Which is more numale-ish, Game of Thrones or Marvel?
Which is more numale-ish, Game of Thrones or Marvel?
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Game of thrones for Wahmen and faggots
Marvel for onions and niggers
Isn't that the question of the day. I'm gonna say GoT. Why does it move at a snails pace? They even make war boring
Game of thrones, you need sub 80 IQ to enjoy it.
Jordan Peterson
Its gotta be GoT. Marvel is legitimately normie-tier but GoT posters really think it makes them "fit in" when they defend it on here.
Game Of Thrones
It’s always craft beer drinking simpletons with jihadi beards who keep recommending me that show.
marvel is dumb but it's simply dumb
game of thrones is someone that thinks they're smart being really really really dumb
So GoT is basically the same as Rick and Morty in that regard?
Since R&M isn't in a new season right now, all the redditors have to settle for GoT instead?
No matter how much we hate capeshit, marvel never stopped low enough to kill the main villain a retarded way to appeal to minorities.
Ironic that after all the feminist hype around Captain Marvel being the "key" to beating Thanos, he brushes her aside with only 1 stone.
I heard the writers don't like captain marvel because she is really hard to write in.
Imagine Nolan directing the dark Knight and suddenly he was forced to insert Superman prime.
I heard the actors don't like her either because she's a right cunt.
I fucking hate everything about GoT.
his jacket is so nice though
I tried to give it a chance. I tried to watch some episodes and I watched recaps of the seasons. I still don't get it. It is like the wire meme, everybody recommends it but it's not good.
you are even more retarded
I'm immune to GoT spoilers because I haven't watched it since season 2, or whenever they had an episode where characters said "Valarian steel" a thousand times. I'm watching this season simply because of the fanbase butthurt and memes.
Name one good thing about the show.
MCU shilling got worse after 2016, so yeah, marvel shit is more.
At its core Marvel is nerdshit and it being popular with a bunch of normalfags who wouldn't be caught dead with a comicbook in their hand doesn't change that. GoT is pure normalfaggotry.
Difference between The wire and GoT is The wire actually is a pleb filter
Why do Americans do this? Wear long socks with shorts? Literally the only people I’ve ever met that do this are Americans.
The biggest and most important movie in the history of mankind is playing now on cinema, but you're mad about it. did you stop to think why? do you even know why? honestly, what makes you hate something like this? why would you care for something you don't like? why do you gotta label everything you don't like with things like "reddit, onions, numale, guy-with-open-mouth-and-glasses"? Is it because you're unhappy? is it because your life lacks meaning? life is fucking pointless, some people watch stupid superhero movies to feel better, what do you do to feel better? why do you think that what you do to feel better is somewhat superior to what other people do?
But actually guys what i'm trying to say is... please... have sex
its actually adam warlock but they abandoned that plotline harder than GoT abandons shit.
Um, that's not Avatar
Game of Thrones is almost over and the prequel show will gather only a fraction of the attention of the original.
Marvel is orders of magnitude more relevant for the soγ people.
Game of Thrones
Yeah but Tyrion equals 10 Marvel movies
Nothing more masculine than posting on Yea Forums that's for sure
GoT - just another tv show ultimately. It started well, now its dumb as rocks but the high production values it made it a normie magnet.
MCU - literally ruined blockbuster cinema, its a fucking cultural disease.
This. Normies always end up getting the GoT books eventually but when’s the last time you actually saw a normie go out of his way to read a comic?
Better than socks with sandals, Heinrich
Having a Yea Forums folder after 2010.
>all the feminist hype
>imagine feeling so threatened by a female superhero that you give two shits about a bunch of no name virtue signalling subhumans on tw*tter and their opinions
The sheer amount of seething and delusional expectations of Disney "ruining" the long awaited capeshit finale for the loyal manchildren was pretty amazing.
its all trash
Marvel is way more fucking onions, you realize there were 4 seasons of actually good television in GoT right?? Marvel has been shit for all time
GoT is nerd unbathed book store neckbeard shit given to normies.
OP for making this thread
Marvel by a fucking mile
What the user you are quoting said actually describes Rick and Morty pretty well, but not the current Game of Thrones. If anything, the writers there are desperate to come up with anything that works, since they are fucking terrible without the book material to go off. There is no pretense of intellectualism here, not to mention the fact that it's not even a drama but a straight up edgy action movie these days.
I’m surprised so many people are saying GOT, marvel films are far more numale-ish no question.
Marvel, no fucking contest.
You sure? Jon Snow has inspired alot of faggots
If you're 25 or older and you're still watching Marvel shit you need to be executed.
Both pale in comparison to the ultimate basedmagnet, Star Wars.
how so? as in theyre attracted to him?
All television is trash.
GoT 1-3 was kino, also some of 4 and 5 were good.
Marvel has been fucking shit onions bait since after Ironman 1 release
It isn't a question, it took Marvel 11 fucking years to kill off a main character so even then the most recent GoT episode is probably better than Marlel shit
Marvel is more onions, GoT is more NPC.
GoT will also be forgotten in 5 years and Marvel characters will be ingrained in popular consciousness for centuries to come regardless of whether you like it or not.
the MCU is basically a tv show. It has zero cinematic qualities.
>Marvel is more onions, GoT is more NPC.
imagine fucking unironically typing a sentence like this
Good lord you're an unbelivably massive black hole of faggotry
This entire thread is nu-male this, onions that, and you choose to reply to that post over all the others. What did you think of the latest episode of Got?
Don’t watch either, hav e a nice day
in terms of numale level:
current game of thrones > current marvel > early marvel >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> early game of thrones
i like this bait.
whats the deal with iron man and this tony stark guy ? why are numales so impressed with
>muh multimillionaire playboy with arrogant personality but in reality he is good XDD
its such a bland character. literall incel bait.
>begone THOT.webm has been saved
Star Wars faggots
>oh no Rian ruined muh childhood :(
>Should I grow up and move on to better media?
>No, I better make another thread about it
who cares about game of thrones lol, your mind is completely warped by the internet, you're completely detached from humanity