Be the most powerful being in the universe

>be the most powerful being in the universe
>do nothing

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>...except sit on my face

she did more off camera than you'll do in your miserable life, incel
i won't even say 'have sex' because if you can't see her heroism no woman would want you

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Why didn't the avengers call her up when they were going on their time travel adventure? She is strong as shit she could've helped in the missions or at least stay behind if shit went wrong WTF!?

what a terrible actress, plank from ed edd and eddy was more expressive

she hit on spiderboy and thor

That bullshit
>there are other planets in the universe that need my help so i won't show up until the end of the final battle and do literally nothing

Why are they so impressed? Most of them saw Thor do the same thing in Infinity War

>its okay when men do it
Have sex
Also dr.Manhattan sucks

They may have and she didn't answer. She clearly didn't gave a fuck about Earth and only cared about Skrullfuges

>hit on spiderboy
Honestly I cant stand this cunt but the way she said "hi peter parker, you got something for me" made the nut travel from my balls into my fucking mouth


I mean, it IS in character with how Brie acts in real life.


>Have sex
hell no, not again heh im married
btw dont get married bros lol jk

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If killing thanos would have been so easy for her and thanos is known as the biggest bad guy in the universe why didn't she just kill him at some point in the last 20 years she was flying around space?

of all the timelines dr strange went through, not one of them had captain marvel be the one who does the snap since she's clearly the only one who could survive it


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>have superpowers
>spend your time dressed in spandex fighting other people in spandex instead of overthrowing the government of some Third World shithole and creating your own country


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Literally the most useless superhero ever in film and they're giving her 7 fucking movies. Glad I'm checking out of the MCU with Endgame.

>obliterates capital ship effortlessly
>struggles vs Thanos
Brie a being shitty person and Captain Marvel aside, the writing is shit too.

If only Captain Marvel was played by a likable actress.

Theres literally nothing wrong with female heroes they just cast someone bad for the role. I wonder if they did it on purpose in order to generate a controversy for PR purposes.

I'm very grateful they kept her out of the movie as much as possible, no matter how flimsy the excuse.

Why didn't she just fly through Thanos?

Don't care for her and didn't see her movie, but watching Endgame I just had the urge to dry hump her in that costume

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Director: SMILE NOW!

Get out magneto

I dont think it means 7 solo movies, it means she appears in 7 movies total. Maybe 1 or two other solo films but

>Director: think about your paycheck, just smile, PLEASE
>Brie: I don't owe you a smile
>Assistant: we can make it with computer

>Director: SMILE NOW!

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Why does my wood want to peck at her love tree?

This is a genuine smile. She probably saw someone get hurt.

Only supervillain do that. Doom being a prime example.
Then again, only those really want to bother with ruling a country when you can do the same thing as the Fantastic Four, merchandizing.
Get famous and rich with little obligations. And there will always be haters but at least, until you fuck up royally there is no accountability or responsibilities.

i didn't see the captain brie movie
this character is like marvel's superman, right?
so does she have a weakness like kryptonite or what?

The patriarchy

>so does she have a weakness like kryptonite or what?


holy shit she was like 27 in that movie
shes aging like sour cream

she was actually hot as fuck in this movie


If I were the most powerful being in the universe I'd do the same, fucking nothing

>someone literally and unironically thought it was a good idea to introduce a character like that into the MCU

no? well... isn't that kind of boring then?

She was waiting for the group photo

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What was the point of that weird scene with that random old man telling the little girl he’d buy her as many cheese burgers she wants?


/ss/ squad, assemble!

Emily Blunt would have been perfect.

CGI has gone too far

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The first thing Tony wanted after getting out of the cave was cheeseburgers. One of the few parts that almost got me teary-eyed.

Women having flaws is misogynistic

who else screamed YAAASSS at the top of their lungs during this scene?

>cumming in a sock
I'll never understand this American thing.

its amazing to me that huge corps have legions of socialist and communist american women as their foot soldiers because of simple shit like this

Which is itself a reference to RDJ crediting fast food for making him think his self-destructive lifestyle irl. Pottery, rhymes, etc.

Is horse a girl too?

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what was the reason for Pepper being in an iron man suit and at the final battle? Hasn't she always been against Tony being Iron Man?

and mysoginistic jokes
(no she doesn't have any weaknesses she's just superman Mary Sue feminism insert and feminism doesn't have any weaknesses)

actually no weakness

>Hasn't she always been against Tony being Iron Man?
If you can't beat them, join them

So the actress who plays Lady Sif just gets to fuck herself, right?

>Black Widow sulks half the movie and then gets awkwardly written out
Ain't it sad, ScarJo

Nod to the comic where she has her own called Rescue.
Also serves for that scene where Tony and Pepper are firing back to back.
And it gives a female character agency for the girl power scene or something. Essentially most every male hero has a female counterpart in that scene.
She is against it to a point but mostly she wants him to rest, even if that means taking up the mantle or ending Thanos.

ScarJo refused to jump on the feminist bandwagon so she got punished.

How was ScarJo ass in this movie?

There were some delicious scenes when they went back in time to the setting of the first Avengers movie of her in the original skinsuit.

she looked so much better in this one than in the last avengers movie

>tfw she got BTFO by Thanos
Fucking based Russos

>hey webhead
Jesus Christ Raimi

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>jobs to one stone

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it's a real shame we never got to see a serious Strange/Thanos battle, even in Endgame they kept him in the background. comics-wise he'd be canonically the strongest Avenger there

>"yeah so if your wanting to reduce Captain Marvel to a cameo we'll have to change some things in the script to make one of you two a random gay guy"


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i did say "there", but i understand you're just meming

Peter Parker about to have wet dreams until he's 37, so how about your chill the fuck out.

It's discount foreskin for the jewry-mutilatees

>aunt is Marisa Tomei
>gets propositioned by the entire /ss/ squad in Endgame
kid's gonna have a real complex about older women

Yep. Foot powder

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The obvious pandering is easier to ignore than the subtle shit.

Thor using the word King instead of Queen for example. Or how Star Wars made her "General Leia" instead of "Princess Leia"

They want her to be the new Iron Man - the character the entire universe will revolve around for the next decade.

Expect a lot of Wakanda4ever and more feminist social justice shit now that they retired all of the original cast. In case you didn't already notice with how Mary Jane went from a red head to a black girl.

the difference is that he's keeping to himself
instead of parading around with the heroes, pretending to be relevant to the story

But Eru did make Gollum fall into the fires of Mount Doom

The propagands is strong in this one, the message is literally to not look after your own, it's that pathological altruism the left is pushing so whites welcome their extinction with open arms.

She rather saves some random shit planets at the ass of the universe than kill the worst dude there is and save her planet.

And all of you retards eat this shit up daily and pay money for it. All of you.

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>so does she have a weakness like kryptonite or what?

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I didn't know who she was back then, I just remember thinking how forgettable and useless the female character was

The first thing she does when informed that Thanos did what he did is go look for him.
She is first in line when they kill the original and comes back for the final battle, having a definitely strong impact.
What more do you want her to do.
>implying I paid to watch this

why is White-Anglo-Saxon-Protestant always cocking her head left and right

kinda weird because miss pepper got her own powers at the end of Iron Man 3 when she got infected with the fire serum but it was never brought up again. It's fine if she just didn't feel like using them, but I thought that apocalypse would have been an appropriate time to bust that out.

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she's trying to find nectar

I know this feel

It was literally just a copy of Thor's moment, the movies have a strict formula

>open your moth for mommy Peter, I haven't peed in a while

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>I don't owe you a smile

Im positive she said that at one point to someone

>hey Peter Parker, I have something for *you*

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Why is Mantis here and why did Wasp leave Antman in the van by himself?

>If we do this, how do we know it's gonna end any differently than it did before?
>Because before you didn't have me.
>Hey, new girl? Everybody in this room is about that superhero life. And if you don't mind my asking, where the hell have you been all this time?
>There are a lot of other planets in the universe, and unfortunately, they didn't have you guys.
What Thanos did effected every single one of those planets, you stupid bitch. If you had been here instead of fucking around in space then maybe we could have prevented that.

How can she be a princess of a dead planet and dead family?

The most beautiful being is right here, son.

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the answer is girl power and girl power. really, considering that CM is at worst the third strongest hero on the entire battlefield, having a bunch of C tier heroes "guard" her on her way to the truck seemed really fucking stupid, not to mention drawing away omega class Scarlet Witch from an actual fight for it.

Is this supposed to be Peter Parker's harem or something? This looks like blatant /ss/ pandering.

>that doesn't look like webbing Peter. Is there something you wanna tell me? I'm all ears.

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Peak Thor could destroy those landing ships, which were like 1/3 the size of those ring ships. Which were like 1/8 the size of the command ship. Which Cap Marvel busted in half the time.

it's preceded by him getting carried across the battle by a couple female heroes as well iirc. Pete has that romance anime protag aura

I'm circumcised and have no problem masturbating without lubrication or into a sock. But I was circumcised as an adult (18) for medical reasons, so my dick is largely in tact. I didn't have some idiot lop off half my penis the moment I was born.

she had to hold back because she knew the avengers little egos couldn't handle a woman doing their job

greater good and all

Would have been better if they filmed it from behind

>kinda weird because miss pepper got her own powers at the end of Iron Man 3 when she got infected with the fire serum but it was never brought up again. It's fine if she just didn't feel like using them, but I thought that apocalypse would have been an appropriate time to bust that out. You clearly were not paying attention to iron man 3. Tony reset her DNA to take away said "fire powers" due to the tendency they have of making their subjects spontaneously explode. She dont have those powers no more.

thanos is more powerful than a spaceship because a spaceship isn't a character, user

And a fair bit of what he was doing, before Earth became the center of everything, was in outer space. Where he should have been stopped long before, but apparently Asgard and whatever else don't care about him.
Granted she probably was not doing anything considering she was not even confirmed to exist until recently, but the fault hardly lies with her alone.

>Hulk useless
>Drax useless
>Thor useless
>Groot useless
>Dr. Strange kept away from the fight
>Vision killed
>But Captain Marvel and Scarlet Witch are allowed to stomp anything in their pass
I guess only women are allowed to be powerful.

Except that's literally a serious Strange/Thanos battle right there in that webm?

This felt so tacked on and forced, and yet all my female friends were like "FUCK YEAH; GIRL POWER!"
I don't get it, is it really that easy to get upboats from the plebs?

Even Thanos says that Strange is holding back by not using the Time Stone. Also considering Strange knows that the only winning timeline involves Thanos getting the stone, you can hardly say he's motivated to fight his best.

Drax and Groot are completely useless in a fight like this. Did you really feel bad because you didn't get to see them kill more than one mook?

>>be the most powerful being in the universe

Groot has been shown to extend his arms and impale multiple people at the same time. He would also be incredibly useful at keeping Thanos rooted in place while people retrieve the gauntlet. And Drax in the comic is Hulk levels of strong. He should have been tackling on the biggest foes around. Just make them useful, they're characters too.

She never struggled against Thanos, she was just taking it easy on him for plot reasons. The last thing she does is cock her fist back to throw a punch while she lets him take the power stone off the gauntlet.



funny thing is I was on board when they first announced her as Carol. But then her SJW cuntiness starts showing up.

not even a joke, the """antagonist"" of her movie is fucking oppression. The fact that her movie made over a billion it's a fucking tragedy.

apparently it was because other places don't have the avengers

Who ends up with the gauntlet near the end? Cap?

does Wonder Woman have a weakness like kryptonite?

The Writers just had to lazily explain why she wasn't around before and why she had to disappear for half the movie.

canonically, her weakness is bondage. not joking, look it up

>5 year old liking cheese burgers
is this an american thing?

well it's the one who dies, Tony Stark.

like i said, i didnt see the origin movie and just wanted to know what the limits of her powers were

Exactly, she should not have been in the movie at all.

Take out Cap Marvel, bald black girl and Shuri, and this scene actually becomes 100x better and disgestable.

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wowie just look at all these powerful womyn
just makes me want to chop my dick off
so beautiful so strong
i cant wait till we get more


Because probably no one wanted her there. The Russos have been working with the same characters for like 6 years at this point they knew what they wanted and where they wanted it to go and she wasn’t really a part of that

She was jammed into the story at the last minute and after they saw the backlash of Captain Marvel something had to give.

Yeah it was probably studio meddling to try and build her up quick and no one could get them to stop and just let them developer her slowly next phase. At least she wasn’t immediately made the most important person in the entire universe, imagine if she’d actually been the one to undo everything and pushed aside every long established character. That’s probably what a lot of the studio wanted.

well to be honest, seeing shit like this every other week i would still be impressed each time. Plus it's been 5 years for them

It's crazy to me that i would 100 % love and be hyped for Captain Marvel moments and future movies if she was played by another actress. The superhero shit she does is actually cool and fun to look at, but Brie really ruined everything.

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>Scott and Hope fixing the van
>Next time we see Hope she's flying Peter Parker around with the gauntlet
>Then she shows up for the girl power scene
>In that same scene we see the fully functioning van get blown the fuck up
>Scott nowhere to be seen for any of this, as far as we knew he was still in the van when it exploded
Unless I missed something I'm pretty sure there must have been a scene of the van getting fixed that got cut.

>due to the tendency they have of making their subjects spontaneously explode
Isn't that only if the person isn't "compatible"?

Meaning, when you get that stuff, you either explode right away or you're set up with superpowers for good.

She did something.

You just know they fucked

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I just want a good quality webm of her in those leather pants.

bit off topic, but I really like the heterochromatic effect of Thor's fake eye with his real one, very appealing. too bad they ruined it by making him a fat quipster wearing sunglasses

The Devil's in the detail.

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Maybe they had a one night stand after killing Thanos.

They dodged this by not having her confront Thanos until he had the gauntlet.

right, the problem is that she's a bad character jammed into the story for no good reason.

>no reason
They were obviously setting up the /ss/ sequel.

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>yet all my female friends were like "FUCK YEAH; GIRL POWER!"
Sounds like the scene served its purpose.

How come the iron man helmet never messes up your hair when it retracts?

I enjoy overpowered superheroes, but she really doesn't fit this franchise as a character.

I mean, you have these people who have been struggling and suffering and sometimes failing to save lives for the past 10 years, and then suddenly comes this random chick, who can do everything they do 1000 times better with less than tenth of the effort. It just makes all those great moments of the past look like child's play now

Others did some shit but were out of focus. Hulk was the one that got dramatically sidelined. He didn’t even participate in the last fight. Fuck all that, fuck Russos for not giving him a more prominent role


Well in the comics he draws power from beings stronger than the Infinity Gauntlet.

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Yes but in the movie the Eye of Agamotto is just what they call the casing for the Time Stone, though I think the Eye's powers are much cooler. One of the best comics I've ever read in my life is the X-Men/Doctor Strange crossover where they go into hell to save Nightcrawler's soul.

tsa agents

Never got into comics but I did finish Secret Wars and Infamous Iron Man. Boy were they good.

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>Is this supposed to be Peter Parker's harem or something?
no, it's Captain Marvel's harem

She needed to give way for the Avengers team otherwise she would be lynched for stealing the spot.


>Secret Wars
I jizzumed hard when I read that. Wish they could film it one day.
Dr. Strange's look was kino af in that book too.

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>may I PLEASE speak to your manager

Battleworld will be too confusing for non-comic book geeks. Prob won't make as much $$$ as Infinity War desu.

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You just described the female power fantasy