore video that I've seen spammed over the years. I can't even name a specific one since I'm desensitized to it all now.

I meant to say he's given a walkthrough of his house, except at day, when he shows everyone how he builds the scenery and whatnot.

Was it Sybil?

Also, the vid of the australian pedo and the child hanging upside down is definitely up there


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I forgot about this...thanks for reminding me.
A man was driving with his wife and I believe his kid/kids were in the car too.
A nearby truck was carrying bricks.
A brick fell off and was launched through the man's car windshield, nailing his wife in the head.
He then screams "NOOOO" as he looks over and realizes his wife just died in the most unexpected way possible.

There was this video I saw that apparently is out there somewhere on the dark web I forget the name though there was a international manhunt for the creator gosh the name slips me though hold on wait I got it the name is Daisy's Destruction that's it

the grifter desu

oh yeah, that one does kinda break the illusion. I unironically fucking love that song though.

>that rain pattering in the background
Wtf you said this was supposed to be scary, not comfy.

Yes, that was it!
That movie didn't technically count as horror I think, but it might as well have been.

I thought it was retarded, but I was already balls deep in edgy Internet shit like Stileproject, Ogrish, etc when I watched it in high school back in the very early 2000s.


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Shit's so goddamn tragic.

I don't usually watch horror, but here's one example:
I watched a Korean movie called A Tale of Two Sisters. It probably wasn't as disturbing as most horror movies though.
The scariest scene in the movie has a ghost girl entering someone's room, but all the build-up and tension is lost at the end of the scene because the ghost has these cheesy fake glowing eyes when she attacks the girl.
Went from scary to typical movie monster in an instant.

There was a webm posted on Yea Forums last year. It was some mexican kid getting filleted. You could see his intestines popping out and then this drug lord ripped his heart out.

It still bothers me. It's probably the most horrific thing I've ever seen.

They found him in Thailand I believe and theres a pretty kino 60 minutes segment about it where they interview him etc

Why were they hunting him?
Was it a real video?

Don't say I didn't warn you

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Yes he made many CP vids and even killed a little girl, look it up

Did you forget that 4channel is a thing now?

unironically delete this

This is the ideal make body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.


>and then this drug lord ripped his heart out
based mexicans keeping their ancestral heritage alive

>open it
>then quickly close it while covering half the screen
I guess you could say I live life on the edge

When I saw the 1st second of it, I thought it was a joke because it looked like a guy flying.
Then I realized that he was being thrown.

Was it the one with Sally Field?

It's genuinely the worst thing I could imagine. The person you love the most in your life just being transformed into a grotesque mess right next to you. Every memory you have of that person taken over by gore. Jesus. I'd kill myself.

I don't remember, but probably.
The cat part probably wouldn't have scared me as much if I hadn't watched it at a younger age, but it really scared me back then.
Sometimes I have dreams about visiting a hillbilly couple who has cat corpses hanging in trees like in the movie.

>The person you love the most in your life just being transformed into a grotesque mess right next to you. Every memory you have of that person taken over by gore. Jesus. I'd kill myself.
Jesus Christ.

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Yeah, I'd probably completely snap and never recover.

Is user's pic related a screenshot from the video?

it can be both.
I guess grandmother isn’t here yet though.


It's pretty bad though. The guy's cries are pretty indicative of just how bad the incident was.

Surprised YouTube lets that stay up

It has been completely wiped out. To think that the girl managed to escape alive after what she went through was insane

Please, continue.

You're forgetting to mention that you can hear her gurgling. I've seen every kind of gore and shock video on there is but the audio of this is haunting. It's one of the only things I have a very difficult time listening to again.

What more is there to say? People lose their loved ones in all sorts of ways, but the immediate impact of that accident is just horrible. It'd be a challenge to try and fondly remember a sweet moment between you two without that horror hijacking it.

To this day I still haven't watched this video with sound.
just like that one of an emergency by a frightened old lady that gets fucking murdered during it while screaming in terror

Probably Funkytown, thats the worst thing ive seen I think

>can somebody help me to breathe

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There was a video where some euro male model packed kittens inside a transparent vacuum luggage bag then sucked the air out of the bag with a vacuum hose. The guy was later convicted for killing and eating his boyfriend or some shit.

why are fags so degenerate

Fuck meant emergency call*



try waking up on the side of the road with your father in pieces.

One of these. I'm sure the comments will say which.


youtube.com/watch?v=NaRBn6QIMcQ total song for that LMAO moment.

that was horrible. glad that dude killed himself.


world corp enterprises videos. i would link them but it looks like they all got taken down from youtube.

okay maybe not

it hasn't even been half the runtime for the song before you replied lol

I got you


Based retards, the audio was swapped, the original video is just some Russian dude cursing because that fucking brick broke his windshield. That's why you can't find any news about that 'death' anywhere. Literally look it up

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if dubs i fuck your ass

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prove it faggot
it would be very nice of you

I'd love to believe you, but unfortunately, you're wrong.

Dame tu cosita

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Garfield Dance Videos on Youtube, or Garfield Lupu.
I don't know how to put it, but basically, on Youtube, there is a fucking truckload of low quality videos of Garfield from the 2000s live action movie, dancing to weird music.
These are almost always all the same, and they've been uploaded years apart by different accounts.
I don't get them.


These aren't terrifying but they fucking confuse me. Is this a meme in the Middle East? Is that why they continuously upload the same videos of Garfield over the course of years, and often times to that very same song?

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absolute kek

those were the days

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>he's asking too many questions

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this reminds me of that one really low quality jurassic park video where some guy put text over it and talks about how people are following him

Classic g'stalkers


for me it was that Rob Zombie one, I forget what it's called. Devil's Children or something


Twilight Breaking Dawn Part II

oh it was Devil's Rejects, probably the most fucked up movie I watched

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Scariest images I've ever seen is a series in bestgore of a dead body of this woman who I think was found in a river or something. Her body is completely grey in color and she is lying on a morgue bed. One of the pics she is looking directly at the camera. I think that is the one image I cannot stand looking at for very long


found it. theres some other weird stuff on the channel.

Sounds like Lake Mungo. youtube.com/watch?v=HNUfmV-ExTQ I'd recommend it before you see this spoiler clip.

I concur. It is some nek lvl messed up shit. Not very cash money at all.

The Poughkeepsie Tapes

Yeah I know that movie and scene, but the real one is quite different. The woman's eyes are open and her face is kinda smashed, kinda looks like the "scream" painting. I'm actually looking for it right now

whats that movie where some pedophile gets beat to death in a kitchen?

it breaks my immersion when he uses such obvious camera tricks, but it's still pretty scary watching this at 1 am. Somewhat of a comfy horror ASMR

I will spare you from it. Don't need to thank me. Some people should hang for putting certain things on film.

it's so 3008

I was like huh is this a joke and then the camera come closer and you realize he's covered in blood

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The one with the guy with some muscle disorder and wrong joints in a tutu dress.

>used to get posted on Yea Forums a lot
>tile floor in a cartel torture dungeon
>they cut off a guys face, eyes nose lips and ears and are trying to cut out his tongue with a boxcutter
>hes struggling to stop it
>cant really because he also has no hands
>he screams and gurgles as he fades in and out of consciousness while they cut his throat with a sickle thing
>Funky Town plays in the background

Takes the cake as the worst thing ive ever seen for sure. Cant see that song the same way anymore


fucking asshole. You got my hopes up

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Knew it was funky town from the second line. That one is still on my mind

At which part can you hear her gurgling? All I listen to is a crash, thud, and then crying.

That one and the one where some cartel guys are flaying a son alive in front the father, then I'm pretty sure they flayed the father as well. South Americans are fucking subhumans, if it was up to me they'd all be dead.

Kill List

probably kiyoshi kurosawa's cure though i don't watch much horror. i thought i was going to watch a japanese neo noir desu
this was one of the biggest disappointments in my life and i feel like such a faggot for following this story/arg
this account was spammed on Yea Forums in 2016 during an attempt to make a new meme genre, "deep internet", which is just taking recently uploaded youtube videos and making music out of them. turns out, this guy was just an /x/ poster fucking around and making a whole other story about "erratas" and jurrassic park up.
i probably got some of the story wrong but basically it was all a ruse in the end to make people go through several obscure twitter/bandcamp accounts and websites all to lead to no conclusion. scary to think it's been 3 years

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shit thanks

i remember that shit too
>tfw Yea Forums does literally nothing anymore

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That one dutch guy who films himself stealing random public shits from those ToiToi porta potties, brings it home and unloads it all on himself lying in the bath, literally buckets of who knows how many different people shits all over his face repeatedly, then stuffing it all in his prolapsed anus, injecting semen in his shit filled anus and then shit the fucking feces/semen/blood alien concoction out in pure ecstasy and pleasure.

Yeah fuck that guy.

what the fuck

holy fucking based

Sounds based.

John Carpeter the OG mindfucker

reminds me of this one dude that looked like pewdiepie. used to photoshop pics of a giant prolapse coming out of his ass and would insist it was real. talked about having to wear a diaper all hte time.

>injecting semen in his shit filled anus
how did he do that

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you just made up this shit right?

like... y

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>Rate, Comment, Subscribe!

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The name is Jeroen Elswijk, he's from Amsterdam.

Google "Jeroen Elswijk shit" (or better not really)

I thought I was the only one


Probably the old ghost car video where it tricks you to watch the driving car so you might catch a ghost, and then this fucking zombie son of a bitch appears out of nowhere and screams. It was mostly shock but for some reason the scream is very effective for me and creeps me out.

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dude, don't even mention it

I'm weird, I guess, because I've seen quite a few of those ISIS and cartel torture videos, but they've never really phased me. The kinds of videos that freak me out are those Wyoming Incident type of videos.

I've seen that webm of a skinned alive cartel member and guys cutting him with razors.

I will never unsee that shit

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that webm...


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Imagine losing someone you love over 6 years to cancer. Seeing them wither away slowly into a skinny pale husk that is screaming in agony for hours every day, losing the ability to walk, shitting themselves in the bed and losing every last ounce of dignity while being afraid more and more as their life is coming to an end. I would take the brick every day.

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fuck i wanna see what this absolute degeneracy looks like but i don't wanna wade through all the shit

meh, fucked up? nah
It's certainly a very interesting and well written movie though. His best one imo

I just saw the thumbnail and I feel like throwing up

Well lucky for us then because the sequel is coming out later this year.
3 From Hell.

Brick woman
Man destroys his own eyeball
pier diver cracks his head in half
bull splinters bull fighters face

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i just wanna see a pic of what the dude looks like but no thankya

It HAS to be a prequel right? I know Rob Zombie likes to do weird retarded experimental shit but there's no reason to ruin their character arcs by bringing them back with some retarded plot device like voodoo magic

Post more creepy disturbing videos lads

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I'm hoping it's a prequel considering, like you said, voodoo magic is retarded also because they all look significantly older.

Did anyone else used to actively go “haha yeah im gonn go find the worst gore out there and watch it just because its intense and I can handle it” to only now be totally averse to it? Its not that I dont think I can handle it, I just think ive had enough. It gets remarkably worse every year too. You know, to some extent I think it fucked me up. Ive had three dreams over the last month where I had to bash in a mutated persons head (although one was to save my gf so it was pretty based) and in another one the spirit of a dead sister I accidentally killed possessed a neighbors infant daughter, who then accosted me with visions of a scarred, lacerated blood soaked old woman who would attack me at night who I had to fight off, although I resolved that dream by making peace with the psychic baby, it was quite touching. As an added bonus that dream also had a large spider the size of a dinner plate in it that latched onto my hand and repeatedly bit me, which I could feel, as well as a fall into a glacial crevasse hundreds of feet deep. Lots of phobias all rolled into one nightmare. The third dream I killed two members of Antifa cell I infiltrated on behalf of the CIA, the first I threw down a flight of stairs, breaking his neck, and the second I stomped into the floor violently then cried over.

My point is this shit haunts my dreams now and I want it out but I know it will never leave.

what was it

You sick fuck.

webm of


Hope the ban was worth it

Whelp that's enough FUCKING BRUTAL for me today.

the guy shitting on a baby

Try mindfulness meditation. It should help you with a lot of your issues.

The thing is, the teaser he debuted at his concert alluded to the fact that they might not have died at the shootout, which would be super fucking dumb considering they all got like 30+ bullets in them including rifle shots

they found a health pick up LOL

Ive practiced mindfulness for a few years now, great suggestion though. On a daily basis these things dont bother me. Its my dreams. It comes back in my dreams. Even then I can “control” it, but this shit is in my subconscious and I cant get it out, and I wish id never sought it out to begin with. Great advice though, years of semi dedicated mindfulness meditation and metacognitive awareness of my emotional state have unironically revolutionized my worldview and brought me much peace.


I can usually handle christian anti-abortion propaganda, but I still cave not long after 1:07

still haven't watched it all the way to the end

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That really reminds me of this old Garfield video that used to basically be a wall of text with distorted music, and then ended with a screamer.

I can't find the original vid, but for some weird fucking reason it recently became a zoomer meme, minus the screamer. It's still unsettling, though.

kissable lips

Story seems too scripted to be true, But if it is, then fuck. If it was me, I'd unironically go mad. I'd be screaming at the sky. Like this is Joker-level origin story

nothing disturbs me. i have seen cartel videos where they stab a guy in the chest and remove his organs. i saw that one guy hang his kid and then himself

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hope you like the taste of shit

not that bad.. yeah I get it, but it’s really not that bad

Exorcist, it stands the test of time

Hey its me before I grew up

Youll realize soon that being able to handle gore isnt what matters, its the invisible subconscious damage youre subjecting yourself to needlessly


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They pumped him full of amphetamines too, so he’d be awake full the whole thing

>that homepage

Bros is it just me or was old YouTube literal perfection? Perfect video suggestions, a star system instead of likes, no ads, fuck. I miss it so much. Google intentionally fucked it so that we would all suffer.

>tfw no more video replies

>Yea Forums manages to have a spookier thread than anything /x/ has shit out in awhile

Unironically the most frightened i have ever been by a movie is just this one scene

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>reply girls
Take me back

/x/ is filled with underage retards and mentally ill people that actually believe in ghosts and shit.

Not scary, but very strange...

2009 era /x/ was fucking awesome. That board is just a giant schizo meetup now. Sad!

yeah, same here. It seems as though the more you watch the more your soul becomes fractured.. After going on SA as a teen I would start dreaming about some of that shit, repeatedly. I watched a few cartel vids recently and now just nope out of them now. It's just not the kind of shit that I want on that harddrive between my ears any more.

I've seen and saved a few similar stories in the feels threads back in the day. Maybe some of them were just the imagination but a lot of it is life.

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>Did anyone else used to actively go “haha yeah im gonn go find the worst gore out there and watch it just because its intense and I can handle it” to only now be totally averse to it?
I used to shrug off videos of people dying -- stuff like the brick flying through the car window and the beheadings ISIS put out, but it's an entirely different ballgame when you know the person.

My dad went missing for four months. Everyone looked everywhere and they couldn't find hide or hair of him. His wallet hadn't been taken, the car keys were still at home, everything was where it should be. It just seemed like he had up and left. The cops suspected foul play but couldn't do anything about it if there was nothing besides a missing person to go off of.

When I was still in the Navy we were on a month-long underway. Near the last few days of it I get called into the first class mess by FSO -- who sits down and tells me that some joggers had found my dad's body wrapped up in a blanket. There it was, just a little off a trail we never would have found, just lying there for months, picked apart by nature. I didn't cry, didn't respond to the news, I just got up and went back to work for the next few days until we docked.

My biggest mistake was asking to see the photographs taken of the scene and his body. For years I thought there was a tolerance people built up to dealing with death. You know, "just deal with it" -- that I could handle seeing my father in that state. I took one look at his barely recognizable form, liquefied and rotting -- and went into hysterics. An officer had to hold me down while another one scrambled to take the photos away.

After about a couple years of therapy I was medically discharged from the Navy. I still get night terrors and have some pretty intense bouts of panic attacks whenever the idea just pops into my head unwillingly. I was a dipshit that tried playing Internet tough guy.

>tfw used to be edgy teen who watched everything under the sun
>became overloaded and am now a severely hemophobic adult
my younger self is a fucking retard and i wish he hadnt fucked my shit up so much. Fuckin cunt

and of course it has to be real to be disturbing
it can't be disturbing if it's not real

Why aren't Mexicans producing more gore kino? Nothing has surpassed funky town and the chest flaying video and that was like 3 years ago

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Problem Child 2

How the fuck can those people even stand it IRL?

Holy fuck man. I dont think I could handle that. A few people I know who died, I found their crime scene photos, it was like a weird voyeuristic thing, but no gore to it, but that? I cant imagine. I want to believe youre lying. Fucking hell.

I had a dream once where my dad died in a Zepplin crash and I found his body in a field. In the dream I cried like a little baby, and it wasnt even brutal, just like a dumb dream persons body, not even super mangled, just dead. I just cant imagine. I dont really want to probe much about it but there are lots of thoughts that come to mind to me about what you say you experienced.

Did they ever figure out what the hell happened?

Shit, man.
I'm sorry that happened to you.
If I were in your position, it'd be difficult for me not to pick up the pieces and find who was responsible. Basically become a violent vigilante or some shit.
Obviously that's not smart at all.


Kinda hard to be spooked after you see the Minecraft videos on his channel

I remember when my aunt who's a nurse came over, she began having a panic attack after we left the Walking Dead on, and Glenn got the bat to the head. She straight up said that she has to see stuff like that daily and she can't stand to see violent shit in even a tv show. Shit like that can even strike doctors, which is pretty fucked.

My mother insisted in me seeing my fathers body after he died, good thing I never did

Aztec blood baby

thanks for sharing that. if I'm in that position i know what i'll do now

>transparent vacuum luggage bag
I had to google this beause I coudn't believe that this was a real thing. What the fuck, how is something like this even legal? Just pack your clothes like a normal fucking person.

meh it's all the same shit with these mexican cartel videos though, they're just cutting people up basically. i wanna see some creativity ffs

As witnessing real horrible death in front of me (Mother,Lung cancer) My take away is this. Enjoy your life as much as you can. Death isn't like the movies. Its not quick. Its messy and painful like a reversed birth.

What movie

they beheaded his father right in front of him first. then he starts screaming in terror at the sight of his father's decapitated head. then they start flaying the skin off his chest and ripping organs out. it ends with a knife through his torn out heart, stuck onto the outside of his body


Death can be very quick tho retard


See this is one of those videos where im saying to myself “you know what? Im glad I didnt see that shit”

I was to type not always quick you cunt.

Apparently they use this audio as training for law enforcement, since they couldn't figure out who the lady was or where she lived. Asking for an address and a name before everything else is important.

Anybody remember jar cats?

God, I hope bad things happened to that operator.

Bonsai kitties

No, he was out there too long. If there was any evidence that would've helped it was long gone. Could've been anything from a heart attack to some neighborhood shitheads.

Just don't be stupid like me and overestimate yourselves.

I regularly watch his minecraft videos they're very comfy

this one

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That youtube video of a vietnam veteran going insane mid roadstop infront of a new cop. The veteran gets mad and gets a rifle and the new cop starts freaking the fuck out because he only has a pistol, you can hear him breathing and panicking as hes getting gunned down by the vietnam vet.
The vet gets past the car and guns down the cop, the cop starts screaming in pain and fear.
IIRC on wikipedia and articles it said the vet shot the cop in every limb to make him suffer, then finally headshot him.

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>a heart attack
You said they found him wrapped in a blanket though, he didn’t do that himself, right?

Poor cop
Shouldve blasted that dumb fuckin boomer

forgot to mention that i think this is shown to new recruits now to show them how a stop can go horribly wrong and how to prevent it. I think the main way is to not let the person get back in the car.

ew nibba

>he only has a pistol
To be fair, that “rifle” is an m1a carbine that fires pistol caliber rounds.


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based cop killing PTSD veteran

I have had this one dream several times over the past 10 years. Basically I killed some girl and chopped her all up, then put her in a metal barrel and sealed it. I'm talking completely dismembered. Cuts at the wrists, elbows, shoulders, ankles, knees and so on. Well it doesn't go as planned and I go back to check on the river where I sunk the barrel under a bridge, only to find it floating at the surface with the lid off. I can see all the pale, dead body parts floating around inside, and smell the death. I can smell it like it's real

We have no clue. That's part of why the cops suspected foul play.

Well thanks for sharing the story anyway.

I cant help but remember that scene from Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia where Dennis is saying throughout the episode how he no longer feels any emotion and is a sociopath, only to have Frank dig up is moms corpse and make him look it.



Extremely based fuck cops, everyone should act like this if cops try to bully them

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black people arent allowed to post on this site

oh man, that takes me back
good times

breddy good

Great. Because of this thread I'm probably gonna have very surreal and realistic nightmares.

What is this im a bitch

spoken like a true Chad

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Yes we are

Apparently youre allowed to get dubs too holy shit who knew

Not a movie, but an image.

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That guy was a real jerk!

Here is a classic but most of you have probably heard it already
Im not sure he's telling the truth but im sure he thinks he is

reported for bane

>i saw that one guy hang his kid and then himself

sauce on that one?

There was on reddit a post about a woman that said she thought somebody was living in her family's house. She even uploaded a video on youtube, during the night, when she filmed one of those days she thought she wasn't alone.

The, redditors checked second by second, lightened up the stillframes and discoevered that there was a hobo standing still while she was filming the dining or living room.

I don't remember the case too well but I remember it was real.

holy shit that would freak me out

announcing a report is a bannable offense user

found it

Indagate a bit more and present us with extra info on this

Sounds creepy enough

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Honestly everyone goes on about in Lake Mungo but the photo with the neighbour crouching in the corner of the daughter's bedroom while looking for anything that could incriminate him for fucking/raping her was worse

>try and search for this
>only posts that come up are from r/nosleep


>What was your first sexual experience?
>I was raped when I was 14

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Stupid redditors

I'm trying to find it, but there was an urban explorer video where a guy goes into an abandoned building. Video was pretty dark, and from what I remember was lit from the cameraman's light.

Turns out he wasn't on there alone, and a squatter could be seen moving in the dark and there was stuff like blood on the floor and even sounds that the guy hadn't noticed while filming in there.

It was real. It hit the news.

>that one post from the guy whose smart home app sent him a photo from his front door cam in the middle of the night

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I feel a mix of of fear, disgust, anger and sadness watching stuff like this. It's fucked to consider that people think the death penalty is too far fetched in this day and age

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This guy has talent. Seems a shame that he's regressed to making Minecraft videos. He should have a job in visual effects or something, but I suppose they're only interested in green screen shit these days.

Probably this, Metachaos. It's very overwhelming idk what the fuck.

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fuuuuuuuuuuuck but really it's just some drunk woman

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sneed lol

>tfw a discord tranny gets your ip and tracks you down


>admitting to watching CP on a site that's known to share information with LEA
I hear a party van-a-comin' your way, user

i shit myself when she did that drop when walking weird wtf

I have an old memory of a movie which ends with some schoolkids massacring a husband and wife inside their home, with their corpses being shown before showing the kids themselves taking the school bus the following morning. I remember this distinct scene but I can't recall the name of that film, it's one of those movies that play at 4am while everybody but the fucked up misfits are asleep. Hopefully someone remembers the name

>cheesy fake glowing eyes
I don't remember that at all

The grifter 3:tokyo drift is way scarier

Did you see the full version where they behead his father in front of him first?

I used to visit rotten a lot in the past, and was very curious about these things. What made me go "that's enough internet for me today" was a combination of seeing a man being slowly killed with a blunt knife and working in the operating room. I don't have your aunt's reaction but I definitely understand what's up with that.

>tfw i've spend 15 years on the internet and i've yet to see a single disturbing video
feels pretty good

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just reading some of these posts is making me feel slightly ill. How can you guys even watch that shit yo

>mfw all the newfags replying to this.

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Jesus Christ I have seen this but not Funky Town. It was some old brazilian folk music or something like that in the background as they were fucking him up. Supposedly he was selling drugs to kids and they were vigilante cops.

My dad almost died from a brain hemorrhage last year and while in hospital I held his hand whilst he was stuck in a seizure loop for an hour and twenty minutes and he kept coming around for a few seconds at a time and being shocked to see me there and crying and begging not to die. My dad was a stoic sort before, a man's man. That shit did something to me and I've honestly never been the same since. If I'd had a gun I honestly would have put him out of his misery and done the time for it. I've always considered myself pretty strong emotionally but when I got home I cried like a little girl. I still do, occasionally. When I go and see him he has his voice and looks a lot sharper now but sometimes it's like talking to a cat. It's amazing how much shit like that will fuck you up.

yeah, curiosity got the better of me at the time. sort of wish I didn't bother, even now.

wut dat

I remember having a dream like that, watching that godawful Morocco beheading video, the extended version with the sound that keeps getting deleted though. It was fucked and I had a dream of women getting chemical burns, eaten alive by animals etc. It's the fucking screaming that got me, most horrid thing I've ever heard. Watching the video again I feel relief and my mind associates the gurgling one with a monster or something, these things can make you FUBAR, and that secret glorious gore video that kids fawn about isn't so great when you dream it every night.


>ywn be a barely working policeman of a shithole country and aimlessly ride around with your bro and get spooked by weird old ladies in the road

To be fair if the first film is canon they do have some weird hell under their house so it's not entirely unreasonable to think that mergic pewers could be a thing in that universe. It would make for a retarded premise, though.

No way, that's fucking wicked

Russian photos just have a real atmosphere, don't they.

lmao you have to be 13 to think this is real

Based retard


>thinking that things have to be real to be fun and spooky
>t. Never watched a horror film in his life

Serbian film. Very disturbing movie

The Shield is such an awesome show.

go back

>Rather than stand up to his manager, like a man, he gets out his chair and sits at a desk. Don't think that will play out too well with the new recruits

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where's this from

I remember something about a guy refusing to betray his gang and telling the torturers that they're fucked as they were killing him, some of them killed themselves after that I think, but I can't remember the exact story

tell me user
what's life like being retarded?
must be nice

>cucked british police won't release their current photos

Spanking the Monkey


Under the Skin

Attached: Under The Skin_2.webm (1920x1038, 2.38M)

>not appreciating nostalgic party van posting
How new are you two?

All marvel movies

user, you're just scratchin the surface

wait till you see the full on treasure trove of gore, horror, accidents, general dumbassery.

oh hell
>tfw first time bein introduced to Rotten.com while in middle school, sometime around '99 to '02

>ten year old bong kids did that

Should've kept the Bloody Code 2bh

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Wow it's actually real. I know scat is a common fetish but I didn't know someone would take it this far.

man this used to scare the shit out of me

>scat is a common fetish

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That's nothing.

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>all these zoomers with their fancy complicated funkytowns and their cartel murders
>back in my day it was the classics like 3 guys 1 hammer, 1 lunatic 1 ice pick

>yfw telling yourself its just larp/roleplaying because the alternative is too horrible to contemplate

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>bug chasers

This image legit made me a homophobe

absolutely bleak, my son was about that boys age when I watched it. made me actually cry a little bit.

>telling the torturers that they're fucked as they were killing him
fucking hell, balls the size of planets.

Old lady one (Ruth) is fake, its a training call

>shot multiple times in the chest, in the legs, the eye, and then the head

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Venables photo got leaked, ‘terrified for his life‘ after photos circulate on social media lmfao

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>middle school
I was about 17 I think. images I don't really want to try and recall.
There was another shock site called Choc or chock, something like that.
there was also plenty of shit on there that would get you V& today. Fucking wrongers man

Contingency > Real Sleep > You Are On The Fastest Route Available > Weather Service > Show for Children

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Why does this particular sentence spook?

I should've known not to open a spoilered image.

What am I watching?

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Because the Moon is magical nigga

Poor man. ;_;

It's about that little kid that got abducted by some teens in England and got tortured Consort Qi style, it's a known scandal



any good paranormal footage? i don't really find ghosts spooky but i'm curious if there are legit spooky ones out there

She just wanted to say hello

That honestly doesn't faze me.
I'll never have sex anyway, especially with randoms.

They were 10 years old

Try googling those from asian countries.

Ah yeah, I confused it with another case. Kids are cruel after all

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What the fuck. I finally found a case worse than those jap yakuza brats.

Anyone got a pic of older bulgers?

Those pics are unironically the one thing you would actually end up getting v@ for posting

Where the Dead go to Die
Bad machinema animation, combined with disturbing writing and characters. It's not that scary, because the animation is unconvincing. It is disturbing, and will make you feel uncomfortable as you watch.

Attached: Where the Dead Go to Die (2012).jpg (702x1000, 142K)

Only if you're British

First time I've ever seen this mentioned.


He was canadian