Went back to the 40s. Does nothing about JFK asassination , Does not prevent Kurt Cobain from killing himself...

Went back to the 40s. Does nothing about JFK asassination , Does not prevent Kurt Cobain from killing himself , does nothing about Waco siege , does not prevent Kent State massacre, does not prevent Oklahoma bomber, does nothing about 9/11.

Attached: F1E44D37-6030-417B-A31E-4964C1A66BC6.png (195x259, 99K)

do you really want to see Nirvana become a shit band?

inb4 hurr durr they already were shit

pr he could have saved his best friend winter soldier and Starks parents being gunned down by him. kurt cobain was a shit

>Does not prevent Kurt Cobain from killing himself

>falcon america goes to steve's alternate reality to visit his friend
>arrives and is immediately handcuffed and imprisoned
>cop is shocked and wipes the sweat off his forehead
>I thought we got rid of all of them back when Captain America arrived from the future all those years ago. Has there been an outbreak? We can't let the horrible future he told us about happen. We're gonna have to execute this one
>smiles at falcon
>heh. I dont know what the hell you got told in the world you come from, but in the REAL America, black lives certainly do NOT matter.
>shoots him in the face on the street with a magnum, blowing his head to ribbons
>crowd films and cheers
>steve rogers retweets the clip

Kurt Cobain is overrated.

But at least half of those are not bad things.

Attached: kirb-stomped.jpg (700x533, 172K)

>Does not prevent Kurt Cobain from killing himself
I can't believe this is one of the things you decided to include. Kill yourself retard.

and the irony is this is the film that he welded the hammer

how do you know he didn't do all that shit in his timeline?

I guess he never caught up with all that stuff on his list

Is there anything that implies any of that shit actually happened in the MCU? Maybe he did stop it?

great he saved us from 10 shitty Nirvana albums and Keeping up with the Cobains

He actually could have done in the reality he was in.


>implying we saw anything he did

Nothing bad happened in Murica in the timeline where Steve stayed.

>Thor is ever worthy
>Gets away with being a drunk fat fuck and turning it's back to his people and his duty as a king of Asgard
>Meanwhile Cap gets to be Worthy
>Can't even get away with leaving a comfy life with it's wife after saving the universe
As the late Tony Stark usted to say "I can't save everyone"

Steve missed 70 years of history. He may not even know about most of the bad shit that happened.

there's a scene in the comic where steve goes to the vietnam war memorial and reads all the names of the soldiers that died or went missing. When ask if its time to go, he respond with "not until I honor everyone that died in a this war, the one I missed". MCU cap forgot who he was back in the first movie where he said "there are men laying down their lives, I have to do no less than that"

>does not prevent Bruce Lee from taking his friend's heart medicine that he did not know he was allergic to
>does not prevent Heath Ledger from overdosing on sleeping pills
>does not get Brittany Murphy to see a doctor for a routine checkup before she suffers a heart attack
>does not get Liam Neeson's wife to not try skiing
>does not prevent Philip Seymour Hoffman and Robin Williams from suicide

>Philip Seymour Hoffman
that was a relapse OD and you know it

movies aren't real retard

if he did anything he would have changed to an alternate universe
he literally decided to retire and thats what he did, he retired and stayed with peggy
he didnt mess with history because if he did he wouldnt be in the same universe and couldnt pass on the shield.

Do you think he didn't do that? He did far more than any soldier has ever done. Every veteran has to retire one day, and Cap deserves it because he has done enough.

That would not have changed his past, only created another timeline. No matter what, JFK, etc. is still getting killed somewhere. And if he changes too many things, he could cause more domino effect damage somewhere else.

>went back to the 40s
Why do people fall to this meme? Did no one see the movie at all? Because he clearly went to the 70s instead when his mommy GF founded SHIELD with Stark's father. If you couldn't get such a simple plot point in a capeshit film then you should unironically kys.

The death of some singer is not on the same level as assassinating a president, mass shooting, and fucking 9/11.

He's not Captain America anymore; he's Captain Americant

I thought it was the 59s because of the cars?

He travelled to an alternate timeline. Who said he didn't do those things?

>he may not know
I highly doubt shield didn't update steve one what happened along with general conversations with other people probably informing him of the shit that happened

he went back in time to actually live the normal life he never had retard. His sendoff was probably the best because it gave him the ultimate reward of being with his waifu and not giving a fuck about world problems

because he met them in the main timeline?
if he did any of that, he ran the risk of changing the future of his new timeline. maybe stopping 9/11 stops tony stark from becoming ironman ( considering he got his start because of that whole being stuck in the desert during the war thing?) or stopping hitler made doctor strange never be born or not get in a car crash
or stopping jfks assassination stops antman from having to sacrifice his wife?

changing anything at all runs the risk of taking away just one of the pieces that needed to happen to finally stop thanos. if he does anything the snap still happens but they dont have the setup to get everyone back

>does not win the lottery multiple times

70s when they acquired the Space Stone + more Pym particles; 40s at the very end (that was a 40s car on the road).

>doesn't realize the bad guys won

>because he met them in the main timeline?

It's a plothole. Russo cucks confirmed he travelled to an alternate timeline and then travelled back to the main timeline and made his way to the bench somehow.

So anything goes. For all we know Cap could've lived with Peggy and then continued fighting and actively stopped all those disasters from happening in the new universe.

Steve appearing as an old man in “the original” timeline shows that it was actually an
>alternative timeline all along
We never see Peggy’s husband in her photos in any of the movies

>Being stupid enough to type this out, probably wishing it was true
I almost feel bad for you