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>LITERALLY discount Thanos

What's his superpower?

Can't tell if marveldrone or zoomer

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other way around, thanos was discount darkseid until Thanos Quest differentiated him

Irrelevant, chad Disney cucked the shit out of DC out of Darkseid. Literally impossible for DC to adapt him now without them looking like they are copying Marvel and Thanos

>a thanos copy

Shitty as Thanos might be he's an improvement over Darkseid. Marvel took Darkseid's terribleness and made it marginally better.

>Bad guy is called dark side

tags: mindbreak

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>sends little wolf to earth
>gets rekt by some retard with cgi mustache that calls himself Kah Lel No

user are you a zoomer or a tranny? Be honest

DC will NEVER be able to use Darkseid in a movie.

Literally math.
And retarded >durr lasers from the eyes lmao.
It's pretty shit villain, dont listen to the SEETHING DCucks in the thread. Thanos, despite being a copycat is way better(movie Thanos at least, comic Thanos is alsonfucking retarded)

Can you communicate without spouting buzzwords and at least try to compose some argument against?

Comic Thanos is still better. He's weird and esoteric (kills because he wants to impress the grim reaper so he can fuck her) and has some (albeit shitty) musings on godhood and the like.

Darkseid is just DUDE I WANNA RULE LMAO

does thancel have a harem of amazonian sluts?

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Darkseid is nothing like Thanos. Thanos was an alien wishing for balance in his universe and would stop at nothing to achieve that. Darkseid is a dark god who wants nothing more than the utter enslavement of every living being in the universe.

>The name of his planet is “aPoCaLypSe”
Well done


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“Guys our movie is coming out before infinity war shouldn’t we use Darkseid now before they use Thanos??”
No we’re going with his HIS FAG UNCLE

Men, I'm still baffled how mainstream capeshit has become.
Its such cringy kiddie shit

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>make cosmic bad guy totally alien to Earth
>he wears a big G on his chest or a greek letter omega
>it's stupid as hell but part of the design for so long that comics fans can't live without it


that's literally what Thanos wanted in Endgame btw

storm and psylocke looking like snacks

What the fuck is his problem? Why does he want that?

DC can't keep actors long enough to build a universe in which he can be revealed as the big bad.

people have been making trash popular movies since the medium began

Darkseid shouldn't be the big bad anyway. More a constant part of the universe. The Anti Monitor should be the big bad

>Thanos was an alien wishing for balance in his universe and would stop at nothing to achieve that
That's MCU Thanos. Comic Thanos is an incel who wants to impress a big titty skeleton with mass murder but he gets cucked by Deadpool.

No fun allowed user.

I'm guessing his name is Omeganos?

is that Munn nip???

>The Anti Monitor
Literally who?

>>make cosmic bad guy totally alien to Earth
>>he wears a big G on his chest or a greek letter omega
>>it's stupid as hell but part of the design for so long that comics fans can't live without it
Lmao, this.
Capeshit makes zero sense.
And I'm autismo who's into elfshit like d&d, lotr, warcraft, etc, but still...

It’s a phase. The movie industry goes through them all the time. It’ll crash at some point... hopefully.

What's supergirls first appearance in her darkseid corrupted form? I've been trying to find it but can't, is it a comic book or the show?

He's a guy who destroys realities.

>Anti Monitor
Alright, I think we found a name more retarded than "Darkseid"

>It’ll crash at some point...
This year is the 100th anniversary of the first comic book movie.

He wants it because Darkseid is the literal essence of Tyranny. What’s the most tyrannical thing you can think of? How about having all your mortal rights stripped away, making you a slave in every sense of the word.

Darkseid is fucking bonkers

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it gets better, that's his name because he's the evil counterpart to a guy called "the Monitor" who is made of matter, so he's made of "antimatter"

That's why Thanos insomuch better villain.
Darkseid us evil just for the sake of being evil

Honestly I used to watch films, like actual films. But after capeshit I don't give a fuck about anything, Cap wielding Mljonir was better than anything I had ever watched. Capeshit will never die, it's getting stronger.

Now if you don't watch capeshit you are a fucking pleb.

Someone of the Avengers gaining more power and becoming a villain would be the best choice.

Ehhh while Thanos is certainly a deeper character historically, the events surrounding Darkseid are far better than the ones surrounding Thanos, and Darkseid has much more iconic dialogue.

Implying Darkseid has anything as iconic as Oops, I let go of the cube!

>Ehhh while Thanos is certainly a deeper character historically, the events surrounding Darkseid are far better than the ones surrounding Thanos, and Darkseid has much more iconic dialogue.
Give me a quick rundown on those two, I've never read comics

One of my favorite comic book quotes

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this, Thanos has the deepest lore

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Thanos wants to kill half the population. Darkseid has more interesting going on with him such as his rule of his own planet. Orion etc.

No, he was just wiping planets in half for resources etc for his own planet.

For Darkseid, read Rock of Ages, Final Crisis, and Cosmic Odyssey. While The Infinity Gauntlet was a great series, Thanos became overused and cheapened. Thanos also had a long run of subpar writers writing him. Darkseid on the other hand has been used sparingly.

What did Darkseid mean by this?

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>let's fill this dude with roids and greyscale
>now we have a really cool villian! :D

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Omega beam is what make him cool :^)

Years ago very few big name actors would be caught dead being a part of any of this shit. It was all schlocky and cheesy, and nobody ever took it that seriously.

Now MCU films take up half of the highest-grossing films list top 10 and there could be a headline tomorrow morning like 'Daniel Day-Lewis fights Robert De Niro over role of aging Otto Octavius in new Spider-Man movie' and I wouldn't bat an eye, it's fucking nuts.

You're an interesting Ultramarine, you'll look quite fine in my collection.

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This is Dork Side

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Overall it’s kind of unfair, most of Darkseid’s big stories were written by some of the greatest comic book writers ever. While most of Thanos’ uhh weren’t.

They've successfully brought the comics medium to film, and now it will always have a place there. It simply makes too much money at this point to abandon outright, and there's no end of storylines ready and waiting to be adapted to the big screen. Literally anything is possible going forward.

Post yfw the new big villain is Captain Marvel

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While Darkseid War isn’t my favorite Darkseid story, it had my favorite design for him.

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>They've successfully brought the comics medium to film
WB did that in the 70's With Superman. Then until 2008 everybody, including WB kept fucking it up with only a few successes here and there

>one pic creates more complex villain than all MCU clowns combined

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will never happen in the ERA of SJW

how do i become a boipucci servant to darkseid???

I don't just mean solo movies with a sequel here or there if it's good enough. I mean the way the comics medium works, with interconnecting storylines and returning characters bleeding into each other's plots. It's crazy.

I can't stop fucking laughing at this and I feel like a retard

The actual plots & storylines to a fuck ton of comics are excellent. Dialogue, execution, character names & designs... not quite so much.
First mutant is ancient & can steal every other mutant's powers is pretty good. But can be a stinking pile of horseshit if everything else about it is gay.

that thanos looks like apocalypse

>with interconnecting storylines and returning characters bleeding into each other's plots
Is everything wrong with the comics industry. That and the price. It is quite a feat but I knew what they were doing with Captain Marvel and I wasn't falling for it. I'm happy to know I was right and she wasn't important to Endgame at all

these dudes are from indianapolis

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MCU also stole Batman's fight against Darskeid with their "mere mortal vs god-like figure theme" though. They just replaced them with Ironman and Thanos.

>will never see crisiskino because WB fucked up and post-mcu world will trash on DC attempts every time.
We need to reboot this timeline, what a mess

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Is this The Thing's dad?

>MCU also stole Batman's fight against Darskeid with their "mere mortal vs god-like figure theme" though. They just replaced them with Ironman and Thanos.
MCU Iron Man has Extremis, "mere mortal" is inaccurate.

>thinking there's any chance in hell of DC pulling off Darkseid now
No, no, es no.
They couldn't pull it off right if Marvel didn't exist.
They have no idea what they're doing.

Which is incredibly sad because a fucking film version of Crisis on Infinite Earths that had everyone still living who's played Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, etc in it would have potentially been one of the best things to ever happen.

>Omega beam
This is so fuckin retarded.
>durr eye-lasers but they can go around corners lmao
Literally something I would draw in my 4th grade notebook

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Tell that to normies. Do you think they even remember about "le magic armor"? To them it's making it even more "believable" that he has some sort of "technology" to survive during battle. I can assure you, they'll shit on Batman vs anyone who are stronger than human because it will be "unrealistic"

>MCU also stole Batman's fight against Darskeid
If you're talking about Final Crisis Batman didn't fight Darkseid. He didn't even kill him. Darkseid is still alive after he's done this to Batman

>le magic stones are not retarded
>lasers are stupid

Grant Morrison is a fag & his shit's all retarded.


Might give it a read, tho I'll probably be quite lost since I've never read a single comics and all my capeshit knowledge is from movies and the internet

They stole this moment for their first movie.
Then they stole FC moment to Endgame, yes.
Didn't Tony died as well? And I mean, Batman mortally wounded Darkeseid so it's almost the same. MCU just doesn't have anyone like Superman to end Thanos. Ironman is the only one who are beloved enough to end him.

> I've never read comics
t. Yea Forums

Worst version of Darkseid

The absolute fucking state of capeshit

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Don't listen to that guy. Skip Final Crisis.
The mere fact that the "Unlife Equation" is a spoken emo blackpill poem & not some numerical formula is enough to make one hate comics. The rest of it is even more batshit & nonsensical.

Why is batman a zombie

Why fight when we can be buddies?

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>"...actually, in the comics they're much different."


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why doesn't disney just buy dc and make proper cape shit

They should just have built towards Emperor Joker instead of this literally who.

I wonder if Scarlet Witch saying 'You will' to Thanos was not an on the nose reference.


>the "Unlife Equation" is a spoken emo blackpill poem & not some numerical formula
holy shit that was so bad, any numbers would've been so much better than having quasi zombies shuffling around chanting

They are. But at least it doesnt look like something out of a child's drawing

Redpill me on Crisis of Infinity Earths, I keep seeing it mentioned

>Redpill me
It's a plot by the jews to undo decades worth of silliness & shit continuity.

>imagine not understanding comics for kids
absolute state

>big dick Chad Batman gets respect even by Darkseid

Basically DC created a multiverse to not have to step on continuity all the time, but it got so bloated & out of control over time that they wanted to clean slate. So they had some evil Monitor start wrecking them, and all of the heroes from all of the realities have to come together to stop it.
The sequel was far better IMO, because it was the ultimate heroes of the first one that became the villains, and fucking Superboy Prime is a psycho.


>defending Morrison's DMT rantings
Not even once.

Where is your armor brother? Please report to the chaplain for penitent duties after you don it.

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Why is his design so fucking retarded, referee. And same with Thanos, the at least they made him look decent in the movies.

>Thanos rip off
OH no no no no

How is Doom eating burgers with that mask

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>fucking Superboy Prime is a psycho

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Well, that's exactly what Disney tried to imitate with Tony vs Thanos scene. But getting respect from violet grapefruit is not anywhere level with getting it from God of Tyranny.

I thought that was just a nod to her dismantling Ultron. Also side not: she should have been the one to destroy the ship not space captain boring.

>imagine Superoby Prime ramaging on big screen killing dozens of heroes at once
Damn, I'd unironically paid for that one.

>why doesn't disney just buy dc
I hope, I dont even care that it will make Disney even more of a monopoly giant, imagine the capekino

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He Is actually Galactus level. And his father has met the hand of God

>it's the guy from Smallville

Only a matter of time, really.

What is better - having generic blunt common denominator flicks inside big connected universe or separated great and bad movies? I'd rather have few capekinos instead of another mcu-like trash

The next phase will be movies based on games zoomers grew up on, minecraft, fortnite, clash of clans, and etc

Lord chaos of DC

>My girlfriend is in asylum! What have you done to her??? You ruined her!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Kino material right here

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Hulk does this

There aren't any capekinos.

BB, TDK, SM2, IM1 and potentially Joker.

Sounds completely edgy.

Bibble Black?


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Superman/Batman: The Girl from Krypton. It's a comic, forgot when they published it.

I hate WB so goddamn much for allowing disvel to cultivate an audience that will believe this.

What replaces it will be worse, so count your blessings.

Good they would only fuck him up.

Remember this is happening because non-Whites are now the main audience.

They cannot drink lactose. They can only drink śoy.

With gusto!

I am a dc fanboy but please never ever do the anti monitor. In his place.might just use Starro The Conqueror

He is being done On the CW

Right like how they dont make western any more

Better than discount superman.

No that's why he is better than thanos. All I hear from normies about how good thanks is as a villian is he is relatable. LOL. that Fucking stupid. What makes Darksied even better is his motivation is truly alien and incomprehensible.

>Sleez...once again you embarrass Darkseid

Brainlet pleb detected.

Nothing wrong with being evil for the sake of being evil, user. Are you interested in Darkseid's tax policy too?

Who the antimonitor

It infuriated me that this artist gave him those disproportionate human-sized hands

It's true in the movies, though.
Yes Darkseid was first in the comics but no one reads fucking 70s comics.

Its an egg mcmuffin

More Powergirl, fren?

Jason Fabok has surpassed his mentor.

What is Hypercrisis?

You want some Sivanna-Walks-Through-Walls Equation.

Darkseid literally has no motivation other than DUDE EVIL FOR THE SAKE OF BEING EVIL LMAO DEATH GOOD LIFE BAD

>*robot voice* "Ha ha he he ho! primitive symbols..."
