Serial Killer Protag

Does anybody know of some good shows/movies or hell, even books I guess, that have a serial killer as the main character? I've seen Dexter already, and I generally enjoyed it.

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American Psycho was good. I actually forgot there was a second one, is that any good?

>I generally enjoyed it.
you must be a fucking retard.

I didn't say it was a masterpiece, dipshit

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House that Jack Built

no it's terrible

Shame. The only thing I knew about it was that Mila Kunis was in it, and I think she's cute, so I was hoping it would be good.

Henry portrait of a serial killer
Tony (2009)

Thank me later.

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It's time to go back kiddo

Check out You. it had it's first season last year. It was pretty much American Psycho lite in a series format with a Yea Forums motif. I personally really enjoyed it, but it seems to be a pretty divisive show around here.

Did this get cancelled? where the fuck is season 2.


Any day now..

if we're looking at XX chromosomes - Monster, Charlize as Aileen Wournos.

btw I'm glad noone has mentioned the Hannibal movies or TV series, because as quality as they might be, Dr Lecter isn't the main character, thus disqualifying them from OP's criteria

Hannibal is good

The Assassination of Gianni Versace

How bout a Psychopathic Loli?

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cant tell whether this is even a real trailer but im not even mad because im excited for it anyway
>tfw BTK-kino is coming

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I'd say he's a main character in the TV show.

Will Graham is worth mentioning though, since his whole arc is living with the mentality of a serial killer

It looks good to me.

death note, but its an anime

Mr. Brooks

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Th professional is Yea Forums certificated kino, also se7en is pretty ok

Dexter wassent a protagonist

>Dexter wassent a protagonist
wait what??

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dexter is dogshit user