Alita: Battle Angel
General Discussion #459
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First for wholesome smile.
Bless this thread with Holy Gets, free /healings/, and free /repairs/.
Excellent first posts well done
>thread is blessed early
this thread has been sanctified for comfyposting.
Hello new bread. Please be healed by Arita's cute blushy cheeks.
Hello new bread
Please be healed by Hugone
I'm pulling the pin if this thread stops being comfy.
Hello frens
it'll be comfy.
This thread is holy ground. Everyone posting here receives blessings
but zapan didnt stab himself?
help has arrived
kek underrated
>tfw your regular casual dress is just like Ed's here
Pick a number from 1 to 5, I don't want to post a wall of text.
3 hurts the most
sure but are you a giga-chad like RR? A dude who's 20+ years older than Ed?
> Cyborg girls man... I keep getting older, they stay the same age. Alright, alright, alright
Ed's dressed pretty well given that he's at work but I think he just got out of the gray teletubby suit he filmed the whole movie in
rolling for it. If over 5 then halve it.
>Thank you, father
Anne doesn't deserve warpaint. Emma Stone is our honorary Martian. And Anya Taylor.
hey alita, take a sniff!
>tfw you're a giga-chad
A girl I have a thing for was her for Halloween, I'm surprised her outfit didn't rip at the ass too
to be fair she was the best part of in to the spiderverse
>tfw no teeny tiny rosa of my own i can carry around in my shirt pocket
>terminal chaditis
Forever. It feels good
I know, fren. I want my own itty bitty Rosa to bring with on hikes and bike rides.
Alita snapchat when
Goodnight /ALITA/
Stay comfy
Her boobs are pointing her towards Hugo
sleep well friend
Rosa is so fucking tiny and cute, goddamn...
>being that tiny and probably being a dom
Hey did you post that fucking picture in the thread I spammed with my spidergwen pics? Thanks for making me look like some kind of perv, buddy.
No cus they’re pointing up.
my mans doesn't understand how breasts work
Is he going bald? Why does he always wear those hats?
keeping it comfy tonight
maybe but honestly I don't think I've ever seen him WIHOUT a hat ever.
I think it’s just his aesthetic
I wear hats all the time
>be 20 (28 now)
>go to trivia night at the local hookah bar with some friends
>girl I don't know sits in a slightly uncomfortable place between her friends and me and starts being chatty, she is cute but I don't pay as much attention to her as I do to my friends and the trivia
>week or two later, browsing Craigslist, decide to check out the missed connections ads just out of curiosity
>there's a post about trivia night, she's talking about me
>email her back, we agree to meet again at the hookah bar
>I had forgotten what she looked like until she walked in, she's gorgeous, like Amy Winehouse at 19 with crossed with Minnie Driver in Good Will Hunting, she has a new nose ring
>she does roller derby so I ask her on a date to a pro derby match, we have a great time and on the way back it was snowing so hard we missed all the exits (looking back I realize we easily could have died in my 25 year old car)
>make out at my house
>we start dating, she lives 45 minutes away, she's a freshman at the college one town over
>at my house again, I tell her I think I'm falling in love with her
>I only get to see her a few times a week, but at this point in my life I would have camped in a tent in her town just to see her
>still see her every Sunday for trivia night in town
>we date for a few months and it's great, she puts up with me even though I'm weird, invites me to dinner at her parents' house
>eventually I tell her that I think I'm falling in love with her
>maybe a month later she starts talking to me less, I freak out like I'm having withdrawals and I get really scared so I break up with her
>we still have tickets to Bonnaroo at the end of the summer
pt. 2 incoming
>no tiny Rosa
best I got
Good night, frens
Doesnt wearing hats all the time cause baldness?
I hope you dream of Alita
That’s a meme
I have hair up to my shoulders and I wear hats all the time
Genetics cause baldness
How many of you will drop the franchise like a hot potato when the sequel's tone is revealed to be noticeably darker? No more cute uwu naive Alita for you. No more pure teenage love. Only suffering.
yes and no. Pulling your hair back tightly can cause a kind of alopecia and also not keeping your hair clean. Typically this can be reversed if you just let your hair do its thing though. If you've got male pattern baldness though idk how much it'll accelerate things. I wear a beanie like pic related basically every day at some point but I don't let it pull my hair back and I keep it off once I'm home. I've worried that it would cause my hairline to recede but while I'm not blessed with facial hair, I'll probably have hair until I'm 80.
none of us are under any delusions about that. We still want the sequels.
I’m hooked on Alita forever
Eight years ago? OOF
Why are these still allowed??
Fuck no I'm not dropping this. However she develops I'm there until the end.
some very minor relationships happened in between but this is just about the one girl
I just hope she doesn’t go full heartless murderbot like in the mango. Big part of her appeal in the movie is her compassionate nature.
pt. 2
>don't talk to her much over the summer
>drive all the way to Tennessee with her and her friend, my friend is flying in
>nothing goes wrong, Bonnaroo is great
>we sleep in separate tents of course
>I brought a little weed but just for me, I should have brought a bunch more
>she spends the whole festival with her friend but I'm there a lot of the time
>my friend basically ghosts me
>last night of the festival, we're up front watching the Black Angels, dancing and sharing a cig
>she's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen
>I don't tell her I'm still in love with her
>we drive back from Tennessee but we get lost on the way back and have an argument, everyone is exhausted
>last time I saw her was when I got picked up from her place
>we don't talk much after that but she goes as Amy Winehouse for Halloween which was something I suggested months earlier
>start smoking pot daily
>she gets a new boyfriend for a while
>eventually I realize that I broke up with her on finals week and that's why she wasn't talking
>she gets another boyfriend a year or so later, he seems nice, he's a fucking airline pilot who is seven years older than me
>every year I consider trying to talk to her but I chicken out
>be 24ish
>dream about her, wake up and literally start crying for half an hour
>she likes music so I'll learn guitar and write a song
>I made her a mixtape back then so I'll make her another one, I go through like 100 pages of data to find all the songs I listened to that year and make a mix
>she likes art I'll paint her something
>lose my mind for about two weeks, I'm completely in love again and it hurts
>eventually the feeling goes away, I can feel it leaving my body like a ghost
>get diagnosed with bipolar disorder and spend the next few years dealing with meds and therapy
>be 27, finally ready to send her a message
>she's engaged to the fucking airline pilot
Dude. Fuck her lol. Can’t believe you still holding a flame when she obviously isn’t. Both hotter and better chicks are out there.
I kinda like this but do artists just make fucking phone wallpapers nowadays or what
> (You)
pt. 3
>I was so ready and now I can't screw things up for her
>cope badly
>I was working full time but I was a mess so they fired me
>later I start getting panic attacks, so my doctor cuts me off of adderall (which I had been on since I was 14), pot, and changes meds around, this makes things worse
>surprised I make it to 28
>Alita comes out
I did my best, you guys.
Yaaas queen
just needed Iron City coins instead of cash and it would've been perfect 9/10, fren.
well you're here now and that's the important part
Has any writefag wrote a story about Alita getting depressed and then committing suicide after the death of Hugo? If not I would like to request it pls
Reveal the secret of not flooding Alita General.
Where are you from? What time is it?
what the fuck is wrong with you
That's a sick edit
>Reveal the secret of not flooding Alita General.
What is wrong with you?
SA Please Go.
That's a hard no from me dawg. I'm ok with suffering as long as there's the prospect of healing and growth afterwards.
did you have a stroke?
oops formatted that weird
The problem is that I'm the one who ended it way too early before anything went wrong so neither of us got any closure. She's happy enough and that's the worst thing because I don't want to fuck it up for her.
Fuck sorry that was a wall of text.
I wanted to green arrow it like a real 4channer but I ended up typing way more than I would have otherwise, I should have done it the way I had it originally. Or just done a different number instead.
A lot of stuff happened in between but that's the big scar and it's weird not being able to explain that feeling to people.
Now that I've lost the one person I wanted to spend my life with and for a while I thought I was going to die (unrelated), I don't care about a whole lot any more which oddly freeing and also kind of like having a suit of armor.
writefag wouldn't do this. Also it's antithetical to Alita's entire character.
Where the fuck is the fun in that? lmao pussy
SA had better still be online lol
Hes asking how did we manage without having trolls flooding these generals
Do you not see how crinkly those bills are?
I'm thankful this thing didn't come out way more shit than it already is, desu
did they?
>In an arcade at nighttime hanging out and having a really good time
>There's a 2 player fighting game
>Notice a strange girl with robotic arms at one of the machines
>Challenge her to a match
>Utterly destroy her and laugh at her
>Get bored and decide to leave
>She stares silently at you as you walk away
>It's now dark outside as you head back home
>You're walking along a dirt path near some trees since it's a shortcut
>As you pass by a tree you suddenly feel a sharp impact and pass out
>You awaken to find the girl from earlier standing over you
>She walks behind a tree and emerges with a large arcade machine
>She walks back forward and stands over you once again, and holds the arcade machine over hear head
>Looks at you like this
Wat do?
Hi frens. I had to take a break from this thread for a week. How has everyone been?
cringe at the fact that someone imagined this scenario
>wat do
give her a wink and hopefully not die of blunt force trauma
idk maybe aside from a handful of dedicated shitposters most of Yea Forums doesn't actually care what we do and might appreciate that we contain ourselves?
tell her she didn't need to KO me to get her rematch
Do what you must, I have already won
>how has everyone been?
greentexting unfortunately
blunt force trauma new band name I call it
it's been basically comfy as per usual.
VA is dying
Suffering-user is namefagging without making content but she's a girl so people are ok with it???
and this OC
>without making content but she's a girl so people are ok with it???
her content is wanting to see Alita cry and nobody is particularly enthused about it.
>459 general threads about a single movie in 3 months (not including all the others made about it)
Jesus christ get a job
I'm glad I came back to witness that oc
that's not content tho
I wanna see Ido crunch a beer can on his forehead but that's not content
>SA namefagging
Eh... I think once she establishes who she is hopefully she won't have a reason to namefag.
I think she might be a former redditor but I don't want anyone to feel unwelcome unless they're being toxic.
double 99s of truth
but user I have a full time job lol
I witnessed sexts and that OC, truly a great day on the threads
I meant it ironically but >9999 demands we see Ido crush a beer can like that now
I just said that because I don't wanna reveal who I am and saying what I want would do so
If we want to eliminate sexual abuse we need to lower testosterobe levels in all men. Look at what the captain was trying to do that night. You can't just "teach" not to abuse.
this capeshit flick has been out for two months. you autists are actually worse than the endgame/game of thrones fangirls. two months. i pity you
Alita sucked. It pretty much just put the manga into a blender and spat it out at random intervals. It dogwhistles seen faggots with muh anime eyes but in reality has nothing to do with anime.
Anyone who says this was a good manga adaptation should feel bad.
no (yous) for low effort
So who is this SA individual?
now I'm thinking that Ido crushing a can IS content, fren
Suffering-user. Who wants to see Alita suffer and be hurt.
You can't prove me wrong. Alita: shittle angle took the best character (hugo) and took a huge SHIT on him.
it's a live action comic book movie, so yes it's capeshit
Montreal girl who apparently is a sadist (?) and likes to see characters suffer just for the spectacle of it? honestly don't really care, she can stay, just wish she wasn't so one note about it.
If thats the case then bladerunner and the matrix are capeshit motherfucker.
That woukd make desperado and kill bill capeshit asshole
lol ok bud I really believe you when you say 'Hugo' was the best manga character. At least get the names right.
that's true, all shit
Now i know you are bullshitting and only saw a crappy bootleg version
Hugo is greatly improved over the anine
haha go see the movie user
>nothing to do with anime
half the dialogue is from the fucking anime you doorknob
>Alita is capeshit because it's a comic book movie
So I guess Ghost World and Sin City are capeshit then
>mfw we get fresh trolls
thanks for the bumps
it's like they WANT us to get to #999 hahaha as if we're stopping there. Fuck the haters.
yes they are capeshit. i don't begrudge anyone who watches this shit but you are so adamant to defy that this is still paint by numbers hollywood trash
Good as always and nice to have you back. I wrote some new stories which you may have missed if you were gone:
>mfw Rosa flips the bird differently from Alita
You're wrong. Hugo sucks ass.
>Hugo in the Manga " A man's gotta make living somehow"
>Hugo in Shittle angle: Stop! You can't rob these people!
Haha go watch the movie user
If you saw it I bet you wouldn't even know Ghost World was based on a comic
we need to get WETA on this asap
yeah I've almost missed it we used to have trolls almost every thread. it's good to know we haven't been forgotten, although i'm sure they'll be gone once the new GoT ep drops as usual
>half the dialogue is from the fucking anime
pfft nope
Describe the meaning of capeshit
We are all aware that Hugo was changed somewhat but they knew were making a movie that is fundamentally about a teen girl's journey into adulthood so they made him hot so all the young women out there might be interested in it
>half the dialogue is from the fucking anime you doorknob
No it's not you filthy liar.
I wish I could stay awake to taunt the new troll but I'm tired. It's been a comfy night frens and I'm ready for more tomorrow.
>anything I don't like REEEEE
Half was an exaggeration which is fine because the anime dialogue is mostly not great, but the movie is based on the anime first and the manga second
Sleep well friend.
>over 13,000 posts dedicated to a movie that dogwhistles weebs
I have to say, I'm quite impressed. Not just at Rodriguez's ability to hypnotize 4channelers but also 4channelers inability to read manga
Night fren stay comfy
We'll keep the bread warm for you
Sweet dreams angelito
self-insert mary sues, fantasy "epics", almost every literature adaptation involving a "hero" with powers.
just write a good story for fuck"s sake
what makes a story 'good' then? please do tell
>Stop! You can't rob these people!
>Half was an exaggeration
Backpedalling already faggot. It had 0 to do with the manga and little to do with the manga. The movie was a disaster ans doesn't deserve a sequel.
Actually given every thread has gone to bump limit we're at minimum 140,000. Also what do you think the word dog-whistle means?
You're not even trying 3/10 for making me reply.
This is an attempt to disguise as a manga connoisseur, without opening it?
>It had 0 to do with the manga and little too do with the manga
what did he mean by this
>0 to do with the manga and little to do with the manga
0 to do with the manga and little to do with the anime. And what it did have to do with either was a complete disaster
There's maybe a handful of lines taken from the anime or manga.
>self-insert mary sue
Yukito Kishiro is a Japanese man in his 50's and Alita is the antithesis of Mary Sues
>with the manga and little to do with the manga
Werewolf problem and dinosaur joke.
provide standards for how you adapt a property with examples or you're a faggot
At least one thread didn't hit bump limit actually
18th and 19th century fantasy. if you've ever read a book you'll know
A handful of lines maybe but plenty of shots
Yeah, I will concede that point. I forgot a 0.
137,000 posts.
provide specific examples
>whats up there?
who are you anons replying to
are you new here or what
Iliad - capeshit.
Odyssey - capeshit.
Sha naqba īmuru - capeshit.
This really feels like the good old days when we had posts like this every thread.
Zapan a BITCH
A+ work on Alita matching her socks with the rest of her outfit. Didn't notice until now.
I could watch this over and over again for hours
Not much point in shitposting or circlejerking but Alita really IS an anomaly in that it's a great anime/manga to live adaptation. Very few manage this feat, even when technical effects are not the limitation, like adapting a mostly psychological story.
(see Death Note if you want a prime example of how to fuck it up)
Even fewer if you only consider Western adaptations. It's a small miracle all the stars aligned to produce the movie:
- Good technical effects so the sci-fi parts aren't jarring or immersion breaking
- Incredibly detailed mocap + A good lead actress for Alita
- A director/producer who understands and respects the source material
- No injected politics or hidden agendas
Take any out of any of these and the movie breaks. Is the movie perfect or would I have changed nothing about it? No, but as far as adaptations go, it's miles above the rest.
i'm honored, friend, thank you
I mean they kind of are the Greek equivalent of capeshit but the initial user is wrong in saying that also capeshit is bad because that's just not true.
I have a big problem with the Alita dickriding and am absolutely revolted that there is an Alita Dickriding General.
Although I guess I shouldn't be surprised since she was cute
Alita had great outfits
Did you see the movie tho? We're not just talking about Alita the person although obviously she does come up a lot.
The last two are debatable.
>still doesn't include Motorball body, training kimono, or moon solider body
Marvel capeshit is bad
It doesnt mean ALL capeshit is bad.
The matrix isnt bad
The dark knight isnt bad
Original star wars isnt bad
Indiana jones isnt bad
Beowulf - capeshit
Ramayana - capeshit
Journey to the West - capeshit
All bylina - capeshit
What is so revolting about a group of people liking a film? How does it personally upset you so much?
How so?
Yeah we also need the assault on zalem one
>No, see
Trenchcoat gang represent
>Alita dickriding
You'll need to ask Demitry for that kind of thing
Yeah I've seen it and have read the manga and seen the anime.
The movie sucked ass.
Also I feel bad for being a dick to your compliment about the old days
Demitry? Who dat
The movie sucked ass user. I am not genuinely offended, but more saddened, or disappointed, I should have said.
Hey I didn't make it, why don't you go add those to it
>Marvel faggot coming here to stir shit
Haha okay go see the movie tho
Alternately, fuck off
There's a lot of room for improvement as far as understand and respecting the original work is concerned.
Also RR clearly had an mexico/south america representation agenda
>Marvel faggot
>because I hate Alita I must like marvel
lol ok
Literally describe two scenes in detail.
I'm disappointed you can't come up with anything more substantial than "manga good. movie shit." because then there's no discussion to be had and you just look like a (You)-craving child.
They've exhausted everything worth discussing about Endgame apparently.
Captain Marvel made a billion but already nobody gives a fuck about it, as predicted.
>The weeb cannot handle his movie being criticized
Sad. Battle angle sucked
You're a liar faggot. You never saw the movie. Nobody who has ever seen this movie has thought it sucks. The opinion ranges from a bottom-most "meh" to a top-most "greatest movie I've ever seen in my life."
Get bent.
>Mexico/S. America agenda
Actually it was Cameron's idea to set it in Panama instead of Kansas because of how space elevators work.
If you can prove you've seen the movie then we can discuss it, and if you saw it then you're not doing a great job of making any points beyond "movie bad it suck"
Fuck the haters let's kick it into gear
Also post pics we're nowhere near image limit
Okay, what do u like then
I'd need to see a video of cameron saying that to believe it and it's still an example of failing to understand and respect the original.
>Also RR clearly had an mexico/south america representation agenda
If you read the manga, you know Zalem is at the bottom of a space elevator, which makes the most sense around the equator, so this is actually an example of a director going beyond adapting to the letter and doing their research. Also the setting of the Scrapyard was never distinctly rooted in any country or culture, it's portrayed a melting pot of civilizations or the remains of it, by design indistinct.
>Nobody who has ever seen this movie has thought it sucks.
>No stop it user! Alita is the best and cutest and most realistic waifu ever!!! Everyone agrees!! It's literally impossible for someone to have a different opinion other than my own!
Do you understand how fucking pathetic you sound? Trying to claim that " No one ever said that Alita sucked"
I must be the only one who ever uttered these words Jon Landau a CUTE
Alita's pupper
some days we don't hit img limit friend
Landau is kind of adorable
Weird looking dude but he's a smooth talker for sure
Is ugly! I'm glad it died!
Do this:
and/or show a pic of your fucking ticket or else STFU and GTFO
panama isn't at the equator in the manga, the axis shifted.
>example of a director going beyond adapting to the letter and doing their research
yeah apparently not.
Tell me 5 movies you love
>Rodriguez is 50 in that pic
>Salazar is 33
True but it's slow and by now we've all got gigs of pics
you make a reasonable point
>literally prove to me something so I can say that I don't believe that you have seen them
No thanks
>Panama's not at the equator in the manga
I don't think JC read the parts of Last Order where all that is explained, it's a tall order to explain that to general audiences and there has never really been piece of cyberpunk that was set anywhere near there anyways
Listen up dickriders your time is up. I'm going to go and read a book.
Something you fags clearly need to do. If you go and ask on /wsr/ someone will likely drop you the Alita pdf (its a bit late for most of you no hopers) but you should still read it.
yeah I think it's totally resonable to move the location for the film
>The movie sucked ass.
People already have dropped manga links before. Most of us have read it. We just love the adaptation as much as the original.
It doesn't need to be explained just set the movie where it's supposed to be set.
>in panama
Here's the tickets I have stubs for, took me maybe 20 seconds
Your turn
You're fucking retarded. If your show me proof that you saw the movie, I would then believe that you had actually seen it. I would retract my earlier statement about "no one who's seen it thinks it sucks", admit defeat, and announce out loud to the whole thread that your were right and I was wrong. Victory would be yours. But you can't upload a simple pic because it never fucking happened and you didn't see the goddamn movie.
tl;dr pics or it didn't happen.
I agree that changing the location does raise some issues but the movie is so great that I don't really give a damn but I am curious how it will affect things in the sequels
I don't keep my tickets. I don't get why anyone would
fuck man thats real, same thing sort of happened to me but not so brutally and no bipolar, im just a retard. hope youre going good bro
it shouldn't affect it too much I feel
Not when the decision is a retarded one.
There's no reason to move the location and the move breaks several other locations that exist in the original story like NORAD mountain, the other nuclear shelters etc.
And here are mine.
Well? Don't keep us waiting, Jerome.
Haha fuck thank you for reading that, I'm doing okay-ish, my problems are not girl related at the moment although I wish they were.
I have a few other (shorter) stories to tell but I'll hold off for now especially since SA isn't on.
The main problem is the Granite Inn needs to move and Panama is so small that a lot of the other locations need to be coastal instead of landlocked.
We also have no idea what JC wrote for the sequels so it's possible he already figured this stuff out.
Why do you fucking weird cunts keep your tickets?
>why save tickets
It takes up almost zero space, all of mine are in a little envelope and on the back I write who I saw the movie with
Then literally describe the movie in the most detail you can. Basic character names, lines, plot elements, shots, fucking anything. The onus is on you to prove to us that you actually saw it. Otherwise, expect everyone to think you're talking shit, not because you think the movie sucks, but because you literally can't describe anything about the movie you just saw. If that's really the case, then it sounds like you got a severe case of amnesia or you slept through the movie. In either case, go to the movie again and actually watch it this time, sodomite
Some people keep stuff. Do you have any mementos or collections?
Imagine posting in these threads.
Hello nusoycucks.
>mfw I completely BTFO of Alita shittle angle general
>posts in the thread he complains about
Tickets fade over time until the ink is gone.
Okay, Jerome. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that this is genuine.
I retract my earlier statement about "no one who's seen it thinks it sucks". I admit defeat, and I announce out loud to the whole thread that you were right and I was wrong. Victory is yours.
But you're still a superfaggot with terrible taste in movies with a brain as small as his microdick.
I guess I see your point. None of my friends keep movie tickets so No don't either.
If you turn your brain off maybe. The world of gunnm is the wide open sprawling wasteland of the post apocalyptic united states.
Instead the movie is set in an extremely narrow, mountainous strip of land with no real world sites of note. An utterly retarded decision.
It's only going to snowball into more and more problems for anybody who hasn't switched their brain off. How did the population of panama even survive the impact winter? Americans only survived because of all the fallout shelters.
not if you laminate them
>hey user I'm cold
>tfw you try to start crashposting as an alternative to engaging the trolls
> the axis shifted.
That's some serious shifting if you want North America to now be on the axis. It's been some time and I don't remember the manga being specific about this and ultimately it doesn't matter because it's not a serious plot element that the events happen in NA or SA or anywhere else because it happens after the collapse of civilization. It's a post apocalyptic world and the other locations could easily be placed in the south as well.
What? The name of a bar firmly roots the setting? In a multicultural city where you have signs in Japanese/Korean?
They haven't mentioned the impact winter, only the war with Mars. It's probably not going to be a thing in the movies, which I remind you are separate adaptations and have not erased the anime or manga in any way.
don't forget we even hear people speaking German
>I wanna see Ido crunch a beer can on his forehead but that's not content
It is now, quads demand it
You're forgetting that the original topic was how much room for improvement there is for respect and understanding of the original.
This set is maybe my favorite bit of fan art for Alita
Ok then keep going. None of the things you mentioned have any real effect on the content or tone of the story.
...god damn it user
>None of the things you mentioned have any real effect on the content or tone of the story.
Ah because you say so?
There's no point in continuing we're done here.
Do movie tickets lose their ink because the paper they are printed on has acid on it
Thank you user
Are you asking or telling us
Both kinda. I think it's acid free paper that doesn't decay so I was wondering if maybe the ticket paper had acid on it
No I mean explain how it not being set in N. America makes any difference in regards to Alita's journey or anything other than the locations not being the same.
I get the complaint about Hugo being different but other than that you haven't really raised any points. Why is it necessary for it to be set in North America? Why does the apocalypse have to be caused by an impact winter? Etc.
Who's this person I keep seeing in fan art with Alita?
Do you have the rest of the set?
I think it has to do with the ink. Is not meant to last
Ah, is it any good? I've heard of Nier Automata but I don't know anything about it.
No just one
Here's the last one in the set then
>world of gunnm is the wide open sprawling wasteland of the post apocalyptic united states
>Iron City is located at the equator
Not that guy you're responding to but it takes nothing away from the world building that the Iron City is located in one wasteland or another. If the movie's take is to consider the space elevators, it totally makes sense to displace the setting somewhere south. You can have Mad Max down there too.
Humanity surviving extinction can easily be handwaved otherwise and is no more far-fetched than mutant vampires, and that's way further down the story which isn't even guaranteed to be adapted. Again, the setting of Iron City is not distinctly set in one country or another and was probably the least of Kishiro's concerns as he was making up the story.
I haven't played it yet unfortunately. But it looks awesome
>No I mean explain how it not being set in N. America makes any difference in regards to Alita's journey or anything other than the locations not being the same.
It makes the storyline where Alita drives to the McDonald's at the strip mall in a beat-up Chevy SUV completely unrealistic.
Fucking KEK this is great
I get why a game like Fallout couldn't be set anywhere other than America, but nothing in particular about the content of Alita has anything to do with America except for random things like a vampire fight on the Gateway Arch or Nova living in NORAD.
2B, another cute artificial girl except this one's fully android
Well... there is a vampire fight in St. Louis and one vampire throws a Hummer H2 at the other one so obviously everything needs to be scrapped and completely rewritten.
>troll thread excerpts from gunnm wiki
That will never change, huh?
Who is making bread? I'll do it if nobody else wants to, I promise not to screw it up this time.
Thank yee
Same cinematographer so this works on two levels
Kek wants you to make it my child
Pick something pretty
>vampire fight on the Gateway Arch
>Last Order flashback
It takes a plausible sci-fi scenario built on the ruins of the usa and replaces it with a ridiculous one that no amount of suspension of disbelief can rationalize. It's just not possible for high tech civilization to re-emerge in PANAMA of all places it's thousands of miles away from an repository of old world knowledge and doesn't have the artifacts or infrastructure.
What makes you think Central and South America won't have any tech 200 years from now? Panama is in the middle of one of the biggest shipping lanes in the world.
The movie is set 300 years after that, even.
>It's just not possible for high tech civilization to re-emerge in PANAMA
Too thick green.
Most cinemas still use a thicker variety of thermal paper(the kind of paper receipts are printed on) to print the tickets. No ink involved.
It's 500 years in the future user, with 200 of those being before the fall. Given where for example China has gone in the last 50 years alone, you don't think it's plausible that global growth could have occurred similarly elsewhere?
Correct, it's the same as receipts only thicker paper
Did we even have at least one real manga purist?
That's another huge deviation from the original then. The "Fall" was around 2012 in the manga.
Yeah I noticed it was the same as receipts. I wonder why they don't use ink
They're on Yea Forums but none of them even feel very strongly about it, they just liked it because it was old and kinda obscure, now they can't like it anymore even for that reason.
Thermal paper printers are cheap as shit and don't need much maintenance. They got popular back when laser printers weren't cheap and ubiquitous and you can only imagine how much of a pain in the ass it would have been to use inkjets as point-of-sale receipt printers.