>Special effects are only getting bett...
Special effects are only getting bett
RDJ was completely checked out at this point, refused to do anything involving suits or stunt work so they just CGI'd over him.
Did Boseman check out in his first movie?
No this was just a case of them knowing full well they could get away with complete and utter garbage for the entire runtime of the movie and still win Oscars. They were untouchable and they knew it.
What were they thinking?
Why does the MCU in particular have such dogshit CGI? The latest Star Wars movies look lightyears ahead.
chris pratt looking like a fat lard
>Why does the MCU in particular have such dogshit CGI?
the suit is nanotech. it's able to appear and reappear almost instantly. tony gets his mask ripped off and it regenerates later
And this show costs like 10 million an episode to make.
This. Great fucking film then they pull this shit for the climax
Unironically kino
No shit sherlock. I think his point was that the green screen effect is extremely noticeable.
Imagine watching this on the big screen, wtf were they thinking
Diversity hires.
He looks scared.
There are CG "artists" out there that worked on this and considered it good enough for release.
This is actually entertaining to watch
I don't know if I can blame the artists, the reshoots happened very late in the production cycle and the studio refused to push the movie back. At a certain point you just do what you can.
That's retarded.
If he refuses to shave, why didn't they just fucking fire him?
What the fuck was his excuse?
The problem is the rest of the movie. There is 4 different movies in it and its setting up 4 other movies, everyone wants to create the next big univere as quick as possible and it gets in the way of telling a concise and focused narrative.
Global success
Keep coping.
He knew he was the one with leverage in that scenario, not the studio. What are they going to do? Recast superman and have hundreds of millions of dollars of reshoots on their heads instead of tens of millions?
That is just asshole tier movie making, I doubt any executive got punished, and just another reason I will pirate forever.
>asshole tier movie making
friend an i saw this in the theater
we started laughing halfway through and never stopped
What am I looking at?
Bitch Lasagna.
special effects are also getting cheaper and faster, not always....better
What, not even during the designated shooter intermission?
>gets in a standoff pointing guns/blasters at each other
>let's take off our helmets
>you get a nano machine helmet, and you get a nano machine helmet, and you...
I wish I was a fucking moron and could enjoy this.
that suit looks awful
This would actually be cool if the sword worked like a super magic sword and just started tearing through fully armored dudes like butter instead of knocking them around like it’s a magic baseball bat, but they had to keep it pg-13 of course
He was in the middle of filming another movie where he needed a moustache and was contractually obliged to keep it on when WB decided they needed to refilm half of the JUSTice league, so that's why it happened.
This is actually fucking awesome. If the CGI was better, it would be top notch kino.
I hate CGI so much. So much of the old shit still looks great.
>get paid $200 million to shoot a movie
>refuse to wear anything other than street clothes or mo-cap pajamas
Fucking based
his neck is way worse. hes clearly standing facing toward starlord but the cgi body is facing to the right.
I thought one of the redeeming factors of watching capeshit was the amazing spectacle of insane cutting edge effects?
Why does this look like such fucking garbage?
>Physical is always bett...
I'm gonna be one hundred percent honest.
I don't see what's wrong with this webm. I know they removed a mustache or whatever but after all this time I still don't think this looks off.
everyone know Marvel CG is amazing and all DC CG is from pre Jurassic park
How the fuck can anyone look at this and say "this movie is good enough for multiple Oscars. What the fuck
Nothing wrong with this.
What happened? The original Iron Man movie looked 10 times better than this, and it was made in fucking 2008
Its the difference between RDJ being a disgraced recovering junkie who was willing to do anything for a chance at redemption to being one of the highest paid actors in hollywood with a guaranteed contract.
It's not really because of RDJ. The first Iron Man was made by Paramount with the studio being hands-off and letting the filmmakers do whatever to make it good.
Then it all became assembly-line Disney fast-food production. They shit out 3 MCU movies per year. There is no time spent on CGI. That shit takes TIME. But when your deadline is unreasonably short, you get abomination like this.
I dont think starlord can communicate with others (unless its radio) with the helmet on as its a space helmet (he takes it off whenever he has to talk to someone he wouldn't be radio'd with the "who guy at the beginning of gg 1 thanos in IW and youdu in GG2 during the ego fight and tony was realizing that peter is not an enemy in this scene so he's just disarming the situation spidey does the same thing a little later
It's a bit of both, for sure.
Why does spider-man look like an action figure here?
>and the studio refused to push the movie back
This right here was the problem with the DC movies. The studio put everybody on these mad sprints to make these movies. They gave Ayers like four weeks to write the script for Suicide Squad because they needed to start filming right away to make the release date they picked, and he ended up making decisions that needed reconsidering.
Affleck's Batman movie, same thing. Granted, his writing process is long as fuck, like 16 months for these indie movies he makes. He can speed it up, but they wanted progress updates on story treatments immediately, and the whole thing ended up as another fiasco.
They seem to have learned though. Joker was a slow burn and only cost $55 million, so stakes are lower, and honestly, making smaller auteur movies like an R-rated Joker character study is probably a better use of DC's IP than trying to compete with Marvel making crowd-pleasing kid flicks.
I agree. MA-18 streaming shows like Daredevil and Punisher, then the once in a while special film like Joker sounds like a good strategy. Smaller, but better quality and more consistent.
>refused to do anything involving suits or stunt work
Does he hate the role or something?
He's standing sideways, user. Like a fencing pose.
He has a guaranteed paycheck either way. They need him, and he negotiated a stellar contract compared to his costars, so he simply doesn't have to put in the same effort.
LMAO this is laughably bad
What's the problem here? Is it an adult stuntman crashing into the dresser or whatever?
You try playing a single character for a whole decade, on a salary that was negotiated when you were still a washed up loser.
holy shit is this from the PS4 game?
>on a salary that was negotiated when you were still a washed up loser.
A salary which is a portion of the profits, meaning he makes two to three times more than the next nearest actor in the movies. He's already taken home about $75 million from Endgame.
Wasn't RDJ paid the highest out of all the stars?
you thought daredevil was good?
am I misreading this? I don't even think I finished 1 episode.
Shit on TLJ all you like but visually it was great. I wish MCU also shot on film instead of cheap digital. Makes the CGI stand out less due to film looking less sterile than digital. Also stop make it look like a fucking TV show. It's embarrassing how Game of Thrones can be more cinematic at times than these $200m Hollywood movies.
>Didn't even finish a single episode
>Has opinion on quality
Never change, Yea Forums.
Yeah, he's making an absurd amount of money, and he's getting a cut of the gross, so he's going to be getting checks as long as people are streaming, renting, or buying these movies.
But as an artist, as an industry professional, he's not at all passionate about his work?
There's not a lot of room for passion when you're on the 22nd movie of a carefully planned corporate product. You show up, hit your notes, and that's about it.
Shitskins are lazy, what do you expect?
But this is exactly what a nanomachine suit would look like. It just looks weird because you've never seen it irl before
ohhh hohohohohohohoh
>comic books
Yeah. The strategy with Joker was basically letting the best talent they could find make their vision. $55 million is a lot of money, but for movies, especially comic book movies, it's basically nothing. And when you've got Martin Scorsese curating the production, it's gotta be worth a watch. Not sure about Todd Phillips, but if Marty and Joaquin are on board, guy's probably got something going for him. I wouldn't have thought Danny McBride could write a Halloween movie that wasn't shit vomiting shit, but what do I know.
Is this why all of Disney's movies feel so fucking hollow?
Honestly new star wars is aesthetically kino. Even the spinoffs look gorgeous and i love the world building. Only shit thing about them is the characters really. It's like they're written by social justice committees
lol wtf
I really hate the nano armor.
>whoa why does futuristic armor that doesn't exist not look real
The difference is that this was a contractual issue they had to work around and handled badly. MCU CGI has gone massively downhill over time. When the original Iron Man looks better in many ways than Civil War, there is a problem. But nice attempt to slide to shitting on the DCU when user said Star Wars and current movies.
kino as fuck
He has always complained that the scenes with the helmet on are annoying and uncomfortable
He said that the scenes when he is inside the helmet scenes where he has all the blue cgi displays took hours and hours of him being on top of a table .
am i supposed to be looking at his hairline?
Yeah, not seeing it. Do you think he's actually looking forward? Just what RDJ looks like. They put him in motion capture pajamas and draw the suit over him. Why would they bother Frankensteining his head onto some other body?
Even though this is retarded shlock I like how the camera goes zoom zoom
>getting paid millions upon millions of dollars
>standing on a table is just too much work
god this entire scene is so fucking shit, I think I just hate Gal Gadol's facial expressions honestly. The effects are shit but her 'acting' is just the worst.
dont even think he has to stand for those scenes
This argument is akin to “there’s dragons and you’re upset Arya jumped 12 feet into the air
Basically the brainlets way of trying to sound clever
What movie is this? I feel dumb asking but I want to know
Dude. I don't watch capshit anymore, but I tried to sit through infinity war.
I've seen you guys post webm's and shit about how awful the CGI is but I usually don't notice honestly, and I thought it would look better in motion.
infinity war whenever IM is on the screen is practically unfuckingwatchable. I cannot believe people still pay money to watch these movies. It's actually insane to me. The quality is so bad now compared to when I used to watch (Stopped around Avengers 1)
Eh, it's gotta be pretty shitty. Like doing a voice role except there's a camera right in your face and colored lights shining on you, as you're jumping from scene to scene to scene through the whole movie. Acting is usually a collaborative thing, being in the moment.
>Also stop make it look like a fucking TV show
That's the point, though. Why do you think TV directors thrive at Marvel? It's exactly like a television show.
I think it's that King Arthur movie from a couple years ago.
The big problem is on his upper lip, which looks like instead of removing the mustache, they covered it a huge amount of skin colored putty. It's a pretty much a result of someone aligning the replacement facial features a bit wrong, but which is noticeable if you know how Cavil actually looks like.
You can see it could be good, but it's a couple of render passes short of being actually finished shot.
He took the role for money, like most actors do with roles. He might have passion projects, but I doubt big budget action movies are them.
>w-what are you doing
>killing monsters
They really couldn't find a midget stuntmen for this scene?
>he even has a long-range air pressure attack at the end
Legends is intentionally bat crazy campy show though.
with all CGI shit it's "good enough" in the amount of time they're given. With that fucking mustache bullshit they had a super limited amount of time to get ANYTHING into the film, much les "good enough."
they're mostly just lying user. They're talking out of their ass.
It's not really about the CGI people thinking its good enough, it's about the studio heads dictating that one.
I remember when they first invented chocolate
Huh, so that's what Jeff Goldblum would look like if he were a black guy.
>has no lips, tongue
>clearly enunciates, even words like "pain"
Not very realistic desu
The last time he tried to do his own stunt in Ironman 3, he broke his ankles and had to have body double to finish his remaining scenes. Not everyone can be Tom Cruise user.
Which is why I'm butthurt they don't have a proper suit up scene like this in Endgame. His Mark 85 is fucking great, look at this shit, they even brought back the shutting face guard.
wtf, why would they release a ps2 game nowadays?
Is that shield wakanda tech?
Thanks Bro.
Why not just make an animated film? Or a video game? If the shot is 99% CGI, just make it all CGI. Like Beowulf.
>world building
Nigga the last past movies were just sand, white sand and snow forest.
Wtf the story in this movie was a fucking clusterfuck the battles were the high point of this whole fucking movie.
those bulges
uwu what's this?
She's wearing a suede dress. It has that weird effect of looking like its lighting is inverted
This armor looks way better than infinity war. They tried to be too cool last time, and it stuck out like an eye sore. This looks good
Didn't Ian McKellen burst into tears during the filming of the Hobbit movies because acting with a fucking green screen is not what being an actor is supposed to be about?
I unironically loved this movie. Probably because I went into it expecting next dark British comedy by Guy Ritchie instead of a dark grim GoT rip-off.
I noticed this too. He usually pulls it off quite well, but it looks like they brushed the front too far back/didn't have enough length for it to work.
Yeah he did. Then again Hobbit was just destined to be doomed. Jackson's biggest strength is planning and orchestrating the whole production ahead of time, he is simply not good at improvising. Taking over Del Toro like a month before shooting meant he never had a chance. I remember watching behind the scenes. Shit was sad man, Jackson managing to get the whole production crew from LOTR, everyone being excited to work together - all crumbling down under pressure, last minute changes and soulless corporal machine putting pressure on everyone involved.
Basically all theatrical actors who are used to work with loads of people and improvisation with only available props being costumes, make up etc. Have a bad time working in the soulless CGI filled blockbuster industry. Hugh Jackman said multiple times that he played Wolverine for money and wanted to return to theatre and musicals. It's probably a much more relaxing and friendlier workspace.
that and they insisted on the 'nano particles' iron man suit which means it's basically magic and can't be done with practical effects
not suede
I don't think anyone is questioning whether or not it was successful. We're just trying to figure out why.
The Witcher 4 looks terrible
holy motion sickness batman!
Favreau is an autist almost on Del Toro's level. Russos and Whedon couldn't give a fuck.
>Directed by Brandon Sandersen
Generally I don't think anyone has really criticized the visuals of the new Star Wars movies (except maybe the First Order's lazy Nazi aesthetic in TFA).
As another user put, it's also because it's McCGI. They are releasing a handful of movies per year, good CGI takes time (and is likely more expensive), so they settle for 'good enough'. They just don't take any time or care. they can't afford to.
Special effects topped out in the 80s and have been varying degrees of shit ever since. The 90s were the absolute worst for them.
>Source: my ass
Dude look at any fucking interview with him and its more than obvious how much he loves being a part of these movies even now. Next you'll say that he is acting because it's in his contract - i disagree, he is way too genuine
>the CGI is bad because RDJ used to be a junkie 30 years ago.
Kill yourself
this is a whedon reshoot scene, therefore it was under a time constraint. meanwhile corporate meddling refused absolutely to give superman a beard, which is far easier to CGI to a person than to remove facial hair.
Its so sad how the ps4 game looks unironically better
>Best picture nominee
Jesus christ
>Heh, if i post this webm, then i don't have to answer the question about mcu, checkmate!
fuck that is roger rabbit tier
his dad must be really fucking disappointed at him
Movie was retarded, but that scene was actually neat. I use it as an example of what high level fighter in dnd should be
>Why does spider-man look like an action figure here?
Nano-Tech suits
based and 2003
I feel bad for the stuntmen and choreographers and how they basically CGI'd over their work.
Fucking Whedon.
I miss Raimi..
how do normies sit through this shit?
quick someone post the webm from the flash tv show where the female protag is just waving her arms around in the air like a retard
They don't. Or rather, they tune in randomly to laughter at quips while having sex.
>When you've put on enough weight that the movie's dialogue has to acknowledge it
He talks to people all the time with the helmet on.
They are. You just need the right people to do it, and also time. Marvel has like 3 movies a year, so the resources and people are spread thin.
started watching Justice League the other day for some retarded reason, Christ all fucking mighty did that do my head in. It looked so shit that I actually got a bit angry for choosing to play it.
this was cool, it didn't need CGI
Kawaii desu
>made a film about niggers
>CG is 20 years behind
>copying Tarsem who himself copies everything from the art world
Zack Snyder must be rolling in his grave
Only shows me that Tom Cruise is the most based Hollywood actor with the most dedication to his work.
I'm just done watching Avengers (2012) and it was honestly no different than Kamen Rider movies.
Rogue One maybe, but the rest objectively look dogshit. Who the hell thought it was a good idea to film by flying around an island with a helicopter? Like user said, GoT looks a hundred times better and it was filmed in the same area.
they know how to have fun instead of being a cynical asshole
Tom Cruise is still nothing compared to Jackie Chan. Too bad he supported chink unification and is generally in a lot of shady shit just like Cruise.
Why didn't captain marvel just go for the head?
They were done with the filming before he grew the stache. The cgi is because of the re-shoots when he already had it for another movie. Can't give a source, I read it here some time ago
Do... do you know something we don't?
This is not a bad assessment of what Jeff would look like in blackface at the time of the movie being shot. +1 upboat from me.
Not only taking over but literally restarting from scratch. All the pre-production Del Taco did was "useless" because the studio wanted an epic trilogy that looked and felt like LOTR while Guillermo had been working on a two-part story that had more "the feel of a fairy tale."
desu the CGI Spidey in the original trilogy looks just as bad or worse. But he balanced with having either Toby or his stuntman actually in the suit as much as possible
>Even the spinoffs look gorgeous
My man there are scenes in Solo that only have one color: blue
>Kamen Rider movies
this is still far superior to Justice League
even the abominations that were TASM movies looked better than this shite
>I wish MCU also shot on film instead of cheap digital
digital isn't the problem, digital movies can look incredible, marvel are just cheap and lazy
Infinity War is way better than Endgame and one of the better MCU flicks overall.
black panther got away with so many things but people act like it's the perfect capeshit movie because niggers, and because marvel
>Infinity War is way better than Endgame
>and one of the better MCU flicks overall
hilariously low standard but yeah I guess
you wish
which scene is this supposed to be?
the difference is this flopped as it deserved
the marvel movies keep getting praises for their use of CGI which is ridiculous
>muh aesthetics
That's fine if all you want is to have still images to use as your desktop wallpaper, but I prefer movies that have stuff actually happening in them in some manner of logical progression.
How the fuck was the story a clusterfuck ?
Millenials tend to have shitty attention spans and cohesive comprehension
So the Black Panther was a white guy all along?
>that webm
looks exactly like when you start touching up photo's in PS for too long and go overboard without noticing because you didn't A/B.
fucking hell, I'm now actually certain that happened
It looks amazing and shit at the same time. Quite an achievement.
tell me that png is ripped from some cam streaming site and not genuine media.
post the webm of MJ hugging spidey as they swing and say that again
Where's his shadow?
>passion for being inside a suit infront of a green screen 24/7
Look to the left of his feet, it's there but barely noticeable. I think the direction of the shadow is also wrong too based on the tree's shadow in the foreground
It's quite amazing they get the physics of the car suspension but completely make spidermeme look floaty as shit.
just means to always compare with the original while editing. it can quickly start looking like shit when you push too far.
sponged and bobpilled
It's nanotech, though.
No, that's the real movie. I literally laughed when I saw that shot in the theater.
Why not just have a fucking stuntman flip off the car....
it's real
fuck me.
literally HOW?
I think i'm gonna get drunk and watch it tonight
Actually globally it was a flop. Domestically it was only a success because niggers were buying out whole theaters to show free screenings
both look like shit,
it was because white guilt is rampant among americans, without them that shit movie wouldn't have reached 250M
you know how people laugh at 80's SFX
this decades films will be mostly just as fucking embarrassing, if not more-so.
>Look Ma, I'm acting
She's horrible
>how people laugh at 80's SFX
Just zoomers, who have made it abundantly clear already in their short lives their views and opinions are beyond worthless.
Didn't they also use a full size suit in the first Iron Man as a reference, and then CGI'd over it later? That way they'd have all the lighting correct.
it's gets pretty fucking surreal when you first hear people taking the piss out of stuff like Paul Verhoeven's films, while unironically not seeing anything wrong with cape-crap.
Peter the beautiful twink held in a chokehold and you’re looking at the cgi?
CGI bulges
>hey white wymen
I thought so too.
by the way, looking at that pic, besides the few faces, is *anything* in that shot actually real?
was it just me or did people's suits in endgame... just... disapper? like the way it activates and deactivates was pretty crap
seems as though they went the Nano-tech route purely as a cheap get out shit clause.
No, but his daughter is.
I wake.
unironically has better action direction than every single Marvel movie. The problem is that CGI mixed in with real actors and real motions will always look retarded. I wish Hollywood had the balls to make a PG-13 animated film. This would look a million times better if it was done in the gritty style of Love, Death, & Robots, or something.
is that love death robots vid? i need to see it
I hate the CGI suits. We will never have suit ups like these again
how hard is it to make things look merely acceptable?
Hollywood is nothing more than a money laundering scheme
Oh my god, that looks like a unity movie or something
Avengers Endgame was filmed in imax.
lol. first time seeing it since it came out.
Doesn't look good at all in retrospect but still, somehow it manages to look far FAR better than the shit they spew out atm.
/pol/ was right again
>Iron man vs thanos wasn't quality
ya fuckin wot m8?
how did she get rollerskates on so quickly
With Cap vs Bucky they ruined it too, but with cuts instead of CGI
God I want to marry Chris Evans.
He's an actor, of course he's supposed to act giddy in interviews, you mongoloid zoomer. Capeshit literally melted your brain.
I’m really sick of the “helmets can morph on/off” thing they keep showing.
You guys are fucking idiots and didnt pay attention to the movie at all
He said his suit was made out of microbodies
So its not a heavy metal suit dumbasses
How did those people get up there? And why? How do they get down? They're watching a fight and cheering but most are just standing on a few inches of rock, and some of them look really old. What if one of them falls? What if they have to go to the bathroom? What if they're hungry? Couldn't they just have built seating in this futuristic advanced alien Africa? Why do people need to stand on cliffs? Also they were dancing and shit before the king got there and the fight started, so what happens if they decide not to fight? Does everyone stop dancing and just go home? Did they take off work to be there? Also why are there only like 100 people here to watch, wouldn't the whole country want to come see their potential new king take the crown? Also did they take off work to be there? Did their bosses give them the day off to watch the fight? Or did the government just make it a holiday or something? What about the people not there? Do they have to watch on TV? Are there cameras broadcasting this? Does this mean that you have to show up early or buy a ticket to get space on the rocks? Seems like you can fit more people on those rocks.
Why does this happen every time I watch a movie?
A part of them things that shardplate and shardblades are going to look exactly like that when (if) Way of Kings gets its scheduled film.
Honestly, Sebastian Stan's knife handling, and learning that he actually learned and practiced it all the time off-set so he didn't have to use a double for those scenes was pretty awesome.
How can a they not afford this?
Like the first Iron Man movie...MADE WITH FUCKING SCRAPS but fucking professionals can't b bothered to put this together.
Are you 12? Who the fuck has a passion for playing a guy in a magic suit in a children movie?
This is a great reaction image.
>what is suspension of disbelief
If you don't want to count Aristotle, your brainlet argument was dismantled by Coleridge 200 years ago.
Why didn't she open her eyes?
>How can a they not afford this?
They can. Honestly, there's studios that do amazing, mind-blowing practical effects from models to suits to puppets and animatronics, and they could easily do lots of real Iron Man suit stuff for movies.
The problem is, it takes a long time to do, and 9 out of 10 times they're either only used for one shot or covered over by CGI and the studio and production execs see it as wasted time and money when they can just rush the whole thing out digitally and no one will ever care because who the fuck can possibly complain?
Yes. He was so mad at the director for being "racist" that he refused to do anything the director said.
""""""""""""""""""""It's more expensive."""""""""""""""""""""
King Arthur
Is that the flash? Since when could he fly?
>they insisted on the 'nano particles' iron man suit which means it's basically magic
This is the inevitable result when you have to have a "new and improved" Iron Man suit every time, and your franchise runs to more than 10 films.
The 1st Iron man suit up, with the DA DA DUM...DA DA DUM power chord music was pure capeshit kino.
But by Infinity Wars, we're at a suit made of microscopic interlocking particles that can unfold from a watch and still deflect bullets.
I felt like putting my head in a blender at that point.
I'm actually glad Iron Man is dead, even though he was my favorite Avenger.
>Who killed Iron Man
Marvel did.
Reshoot scene because originallly Banner would transform into the Hulk
No, that's ADAM by OATS Studios. Everything they've made so far looks kino as fuck but they can't get anyone to produce a movie. The entire ADAM series is better than anything I've seen Hollywood shit out in years.
Holy crap thanks user, this is fucking noice
Enjoy, my dude. Hope you like their work. They were set up by Neil Blomkamp if I remember right. Really hope they get to make one of their concepts one day.
This is literally Fate/Stay Night. It even has King Arthur with a magic wind sword
Yeah this what we need to see more in theaters. I oculdn't even imagine what it would be like if they got a decent budget like from toy story.
Because it's a business. Practical effects and usual detail touches can't make it into big tentpole movies because it effects the bottom line.
Yeah, what the fuck is that? Does he know wind magic or did he just swing his sword so hard he caused a mini gale?
>in a single scene and amazing scene
>movie is death by 1000 cuts
Fuck this shit is sad
First Iron Man still holds up pretty well, even the full CG stuff
Special effects are getting worse.
>But by Infinity Wars, we're at a suit made of microscopic interlocking particles that can unfold from a watch and still deflect bullets.
This. It's nice that they want to make Tony keep up with the rest, but it just felt like magic at that point, due to reasons already stated. It would've been better if we saw the progression into him developing that tech too.
This isn't even the scene that it looks bad, but you niggers can never think for youselves so you just go with it
this is the scene
she used magic to conceal her sword retard
I was wondering why they kept zooming in on peoples faces throughout every single capeshit flick.
It's most likely so they don't have to render the backgrounds or animate the body.
They're not getting worse, it's just more and more movies are relying too much on CG and outsourcing compared to practical effects
I feel like in some mcu movies it's fine and others its garbage for examples
Fine: doctor strange/ infinity war
Garbage: Black panther
I dunno if they hand it over to completely different teams each other or what
>Yea Forums is allowed to like this but liking mcu is too far
>if you only knew how bad things really are
>i love the world building
I too love the new brown aliens and planets that are exactly the same as ones we've seen before
Shut the fuck up
I still can't get over how fucking good Davy Jones looked in the Pirates movies.
It was wind, idiot; it makes a tornado when she unleashes it, and she uses it for ranged attacks all the time. It's literally called "Invisible Air".
>this shit won the oscar for best costumes
>the marvel movies keep getting praises for their use of CGI which is ridiculous
Do they though? I've never heard it mentioned in any context outside of Yea Forums.
What the fuck, I hated this scene so much because I thought it looked like they were just CGI blobs without skeletons who clearly weren't based on real people's movements. I'm so confused.
I seriously don't understand how someone can see the effort that went into getting it right and deciding "You know what, let's edit it like they couldn't finish a single move without fucking up somehow"
which anime/movie is this from? heavens feel 2?
It's the lighting
The CGI would be bearable if it wasn't so visible
>They not only changed the entire god-tier natural lighting and scenery the first scene had, but they also changed his entire body for a CGI suit
The incredibly dumb decisions they took with CGI in this movie never ceases to amaze me, and i wouldn't be surprised if it was the studio's and not Coogler's
Same with Homecoming, so stupid
wow they fucked up
>turning your head is impossible
Digital Imax. It looks nice but it can't hold a candle to 70mm Imax. Digital Imax cameras top out at 6k while 70mm Imax can go over 18k.
they realized they fucked up because in Endgame the nanobots form the mask in the "open" position and then it closes like we're used to seeing
Some fateshit
Capeshit is so fucking pathetic. How is this shit nominated for Oscar's? How is it so popular? Someone please help me understand
That's fucking awesome fuck you and fuck cgi
no fucking way
>It would've been better if we saw the progression into him developing that tech too.
literally every time iron man is in a movie his suit gets easier to put on
he had implants and flying, modular suit parts 5 years before Infinity War
come on, we all know cgi was always great for slimey shit
He should invent a nanotech folding microscopic toilet, shower and bed inside the suit. Then he could fucking live in it.
Easiest solution of all.
I don't remember this fight having too many cuts to properly follow, I remember the highway sequence being one of the better parts of the movie actually. Maybe I'm thinking something else though
>Special effects are only getting cheaper
FTFY. The problem with CGI is the overreliance of directors on it to the point where, inevitably, they run out of time or budget to perfect them. There's a lot of CGI shit in movies you probably thought were made with props.