Epic foreshadowing : Arya wields the very same knife that was used to kill the Night King in The Long Night. Remember when she catches the knife and kills the Night King? That knife is the very same knife that Arya was wielding in S08E03, and which killed the Night King. Just amazing continuity.
/got/ general
at first I was like FUCK YOU NIGGER
then I was like hahahaha IM THE NIGGER
> fucking armor is made of ice.
> fucking NK can't wear regular armor cause it would brittle and break.
> this fucking shit is canon according to george rr marting
> arya doesn't suffer damage because she has fucking plot armor
>In an interview with Wired alongside episode director Miguel Sapochnik, Wagner placed the blame away from the production team onto viewers’ home devices, which he says aren’t fit for the show’s cinematic filming.
>“A lot of the problem is that a lot of people don’t know how to tune their TVs properly,” he said. “A lot of people also unfortunately watch it on small iPads, which in no way can do justice to a show like that anyway.”
>He continued, “Personally I don’t have to always see what’s going on because it’s more about the emotional impact…’Game of Thrones’ is a cinematic show and therefore you have to watch it like you’re at a cinema: in a darkened room. If you watch a night scene in a brightly-lit room then that won’t help you see the image properly.”
>The night king killed less named characters then any other villain
I want to lock podrick in my dungeon and maim him to nurse him back to health to earn his love
My whol reaction to season 8
Why are there so many low IQ people watching this show? It's obvious for anyone with 130+ IQ that the NK is not dead, the final twist will be that Bran is the NK. This is why only Bran's dagger could kill the NK. It's not about Arya killing him, it's about that dagger dealing the killing blow. The same dagger that went through a lot of betrayals and shit and represents the sword of the fire dude that had to kill his wife in order to power up. Stop thinking the writers are idiots. Do you really think they're just going to fight Cersei now or whatever? Low IQ plebs use your brain and you will see they already told us how it ends, with Bran being the NK and backstabbing everyone.
how can bran be the night king if he can't walk you retard
The curse of last seasons. Producers don´t give a shit anymore as they have already signed somewhere else and only want to create some upsets to get remembered.
I hope you're right user, but this has nothing to do with intelligence.
It's about the show having fucked up so many times that once you see another fucked up story, you accept it as the norm
I'm desperately hoping this is the case, but the NK should have been much, much harder to kill even if he did come back later.
Literally everyone working on the show wants to end it and move on, that’s why everything is more half-assed then usual. Why else would s7 and 8 be 7 and 6 episodes instead of the standard 10. 2 10 episode seasons probably wouldn’t have saved s7 and most likely won’t save s8, but the story wouldn’t be anywhere near as shitty as what we’re getting. More things would be fleshed out
he has been pretending for years, in fact it's canon that he has fapped to Sansa's rape
He'll slide. Why do you think he wants eternal winter.
That's the whole point. The NK was impossible to kill. He can kill dragons by throwing a spear at them. The only thing that could defeat him in the past was Azor Ahai because of the magic sword that required great sacrifice. What weapon have they been propping up since the start of the show that witnessed great sacrifice? Bran's dagger. It's not about Arya killing the NK, it's about the wielder of that dagger doing it. It could be anyone as long as they were wielding that dagger. Bran wanted the NK to die so he can absorb his powers. The NK had to die to this dagger near the magic tree and Bran set it up so it would happen the way he envisioned it.
Some people here will think this is a cope or whatever but if you think about it logically for a second and stop assuming the writers are retarded you will see this is the only way the whole story makes sense.
>Only 3 episodes left.
>D&D are currently more interested in their new series.
>preview shows that it's over and episode 5 is a battle episode against Cersei's elephants (they will show up) and 6 will be happy ever after wrap ups.
It's funny to still see delusional idiots holding on to that shit despite the last episode.
>Its your TV's fault episode 3 was so bad.
I love this new movement of attacking customers/viewers when they complain about your product.
>It's funny to still see delusional idiots holding on to that shit despite the last episode.
I really hope you're right, but the problem is that this episode was one of the worst things I've ever seen, and I've always defended the show. There's maybe a dozen or more times that they show characters surrounded by wights, about to die, and then somehow they just live. The wights are ferocious and deadly when attacking extras, but only want to hug the main characters. Something that bad reduced all my expectations to zero.
The episode was terrible but only because of the writing. People who complain about the visuals and not being able to see are fucking stupid. I watched it on a mediocre TV and I could see fine, barring the COMPLETELY INTENTIONALLY darkness that was a stylistic choice to immerse the viewer in the horror of the situation. If you don't like that sort of thing you're a casual and you suck.
>Just tune your TV properly
>Why didn't they show the main twist of the whole show in a preview
I'm the deluded one? Of course they weren't going to show it, they want you to think that the next thing is just fighting Cersei but if you think about it for a few seconds you see it makes no sense. They like to subvert expectations so that's what they're looking for next.
You are underestimating the writers which is exactly what they want. They will subvert your expectations by showing Bran is the new NK and having a bunch of tragic deaths for the sole reason of people underestimating the power of evil. It will be a lesson for the arrogant Yea Forums watcher.
>Spends millions on cgi, can't afford $5 led lighting.
Season 8 is fantastic! Season 8 is so fucking epic! So many great epic moments and those visuals! Stop hating you fucking incels! Expectations: subverted!
user there are already works on prequels and sequels. They aren't going to kill any of their cash cows. NK is dead and his arc is gone. At best he will be in one of the prequels.
>to immerse the viewe
more like hide all the stupid shit in the episode
nice, looks like someone just had sex
Pretty based. Calling out plebs
Holy SHIT GRRM rips off Tolkien even more, Tom Bombadil gave the hobbit a dagger special for the Witch King which allowed the feminist to kill him
He'd just drift around everyone on his wheelchair
Going from night king to drift king
There is some truth in this
Even the 1080p rips on youtube look fine, the problem is mainly that people watch dogshit-quality rips from the night it airs
Sex status: had
Do you know how color blind people don't see the world the same way as normal humans? Maybe the same thing is happening here that's why only handicapped people are complaining.
It was 2am here when I watched it, and I had all the lights turned off and was watching on my 65inch tv, and I couldn’t see shit. It wasn’t just the fact it was dark, it was blurry as fuck.
today bitch, it's today
So they lightened the episode? I'm watching it right now and it's way brighter then when it first aired.
Lol user, we've been talking about this for a while. Here's the latest answer:
Because they wanted to have the tension of NK holding Arya but didn't want to kill her. So Arya was using a very special armor, made of plot
>mfw in a alternate universe the NK wins and the survivors are forced to flee down south, spreading tales of merciless undead army that is coming.
We were all born in the wrong reality.
I'm not defending the scene itself. I'm just saying that the armor made of some weird ice is canon. I have no idea what excuse D&D would give for Arya to not get some permanent damage by being held by the NK. He held bran in a vision, and bran carried the mark since then.
Maybe they'll say that NK didn't hold her long enough. Perhaps they'll say that after he died the damage that he did was undone. I have no fucking clue whats the excuse lol
>Queen of Light
>affected by ice
Why did they keep him alive just to get a knife shoved up his ass?
> Queen of Light
source: your ass
The female version of "Lord" is "Lady", not Queen.
You said it yourself any normal human would insta-freeze and die if Night King touched them.
>Arya is the Lady of Light
>this was foreshadowed by Gendry's banter with her ("dont call me lady" etc...)
The fact that he was kept alive just so arya could SSSSUUUUPA-SUPEEEDO the NK was shit, but in general his arc was great
Wish he'd killed the NK though
the grieving continues
Yeah - maybe the lord of light did protect her. But she's not the lady of light or anything like that. She served a purpose, like Beric
But everything we are talking is just assumptions. We will have to wait until 2030 to read the books
lmao @ the idea GRRM is living until 2030
They're not gonna give any explanation, they're just never gonna mention it again.
Disgusting Michael Bay jump cuts are not my TVs fault.
Yes of course
if you look at how long it took him to write each book, if the 6th is released 2019 or 2020, the 7th should be released in 2030:
Delay for 2nd book: 2 years
3rd: 2 years
4th: 5 years
5th: 6 years
6th: 8 or 9 years
7th: 10 years
I'm also assuming george is a numenorean
he is a whiteroller
the third eye was always between his legs
>I love this new movement of attacking customers/viewers when they complain about your product.
Blame Obama for uttering the words "too big to fail" in '09 re: the banker bailout. Soon, everyone with power and status to protect wanted in on it. Big tech is the same for being blithely indifferent to what their potential customers might actually want. It actually comes easy for media since their job used to be to build an audience and then sell that audience to advertisers. You were never really their "customers" then, either.
The difference in the wake of the Obama / Current Year era is that media companies are increasingly seeing governments as their clients and not advertisers. They don't so much build an audience based on trial-and-error and as a reflection of the extant potential audiences, they pander to a particular audience out of a slate of state-sanctioned acceptable audience types and then shape them further in a cycle of conditioning as a service to power.
have sex
>Bran wanted the NK to die so he can absorb his powers.
bran isn't rogue from x-men, you fucking retard. nowhere in the books or show is it established that he can absorb characters' powers.
So from this perspective, she is CLEARLY stabbing him in the gut, and we know that because that's where everyone assumes he was stabbed. Hence the criticism that Arya didn't even stab him where the dragon glass was put in (how would she even know about that anyway?)
But then in the shot after she is stabbing him where the dragon glass went in, anyone with a brain can see that the knife is entering at two different places in two different shots. How did they fuck even this up?
>stop thinking the writers are idiots
>Weiss says : "When Samwell is reading the book about dragonglass, there is a picture of the dagger. It is very possible that the same thing that created the Night King is the thing that was necessary to destroy the Night King, or maybe it's Valyrian steel, or.... figure it out for yourself. Not gonna say."
G-Guys, I had sex but I does not get any b-better. G-guys? Why does it still suck?
Entirely true. I met Fabien at Camerimage a couple years ago, top lad.
The other MASSIVE factor is the fact so many people streamed the episode. Online streaming has notoriously terrible colour space and intra-frame compression, this is what caused the very little detail and colour banding in the blacks. I bet the master file looks incredible.
When did they say that you have to stab him in a specific place?