>Loki Anthology with each episode detailing how Loki influenced a key historical event.
>Hawkeye Hawkeye has to come out of retirement (again) when troublemaker Kate Bishop begins running around claiming to be the new Hawkeye and gets into trouble with the organized crime. Ends up training her to take his place. Supernatural mobster The Hood and Hawkeye's evil brother Trickshot might appear.
>Falcon & Winter Soldier Falcon and Bucky have to work together with a new government-sanctioned Captain America to stop terrorists from destroying the United Nations. New Cap eventually goes psycho and they have to stop him. Seems like it'll lead to Sam becoming the new Cap after all.
>Wanda & Vision Vision gets rebuild, Wanda tries to give him a soul and he instead gets possessed by a dark force. Allegedly it's more of a psychological thriller with a 1950's aesthetic. Wanda and Vision end up living in the suburbs where the neighborhood is racist against Wanda's robosexuality. The witch Agatha Harkness might appear.
Loki will be the only good one Wandavision might be good if they tone down the politics, which they won't, you just know some old guy wearing a Maga hat is gonna tell them to go back to Robo-Mexico
Ryder Young
I wish Vision would stay fucking dead, he makes Wanda boring.
Austin Allen
>detailing how Loki influenced a key historical event Hope it's the 2016 elections
Jackson Evans
You're making up the Wanda and Vision one. You have to be.
Nolan Brooks
I'm just glad that they're actually going to reference 2014 Loki getting the Tesseract back. Also, Kate Bishop from that godawful New Avengers series? They going to include the faggot Thor and Hulk knockoffs down the line too?
Jordan Diaz
>Wandavision >Wanda's obsessed with reviving The Vision >doesn't even acknowledge her brother any more FUCK THIS SHIT I WANT QUICKSILVER REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Jacob Green
The 1950's thing is straight from Elizabeth Olsen's mouth, and it has been confirmed it's borrowing heavily from Tom King's Vision series, which is all about Vision and his newly-built robo-family moving to the suburbs, facing prosecution, and escalating into Lynchian psychological strife.
>Hawkeye has to come out of retirement (again) Why don't they just make a show about his retirement? That could be fun.
Dominic Anderson
>Episode 1: The Dinner >Hawkeye keeps calling his old Avenger buddies for an excuse to be "forced" to return to action in order to escape from a dinner with his in-laws.
James Ortiz
Why would the government want the world's most infamous international terrorist working with the new captain america?
Nathaniel Perez
We're never going to get to see Ronin during his 5 years btfo people will we?
Jayden Kelly
Why are people racist against Vision when people love the Hulk? Marvel is fucking stupid thats why
Justin Brown
Are the actual actors from the movies going to play these characters? >I WANT QUICKSILVER justice 4 quicksilver
Isaac Torres
>Why are people racist against Vision Where did you infer this other than the windmills in your imagination?
Chase Rodriguez
RONIN BARTON STAND ALONE MOVIE WHEN?? This is a great point. Vision and Wanda tried to stop Thanos and ultimately reversed the snap. Why in God's name would people hate them? Unless they went back in time and live in the 50s in which case they'd just kill/capture them straight up.
People are not racist against the Vision per se, they're prejudiced against Wanda fucking and ultimately marrying a robot. It happens in the comics too.
Juan Ramirez
>people find it gross wanda is fucking a robot is not the same as >people are racist against vision because he's a robot
Bentley White
it’ll all be trash ABC Family tier nonsense with no cool action or cinematography with every other episode being filler
i guarantee none of them will reach the heights of netflix’s daredevil S1
Lucas Bailey
>4 new shows >all of them just characters names >3/4 sound so boring i wouldn’t watch them unless kevin feige tortured and coerced me disney creativity stays winning
Ryan Sanchez
You sound like you’re on the wrong side of history friendo. :^) The show will be cool for people who aren’t nazis.
Josiah Sanders
the hawkeye one sounds decent if they don't fag it up like arrow
John Baker
>Falcon & Winter Soldier Eh why not. Loki might be fun as well, so long as both are pretty short.
Christopher Morris
>Wandavision If they really do adapt King's Vision run, I hope they do something with the Dad killing his son because Vision can phase through stuff.
Michael Fisher
*Loki arrives in 1935 Germany* >let's cause some mischief!
Aiden Cruz
>Wanda & Vision >Vision gets rebuild, Wanda tries to give him a soul and he instead gets possessed by a dark force. Allegedly it's more of a psychological thriller with a 1950's aesthetic. Wanda and Vision end up living in the suburbs where the neighborhood is racist against Wanda's robosexuality. The witch Agatha Harkness might appear.
That would actually be pretty kino. He could easily get the Nazis to serve him because he's a Norse god and stuff.
John Powell
Last episode of Loki should be after IW with Loki going to Hel but then Thor appears played by Chris Hemsworth and helps him get to Valhalla
Nathan Butler
So it's a sitcom. I can work with that.
Jonathan Scott
>He is the one who tells Red Skull abut the cosmic cube and the Infinity Gems >SHIELD getting the cosmic cube was part of his keikakku
Robert Cox
That would actually be pretty cool
Connor White
Chthon pretty much confirmed if true, hes blatantly referenced in the Wanda vs Thanos fight. Agatha knows about Chaos Magic, whereas Strange does not, so Agatha makes sense.
Chthon also fits the 1950s vibe, given he lurks beneath the surface.
They might use part of the Doctor Strange story Birth of Chthon for the big CGI fest finale IMHO.
And of course they might have Agamotto revealed as a threat to Wanda.
Gavin Edwards
> Chthon brings Vision back to life.
That's pretty fucking kino IMHO. Better than the shit the comics give Wanda.
Ian Allen
Olsen said they are using many stories, so Nights of Wundagore are Mystic Arcana are likely to be in there too.
Xavier Russell
>Loki Homoservice with his brother. >Hawkeye Nobody cares, not even after he became Ronin. >Falcon & Winter Soldier Winter Soldier will steal the show. >Wanda & Vision Who and What?
Angel Wilson
> Chthon possesses Vision.
He probably makes Vision do creepy nasty things to make people afraid of Vizh.
Robert Bennett
>the neighborhood is racist against Wanda's robosexuality On Disney+? Na.
Jayden Sullivan
>Loki invades Asgard with an army of Nazi Frost Giants
Only one with real potential is WandaVision Loki could be good but it's nothing special, based Hawkeye gets a generic action movie plot and Falcon & WS is generic as fuck as well
>Kate Bishop from that god awful New Avengers series? I'm not sure if you mean new as in recent or new avengers as in the actually comic named new avengers but hulk knockoff is actually just a super skrull who likes the hulk and got approval to use his identity and goes by hulkling and the gay thor is a guy called asgardian or now wiccan and is a wizard these characters were going through their first appearances and were basically just avengers but younger they've since changed and gone on their own ways it's been 14 years since then
Ethan Reyes
I want to fuck Loki and i'm a heterosexual male
Gabriel Adams
The Wanda Vision one could be OK if it ends with her having to accept that the Vision she loved is truly dead.
John Cooper
Hulu are making a Ghost Rider series and a Helstrom series too. I'd rather watch those by the sound of this.
he's the weakest avenger, both literally and figuratively
Jackson Bell
Fucking Daredevil died for this...
Asher Sanchez
>Are the actual actors from the movies going to play these characters? Yes we've known that for a while.
Juan Hughes
I know it's beating a dead horse at this point, but I just don't think Disney can do a story this dark and weird justice. It would be a good for Noah Hawley.
Alexander Cruz
>Loki arrives in NYC 2001 >doesn't like the view from his apartment because it has two massive towers blocking everything
Alexander Brooks
>Thor 1 >"Loki you can't kill an entire race of people" >"Lmao why not" Continuity checks out
Jonathan Jones
Will Wanda get pregnant?
William Rodriguez
This, all of those except maybe Wanda/Vision are severely hamstrung by being G-rated. They're some of the worst characters to use for family-friendly storylines in the mcu.
Luke Reed
Who cares about non canon marvel shit
Josiah Barnes
Hopefully not. They should focus on Wanda becoming Scarlet Witch, Master of Chaos Magic.
Alexander Lee
Family friendly doesn't exactly mean g-rated. They will probably be as mature as the movies are so pg13
Matthew Green
They all sound decent except for the Wanda vision show. Who the fuck cares about either of those bland characters? Especially that its romance shit
> The love of Wanda's life being possessed by a creepy Eldritch abomination who has an evil creepy obsession with her.
Grayson Butler
>It'sa Loki tell Hitler that Jews need to be taken care of episode
Zachary Torres
Agent Carter was never a question since Feige, Russos, Markus, and Mcfeely actually worked on that show. Everything else has literally 0 impact on the movies. Putting Ghost Rider or the Defenders in the final battle would have been easier than getting the Jarvis actor but they didn't because they don't give a shit about those shows
Kayden Lewis
Only if the shows acknowledge the snap. Otherwise there's no fucking way to resolve the two.
Wyatt Richardson
i would watch that shit, looks like a cascade of kino to me.
Loki doing that kind of shit looks entertaining as fuck Hawkeye is based as fuck, his ronin moment was great. The falcon - bucky duo worked great as a comic duo, the chemistry was great so it could be a great cop-buddy series with a more action tone. and the wanda show thriller could be a great thing.
Samuel Jenkins
"Maybe I'm too harsh on the News, Loki."
"No, my friend. You need to get tougher, stiffen your sinews...and your cock..."
Hudson Diaz
>its a loki convince Charles Manson to start the Helter Skelter episode
Angel Sanders
Hawkeye based on the Fraction run sounds rad. Fuck the rest.
Camden Fisher
I'm actually now wondering if this might be the reason for the Netflix cancellations. The writers had more plans, but the people in charge who knew what was going to happen in Avengers didn't think they'd be able to write around it.
Tyler Rivera
Disney having all Fox's IPs might make them try to appeal to a more adult audience like Netflix. They won't make the same mistake as Apple, by trying to be an all PG Disney+.
Liam Watson
I don't watch TV. Thanks a lot, disney, wasting my favorite actors and characters on this irrelevant garbage
>Agent Carter was never a question It was always a much bigger question than Agents of SHIELD was, given how closely SHIELD was tied to the movies (especial Winter Soldier and Age of Ultron) compared to Agent Carter, which never seemed to match canonically with the Agent Carter One Shot from Marvel Studios.
Nathaniel Moore
Their adult stuff is going to be on Hulu.
Thomas Jackson
Theyre gonna fag it up. You know they will.
Henry Reed
>Robo-Mexico Didn't know I wanted a Marvel/Futurama crossover until now
Alexander Wood
People don't want to fuck the hulk thats why.
Henry Thompson
If only This book is one of the rare physical comics I own.
Joshua Moore
If Feige takes Wanda on a mystical arc that solidifies her as Earth's greatest witch, I will salute him as a hero.
Camden Nguyen
>Wandavision might be good if they tone down the politics don't want to be politically incorrect! wouldn't want to offend the snowflakes LMAO.
Evan Mitchell
>Endgame literally ends with Falcon becoming Captain America >Disney show has someone else becoming Captain America Woah... so this... is the power of Disney...
Dominic Lee
>Wanda and Vision end up living in the suburbs where the neighborhood is racist against Wanda's robosexuality.
I'd like to see this storyline because I think they would have wrote it as a representation of interracial relationships, but it's actually closer to a representation of people who buy sexbots/sexdolls
> mcu helps sexdoll get recognition as a valid sexuality > LGBQTR
Liam Wood
>Tom King So it's trash. Fuck's sake.
Levi Hernandez
Tom King's book will only be part of it. Stuff like the Everbloom, Black Panther's Vibranium piano, and some of the social commentary, but not the whole story.