>Stars Wars day
>No Star Wars threads
Now that the dust has finally settled on the prequel trilogy; who was REALLY in the wrong here?
>Stars Wars day
>No Star Wars threads
Now that the dust has finally settled on the prequel trilogy; who was REALLY in the wrong here?
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Let's be honest, the prequels are great.
Who fucking cares you autistic 50 years old man. capekino is a thing, SW is cringe
Anakin was warped by the draconian rules of the Jedi and was manipulated into joining the Dark Side. Obi tries to reason with him up until the end. No one is in the wrong, it's a tragic fight between former friends caused by powers above either of them.
Anakin was right in that Jedi are assholes, but Obi-Wan didn't deserve to suffer through a fight against the boy he raised
the correct answer
The prequels killed a significant portion of interest in Star Wars among kids whose parents had seen the original trilogy. Sure, those parents took their kids to the prequels, but they came away very disappointed in a series that didn't feel like Star Wars until the third film, Revenge of the Sith. It was already too late. The prequels were so bad that it didn't make a lasting impression in the minds of the young kids who saw it.
Well, those kids grew up to be the millennials of today. Many of them (other than the söÿest of söÿböÿs) aren't interested in Star Wars. Many of them never took their kids to see the new Star Wars films. And now, with that intellectually lazy remake of ANH (TFA) and the absolutely abhorent TLJ, Disney is going to be in for a big surprise when, in perhaps 15 years from now, they release a new Star Wars trilogy and it just bombs because two generations of people have been turned off by horrible new Star Wars films. Star Wars day and no Star Wars threads? Yes, because no one cares about Star Wars anymore.
Not going through with dark lord jar jar arc. It really was the start of movies being influenced my internet echo chambers
retarded post. the golden age of star wars for young people was after episode 2 when kino eu clone wars content was being pumped out regularly. even now the cgi clone wars is coming back because people loved the aesthetics and setting of the clone wars. the only complaints anyone had about 2 itself was the stilted dialogue. everything else about the prequels is pure kino in the highest degree
The prequels are a crime
whats this body type called and how do I get it?
the guy on a murder spree because some hideous monster faced satanic guy transparently lied to him multiple times, not the guy stopping him
>draconian rules of the jedi
-pretty standard rules for any order of monks in real life like celibacy, nonattachment, etc
-can leave whenever he wants like count dooku did
>manipulated into joining the Dark Side
-has a dream his wife will die
-darth monster face tells him he can save her
-believes him and gets mace windu killed
-monster face admits he doesn't actually know, lol
-monster face tells him to go kill all the jedi, even children (no different than him when he joined after TPM), and the surrendering separatist leaders
-anakin does it the absolute madman
-loses all his limbs and is lit on fire
-wakes up in an awkward robot suit
-"do we know the secret sauce yet?"
-"nope, and she died. she died of you being evil, lol."
-*serves monster face for over 20 years*
you people are so stupid no wonder you like this slop
tfa and tlj are great. better than rotj. the star wars fanbase are retarded prequelbabies so they chimpout over them
>stilted dialogue
>by bad actors
>some of the worst cinematography anyone has ever seen
>bad action scenes
>character assassination
>totally stupid nonsensical storyline
The prequels are better than the OT you dirty fucking kike.
>the cancer the prequels are made of
yes what a shame, i bet kids like dont even realize the huge opportunity the story of Obi Wan and Anakin was and how hard George failed to tell it.
Starwars Day:
>Original 4,5,6 brought me in.
>1,2,3 scared me off.
>Yea Forums brought me back.
>non-kino SW... meh i wish i could motivate myself for watching Disney Channel Series
>Rouge One gave me ...hope...
>Solo and 7,8,9; fgsfds im out
RIP Mark Hamill, we still love you
>The AIDS recipient
5 > 4 > 8 > 7 > Solo > Rogue One > 6 > 1 > 2 > 3
weak bait but i pity you if serious
1977-1980 > 2008-2019 > 1983-2005
>disney trash that high
Zoomer retard, kys.
>pretty standard rules for any order of monks in real life like celibacy, nonattachment, etc
They actually don't have any rules about that. You can fuck, you just can't fall in love. That's why nobody questioned Anakin leaving the Jedi Temple pretty much every night.
Literally every Star Wars movie is shit
Why was Anakin who had been initiated as Darth Vader at this point still using a blue lightsaber?
Was Sheev too lazy to get him a new one?
>being above 6, 1, 2, & 3
im 25. been here since pic related bitch
the nerd explanation is that "bleeding" a kyber crystal is hard and not something you can do on a whim. it takes years
the normal person explanation is he already has one
7 and 8 are way worse than 6 and worse than 3. You have an absolutely NPC taste and you don't care about Star Wars.
I attended Catholic School where I came into contact with men who lived their entire life abstinate so I didn't think it was impossible or any less damaging for similar rules for the Jedi.
As I grew older though I have to wonder if real-life celibacy is even a good idea.
They both were. Anakin was a mass murderer and actively helping space satan take over the galaxy, and Obi-Wan was an elitist asshat who refused to accept that the republic had doomed itself from the start.
>pretty standard rules for any order of monks in real life
That's why they're draconian.
Normal people don't live like freakin' monks.
Normal people can't but can normal people learn to live like monks or priests?
That is another question.
seriously incorrect. 6 and 3 ruin the finale and setup of masterpiece kino 4 & 5. 7/8 you can take it or leave it, it doesn't matter
and pic related
youre actually an npc. you like shit movies that ruined star wars, and constantly whine about not bad ones
he can leave anytime he wants. and they saved him from a life of slavery. his "problems" with the jedi is that they didn't make him a master at age 23 and mace windu wouldn't let the evil satan-incarnate man who caused untold death and destruction in the first galactic civil war in hundreds or thousands of years kill all the jedi, take over the galaxy, and get away with all. anakin preferred his dedicated hole
there's a reason why Jedi training started at such an early age, they wanted to get the kids away from their families so they wouldn't form emotional attachments. Anakin couldn't let go of his already formed relationship with his mother because he was too old, and trying to balance that with his new emotionally celibate lifestyle was an incredible strain on him, making him susceptible to the Dark Side.
After Shmi dies, he basically experiences a crisis of confidence in the things he's been taught his whole life, and when Sheev offers the tantalizing notion of being able to save his loved ones from the same fate, he can't help but want to know more. People complain that Anakin is just angsty or whatever, and obviously the dialogue doesn't help at all in dispelling this characterization, but really he's just placed in an impossible situation by the Jedi Council, and is left in close proximity to a Sith Lord at his mentally weakest.
to be fair absolutely no-one in star wars has a solution for the latter other than Leia when she tells the senate to fuck off and secretly started the resistance
6 has the perfect kino ending. 7 and 8 are thematically empty, uninspired and unoriginal. Sequels retcon OT for money and nothing else. Defending them is intellectual prostitution.
obi wan was a faggot, he should have went to the dark side
>he can leave anytime he wants
Then why doesn't this happen, like, all the time?
There must be plenty of jedi who got fed up with the Order's lifestyle. Someone who fell in love or just concluded that a life of celibacy and seclusion was unfulfilling, and simply wanted to leave peacefully.
Yet the only ex-jedi we ever hear about are ones who went over to the Dark Side and started fucking things up, ones who got exiled, or ones who left in secrecy and did their best to stay hidden and unnoticed.
What IS Leia's solution? Let's ignore the sequel trilogy for a moment here, what does she actually want in the OT?
>After Shmi dies, he basically experiences a crisis of confidence in the things he's been taught his whole life
a lot of people go through that and don't murder anyone
>when Sheev offers the tantalizing notion of being able to save his loved ones from the same fate, he can't help but want to know more
until sheev admits he doesn't know, so then anakin immediately does the most heinous act in the entire sw canon, and gets fucked up, and then shes dead because of it all, so he keeps going with it for 99% of the rest of his life because whatever
>he's just placed in an impossible situation by the Jedi Council
>a lot of people go through that and don't murder anyone
A lot of people are born into slavery to a single mother, get taken from the only home they've ever known in adolescence and trained to stifle all emotions, then experience the death of the person they care most about in the world? You seem to live a richer life than I do.
>until sheev admits he doesn't know, so then anakin immediately does the most heinous act in the entire sw canon
Actually, what he does right afterwards is tell Mace Windu that Sheev is a Sith Lord. It's only when Sheev plays into his emotional trauma about losing Padme (remember the dreams he's been having) that he attacks Windu.
>so he keeps going with it for 99% of the rest of his life because whatever
He "keeps going with it" because Palpatine is the only one keeping him alive, and he has literally nothing left. This post is terrible.
god damn what a perfect "kino" ending
you know as well as I do (if you know anything at all) that george scrapped the ideas in mind for 6, rehashed ANH shit, flushed 7-9 down the toilet, and only did the movie because had to. all cuz he had a kid and was going through a divorce. it was a begrudged obligation first, toy advertising and ewok merchandising setup second, and weak garbage for simpletons third.
he found out you could put zero effort into a film's story and themes, etc. with Raiders of the Lost Ark and have it make just as much money and turn out better in his eyes.
Anakin for being a hothead.
count dooku. he left and until they found out he was evil they thought highly of him
>civil war incoming
>"I think count dooku tried to assassinate me"
it doesnt happen all the time because none of the new jedi in prequels other than mace windu and qui-gonna jinn matter. the third does.
ahsoka, the protagonist of TCW, does too.
>tfw find OT VHS boxset in a vase next to dumpster at work
>tfw it's the specialized edition
>tfw I still took it home.
shes a key figure in the alliance to restore the republic, so she wants the republic back because her adopted dad thought it was better than the empire.
>the nerd explanation
The real explanation is that Sith use synthetic crystals because they cannot access the planets with legit kyber crystals.
Disney canon isn't canon. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
I meant the entire throne room sequence. Luke vs Vader is the most kino thing in the saga and your whining won't change it.
Nice buzzwords, kiddo.
>born into slavry
and how bad is it? does the silly cartoon alien owner beat the shit out of him, molest him? what exactly? sitting around working at the shop and podracing? damn terrible. everyones parents die.
there are plenty of people have been through all kinds of shit way worse than anakin has and havent murdered anyone. there are all kinds of terrible psychopaths who have done heinous things who would still think anakin is far beneath them for killing children. anakin would not survive prison
>He "keeps going with it" because Palpatine is the only one keeping him alive, and he has literally nothing left. This post is terrible.
he can kill children but is too pussy to kill himself?
no, I don't. canon was whatever george felt like (so nothing he didn't put his hands on unless he decided to steal from it, then his stealing was canon but still not the original work)
its trash
>set looks like a plastic toyset compared to the carbonite room
>less impressive choreography
>*luke refusing to fight*
>"what if I tell Leia to join the dark side, lol maybe she would"
>"NOOOOOOOOOO!" *goes apeshit and almost kills vader*
>*throws his lightsaber on on the fucking ground*
>*gets shocked by electricity that ultimately causes no serious damage, palpatine is weaker than a wampa*
>*vader picks up and grabs palpatine with his hand and stump, if only palpatine had let even one of his guards stay in the room lol*
>*vader is now redeemed, for saving his son (selfish), from the guy he was already planning to kill with his son in esb*
the music is good tho
>What could have been
Fuck the sith!
Disney killed all interest in Star Wars.
I'm so sorry, George. We were wrong.
Better than anything in TLJ and TFA combined.
Literally the only good scene in the entire movie and it's only 90 seconds long. For a brief moment you could see the potential for something greater, what we got was intellectually offensive trite and it makes me supremely mad that no one at those test releases saw the issues and no one in production saw the issues.
based and correctpilled
This user right here is absolutely right. The Prequels arent the problem, Star Wars was still huge (arguably bigger than ever before) after them. However since Disney took over it has been a complete shitshow. I fucking hate the new Star Wars and it has nothing to do with minorities or female heroes or whatever dumb shit people on here claim.
The problem is they shit on basic concepts to introduce flying Leah, hyperspeed ramming and a ton of other shit that damages the lore beyond repair just for one "cool" scene. And then the constant insufferable humor where any tension is destroyed because the characters NEVER act like they are taking anything that happens serious at all. How are we supposed to feel invested in the story when the main characters arent ? Same problem I see with GoT nowadays it focuses on creating "epic moments" over continuity. They threw in the Dothraki charge not because it is reasonable or makes sense NO they knew it was dumb and ridiculous but it was worth it to them because of the scene where their flaming swords go out individually in the distance until they are wiped out and granted it was a great scene but it was not worth sacrificing the lore of the Dothraki and all the build up to show THAT.
That is a major problem with all kinds of films and shows nowadays because the masses eat it up how "epic" that scene was or how "badass" that oneliner was... But the real fans can only be disappointed because continuity and lore is completely fucked over and any real tension is destroyed. They sacrifice all that for moments: youtube.com
3 of the jedi texts were about why people shouldnt fuck, 1 was about why you should only teach kidnapped children and give them bad haircuts, and another was about ethical lying and force mindtricking weakminded who stand in your way
post yfw rey (chosen one 3.0), writes the new testament of jedi religion and calls it the journal of the whills
welcome to star wars, been this way since 1983
>damages the lore beyond repair just for one "cool" scene
>the masses eat it up how "epic" that scene was or how "badass" that oneliner was
damn thats totally unlike, say, when
-an 80 year old could easily defeat two of the strongest jedi 20-30 yr olds, despite obi-wan becoming a weak old man in his 60s
-a 9 year old destroys the most critical trade federation ship leading to their defeat in the battle of naboo
-yoda lightsaber
-guy in his 60s spin jumping across the room to kill jedi masters in seconds
-obi-wan jumping into a situation where he's surrounded on all sides by hundreds of droids so he can repeat le epic hello there line he said to r2-d2
-darth maul non-character existing to sell toys of le epic double lightsaber man
etc etc
wake me up if episode 9 makes less money than attack of the clones, revisionist zoomer
I'm not sure if the Dothraki charge comparison is a viable one. Granted, it was fucking stupid beyond belief, but it fits pretty well with their lore (them being a bunch of savage with no understanding of tactics and strategy beyond frontal assault).
>and was manipulated into joining the Dark Side
>Dude I can maybe save your wife. Possibly. In the future.
>So go murder everyone for me! Including the kids!
This so much.
Before PT Vader was literally always #1 in any villain poll ever. Today? Nobody cares anymore.
star wars is incompatible with 21st century culture
Prequels had really good ideas, but they had bad execution
Anakin was right in that the Jedi doctrine had become so dogmatic and oppressive while Obi-Wan was correct in keeping the faith despite that. The Jedi were wrong but from a human error angle. Much like religion in general. The base point is good but the dogma and manipulation of texts/teachings gets muddled over time and you end up with shit like the Westboro Baptist Church. Anakin basically became an atheist+ reddit poster who did a school shooting because of it.
A deep dicking from Han.
>Disney canon isn’t canon
It’s at least being treated as such. The EU was never technically canon and George was able to retcon whatever he felt like. There was plenty of dumb shit in it too that got overlooked and ignored. Like that rabbit dude from the comics.
You mean the part where Luke gives into his emotions and almost kills a family member but ultimately decides not to?
>Much like religion in general
I’m a Christian though. I’ve just seen so much bullshit in the church that I’ve become jaded with it. I still believe in the point of it all though. Just not the man-made aspects that have taken it over and turned it into a mockery.
Yes. He chooses death rather than turning and killing his father.
daily reminder its explained in one of the new thrawn books that in the unknown regions the only way to safely use hyperspace is the use of force-sensitive pilots they call skywalkers
the sandy planet in 9 isn't tatooine or jakku, its where shmi's family is from in the unknown regions. a bunch of skywalkers adopt rey
Absolutely this. Anakin's fall is horribly written and makes no sense. I have never been able to figure out why people like III.
*criminally underrated, you mean
Oh god it's so bad
Oh god it's the fucking explanation from fucking Warhammer on Warp Travel.
Oh fuck
Just kill this franchise already it's already dead.
>"The Saga Is Complete"
>10 years later...
>(((Sequel Trilogy)))
looks like Destiny was in the wrong