12 year old

>12 year old
what the fuck is wrong with luc besson?

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considering the state of adolescent fashion nowadays, he was far ahead of his time

Someone post the deleted script of THAT scene


Why are you sexualizing a choker on a 12 year old girl you fucking weirdo

He was simply TOO based

my stepdaughter is only 9 and she wears a choker. What's the issue?

This. I've seen girls out and about as young as 8 or 9 wearing them. It's ridiculous.


A chocker is a sexual symbol to begin with, OP prob wants to say it’s just a glimpse of how perverted hollywood is and always was

>my stepdaughter is only 9 and she wears a choker. What's the issue?

Only whore women into rough sex wear them.

Degenerate daughter and your a failure as a parent

Someone please do, I have not heard of this

he fucks her, step fathers are only in a relationship with single mothers in order to get a chance fuck the children

This user knows. Fucked the shit outta my ex's 16 year old son a buncha of times before fleeing to Lafayette.

>my wife's daughter

t. zoomer
I remember every 12 years olds wearing chokers in the early 2000s

Why do people like being choked during sex? That's the last thing I'd want to happen. I like breathing and getting oxygen to my brain.
The fuck is wrong with degenerates

submission/power play is an essential part of sex, user.
but I'm sure you wouldn't know anything about that.

Sexual abuse from early childhood, they are likely living out their early childhood trauma and it gets them off

Because not everybody is a loser sex starved who links everything with S&M like OP

my sides, this



>sexualizing everything
You fucking americans...

>cast two actors that look like siblings as a bickering couple
Is Besson autistic?

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chokers on lgs are the pinnacle of kino

I watched this movie with my girlfriend and now she calls me daddy and says we should go as Leon and Mathilda for Halloween

I think Luc's goal is to make one movie for every fetish.

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what a good movie


Learning new pedo slang every day.

>things that didn't happen for 200 please

lol this faggot clearly grew up in jew York or L aids

this might sound weird haha but i really really really like little girls haha

haha, me too, haha

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Anna looks fucking retarded though

tfw my biological dad did this to my older half sister, got caught, went to prison and has been out of my life since I was 5.
It's not like I wanted to have a normal family or anything; being fatherless has been great, also being abandoned by my uncle and grandparents was awesome as well. And just forget about the entirety of family on my father's side, they didn't even believe I was his.
>At least I'm not black.

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i saw a perfect 11.5yo cunny irl with animal ears, choker and long socks once. it was the best thing ever

You're not missing out. Fathers and mothers can be absolutely god damn shit and terrible parents.

pretty soon you'll have a lg waifu

wtf you creep, reported

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I'll say this. My VHS tape of Leon was getting grainy around the workout scene of her big sister.
My fucking god she was hot!

pls dont. ijust got unbanned from a 10 year ban for saying "cunny a cute"

Its had it's deleterious affects though; I understand that I'm better off without that in my life but I've developed a gaping wound in my personality and I've become a radical in recent years. Toss in my being a mutt with no roots or greater familial assistance and it's no wonder I wound up here and principally as a /pol/fag.
Previous pic quite relevant

if you get a step daughter is it acceptable to cuddle her while watching movies etc?

it's not his daughter

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If anything that user is cucking the girl's biological father.

kek i was being ironic user


really need to get me a step daughter/ gf

and I wasn't, I was banned for 30 days for posting "MODS" in a cunny thread last December.


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well you deserved that for disturbing the peace in a nice cunny thread

if I ask who this is I will get banned for "requesting cp" lmao

>stupid hypersexual zoomers
Reminder that chokers and leggings are LITERALLY CHILDREN’S ATTIRE.
Modern women wear them because they are lazy and infantile

haha that's funny but I know what you mean

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hi, hello, is this the cunny general? :3

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oh my!